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clustifyr classifies cells and clusters in single-cell RNA sequencing experiments using reference bulk RNA-seq data sets, sorted microarray expression data, single-cell gene signatures, or lists of marker genes.

Single cell transcriptomes are difficult to annotate without knowledge of the underlying biology. Even with this knowledge, accurate identification can be challenging due to the lack of detectable expression of common marker genes. clustifyr solves this problem by automatically annotating single cells or clusters of cells using single-cell RNA-seq, bulk RNA-seq data, microarray, or marker gene lists. Additional functions enable exploratory analysis of similarities between single cell RNA-seq datasets and reference data.


Install the Bioconductor version with:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


Install the development version with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Additional info

Intro tutorial

Additional tutorials

Script for benchmarking, compatible with scRNAseq_Benchmark

More reference data (including tabula muris, immgen, etc) are available at supplement package clustifyrdata. Also see list for individual downloads.

Publication with parameter and usage discussions has passed peer review on F1000Research.

Example usage

In this example we use the following built-in input data:

We then calculate correlation coefficients and plot them on a pre-calculated projection (stored in pbmc_meta).


# calculate correlation
res <- clustify(
  input = pbmc_matrix_small,
  metadata = pbmc_meta$classified,
  ref_mat = cbmc_ref,
  query_genes = pbmc_vargenes

# print assignments
#> # A tibble: 9 x 3
#> # Groups:   cluster [9]
#>   cluster      type           r
#>   <chr>        <chr>      <dbl>
#> 1 B            B          0.909
#> 2 CD14+ Mono   CD14+ Mono 0.915
#> 3 FCGR3A+ Mono CD16+ Mono 0.929
#> 4 Memory CD4 T CD4 T      0.861
#> 5 Naive CD4 T  CD4 T      0.889
#> 6 DC           DC         0.849
#> 7 Platelet     Mk         0.732
#> 8 CD8 T        NK         0.826
#> 9 NK           NK         0.894

# plot assignments on a projection
  cor_mat = res,
  metadata = pbmc_meta,
  cluster_col = "classified"

clustify() can also take a clustered SingleCellExperiment or seurat object (both v2 and v3) and assign identities.

# for SingleCellExperiment
  input = sce_small,          # an SCE object
  ref_mat = cbmc_ref,         # matrix of RNA-seq expression data for each cell type
  cluster_col = "cell_type1", # name of column in containing cell clusters
  obj_out = TRUE              # output SCE object with cell type inserted as "type" column
#> class: SingleCellExperiment 
#> dim: 200 200 
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(2): counts logcounts
#> rownames(200): SGIP1 AZIN2 ... TAF12 SNHG3
#> rowData names(10): feature_symbol is_feature_control ... total_counts
#>   log10_total_counts
#> colnames(200): AZ_A1 AZ_A10 ... HP1502401_E18 HP1502401_E19
#> colData names(35): cell_quality cell_type1 ... type r
#> reducedDimNames(0):
#> altExpNames(0):

# for seurat2
  input = s_small,
  cluster_col = "res.1",
  ref_mat = cbmc_ref,
  seurat_out = TRUE
#> An old seurat object
#>  230 genes across 80 samples

# for Seurat3
  input = s_small3,
  cluster_col = "RNA_snn_res.1",
  ref_mat = cbmc_ref,
  seurat_out = TRUE
#> An object of class Seurat 
#> 230 features across 80 samples within 1 assay 
#> Active assay: RNA (230 features, 20 variable features)
#>  2 dimensional reductions calculated: pca, tsne

New reference matrix can be made directly from SingleCellExperiment and seurat objects as well. Other scRNAseq experiment object types are supported as well.

# make reference from SingleCellExperiment objects
sce_ref <- object_ref(
  input = sce_small,               # SCE object
  cluster_col = "cell_type1"       # name of column in colData containing cell identities
#> The following clusters have less than 10 cells for this analysis: co-expression, ductal, endothelial, epsilon, MHC class II, PSC. Classification is likely inaccurate.

# make reference from seurat objects
s_ref <- seurat_ref(
  seurat_object = s_small,
  cluster_col = "res.1"

#>                 0        1        2        3
#> MS4A1    4.517255 3.204766 0.000000 0.000000
#> CD79B    4.504191 3.549095 2.580662 0.000000
#> CD79A    4.457349 4.199849 0.000000 0.000000
#> HLA-DRA  6.211779 6.430463 3.659590 4.169965
#> TCL1A    4.394310 2.837922 0.000000 0.000000
#> HLA-DQB1 4.380289 4.325293 0.000000 1.666167

clustify_lists() handles identity assignment of matrix or SingleCellExperiment and seurat objects based on marker gene lists.

  input = pbmc_matrix_small,
  metadata = pbmc_meta,
  cluster_col = "classified",
  marker = pbmc_markers,
  marker_inmatrix = FALSE
#>                      0        1        2         3         4        5        6
#> Naive CD4 T  1.5639055 20.19469 31.77095  8.664074 23.844992 19.06931 19.06931
#> Memory CD4 T 1.5639055 20.19469 31.77095 10.568007 23.844992 17.97875 19.06931
#> CD14+ Mono   0.9575077 14.70716 76.21353 17.899569 11.687739 49.86699 16.83210
#> B            0.6564777 12.70976 31.77095 26.422929 13.536295 20.19469 13.53630
#> CD8 T        1.0785353 17.97875 31.82210 12.584823 31.822099 22.71234 40.45383
#> FCGR3A+ Mono 0.6564777 13.63321 72.43684 17.899569  9.726346 56.48245 14.61025
#> NK           0.6564777 14.61025 31.82210  7.757206 31.822099 22.71234 45.05072
#> DC           0.6564777 15.80598 63.34978 19.069308 13.758144 40.56298 17.97875
#> Platelet     0.5428889 13.34769 59.94938 14.215244 15.158755 46.92861 19.49246
#>                      7          8
#> Naive CD4 T   6.165348  0.6055118
#> Memory CD4 T  6.165348  0.9575077
#> CD14+ Mono   25.181595  1.0785353
#> B            17.899569  0.1401901
#> CD8 T         7.882145  0.3309153
#> FCGR3A+ Mono 21.409177  0.3309153
#> NK            5.358651  0.3309153
#> DC           45.101877  0.1401901
#> Platelet     19.492465 59.9493793

  input = s_small,
  marker = pbmc_markers,
  marker_inmatrix = FALSE,
  cluster_col = "res.1",
  seurat_out = TRUE
#> An old seurat object
#>  230 genes across 80 samples

Code of Conduct

Please note that the clustifyr project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

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clustifyr documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:32 p.m.