
Defines functions annmapEnv seqnamesToEnsembl seqnamesToNCBI seqnameMapping generalisedNameToEnsembl generalisedNameToNCBI .initialise .debug.full .debug.none annmapGetParam annmapSetParam .set.conf.dir transcriptToTranslatedprobes .usegranges .attr arrayType geneToGeneRegionTrack geneToExonProbesetExpr annmapRangeApply strandAsInteger allSymbols geneToSymbol .process .get.correct.column .coerce .secret.encoder .duplicate.hash .make.params .needs.array .xmc.range .xmc.to .xmc.details .xmc.all .get.user.string

Documented in allSymbols annmapEnv annmapGetParam annmapRangeApply annmapSetParam arrayType generalisedNameToEnsembl generalisedNameToNCBI geneToExonProbesetExpr geneToGeneRegionTrack geneToSymbol seqnameMapping seqnamesToEnsembl seqnamesToNCBI strandAsInteger transcriptToTranslatedprobes

.get.user.string = function(v,msg) {
  if( v != "<ASK>" ) {
    r = v
  else {
    cat( paste( msg, ":", sep="" ) )
    r = readLines( n=1 )

.xmc.all = function( src, params, dest=NULL ) {
  cache.id = paste( src, params$array, .xmap.internals$version, .xmap.internals$species, sep=':' )
  ret = .cache.retrieve( cache.id )
  if( is.null( ret ) ) {
    sql = .build.sql2( .xmap.queries[[ paste( src, "all", sep="." ) ]], params )
    ret = .xmc.db.call( sql, .xmap.internals$con )
    .cache.store( cache.id, ret )

.xmc.details = function( src, params, dest=NULL ) {
  if( is.null( params ) ) {
    return( NULL )
  sql = .build.sql2( .xmap.queries[[ paste( src, "details", sep="." ) ]], params )
  .xmc.db.call( sql, .xmap.internals$con )

.xmc.to = function( src, params, dest=NULL ) {
  if( is.null( params ) ) {
    return( NULL )
  sql = .build.sql2( .xmap.queries[[ paste( src, "to", dest, sep="." ) ]], params )
  .xmc.db.call( sql, .xmap.internals$con )

.xmc.range = function( src, params, dest=NULL ) {
  sql = .build.sql2( .xmap.queries[[ paste( src, "range", sep="." ) ]], params )
  .xmc.db.call( sql, .xmap.internals$con )

.needs.array = function( action, src, dest=NULL ) {
  if( ( action == "all" || action == "details" ) && src == "array" ) {
  else {
    sd = c( src, dest )
    any( sd == "probe" ) || any( sd == "array" ) || any( sd == "probeset" ) || any( sd == "cdnaprobeset" ) || any( sd == "exon_probeset" )

.make.params = function( ids ) {
  if( is.null( .xmap.internals$connected ) || !.xmap.internals$connected ) {
    stop( "You need to connect to a database. -- see annmapConnect()")
  if( is.null( ids ) ) {
    stop( "In .make.params, ids is NULL" )
  if( is.list( ids ) ) {
    ids = unlist( ids, use.names=FALSE )
  one       = max( nchar( ids ) ) + 1
  max.list  = .xmap.internals$max.query %/% one
  if( max.list == 0 ) max.list = 1
  n.lists   = length( ids )  %/% max.list
  by.mat    = ( max.list * n.lists )
  .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "one =", one, " - max.list =", max.list, " - n.lists =", n.lists, " - by.mat =", by.mat ) )
  if( n.lists == 0 ) {
    return( paste( sapply( ids, function( b ) { dbEscapeStrings( .xmap.internals$con, b ) } ), sep=",", collapse="," ) )
  else {
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Splitting into", n.lists, "queries with", max.list, "entries per query" ) )
    mat = matrix( ids[ 1:by.mat ], nrow=n.lists, byrow=TRUE )
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "matrix dimensions:", dim( mat ) ) )
    r   = split( mat, row( mat ) )
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "length of r is", length( r ) ) )
    if( by.mat < length( ids ) ) {
      r = c( r, list( ids[ ( by.mat + 1 ):length( ids ) ] ) )
    escaped = lapply( r, function( b ) { sapply( b, function( str ) { dbEscapeStrings( .xmap.internals$con, str ) } ) } )
    return( lapply( escaped, function( row ) { paste( row, sep=',', collapse=',' ) } ) )

.duplicate.hash = function( oldEnv ) {
  ret = new.env( hash=TRUE )
  names = ls( envir=oldEnv )
  sapply( names, function( x ) { assign( x, get( x, envir=oldEnv ), envir=ret ) } )

