
Defines functions qq.chisq

Documented in qq.chisq

 qq.chisq <-
  function(x, df=1, x.max,
    main="QQ plot", 
    sub=paste("Expected distribution: chi-squared (",df," df)", sep=""), 
    xlab="Expected", ylab="Observed",
    conc=c(0.025, 0.975), overdisp=FALSE, trim=0.5,  
    slope.one=FALSE, slope.lambda=FALSE, 
    thin=c(0.25,50), oor.pch=24, col.shade="gray", ...) {

    # Function to shade concentration band
    shade <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, color=col.shade) {
      n <- length(x2)
      polygon(c(x1, x2[n:1]), c(y1, y2[n:1]), border=NA, col=color)
    # Sort values and see how many out of range
    obsvd <- sort(x, na.last=NA)
    N <- length(obsvd)
    if (missing(x.max)) {
      Np <- N
    else {
      Np <- sum(obsvd<=x.max)
      stop("Nothing to plot")

    # Expected values
    if (df==2) {
      expctd <- 2*cumsum(1/(N:1))
    else {
      expctd <- qchisq(p=(1:N)/(N+1), df=df)

    # Concentration bands
    if (!is.null(conc)) {
      if(conc[1]>0) {
        e.low <- qchisq(p=qbeta(conc[1], 1:N, N:1), df=df)
      else {
        e.low <- rep(0, N)
      if (conc[2]<1) {
        e.high <- qchisq(p=qbeta(conc[2], 1:N, N:1), df=df)
      else {
        e.high <- 1.1*rep(max(x),N)
    # Plot outline
    if (Np < N)
      top <- x.max
      top <- obsvd[N]
    right <- expctd[N]
    plot(c(0, right), c(0, top), type="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
         main=main, sub=sub)
    # Thinning
    if (is.na(thin[1])) {
      show <- 1:Np
    else if (length(thin)!=2 || thin[1]<0 || thin[1]>1 || thin[2]<1) {
      warning("invalid thin parameter; no thinning carried out")
      show <- 1:Np
    else {
      space <- right*thin[1]/floor(thin[2])
      iat <- round((N+1)*pchisq(q=(1:floor(thin[2]))*space, df=df))
      if (max(iat)>thin[2]) 
        show <- unique(c(iat, (1+max(iat)):Np))
        show <- 1:Np
    Nu <- floor(trim*N)
    if (Nu>0) 
      lambda <- mean(obsvd[1:Nu])/mean(expctd[1:Nu])
    if (!is.null(conc)) {
      if (Np<N)
        vert <- c(show, (Np+1):N)
        vert <- show
      if (overdisp) 
        shade(expctd[vert], lambda*e.low[vert],
              expctd[vert], lambda*e.high[vert])
        shade(expctd[vert], e.low[vert], expctd[vert], e.high[vert])
    points(expctd[show], obsvd[show], ...)
    # Overflow
    if (Np<N) {
      over <- (Np+1):N
      points(expctd[over], rep(x.max, N-Np), pch=oor.pch)
    # Lines
    line.types <- c("solid", "dashed", "dotted")
    key <- NULL
    txt <- NULL
    if (slope.one) {
      key <- c(key, line.types[1])
      txt <- c(txt, "y = x")
      abline(a=0, b=1, lty=line.types[1])
    if (slope.lambda && Nu>0) {
      key <- c(key, line.types[2])       
      txt <- c(txt, paste("y = ", format(lambda, digits=4), "x", sep=""))
      if (!is.null(conc)) {
        if (Np<N)
          vert <- c(show, (Np+1):N)
          vert <- show
      abline(a=0, b=lambda, lty=line.types[2])

    # Returned value
    if (!is.null(key)) 
       legend(0, top, legend=txt, lty=key)
    c(N=N, omitted=N-Np, lambda=lambda)



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