.fetch.genes.for.range = function( pos, drop.partial.genes=FALSE, ... ) {
.genes = geneInRange( pos, as.vector='data.frame' )
if( !is.null( .genes ) ) {
.genes = .genes[with(.genes, order( start )),]
if( drop.partial.genes ) {
.genes = .drop.partial.genes( .genes, start( pos ), end( pos ) )
.drop.partial.genes = function( genes, start, end ) {
for( i in seq_along( genes[ genes$start < start, ]$stable_id ) ) {
warning( paste( 'Dropping partial gene', genes[ genes$start < start, ][ i, ]$name, '(falls off start)' ) )
genes = genes[ genes$start >= start, ]
for( i in seq_along( genes[ genes$end > end, ]$stable_id ) ) {
warning( paste( 'Dropping partial gene', genes[ genes$end > end, ][ i, ]$name, '(falls off end)' ) )
genes[ genes$end <= end, ]
.layout.genes = function( .genes, start, end, gene.area.height=NULL, gene.layout.padding=100, ... ) {
# Add a y column for the layout
.genes = cbind( .genes, y=rep( 1, dim(.genes)[1] ) )
# layout the strands separately, then join them back togther
.strands = c( 1, -1 )
for( .s in seq_along( .strands ) ) { = c( 1 )
for( i in seq_along( .genes[ .genes$strand==.strands[.s], ]$stable_id ) ) {
.row = .genes[ .genes$strand==.strands[.s], ][ i, ]
while( T ) {
if( .row$start <[ .row$y ] ) {
if( .row$y + 1 > length( ) ) = c(, 1 )
.row$y = .row$y + 1
else {
}[ .row$y ] = max( .row$end, .row$start + ( ( end - start ) * convertWidth( unit( strwidth( .row$name, units='inches' ), 'inches' ), 'npc', valueOnly=T ) ) ) + gene.layout.padding
.genes[ .genes$strand==.strands[.s], ][ i, ] = .row
.reverse.height = if( length( .genes[ .genes$strand==-1, ]$y ) > 0 ) max( .genes[ .genes$strand==-1, ]$y ) else 0
.forward.height = if( length( .genes[ .genes$strand== 1, ]$y ) > 0 ) max( .genes[ .genes$strand== 1, ]$y ) else 0
# reverse genes need flipping upside down
for( i in seq_along( .genes[ .genes$strand==-1, ]$stable_id ) ) {
.genes[ .genes$strand==-1, ][ i, ]$y = .reverse.height - .genes[ .genes$strand==-1, ][ i, ]$y + 1
if( is.null( gene.area.height ) ) {
.reverse.height = max( .reverse.height, .forward.height )
.forward.height = .reverse.height
else if( is.numeric( gene.area.height ) ) {
.reverse.height = gene.area.height
.forward.height = gene.area.height
for( i in seq_along( .genes$stable_id ) ) {
if( .genes[ i, ]$y > gene.area.height ) {
.genes[ i, ]$y = 0
warning( paste( 'Gene', .genes[ i, ]$name, 'dropped, as it falls outside of gene.area.height' ) )
.genes = .genes[ .genes$y > 0, ]
list( genes=.genes, fwd.height=.forward.height, rev.height=.reverse.height )
.draw.background.arrow = function( x, y, alpha ) {
grid.polygon( x=x, y=y, id=rep( 1, length( x ) ), default.units='npc', gp=gpar( fill='black', alpha=alpha ) )
.draw.genes = function( .genes, .exons, start, end, alpha ) {
for( i in seq_along( .genes$stable_id ) ) {
.row = .genes[ i, ]
.col = as.character( .row$col )
.bor = as.character( .row$bor )
.ex = .exons[[ as.character( .row$stable_id ) ]]
if( !is.null( .ex ) ) {
grid.text( .row$name, .row$start, 0,
just=c('left', 'bottom'), default.units='native',
gp=gpar( adj=c(0,1), col=.bor, fontsize=convertHeight( unit( 0.4, 'npc' ), 'points' ) , alpha=alpha ) )
.ex = .ex[ end( .ex ) >= start, ]
.ex = .ex[ start( .ex ) <= end, ]
len = if( .usegranges() ) length( .ex ) else length( .ex[[ 1 ]] )
if( len > 0 ) {
grid.segments( max( start, as.numeric( unlist( start( .ex ) ) ) ), 0.6,
min( end, as.numeric( unlist( end( .ex ) ) ) ), 0.6,
default.units='native', gp=gpar( lty=3, alpha=alpha ) )
grid.rect( unlist( lapply( as.integer( unlist( start( .ex ) ) ), function( v ) { max( v, start ) } ) ), 0.4,