.secret.encoder = function() {
  .out = c( letters, LETTERS, 0:9, '-', '_' )
  .name = strsplit( Sys.getenv( "LOGNAME" ), split='' )[[1]]
  paste( lapply( seq_along( .name ), function( idx ) {
    .cidx = which( .out == .name[ idx ] )
    .out[ ( ( ( .cidx * 2 ) + idx ) %% length( .out ) ) + 1 ]
  } ), sep='', collapse='' )

.coerce = function( data, column, as.vector=TRUE ) {
  if( is.null( data ) ) {
  else if( as.vector == TRUE ) {
    ret = data[,column]
    if( 'IN1' %in% colnames( data ) ) {
      data = with(unique(data.frame(k=data$IN1,v=ret,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)),setNames(v,k))
    else {
      data = unique( ret )
  else if( as.vector == FALSE ) {
    data = subset( data, select=!( colnames( data ) %in% .xmap.internals$field.mask ) )
    if( is.null( column ) && !is.null( data ) ) {
      data$IN1 = NULL
    if( any( colnames( data ) == "strand" ) ) {
      colnames( data )[ colnames( data ) == "chromosome_name" ] = "space"
      data = as( data, "RangedData" )
    else if( length( colnames( data ) ) == 2 && all( colnames( data ) == c( 'name', 'length' ) ) ) { # Chromosome
      colnames( data )[ colnames( data ) == "name" ] = "space"
      colnames( data )[ colnames( data ) == "length" ] = "end"
      data = cbind( data, start=1 )
      if( as.vector == FALSE ) {
        # Add in strand so we don't get warnings when converting to GRanges later
        data = cbind( data, strand='*' )
      data = as( data, "RangedData" )
    if( class( data ) == 'RangedData' && .usegranges() ) {
      data = as( data, 'GRanges' )

.get.correct.column = function( type, data ) {
  if( class( data )[1] == 'GRanges' ) {
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Trying to select column", .xmap.types[[ type ]], "from id GRanges" ) )
    if( type == 'chromosome' ) {
      newIds = as.character( seqnames( data ) )
    else {
      newIds = elementMetadata( data )[[ .xmap.types[[ type ]] ]]
    if( !is.null( newIds ) ) {
      data = newIds
  else if( class( data ) == 'RangedData' || is.data.frame( data ) ) {
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Trying to select column", .xmap.types[[ type ]], "from id data.frame" ) )
    if( type == 'chromosome' && class( data ) == 'RangedData' ) {
      newIds = as.character( data[[ 'space' ]] )
    else {
      newIds = data[[ .xmap.types[[ type ]] ]]
    if( !is.null( newIds ) ) {
      data = newIds
  else if( is.list( data ) ) {
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Unlisting ids list of dim", dim( data ), "and length", length( data ) ) )
    newIds = unlist( data, use.names=FALSE )
    if( !is.null( newIds ) ) {
      data = newIds

.process = function( action, src, params=NULL, dest=NULL ) {
  if( is.null( .xmap.internals$connected ) || !.xmap.internals$connected ) {
    stop( "You need to connect to a database. -- see annmapConnect()")
  # Check we have an array set if we need one...
  if( .needs.array( action, src, dest ) && is.null( .xmap.internals$array ) ) {
    stop( "You need to set an array type. -- see arrayType()")
  else if( .needs.array( action, src, dest ) ) {
    if( is.null( params ) ) {
      params = new.env( hash=TRUE )
    params$array = .xmap.internals$array

  # Ok, do the ids in .xmap.internals$batch.size chunks
  fname = paste( ".xmc", action, sep="." )
  .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Calling", fname, "[", src, ":", dest, "]" ) )

  f = .xmap.internals$procs[[ action ]]
  if( !is.null( params ) && !is.null( params$ids ) ) {
    params$ids = .get.correct.column( src, params$ids )
    p = .duplicate.hash( params )
    r = lapply( .xmap.internals$procs$params( params$ids ), 
      function( x ) {
        p$ids = x
        f( src, p, dest )
    if( !is.null( r[[ 1 ]] ) ) {
      r = do.call("rbind",r)
      rownames(r) = 1:(dim(r)[1])
    else {
  else {
    f( src, params, dest )

geneToSymbol = function( ids ) {
  if( is.vector( ids ) ) {
    ids = geneDetails( ids, as.data.frame=TRUE )
  ret = .attr( ids, 'symbol' )
  names( ret ) = .attr( ids, .xmap.types$gene )

allSymbols = function( as.vector=FALSE ) {
  r = sort( unique( allGenes( as.vector=F )$symbol ) )
  if( as.vector == FALSE ) {
    r = data.frame( symbol=r )

