##' GO Enrichment Analysis of a gene set.
##' Given a vector of genes, this function will return the enrichment GO
##' categories after FDR control.
##' @param gene a vector of entrez gene id.
##' @param OrgDb OrgDb
##' @param keyType keytype of input gene
##' @param ont One of "BP", "MF", and "CC" subontologies, or "ALL" for all three.
##' @inheritParams enricher
##' @param minGSSize minimal size of genes annotated by Ontology term for testing.
##' @param maxGSSize maximal size of genes annotated for testing
##' @param readable whether mapping gene ID to gene Name
##' @param pool If ont='ALL', whether pool 3 GO sub-ontologies
##' @return An \code{enrichResult} instance.
##' @importClassesFrom DOSE enrichResult
##' @importFrom DOSE setReadable
##' @seealso \code{\link{enrichResult-class}}, \code{\link{compareCluster}}
##' @keywords manip
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' data(geneList, package = "DOSE")
##' de <- names(geneList)[1:100]
##' yy <- enrichGO(de, '', ont="BP", pvalueCutoff=0.01)
##' head(yy)
##' }
enrichGO <- function(gene,
keyType = "ENTREZID",
qvalueCutoff = 0.2,
minGSSize = 10,
maxGSSize = 500,
readable=FALSE, pool=FALSE) {
ont %<>% toupper
ont <- match.arg(ont, c("BP", "MF", "CC", "ALL"))
GO_DATA <- get_GO_data(OrgDb, ont, keyType)
if (missing(universe))
universe <- NULL
if (ont == "ALL" && !pool) {
lres <- lapply(c("BP", "CC", "MF"), function(ont)
suppressMessages(enrichGO(gene, OrgDb, keyType, ont,
pvalueCutoff, pAdjustMethod, universe,
qvalueCutoff, minGSSize, maxGSSize
lres <- lres[!vapply(lres, is.null, logical(1))]
if (length(lres) == 0)
df <-'rbind', lapply(lres,
geneSets <- lres[[1]]@geneSets
if (length(lres) > 1) {
for (i in 2:length(lres)) {
geneSets <- append(geneSets, lres[[i]]@geneSets)
res <- lres[[1]]
res@result <- df
res@geneSets <- geneSets
} else {
res <- enricher_internal(gene,
universe = universe,
qvalueCutoff = qvalueCutoff,
minGSSize = minGSSize,
maxGSSize = maxGSSize,
if (is.null(res))
res@keytype <- keyType
res@organism <- get_organism(OrgDb)
if(readable) {
res <- setReadable(res, OrgDb)
res@ontology <- ont
if (ont == "ALL") {
res <- add_GO_Ontology(res, GO_DATA)
##' @importFrom AnnotationDbi keys
##' @importFrom AnnotationDbi keytypes
##' @importFrom AnnotationDbi toTable
##' @importFrom GO.db GOTERM
get_GO_data <- function(OrgDb, ont, keytype) {
GO_Env <- get_GO_Env()
use_cached <- FALSE
ont2 <- NULL
if (exists("ont", envir = GO_Env, inherits = FALSE))
ont2 <- get("ont", envir = GO_Env)
if (exists("organism", envir=GO_Env, inherits=FALSE) &&
exists("keytype", envir=GO_Env, inherits=FALSE) &&
!is.null(ont2)) {
org <- get("organism", envir=GO_Env)
kt <- get("keytype", envir=GO_Env)
if (org == get_organism(OrgDb) &&
keytype == kt &&
(ont == ont2 || ont2 == "ALL") &&
exists("goAnno", envir=GO_Env, inherits=FALSE)) {
## && exists("GO2TERM", envir=GO_Env, inherits=FALSE)){
use_cached <- TRUE
if (use_cached) {
goAnno <- get("goAnno", envir=GO_Env)
if (!is.null(ont2) && ont2 != ont) { ## ont2 == "ALL"
goAnno <- goAnno[goAnno$ONTOLOGYALL == ont,]
} else {
OrgDb <- load_OrgDb(OrgDb)
kt <- keytypes(OrgDb)
if (! keytype %in% kt) {
stop("keytype is not supported...")