unlist( lapply( as.integer( unlist( end( .ex ) ) ), function( v ) { min( v, end ) } ) ) - as.integer( unlist( start( .ex ) ) ), 0.4,
just=c('left','bottom'), default.units='native', gp=gpar( fill=.col, alpha=alpha ) )
.draw.strand = function( .genes, .exons, start, end, strand, gene.area.height, alpha, ... ) {
.draw.background.arrow( if( strand > 0 ) c( 0, 0.9, 1, 0.9, 0 ) else c( 0, 0.1, 1, 1, 0.1 ),
if( strand > 0 ) c( 0, 0, 0.5, 1, 1 ) else c( 0.5, 0, 0, 1, 1 ), alpha * 0.15 )
# Then, push a new layout into this cell, and draw the genes for each
if( !is.null( .genes ) ) {
lheights = unit( rep( 1, gene.area.height + 2 ), rep( 'null', gene.area.height + 2 ), rep( list( NULL ), gene.area.height + 2 ) )
lwidths = unit( c( 1 ), c( 'null' ), NULL )
my.layout = grid.layout( nrow=gene.area.height + 2, ncol=1, heights=lheights, widths=lwidths )
pushViewport( viewport( layout=my.layout ) )
lapply( seq( 2, gene.area.height + 1 ), function( y ) {
pushViewport( viewport( layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=y, xscale=c( start, end ), yscale=c( 0, 1 ) ) )
.draw.genes( .genes[ .genes$y==y - 1, ], .exons, start, end, alpha )
} )
# Does this data.frame have anything in it? = function( df ) {
( !is.null( df ) ) && ( dim( df )[ 1 ] > 0 )
genomicExonDepthPlot = function( .exons, start, end, exon.depth.alpha=0.1, exon.depth.col='black', ... ) {
.to.dataframe = function( f ) {
data.frame( start=as.integer(unlist(start(f))), end=as.integer(unlist(end(f))) )
.exons = 'rbind', lapply( .exons, .to.dataframe ) )
pushViewport( viewport( layout=grid.layout( 1, 1 ), xscale=c( start, end ), yscale=c( 0, 1 ) ) )
if( !is.null( .exons ) ) {
# Drop all exons outside of region
.exons = .exons[ .exons$end >= start, ]
.exons = .exons[ .exons$start <= end, ]
starts = unlist( lapply( .exons$start, function( v ) { max( v, start ) } ) )
ends = unlist( lapply( .exons$end, function( v ) { min( v, end ) } ) ) - .exons$start
if( length( starts ) > 0 ) {
grid.rect( starts, 0,
ends, 1,
gp=gpar( col=NA, fill=exon.depth.col, alpha=exon.depth.alpha ) )
genomicProbePlot = function( probes, start, end, probe.col='green', probe.alpha=0.3, ... ) {
pushViewport( viewport( layout=grid.layout( 1, 1 ), xscale=c( start, end ), yscale=c( 0, 1 ) ) )
if( !is.null( probes ) ) {
probes = probes[ probes$end >= start, ]
probes = probes[ probes$start <= end, ]
starts = unlist( lapply( probes$start, function( v ) { max( v, start ) } ) )
ends = unlist( lapply( probes$end, function( v ) { min( v, end ) } ) ) - probes$start
if( length( starts ) > 0 ) {
grid.rect( starts, 0,
ends, 1,
just=c('left', 'bottom'),
gp=gpar( fill=probe.col, col=NA, alpha=probe.alpha ) )
genomicPlot = function( xrange, # An IRanges object representing the region of interest (with a strand if reqd)
gene.area.height=NULL, # NULL=Both strands to max height of either of them, integer=Both strands limited to this height, NA=Both strands limited to their implied height
gene.layout.padding=100, # How much space needs to be between each gene in a layer
highlights=NULL, # Some highlighted regions (as a data.frame with start, end, strand and name columns)
draw.opposite.strand=FALSE, # Do we draw a washed out representation of the other strand. Only applies if !is.null(xrange$strand)
exon.depth.plot=genomicExonDepthPlot, # Draw the exondepth per strand? Function if so, NULL if not
padding.lines=1, # how much padding above and below the plot (in grid lines)
.genes=NULL, # Pass in pre-loaded .genes and .exons if you want (then we skip loading them in here)
invert.strands=FALSE, # Forward strand on the bottom?