strandAsInteger = function( granges ) {
  .ret = as.character( strand( granges ) )
  .ret[ .ret == '-' ] = -1
  .ret[ .ret == '+' ] =  1
  .ret[ .ret == '*' ] = NA
  as.integer( .ret )

annmapRangeApply = function( x, f, filter=c( chr="space", start="start", end="end", strand="strand" ),
    coerce=c( as.character, as.numeric, as.numeric, as.numeric ), ... ) {
  if( class( x ) != 'RangedData' && class( x ) != 'GRanges' ) {
    stop( paste( 'x must be a GRanges or RangedData object, not a', class( x ) ) )
  if( length( coerce ) != length( filter ) ) {
    stop( paste( "Each filter column should have a corresponding coercion function: coerce:length(", length(coerce), ") filter:length(", length( filter ), ")." ) )
  if( class( x ) == 'GRanges' ) {
    .str = strandAsInteger( x )
    x = as( x, 'RangedData' )
    x$strand = .str
  framed.data             = as( x, "DataFrame" )
  .missing = filter[ !( filter %in% colnames( framed.data ) ) ]
  if( length( .missing ) > 0 ) {
    stop( paste( 'Missing filter fields in x.  Cannot find', paste( names( .missing ), .missing, sep='=', collapse=', ' ) ) )
  framed.data             = framed.data[,filter,drop=FALSE]
  colnames( framed.data ) = names( filter )
  r = lapply( seq_len( dim( framed.data )[1] ), function( i ) {
    current.row = as.vector( framed.data[i,,drop=TRUE] )
                #Attempt to coerce the current row to the types defined for each parameter to 'f'
    current.row = lapply( seq_along( current.row ), function( a ) { do.call( coerce[[a]], list( current.row[[a]] ) ) } )
    params      = as.list( c( current.row, ... ) )
    do.call( f, params )
  } )
  # Strip nulls
  r = r[ !sapply( r, is.null ) ]
  if( length( r ) == 0 ) {
    r = NULL
  else {
    clzz = unique( lapply( r, class ) )
    if( length( clzz ) == 2 && is.list( r ) ) {
      r = do.call( c, r )
      clzz = unique( lapply( r, class ) )
    if( length( clzz ) == 1 ) {
      if( is.vector( r[[1]] ) ) {
        r = do.call( c, r )
      else if( clzz == 'GRanges' ) {
        r = suppressWarnings( do.call( c, r ) ) # Need to supress, as we're probably looking at multipl chrs per result
      else {
        r = do.call( rbind, r )

geneToExonProbesetExpr = function( x, ids, probes.min=4 ) {
  if( length( ids ) == 0 ) {
    return( NULL )
  if( class( x ) == 'ExpressionSet' ) {
    x = exprs( x )
  pse  = geneToExonProbeset( ids, probes.min=probes.min )
  ps.r = pse[ , 'probeset' ]
  ps   = intersect( ps.r, rownames( x ) )
  r    = pse[ ps.r %in% ps, , drop=FALSE ]
  x    = as.data.frame( x[ rownames( x ) %in% ps, , drop=FALSE ] )
  x    = cbind( probeset=rownames( x ), x )
  r    = merge( x, r, by='probeset' )
  idx  = c( ( 2:length( colnames( x ) ) ), 1, ( dim( x )[ 2 ] + 1 ):length( r ) )
  r    = r[ , idx, drop=FALSE ]

geneToGeneRegionTrack = function( genes, genome, coalesce.name=NULL, ... ) {
  genes = geneDetails( genes )
  if( length( genes ) == 0 ) {
    return( list() )
  if( length( unique( as.character( seqnames( genes ) ) ) ) > 1 ) {
    stop( 'Cannot generate region tracks that are on differing chromosomes' )
  generate = function( name ) {
    genes                            = if( is.list( genes ) ) genes[[ name ]] else genes
    transcripts                      = geneToTranscript( genes )
    exons                            = transcriptToExon( transcripts )

    mcols( genes )                   = mcols( genes )[ , c( 'stable_id', 'biotype', 'symbol' ) ]
    colnames( mcols( genes ) )       = c( 'gene', 'feature', 'symbol' )

    mcols( transcripts )             = mcols( transcripts )[ , c( 'IN1', 'stable_id' ) ]
    colnames( mcols( transcripts ) ) = c( 'gene', 'transcript' )

    mcols( exons )                   = mcols( exons )[ , c( 'IN1', 'stable_id' ) ]
    colnames( mcols( exons ) )       = c( 'transcript', 'exon' )

    mcols( exons ) = merge( mcols( exons ), mcols( transcripts ), by.x='transcript', by.y='transcript', sort=F )
    mcols( exons ) = merge( mcols( exons ), mcols( genes ),       by.x='gene',       by.y='gene',       sort=F )