kk <- keys(OrgDb, keytype=keytype)
## --> take too much memory
## goAnno <- suppressMessages(
## select(OrgDb, keys=kk, keytype=keytype,
## columns=c("GOALL", "ONTOLOGYALL")))
## if (ont == "ALL") {
## GO2GENE <- unique(goAnno[, c(2,1)])
## } else {
## GO2GENE <- unique(goAnno[goAnno$ONTOLOGYALL == ont, c(2,1)])
## }
goterms <- AnnotationDbi::Ontology(GO.db::GOTERM)
if (ont != "ALL") {
goterms <- goterms[goterms == ont]
go2gene <- suppressMessages(
AnnotationDbi::mapIds(OrgDb, keys=names(goterms), column=keytype,
keytype="GOALL", multiVals='list')
goAnno <- stack(go2gene)
colnames(goAnno) <- c(keytype, "GOALL")
goAnno <- unique(goAnno[![,1]), ])
goAnno$ONTOLOGYALL <- goterms[goAnno$GOALL]
assign("goAnno", goAnno, envir=GO_Env)
assign("keytype", keytype, envir=GO_Env)
assign("ont", ont, envir = GO_Env)
assign("organism", get_organism(OrgDb), envir=GO_Env)
## if (ont == "ALL") {
## GO2GENE <- unique(goAnno[, c(2,1)])
## } else {
## GO2GENE <- unique(goAnno[goAnno$ONTOLOGYALL == ont, c(2,1)])
## }
GO2GENE <- unique(goAnno[, c(2,1)])
GO_DATA <- build_Anno(GO2GENE, get_GO2TERM_table())
goOnt.df <- goAnno[, c("GOALL", "ONTOLOGYALL")] %>% unique
if (!is.null(ont2) && ont2 == "ALL") {
goOnt <- goOnt.df[,2]
names(goOnt) <- goOnt.df[,1]
assign("GO2ONT", goOnt, envir=GO_DATA)
get_GO_Env <- function () {
if (!exists(".GO_clusterProfiler_Env", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
pos <- 1
envir <- as.environment(pos)
assign(".GO_clusterProfiler_Env", new.env(), envir=envir)
get(".GO_clusterProfiler_Env", envir = .GlobalEnv)
## ##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi Ontology
## ##' @importFrom GO.db GOTERM
## ##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi mappedkeys
## ##' @importFrom plyr dlply
## ##' @importFrom plyr .
## ##' @importClassesFrom methods data.frame
## EXTID2TERMID.GO <- function(gene, ont, organism) {
## gene <- as.character(gene)
## ## get all goterms within the specific ontology
## goterms <- Ontology(GOTERM)
## goterms <- names(goterms[goterms == ont])
## supported_Org <- getSupported_Org()
## if (organism %in% supported_Org) {
## mappedDb <- getGO2ALLEG_MappedDb(organism)
## orgTerm <- mappedkeys(mappedDb)
## ## narrow down goterms to specific organism
## Terms <- goterms[goterms %in% orgTerm]
## ## mapping GO to External gene ID
## class(Terms) <- ont
## GO2ExtID <- TERMID2EXTID(Terms, organism)
## qGO2ExtID = lapply(GO2ExtID, function(i) gene[gene %in% i])
## len <- sapply(qGO2ExtID, length)
## notZero.idx <- len != 0
## qGO2ExtID <- qGO2ExtID[notZero.idx]
## len <- sapply(qGO2ExtID, length)
## qGO2ExtID.df <- data.frame(GO=rep(names(qGO2ExtID), times=len),
## ExtID=unlist(qGO2ExtID))
## ExtID <- NULL ## to satisfy codetools
## qExtID2GO <- dlply(qGO2ExtID.df, .