
Defines functions computeLogRatio

Documented in computeLogRatio

# e: expressionSet object
# reference$var: variable that for which computations (averages, diff to control,...) will be computed and displayed displayed in graph
# reference$level: specific level of var from which differences are computed
# across: vector of variables that make combinations of grouping for computations
# var and across variables MUST be present in pData(ExpressionSetObject)
# within: reference$var and across could have same combinations in different subgroups of columns such as those that come from celllines - we first within data, make computations per within and merge back at the end ; this is a vector of withinting variables

## Note: if there  are additional pheno data than the ones used in within,var,across their content could be lost in aggregated pData used to store statistics

## <DEBUG>
# data(e)
# reference=list(var='dose',level=10)
#  within=c('cellline')
# across=NULL
# nReplicatesVar=3

## </DEBUG>

#' Summary statistics for gene expression
#' Compute summary statistics per gene of expression data in a ExpressionSet object. 
#' @param e An object of class ExpressionSe
#' @param reference A list with two items: var and level - See details
#' @param within Character vector - names of pData columns - See details
#' @param across Character vector - names of pData columns - See details
#' @param nReplicatesVar Integer - Minimum number of replicates to compute variance
#' @param ... \dots
#' @details 
#' Summary statistics (mean, variances and difference to reference or control) will be 
#'   computed on the 'exprs' slot of the ExpressionSet object. The parameters of the 
#'   computation are specified by the parameters 'reference', 'within' and 'across'.\\

#'   The design of the computations is such that the differences and pooled variances are calculated
#'   against the sample(s) that was(were) chosen as reference. The reference is specified by  
#' the level of a certain variable in the phenoData slot (e.g.: column 'control' and level 'WT'
#'  of the phenoData slot or a boolean ('ref') variable with 0 or 1) -- the list object of 'var' and 
#'  'level' together determine the reference group. \\
#'  All groups determined by combining the \code{reference$var} and \code{across} variables will be 
#'  compared to the reference group. Two different approaches to obtain necessary computations: 
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{}{Prepare a boolean variable that reflects only the reference group and specify all groupings 
#'       in the across arguments. E.g.: \code{reference=list(var = 'boolean', level = 1), 
#'       across = c('compound','dose')}}
#'    \item{}{Add an extra column to the phenoData slot that contains all combinations, with a specific one  
#'       for the reference group: for example, 
#'       \code{pData(e)['refvar'] <- paste(pData(e)['compound'], pData(e)['dose'],sep='.')} 
#'       so as to use \code{reference = list(var = 'refvar', level ='comp1.dose1')} as argument for reference.}
#'   } \\
#'  Sometimes computations need to be conducted within groups, and are thus nested. For example, 
#'  when comparing treament values of different cell lines, each will have gene expression values 
#'  for its own reference. The parameter 'within' allows to define such subgroups, for which 
#'  computations will be done separately and combined afterwards. Both parameters 'within' and 
#'  'across' can be a vector of column names, whose unique combinations will be used for groupings. 
#' @return Returns an object of class ExpressionSet with pData inherited from the submitted ExpressionSet object, 
#' supplemented by the computed statistics in the 'exprs' slot and info thereof in the 'phenoData' slot.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotLogRatio}}
#' @examples
#' if (require(ALL)){
#' data(ALL, package = "ALL")
#' ALL <- addGeneInfo(ALL)
#' ALL$BTtype <- as.factor(substr(ALL$BT,0,1))
#' ALL2 <- ALL[,ALL$BT != 'T1']  # omit subtype T1 as it only contains one sample
#' ALL2$BTtype <- as.factor(substr(ALL2$BT,0,1)) # create a vector with only T and B
#' # Test for differential expression between B and T cells
#' tTestResult <- tTest(ALL, "BTtype", probe2gene = FALSE)
#' topGenes <- rownames(tTestResult)[1:20]
#' # plot the log ratios versus subtype B of the top genes 
#' LogRatioALL <- computeLogRatio(ALL2, reference=list(var='BT',level='B'))
#' a <- plotLogRatio(e=LogRatioALL[topGenes,],openFile=FALSE, tooltipvalues=FALSE, device='pdf',
#' 		colorsColumnsBy=c('BTtype'), main = 'Top 20 genes most differentially between T- and B-cells',
#' 		orderBy = list(rows = "hclust"),
#' 		probe2gene = TRUE)
#' }
#' @author Eric Lecoutre
#' @keywords manip data dplot
#' @importFrom Biobase sampleNames pData exprs AnnotatedDataFrame featureData experimentData annotation
#' @export
computeLogRatio <- function(e,reference,

  stopifnot(is(e, "ExpressionSet"))
  if (!all(c(reference$var,reference$across) %in% colnames(pData(e)))) 
    stop(paste('\n reference var or any variable in across not present in phenotype data',' (',
        paste(c(reference$var, across), collapse=' '),')\n',sep=''))
  if (!(reference$level %in% unique(pData(e)[,reference$var]))) 
    stop(paste('\n reference level is not define for reference$var'))