    GeneRegionTrack( exons, genome=genome, chromosome=as.character( seqnames( genes ) ), name=name, ... )
  if( !is.null( coalesce.name ) ) {
    generate( coalesce.name )
  else {
    sapply( names( split( genes, genes$stable_id ) ), generate )

arrayType = function( name=NULL, pick.default=FALSE, silent=FALSE ) {
  # Get a list of arrays from the database
  arrs = allArrays( as.vector=FALSE )
  if( !is.null( name ) ) {
    # Check were not looking for a garbage name
    if( dim( arrs[ arrs[,1] == name, ] )[ 1 ] == 0 ) {
      stop( paste( "Array '", name, "' not found.  Call with no parameters to choose from a list", sep="" ) )
    if( !silent ) {
      cat( paste( "Using array '", name, "'.\n", sep="" ) )
  if( is.null( name ) ) {
    if( pick.default ) {
      name = arrs[1,1]
      if( !silent ) {
        cat( paste( "Selected array '", name, "' as a default.\n", sep="" ) )
    else {
      choices = paste( as.character( arrs[,1] ), " ('", as.character( arrs[,2] ), "')", sep="" )
      r = menu( choices, title="Select an array type to use:" )
      if( r == 0 ) {
        if( !silent ) {
          cat( paste( "Using array '", name, "'.\n", sep="" ) )
        return( invisible() )
      else {
        name = as.character( arrs[r,1] )
        if( !silent ) {
          cat( paste( "Using array '", name, "'.\n", sep="" ) )
  .xmap.internals$array = name

.attr = function( o, a ) {
  if( class( o ) == 'GRanges' ) {
    o = elementMetadata( o )
  o[[ a ]]

.usegranges = function() {
  ( is.null( annmapGetParam( 'oldstylekey' ) ) || annmapGetParam( 'oldstylekey' ) != .secret.encoder() )

transcriptToTranslatedprobes = function( ids ) {
  transcript.ids = .get.correct.column( 'transcript', ids )
  if( is.null( transcript.ids ) ) {
    return( NULL )
  # Get all the exons for this transcript
  exons = transcriptToExon( transcript.ids )
  if( is.null( exons ) ) {
    tr.split = list()
  else {
    tr.split = split( .attr( exons, 'stable_id' ), .attr( exons, 'IN1' ) )
  fn = function( id ) {
    exons = tr.split[[ id ]]
    exons = exonDetails( exons )
    if( !is.null( exons ) ) {
      fwd.strand = any( ( if( .usegranges() ) strandAsInteger( exons ) else exons$strand ) > 0 )
      translated.width = sum( width( exons ) )
      probesFn = function( eidx ) {
        # Get the details for this exon
        exon = exons[ eidx, ]
        probes = probeInRange( exon )
        if( !is.null( probes ) && length( probes ) > 0 ) {
          # Remove those that hang off the ends of the exon
          probes = probes[ start( probes ) >= start( exon ), ]
          probes = probes[ end( probes ) <= end( exon ), ]
          # Check whilst we could still have both types of default class
          if( length( probes ) > 0 ) {
            if( .usegranges() ) {
              elementMetadata( probes )$IN1 = .attr( exon, 'stable_id' )
            else {
              probes$IN1 = .attr( exon, 'stable_id' )

        # Return the probes for this exon
        if( length( probes ) > 0 ) { probes } else { NULL }
      probes = sapply( seq_along( .attr( exons, 'stable_id' ) ), probesFn )

      # Then, change these offsets so that they are relative to the start of the
      # transcript
      exon.offset = 0
      for( idx in seq_along( .attr( exons, 'stable_id' ) ) ) {
        # For the reverse strand, go through the list backwards
        eidx = if( fwd.strand ) idx else length( .attr( exons, 'stable_id' ) ) - idx + 1
        if( !is.null( probes[[ eidx ]] ) ) {
          ranges( probes[[ eidx ]] ) = shift( ranges( probes[[ eidx ]] ),
                                              -start( exons[ eidx, ] ) + exon.offset )
          # If on the reverse strand, change offsets to 5' from 3'
          if( !fwd.strand ) {
            ranges( probes[[ eidx ]] ) = IRanges( start=translated.width - end( probes[[ eidx ]] ),
                                                  end=translated.width - start( probes[[ eidx ]] ) )
            # Re-sort the probes by start
            probes[[ eidx ]] = probes[[ eidx ]][ order( start( probes[[ eidx ]] ) ), ]
        exon.offset = exon.offset + width( exons[ eidx, ] )
      # Remove all NULLs and combine
      if( .usegranges() ) {
        probes = probes[ !sapply( probes, is.null ) ]
        if( length( probes ) > 0 ) {
          unlist( GRangesList( probes ) )
      else {
        probes = do.call( 'rbind', probes[ !sapply( probes, is.null ) ] )
  ret = sapply( transcript.ids, fn )
  names( ret ) = transcript.ids

