
Defines functions plotSCVEsts MAplot XBplot

Documented in MAplot plotSCVEsts XBplot

XBplot <- function(XB, Samplenum = NULL, unit = c('counts', 'LogTPM'), Libsize = NULL, Genelength = NULL, xlab = 'log2 TPM', ylab = 'Frequencies', col = c('blue', 'red'), alpha =c(1, 0.6)){
    stop("You need to provide the column number of the sample you want to examine")
  Observed <- as.data.frame(counts(XB, slot = 1)) %>% select(Samplenum) %>% mutate(Group = 'Observed')
  Background <- as.data.frame(counts(XB, slot = 2)) %>% select(Samplenum) %>% mutate(Group = 'Background')
  colnames(Observed) <- c('Sample', 'Group')
  colnames(Background) <- c('Sample', 'Group')
  unit <- match.arg(unit, c('counts', 'LogTPM'))
  if(unit == 'counts'){
    xlab <- 'Counts'
    xlim <- c(0, median(Observed$Sample))
    binwidth <- 1
    Combined <- bind_rows(Observed, Background)
    xlab <- 'Log2 TPM'
      warning("Libsize is not provided, the sum of all the read counts that mapped to exonic
              regions in each sample is used as the total library size for that sample")
      Libsize <- sum(Observed$Sample)
      stop("Please provide the gene length information if you choose 'unit' equals to 'LogTPM'")
      stop("Please make sure that 'genelength' is a numeric vector of the same order and length of your XB object")
    if(nrow(Observed) != length(Genelength))
      stop("Please make sure 'genelength' information is of the same length with your XB object")
    Genelength <- as.numeric(Genelength)
    Observed$Sample <- Observed$Sample*10^9/(Genelength*Libsize)
    Background$Sample <- Background$Sample*10^9/(Genelength*Libsize)
    Observed$Sample <- Observed$Sample*10^6/sum(Observed$Sample, Background$Sample)
    Background$Sample <- Background$Sample*10^6/sum(Observed$Sample, Background$Sample)
    Combined <- bind_rows(Observed, Background)
    Combined$Sample <- log2(Combined$Sample)
    xlim <- range(Combined$Sample[!is.infinite(Combined$Sample)])
    binwidth <- 0.1
  gp <- ggplot(data = Combined) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(x = Sample, fill=Group, y=..count.., alpha=Group), 
                   binwidth=binwidth, position='identity') +
    scale_fill_manual(values = col) + scale_alpha_manual(values = alpha, guide = FALSE) +
    guides(fill=guide_legend('')) +
    labs(x=xlab, y=ylab) + xlim(xlim)

MAplot <- function(stats, ylim, padj=TRUE, pcuff=0.1, lfccuff=1, linecol='red3',
                   xlab='mean of normalized counts', ylab=expression(log[2]~fold~change), shape)
  if(!(is.data.frame(stats) && all(c("baseMean", "log2FoldChange") %in% colnames(stats))))
    stop("'stats' must be a data frame with columns named 'baseMean', 'log2FoldChange'.")
    col = ifelse(stats$padj>=pcuff, "gray32", "red")
    col = ifelse(stats$pval>=pcuff, "gray32", "red")
  col = col[ stats$baseMean != 0 ]
  y = stats$log2FoldChange[ stats$baseMean != 0 ]
  stats = subset(stats, baseMean!=0)
    ylim = c(-1,1) * quantile(abs(y[is.finite(y)]), probs=0.99) * 1.1
  if (missing(shape))
    shape = ifelse(y<ylim[1], 6, ifelse(y>ylim[2], 2, 16) )
  stats$log2FoldChange = pmax( ylim[1], pmin(ylim[2], y) )
  gp <- ggplot() + geom_point( data=stats,aes( x=baseMean, y=log2FoldChange ), color=col, shape=shape ) +
    ylim(ylim) + geom_hline(yintercept=0,colour=linecol,size=1)  + scale_x_log10() +
    labs( x=xlab, y=ylab )

plotSCVEsts <- function( XB, name=NULL, ymin, linecol='red3',
                         xlab = "mean of normalized counts", ylab = "SCV")
  px = rowMeans(counts(XB, normalized=TRUE))
  sel = (px>0)
  px = px[sel]
  py = fitInfo(XB, name=name)$perGeneSCVEsts[sel]
    ymin = 10^floor(log10(min(py[py>0], na.rm=TRUE))-0.1)
  py = pmax(py, ymin)
  shape = ifelse(py<ymin, 6, 16)
  sel1 = complete.cases(px)&complete.cases(py)
  px = px[sel1]
  py = py[sel1]
  shape = shape[sel1]
  fitd = data.frame(px=px,py=py)
  fx = 10^seq( -.5, 5, length.out=100 )
  fy = fitInfo(XB, name=name)$SCVFunc(fx)
  fitl = data.frame(fx=fx, fy=fy)
  ggplot() + geom_point( data=fitd, aes( x=px, y=py), shape=shape) +
    geom_line( data=fitl, aes ( x=fx, y=fy), col=linecol, size=1.5, alpha=0.6) + scale_x_log10() +
    scale_y_log10() + labs(x=xlab, y=ylab)

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XBSeq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:12 p.m.