 # if(is.null(within)) {
 #   pData(e)<-cbind(pData(e),'.tmpwithin'=1)
 # }
  pData <- pData(e)
  pData <- pData[do.call('order',as.list(pData[,c(within,reference$var,across),drop=FALSE])),]
  # here we use names with . just in case phenoData already contains such a variable
  # adding reference level of var in pData to use it in further computations (make the code more readable)

  pData[, ".reference"] <- pData[,reference$var]==reference$level
  # careful if NA is one of the possible levels for var... then our variable reference would have some NA
  if (is.na(reference$level)) pData$.reference[is.na(pData$.reference)] <- TRUE else
    pData$.reference[is.na(pData$.reference)] <- FALSE 
  # adding combinations of within reference$var & across for further combinations
  pData$.groups <- do.call('paste',

  # adding replicates with the selected parameters
  pData$.replicates <- replicates(do.call('paste',
  # preparing withinted data, (could be more than one within variables)
  if (is.null(within)){
    bywithin <- rep(1, nrow(pData))
  } else {
    bywithin <- do.call('paste', 
      c(as.list(pData[, within, drop=FALSE]), sep = "."))
      pData$.within <- bywithin

  pData$.withingroups <- if (is.null(within)){
    paste(pData$.groups, sep = ".") 
  } else { 
    paste(bywithin, pData$.groups, sep = ".")
  pDatawithin <- split(pData, bywithin) 

  # check there is at least one reference in each within groups
  check <- sapply(pDatawithin, function(block) any(block$.reference))
  if (any(!check)) stop('Error in computation: within variables define groups for which there are not any reference to make compare with.')

  # check if defined reference level and across are compatible: level must define
  # groups as little as possible - in other words, we can't have two groups 'across' 
  # that are reference level for a certain within
   check <- any(
        function(biggroup) length(unique(biggroup[biggroup$.reference,'.groups']))>1))

   if (check) stop('Incompatibility between reference level defined by var and across variables. \nReference level must constitute a group as little as possible.\nIt appears here one across variable splits the reference level into several subgroups.\nPlease modify your call.')

  exprs.new <- c()
  pData.new <- c()

  for (iwithin in seq(along = pDatawithin)){
    # cat('\n***DEBUG - iwithin: ',iwithin)
    #E iwithin <- 1 # iwithin <- 2
    iwithinname <- names(pDatawithin)[iwithin]
    ipData <- pDatawithin[[iwithin]]
    ipData <- ipData[order(ipData$.withingroups),] # necessary so that further tapply do have same order than within (alphabetic order)
    # prepare pData that will be used for computed aggregated statistics
    ireference <- tapply(ipData$.reference,ipData$.groups,function(ref)sum(ref)>0)   
    ireplicates <- tapply(ipData$.replicates,ipData$.groups,max)   

    statpData <- ipData[!duplicated(ipData[,c(within,reference$var,across),drop=FALSE]),,drop=FALSE]
      # remove columns that were added before as they will be replaced
    statpData <- statpData[,-which(colnames(statpData)=='.reference')]
    statpData <- statpData[,-which(colnames(statpData)=='.replicates')]
    if ('.oldcolnames' %in% colnames(statpData)){
      statpData <- statpData[,-which(colnames(statpData)=='.oldcolnames')]
    statpData <- cbind(statpData,.reference=ireference,.replicates=ireplicates)

    # withinting data in groups of across (within within) to compute statistics per groups in a row
    igroups <- split(ipData,ipData$.groups) 

    # prepare root names that will be used to store statistics

    irootnames <-  do.call('paste',
#    irootnames <-  do.call('paste',
#     c(as.list(statpData[,c(within,across),drop=FALSE]),sep='.'))
    # here begin the computations 
    # each time we also prepare adequate pData
    ## computing averages    
    exprs.mean <- do.call('cbind',
            apply(as.matrix(exprs(e)[, rownames(group)]),1,mean)))
    colnames(exprs.mean) <- paste(irootnames, 'mean', sep='.')     