.set.conf.dir = function() {
  tryCatch( rm( conf.dir, envir=.xmap.internals ), warning=function(a){invisible()} )
  conf.dir = Sys.getenv( "ANNMAP_HOME" )
  if( conf.dir == "" ) { 
    conf.dir = file.path( Sys.getenv( "HOME" ), ".annmap" )
    cat( paste( "Using", conf.dir, "as our configuration directory.\n" ) )
  if( !file.exists( conf.dir ) ) {
    cat( paste( "Folder", conf.dir, "does not exist.  Attempting to create.\n" ) )
    dir.create( conf.dir, recursive=TRUE )
    if( !file.exists( conf.dir ) ) {
      stop( paste( "Failed to create folder '", conf.dir, "', giving up.", sep="" ) )
  .xmap.internals$conf.dir = conf.dir

annmapSetParam = function( ... ) {
  .params = list( ... )
  for( .name in names( .params ) ) {
    .xmap.internals[[ .name ]] = .params[ .name ][[1]]
  if( !is.null( .xmap.internals$debug ) && ( .xmap.internals$debug ) ) {
    .xmap.internals$debugFn = .debug.full
  else {
    .xmap.internals$debugFn = .debug.none

annmapGetParam = function( key ) {
  .xmap.internals[[ key ]]

.debug.none = function( message ) {

.debug.full = function( message ) {
  cat( format( Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y" ), "::", message, "\n" )

.initialise = function( use.cache=TRUE ) {
  .xmap.internals$debug = FALSE
  .xmap.internals$debugFn = .debug.none
  .xmap.internals$max.query = 10000
  .xmap.internals$connected = FALSE
  .xmap.internals$field.mask = c( 'array_id', 'chromosome_id', 'hit_id', 'protein_id', 'gene_id', 'transcript_id', 'exon_id', 'probe_id', 'probeset_id', 'synonym_id', 'external_db_id' )
  # Put all our main calls in an internal hash
  # We should then be able to call annmapSetParam with a new hash
  # to override these (eg for using a webservice rather than a db)
  .procs = .make.hash()
  .procs$all = .xmc.all
  .procs$details = .xmc.details
  .procs$to = .xmc.to
  .procs$range = .xmc.range
  .procs$params = .make.params
  .procs$connect = .xmc.connect
  .procs$disconnect = .xmc.disconnect
  .xmap.internals$procs = .procs
  .xmap.internals$initialised = TRUE

  # Set the cache root
  path = file.path( .xmap.internals$conf.dir, "cache" )
  if( !file.exists( path ) ) {
    r = dir.create( path )
    if( !r ) {
      warning( paste( "Could not create or locate cache folder '", path, "', running with caching disabled", sep="" ) )
      path = NULL
      use.cache = FALSE
    else {
      use.cache = TRUE
  .xmap.internals$use.cache = use.cache
  .set.cache.root( path )

generalisedNameToNCBI = function( name, ... ) {
  if( length( grep( 'chr', name ) ) > 0 ) { name }
  else if( name == 'MT' )                 { 'chrM' }
  else                                    { paste( 'chr', name, sep='' ) }

generalisedNameToEnsembl = function( name, ... ) {
  if( length( grep( 'chr', name ) ) == 0 ) { name }
  else if( name == 'chrM' )                { 'MT' }
  else                                     { substring( name, 4 ) }

seqnameMapping = function( x, mappingFunction, ... ) {
  seqlevels( x ) = unlist( lapply( seqlevels( x ), function( a ) { mappingFunction( a, ... ) } ) )

seqnamesToNCBI = function( x ) {
  seqnameMapping( x, generalisedNameToNCBI )

seqnamesToEnsembl = function( x ) {
  seqnameMapping( x, generalisedNameToEnsembl )

annmapEnv = function() {
  if( is.null( .xmap.internals$connected ) || !.xmap.internals$connected ) {
    stop( "You need to connect to a database. -- see annmapConnect()")
  .xmc.db.call( "CALL env()", .xmap.internals$con )

Try the annmap package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

annmap documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:43 p.m.