draw.scale=TRUE, # Do we draw a scale?
... ) { # Other params passed to genomic.exon.depth.plot, .draw.strand and .draw.genes
if( is.null( xrange ) ) {
stop( 'Parameter \'xrange\' cannot be NULL' )
if( is.null( .genes ) ) {
.genes = .fetch.genes.for.range( xrange, ... )
.strand = if( class( xrange ) == 'GRanges' ) strandAsInteger( xrange ) else { if( xrange$strand == 0 ) NULL else xrange$strand }
if( !is.null( .genes ) &&
( ( class( xrange ) == 'GRanges' && ! .strand ) ) ||
( class( xrange ) != 'GRanges' && !is.null( .strand ) ) ) &&
!draw.opposite.strand ) {
# remove the opposite strand
.genes = .genes[ .genes$strand == .strand, ]
if( is.null( .exons ) ) {
.all.exons = geneToExon( if( is.null( .genes ) ) NULL else .genes$stable_id )
.exons = if( is.null( .all.exons ) ) {
else {
sid = .attr( .all.exons, 'stable_id' )
in1 = .attr( .all.exons, 'IN1' )
lapply( split( sid, factor( in1 ) ), function( .name ) {
.rows = reduce( ranges( .all.exons[ sid %in% .name, ] ) )
} )
if( !is.null( .genes ) ) {
.genes = 'rbind', lapply( split( .genes$stable_id, factor( .genes$stable_id ) ), function( .name ) {
.row = .genes[ .genes$, ]
data.frame(, symbol=.row$symbol, start=.row$start, end=.row$end, strand=.row$strand,
name=paste( if( !is.null( .row$symbol ) ) .row$symbol else .row$stable_id, if( .row$strand > 0 ) '(+)' else '(-)' ),
col=rgb(0,0,0), bor=rgb(0,0,0) )
} ) )
.genes = .genes[with(.genes, order( start )),]
# If we have dummy highlight regions...
if( highlights ) ) {
.required.fields = c( 'name', 'start', 'end', 'strand' )
if( length( unique( colnames( highlights )[ colnames( highlights ) %in% .required.fields ] ) ) != length( .required.fields ) ) {
warning( paste( c(
'Missing required column names in highlights data.frame',
paste( ' REQUIRED:', paste( .required.fields, collapse=', ' ) ),
paste( ' RECIEVED:', paste( colnames( highlights ), collapse=', ' ) ),
'Highlights will be ignored' ), collapse='\n' ) )
else {
# Filter out just the columns we are interested in...
.columns = c( 'name', 'start', 'end', 'strand' )
if( 'col' %in% colnames( highlights ) ) .columns = c( .columns, 'col' )
if( 'bor' %in% colnames( highlights ) ) .columns = c( .columns, 'bor' )
highlights = highlights[ , .columns ]