(ExtID), function(i) as.character(i$GO))
## } else {
## oldwd <- getwd()
## if (file.exists("EG2ALLGO.rda")) {
## EG2ALLGO <- NULL # to satisfy codetools
## load("EG2ALLGO.rda")
## qExtID2GO <- EG2ALLGO[gene]
## qExtID2GO <- lapply(qExtID2GO, function(i) i[i %in% goterms])
## } else if (organism == "D39") {
## dir <- system.file("extdata/D39/", package="clusterProfiler")
## setwd(dir)
## } else if (organism == "M5005") {
## dir <- system.file("extdata/M5005/", package="clusterProfiler")
## setwd(dir)
## } else {
## setwd(oldwd)
## stop("GO mapping files not found in the working directory")
## }
## setwd(oldwd)
## }
## return(qExtID2GO)
## }
## ##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi mget
## ##' @importFrom GOSemSim getSupported_Org
## TERMID2EXTID.GO <- function(term, organism, ...) {
## term <- as.character(term)
## GO2ALLEG <- GO2EXTID(organism)
## if (is(GO2ALLEG, "Go3AnnDbBimap")) {
## GO2ExtID <- mget(term, GO2ALLEG, ifnotfound=NA)
## GO2ExtID <- lapply(GO2ExtID, function(i) unique(i))
## } else {
## GO2ExtID <- GO2ALLEG[term]
## }
## return(GO2ExtID)
## }
## GO2EXTID <- function(organism) {
## supported_Org <- getSupported_Org()
## if (organism %in% supported_Org) {
## GO2ALLEG <- getGO2ALLEG_MappedDb(organism)
## } else {
## oldwd <- getwd()
## if(organism == "D39") {
## dir <- system.file("extdata/D39/", package="clusterProfiler")
## setwd(dir)
## }
## if(organism == "M5005") {
## dir <- system.file("extdata/M5005/", package="clusterProfiler")
## setwd(dir)
## }
## if (file.exists("GO2ALLEG.rda")) {
## GO2ALLEG <- NULL # to satisfy codetools
## load("GO2ALLEG.rda")
## } else {
## setwd(oldwd)
## stop("GO Mapping file not found in the working directory")
## }
## setwd(oldwd)
## }
## return(GO2ALLEG)
## }
## ##' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi mappedkeys
## ##' @importFrom GOSemSim getSupported_Org
## ALLEXTID.GO <- function(organism) {
## supported_Org <- getSupported_Org()
## if (organism %in% supported_Org) {
## mappedDb <- getEG2GO_MappedDb(organism)
## extID <- mappedkeys(mappedDb)
## } else {
## oldwd <- getwd()
## if(organism == "D39") {
## dir <- system.file("extdata/D39/", package="clusterProfiler")
## setwd(dir)
## }
## if(organism == "M5005") {
## dir <- system.file("extdata/M5005/", package="clusterProfiler")
## setwd(dir)
## }
## if (file.exists("EG2ALLGO.rda")) {
## EG2ALLGO <- NULL ## to satisfy codetools
## load("EG2ALLGO.rda")
## extID <- names(EG2ALLGO)
## } else {
## setwd(oldwd)
## stop("GO mapping file not found in the working directory")
## }
## setwd(oldwd)
## }
## return(extID)
## }
##' drop GO term of specific level or specific terms (mostly too general).
##' @title dropGO
##' @param x an instance of 'enrichResult' or 'compareClusterResult'
##' @param level GO level
##' @param term GO term
##' @return modified version of x
##' @importFrom GO.db GOTERM
##' @importFrom AnnotationDbi Ontology
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
dropGO <- function(x, level=NULL, term=NULL) {
if (! (is(x, "enrichResult") || is(x, "compareClusterResult")) ) {
stop("x should be an instance of 'enrichResult' or 'compareClusterResult' ...")
res <-
if (!is.null(level)) {
if (is(x, "enrichResult")) {
ont <- x@ontology
} else {
ont <-$ont
if (is.null(ont)) {
## should be "MF", default value of enrichGO
## it's safe to determine from the output
ont <- res$ID[1] %>% GOTERM[[.]] %>% Ontology
tt <- getGOLevel(ont, level)
term <- c(term, tt) %>% unique
if (is.null(term))
if (is(x, "enrichResult")) {
res <- res[!res$ID %in% term, ]
x@result <- res
} else {
res <- res[!res$ID %in% term,]
x@compareClusterResult <- res
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