# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Clustering function: takes in a feature matrix and returns clusters
# scores in order to call a chromatin switch
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' cluster
#' Given a sample-by-feature matrix and sample-associated metadata including
#' their biological condition groupings, cluster samples hierarchically
#' and use external cluster validity measures (Adjusted Rand Index,
#' Normalized Mutual Information, and V measure) to assess the agreement between
#' the inferred clusters and the biological conditions. Optionally, produce
#' a heatmap reflecting the hierarchical clustering result.
#' @param ft_mat matrix where columns are features and rows are samples as
#' returned by \code{\link{summarizePeaks}} or \code{\link{binarizePeaks}}
#' @param metadata A dataframe with a column "Sample" which stores
#' the sample identifiers, and a column "Condition", which stores
#' the biological condition labels of the samples
#' @param query GRanges object specifying the query region
#' @param heatmap (Optional) Logical value indicating whether to plot
#' the heatmap for hierarchical clustering. Default: FALSE
#' @param title (Optional) If \code{heatmap} is TRUE, specify the title of the
#' plot, which will also be used for the output file name in PDF format
#' @param outdir (Optional) String specifying the name of the directory where
#' PDF of heatmaps should be saved
#' @param optimal_clusters (Optional) Logical value indicate whether to cluster
#' samples into two groups, or to find the optimal clustering solution by
#' choosing the set of clusters which maximizes the Average Silhouette width.
#' Default: TRUE
#' @param n_features (Optional) Logical value indicating whether to include
#' a column "n_features" in the output storing the number of features in the
#' feature matrix constructed for the region, which may be useful for
#' understanding the behaviour of the binary strategy for constructing
#' feature matrices. Default: FALSE
#' @param estimate_state (Optional) Logical value indicating whether to include
#' a column "state" in the output specifying the estimated chromatin state of
#' a test condition. The state will be on of "ON", "OFF", or NA, where the
#' latter results if a binary switch between the conditions is unclear.
#' Default: FALSE.
#' @param method (Optional) If \code{estimate_state} is TRUE, one of "summary"
#' or "binary", specifying which method was used to construct the feature
#' matrix in \code{ft_mat}
#' @param test_condition (Optional) If \code{estimate_state} is TRUE, string
#' specifying one of the two biological condtions in \code{metadata$Condition}
#' for which to estimate chromatin state.
#' @param signal_col (Optional) If \code{estimate_state} is TRUE, and
#' \code{method} is "summary", string
#' specifying the name of the column in the original peak files which
#' corresponds to the level of enrichment in the region, e.g. fold change
#' @param mark (Optional) If \code{estimate_state} is TRUE, and \code{method}
#' is "summary",string specifying
#' the name of the mark for which \code{ft_mat} was constructed
#' @examples
#' samples <- c("E068", "E071", "E074", "E101", "E102", "E110")
#' bedfiles <- system.file("extdata", paste0(samples, ".H3K4me3.bed"),
#' package = "chromswitch")
#' Conditions <- c(rep("Brain", 3), rep("Other", 3))
#' metadata <- data.frame(Sample = samples,
#' H3K4me3 = bedfiles,
#' Condition = Conditions,
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' region <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr19",
#' ranges = IRanges(start = 54924104, end = 54929104))
#' lpk <- retrievePeaks(H3K4me3,
#' metadata = metadata,
#' region = region)
#' ft_mat <- summarizePeaks(lpk, mark = "H3K4me3",
#' cols = c("qValue", "signalValue"))
#' cluster(ft_mat, metadata, region)
#' # Estimate the state of the test condition, "Brain"
#' cluster(ft_mat, metadata, region,
#' estimate_state = TRUE,
#' method = "summary",
#' signal_col = "signalValue",
#' mark = "H3K4me3",
#' test_condition = "Brain")
#' @return A dataframe with the region, the number of clusters inferred,
#' the cluster validity statistics, and the cluster assignments for each sample
#' @export
cluster <- function(ft_mat, metadata, query,
heatmap = FALSE, title = NULL, outdir = NULL,
optimal_clusters = TRUE,
n_features = FALSE,
estimate_state = FALSE,
method = NULL,
test_condition = NULL,
signal_col = NULL,
mark = NULL) {
if (is(query, "GRangesList")) query <- unlist(query)
# If only one feature, can't draw a heatmap
if (ncol(ft_mat) == 1) heatmap = FALSE
else heatmap = heatmap
features <- attr(ft_mat, "features")
ft_mat <- data.matrix(ft_mat)
if (isTRUE(heatmap)) {
palette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(
c("dodgerblue4", "white", "red"))(n = 100) <- function(i) hclust(i, method = "complete")
metadata$Condition <- as.character(metadata$Condition)
conditions <- unique(metadata$Condition)
conditions_colours <- metadata$Condition
conditions_colours[conditions_colours == conditions[1]] <-"mediumorchid"
