
Defines functions importFct_removeDuplicates

importFct_removeDuplicates = function(inDF, refColName, nonNAColNames, 
  ## Remove duplicate entries in ID column
  message("Removing duplicate identifiers using quality column '", qualColName, "'...")
  nonUniques = unique( inDF[duplicated(inDF[[refColName]]), refColName] )
  retDF = subset(inDF, !(get(refColName) %in% nonUniques))
  for(nU in nonUniques){
    tmpDF = subset(inDF, get(refColName) == nU)
    nonNArows = NULL
    for(r in 1:nrow(tmpDF)){
      if(any(!is.na(tmpDF[r, nonNAColNames]))){
        nonNArows = c(nonNArows, r)
    if(length(nonNArows) > 1){
        useRow = 1
      } else {
        qualVals = tmpDF[nonNArows, qualColName]
        useRow = match(max(qualVals), qualVals)
    } else {
      useRow = nonNArows[1]
    retDF = rbind(retDF, tmpDF[useRow, ])
  message(nrow(retDF), " out of ", nrow(inDF), " rows kept for further analysis.")

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TPP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:55 p.m.