    pData.mean <- cbind(statpData, statistic='mean')
    rownames(pData.mean) <- colnames(exprs.mean)
    ## computing variances
    # we have to ensure sufficient replicates!
      which.enough.replicates <- which(statpData$.replicate>=nReplicatesVar)
      tmp.pData <- statpData[which.enough.replicates,,drop=FALSE]
      if (nrow(tmp.pData)>0){
        exprs.var <- do.call('cbind',
        colnames(exprs.var) <- paste(irootnames[which.enough.replicates],'var',sep='.')     
        pData.var <- cbind(tmp.pData,statistic='var')
        rownames(pData.var) <- colnames(exprs.var)
      } else {
        exprs.var <- c()
        pData.var <- c()

    ## computing diff to ref 
    reference.which <-  which(pData.mean$.reference)
    exprs.diffref <- exprs.mean[,-reference.which,drop=FALSE]- exprs.mean[,reference.which]
    colnames(exprs.diffref) <- paste(irootnames[-reference.which],'diffref',sep='.')
    pData.diffref <- cbind(statpData[!statpData$.reference,,drop=FALSE],statistic='diffref')
    rownames(pData.diffref) <- colnames(exprs.diffref)
    ## computing pooled standard deviations -- we have to check for replicates     
    # first ensure there are enough replicates for reference
  ### <TODO> add sign for pooledSD

    ref.replicates <- statpData[reference.which,'.replicates']
    if (ref.replicates<nReplicatesVar){
      warnings(paste('only ',ref.replicates,' replicates in the group ',iwithinname, ' to compute pooled standard errors( ',nReplicatesVar,'required)',sep=''))
      exprs.pooledSD <- c()
      pData.pooledSD <- c()
      exprs.spooledSD <- c()
      pData.spooledSD <- c()
    } else {
      # then select only groups with enough replicates
      tmp.pData <-  pData.var[pData.var$.replicates>=nReplicatesVar & !pData.var$.reference,,drop=FALSE]
      if (nrow(tmp.pData)>0){
        # ok, here there are some groups with enough replicates to compute pooled sd

        # formula:       # pooled variance =
        #   sqrt(((n1 - 1) * var1 + (n2 - 1) * var2) / (n1 + n2 - 2))
        var1 <- exprs.var[,rownames(pData.var[pData.var$.reference,])]
        n1 <- pData.var[pData.var$.reference,'.replicates']
        exprs.pooledSD <- sapply(rownames(tmp.pData), 
            n2 <- tmp.pData[varvar,'.replicates']
            var2 <- exprs.var[,varvar]
            out <- sqrt(((n1-1)*var1 + (n2-1)*var2)/(n1+n2-2))

        # then look at corresponding diff to reference and prepare signed SD for plot
        corresponding.diffref <- paste(substr(rownames(tmp.pData),1,nchar(rownames(tmp.pData))-4),'diffref',sep='.')
        exprs.spooledSD <- sapply(seq(along=rownames(tmp.pData)),
              varvar <- rownames(tmp.pData)[ivarvar]
              out <- exprs.pooledSD[,varvar]
#              diffname <- paste(tmp.pData[varvar,'.withingroups'],'diffref',sep='.')
#             diffname <- paste(irootnames[ivarvar],'diffref',sep='.')
            diffname <- corresponding.diffref[ivarvar]
              diffref <- exprs.diffref[,diffname]
              out[diffref<0] <- -out[diffref<0]
      # prepare correct pData        
        cnames <- do.call('paste',
        colnames(exprs.pooledSD) <- cnames
        pData.pooledSD <- tmp.pData
        pData.pooledSD$statistic <- 'pooledSD'
        rownames(pData.pooledSD) <- colnames(exprs.pooledSD)

        cnames <- do.call('paste',
        colnames(exprs.spooledSD) <- cnames
        pData.spooledSD <- tmp.pData
        pData.spooledSD$statistic <- 'signedpooledSD'
        rownames(pData.spooledSD) <- colnames(exprs.spooledSD)
      else {
        exprs.pooledSD <- c()
        pData.pooledSD <- c()
        exprs.spooledSD <- c()
        pData.spooledSD <- c()

    # we have done computations for this within / merge them to output object
    exprs.new  <- cbind(exprs.new,exprs.mean,exprs.var,exprs.diffref,exprs.pooledSD,exprs.spooledSD)
    pData.new  <- rbind(pData.new,pData.mean,pData.var,pData.diffref,pData.pooledSD,pData.spooledSD)
  phenoData <- AnnotatedDataFrame(data=pData.new)
  out <- new('ExpressionSetWithComputation',
    annotation=annotation(e)) # ,
    # protocolData = new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data = data.frame()))

# compute(e,reference=reference,within=within)

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