conditions_colours[conditions_colours == conditions[2]] <- "limegreen"
if (is.null(title)) title <- GRangesToCoord(query)
if(!is.null(outdir) && !dir.exists(outdir))
dir.create(outdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
outfile <- ifelse(!is.null(outdir),
paste0(outdir, "/", title, ".pdf"),
paste0(title, ".pdf"))
results <- gplots::heatmap.2(ft_mat,
dendrogram = "row",
trace = "none",
col = palette,
hclustfun =,
RowSideColors = conditions_colours,
ylab = "Sample",
xlab = "Feature",
labCol = colnames(ft_mat),
labRow = rownames(ft_mat),
key = TRUE,
cexCol = 0.8,
cexRow = 1.0,
margins = c(12, 5),
main = title)
title = "Condition",
legend = conditions,
fill = c("mediumorchid", "limegreen"),
border = c("mediumorchid", "limegreen"),
cex = 0.8,
box.lwd = 0,
bty = "n")
# Choose the clustering partition with the highest average Silhouette width
stats <- getK(ft_mat, optimal_clusters = optimal_clusters)
# Get the clusters
d_mat <- dist(ft_mat)
tree <- hclust(d_mat)
clusters <- cutree(tree, k = stats$k)
# Calculate external cluster validity stats for the partition by comparing
# the clusters to the condition labels
contingency <- contingencyTable(clusters, metadata)
stats$Purity <- purity(contingency)
stats$Entropy <- NMF::entropy(contingency)
stats$ARI <- mclust::adjustedRandIndex(clusters,
stats$NMI <- NMI(clusters, metadata$Condition)
stats$Homogeneity <- homogeneity(contingency)
stats$Completeness <- completeness(contingency)
stats$V_measure <- vMeasure(contingency)
stats$Consensus <- mean(x = c(stats$ARI, stats$NMI, stats$V_measure))
stats <- stats %>% dplyr::select(-c(Purity, Entropy, ARI, NMI,
Homogeneity, Completeness, V_measure))
clusters_df <- clusters %>%
as.list() %>% = FALSE)
names(clusters_df) <- names(clusters)
coord <- GRangesToCoord(query)
meta_cols <- mcols(query)
query_df <- data.frame(query = coord,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Experimental: assign each cluster to a condition and return
# mean signal (e.g. fold change) in each condition according to the clusters
# which allows for an estimation of the "trajectory" of the switch
if (estimate_state) {
if (!(method %in% c("summary", "binary")))
stop("If estimate_trajectory is TRUE, specify the method",
"used to construct feature matrices, one of 'summary' or",
if (is.null(test_condition))
stop("If estimate_trajectory = TRUE, please specify the name
of the condition for which to call chromatin state.")
# 1. Assign each cluster to one of the two conditions
clust_id <- clusters_df %>%
t() %>% %>%
dplyr::mutate(Sample = rownames(.)) %>%
dplyr::rename_(Cluster = "V1") %>%
dplyr::inner_join(metadata, by = "Sample") %>%
dplyr::select(Sample, Condition, Cluster) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Condition = ifelse(Condition == test_condition,
"C1", "C2"))
if (method == "summary") {
if (is.null(signal_col))
stop("If estimate_trajectory = TRUE, please specify the name
of the column corresponding to the signal value.")
if (is.null(mark))
stop("If estimate_trajectory = TRUE, please specify the name
of the mark corresponding to the data in ft_mat.")
col <- ifelse(signal_col == "fraction",
paste0(mark, "_fraction_region_in_peaks"),
paste0(mark, "_", signal_col, "_mean"))
ft_mat2 <- ft_mat
} else if (method == "binary") {
ft_mat_df <-
toLength <- function(i) {
length <- width(features[i])
ft_mat_df[,i] %>%
dplyr::recode(`1` = length, `0` = as.integer(0)) %>%
ft_mat2 <- lapply(seq_along(ft_mat_df), toLength) %>%
ft_mat2$olap <- rowSums(ft_mat2)
ft_mat2 <- ft_mat2 %>% dplyr::mutate(
frac = olap / (width(query) + 1))
rownames(ft_mat2) <- rownames(ft_mat)
col <- "frac"
# 2. Get the mean signal or fraction of overlap of each cluster
clust_ft_mat <- ft_mat2 %>% %>%
dplyr::select_(col) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Sample = rownames(.)) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(clust_id, by = "Sample") %>%
dplyr::group_by(Cluster, Condition) %>%
dplyr::summarize_at(col, mean, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::arrange_(paste0("desc(", col, ")"))
# 3. Guess the state of the test condition in the query
stats$state <- estimateState(clust_ft_mat)
if (n_features) stats$n_features <- ifelse("no_peak" %in% colnames(ft_mat),
results <- dplyr::bind_cols(query_df, stats, clusters_df)
isC1AtTop <- function(clust_ft_mat) {
state = FALSE
i = 1
current = clust_ft_mat[i, "Condition"]
# Keep going down the list while the condition is brain
while(current == "C1") {
state = TRUE
i <- i + 1
current <- clust_ft_mat[i, "Condition"]
# When it's not C1 anymore, check if there are any C1 clusters below
leftover <- clust_ft_mat[i:nrow(clust_ft_mat), "Condition"] %>% unlist()
if ("C1" %in% leftover) state = FALSE
isC1AtBottom <- function(clust_ft_mat) {
# Ask if C1 is at the top when the clusters are ranked from
# lowest mean FC to highest
estimateState <- function(clust_ft_mat) {
if (isC1AtTop(clust_ft_mat)) return("ON")
else if (isC1AtBottom(clust_ft_mat)) return("OFF")
else return(NA)
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