# Hack in defaults...
highlights = cbind( highlights, stable_id=paste( 'a', 1:dim( highlights )[ 1 ], sep='' ) )
highlights = cbind( highlights, symbol=rep( '', dim( highlights )[ 1 ] ) )
if( is.null( highlights$col ) ) {
highlights = cbind( highlights, col=rep( rgb( 0.9, 0.7, 0.45 ), dim( highlights )[ 1 ] ) )
if( is.null( highlights$bor ) ) {
highlights = cbind( highlights, bor=rep( rgb( 0.5, 0, 0 ), dim( highlights )[ 1 ] ) )
# Attach and re-sort
.genes = rbind( .genes, highlights )
.genes = .genes[with(.genes, order( start )),]
# Then generate an exon the full width for each gene
.new.exons = lapply( seq_along( highlights$stable_id ), function( idx ) {
.row = highlights[ idx, ]
IRanges( start=.row$start, end=.row$end )
} )
names(.new.exons) = highlights$stable_id
.exons = c( .exons, .new.exons )
if( !is.null( .genes ) ) {
.genes = .layout.genes( .genes, start(xrange), end(xrange), gene.area.height=gene.area.height, ... )
# Build our grid viewport and push it in
.lh = if( !is.null( .genes ) ) {
c( top=padding.lines,
fwd=if( is.null( .strand ) || .strand ) || ( as.numeric( .strand ) == 1 ) || draw.opposite.strand ) { if( invert.strands ) .genes$rev.height + 2 else .genes$fwd.height + 2 } else 0,
scagap=if( draw.scale ) 1.5 else 0,
sca=if( draw.scale ) 1 else 0,
rev=if( is.null( .strand ) || .strand ) || ( as.numeric( .strand ) == -1 ) || draw.opposite.strand ) { if( invert.strands ) .genes$fwd.height + 2 else .genes$rev.height + 2 } else 0,
bot=padding.lines )
else {
c( top=padding.lines,
fwd=if( is.null( .strand ) || .strand ) || ( as.numeric( .strand ) == 1 ) || draw.opposite.strand ) 1 else 0,
scagap=if( draw.scale ) 1.5 else 0,
sca=if( draw.scale ) 1 else 0,
rev=if( is.null( .strand ) || .strand ) || ( as.numeric( .strand ) == -1 ) || draw.opposite.strand ) 1 else 0,
bot=padding.lines )
.lt = c( top=if( padding.lines > 0 ) 'lines' else 'null',
scagap=if( draw.scale ) 'lines' else 'null',
sca=if( draw.scale ) 'lines' else 'null',
bot=if( padding.lines > 0 ) 'lines' else 'null' )
.ld = list( top=NULL,
bot=NULL )
lheights = unit( .lh, .lt, .ld )
lwidths = unit( c( w=1 ), c( w='null' ), list( w=NULL ) )
my.layout = grid.layout( nrow=6, ncol=1, heights=lheights, widths=lwidths )
pushViewport( viewport( layout=my.layout ) )
# draw the scale in the central viewport
if( draw.scale ) {
pushViewport( viewport( layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=4, xscale=c( start(xrange), end(xrange) ), yscale=c( 0, 1 ) ) )
grid.xaxis( main=FALSE, gp=gpar( cex=0.6 ) )
# draw the forward strand if required
if( is.null( .strand ) || .strand ) || ( as.numeric( .strand ) == 1 ) || draw.opposite.strand ) {
alp = if( !is.null( .strand ) && ! .strand ) && ( as.numeric( .strand ) == -1 ) ) 0.3 else 1.0
pushViewport( viewport( layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=if( invert.strands ) 5 else 2 ) )
.plot.genes = .genes$genes[ .genes$genes$strand==1, ]
if( !is.null( exon.depth.plot ) ) {
exon.depth.plot( .exons=.exons[ names( .exons ) %in% .plot.genes$stable_id ], start=start(xrange), end=end(xrange), ... )
.draw.strand( .plot.genes, .exons, start(xrange), end(xrange), 1, .genes$fwd.height, alp )
# draw the reverse strand if required
if( is.null( .strand ) || .strand ) || ( as.numeric( .strand ) == -1 ) || draw.opposite.strand ) {
alp = if( !is.null( .strand ) && ! .strand ) && ( as.numeric( .strand ) != -1 ) ) 0.3 else 1.0
pushViewport( viewport( layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=if( invert.strands ) 2 else 5 ) )
.plot.genes = .genes$genes[ .genes$genes$strand==-1, ]
if( !is.null( exon.depth.plot ) ) {
exon.depth.plot( .exons=.exons[ names( .exons ) %in% .plot.genes$stable_id ], start=start(xrange), end=end(xrange), ... )
.draw.strand( .plot.genes, .exons, start(xrange), end(xrange), -1, .genes$rev.height, alp )
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