# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions for plotting cells and pixels
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Colour segmentation masks based on metadata
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.colourMaskByMeta <- function(object, mask, cell_id, img_id,
colour_by, cur_colour, missing_colour,
for(i in seq_along(mask)){
cur_mask <- mask[[i]]
cur_sce <- object[,colData(object)[,img_id] == mcols(mask)[i,img_id]]
if (is.null(names(cur_colour))) {
col_ind <- colorRampPalette(cur_colour)(101)
cur_min <- min(colData(object)[,colour_by])
cur_max <- max(colData(object)[,colour_by])
cur_scaling <- .minMaxScaling(colData(cur_sce)[,colour_by],
min_x = cur_min,
max_x = cur_max)
col_ind <- col_ind[round(100*cur_scaling) + 1]
cur_limit <- list(c(cur_min, cur_max))
names(cur_limit) <- colour_by
} else {
col_ind <- cur_colour[as.character(colData(cur_sce)[,colour_by])]
cur_limit <- NULL
# Colour first the background
cur_mask[cur_mask == 0L] <- background_colour
# Then colour cells that are not in sce
cur_m <- as.vector(cur_mask != background_colour) &
!(cur_mask %in% as.character(colData(cur_sce)[,cell_id]))
if (sum(cur_m) > 0) {
cur_mask <- replace(cur_mask, which(cur_m), missing_colour)
# Next, colour cells that are present in sce object
cur_m <- match(cur_mask, as.character(colData(cur_sce)[,cell_id]))
cur_ind <- which(!
col_ind <- col_ind[cur_m[cur_ind]]
cur_mask <- replace(cur_mask, cur_ind, col_ind)
if (!is.null(names(mask))) {
ind <- names(mask)[i]
} else {
ind <- i
setImages(mask, ind) <- cur_mask
return(list(imgs = as(mask, "SimpleList"), cur_limit = cur_limit))
# Function to mix colours
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb
.mixColours <- function(col_vector){
args <- as.list(col_vector)
cols <- lapply(args, function(x){col2rgb(x)/255})
cur_mix <- Reduce("+", cols)
# Function to create a composite colour vector
.createColourVector <- function(object, colour_by,
exprs_values, cur_colour,
if (plottingParam$scale) {
if (length(colour_by) == 1L) {
cur_range <- quantile(assay(object, exprs_values)[colour_by,],
probs = c(0,1))
cur_limit <- list(as.numeric(cur_range))
names(cur_limit) <- colour_by
cur_range <- matrix(cur_range, ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(c("1", "2"), colour_by))
} else {
cur_range <- apply(assay(object, exprs_values)[colour_by,], 1,
quantile, probs = c(0,1))
cur_limit <- as.list(
} else {
cur_range <- quantile(assay(object, exprs_values)[colour_by,],
probs = c(0,1))
cur_limit <- data.frame(matrix(cur_range, ncol = length(colour_by),
nrow = 2, byrow = FALSE))
names(cur_limit) <- colour_by
cur_limit <- as.list(cur_limit)
cur_col_df <- vapply(colour_by, function(x){
col_ind <- colorRampPalette(cur_colour[[x]])(101)
if (plottingParam$scale) {
cur_scaling <- .minMaxScaling(assay(object, exprs_values)[x,],
min_x = cur_range[1,x],
max_x = cur_range[2,x])
} else {
cur_scaling <- .minMaxScaling(assay(object, exprs_values)[x,],
min_x = as.numeric(cur_range[1]),
max_x = as.numeric(cur_range[2]))
return(col_ind[round(100*cur_scaling) + 1])
}, FUN.VALUE = character(ncol(object)))
# Hex colours to rgb
col_ind <- apply(cur_col_df, 1, .mixColours)
# Clip at 1 to be in line with pixel-merging
col_ind[col_ind > 1] <- 1
# Convert to hex colour
col_out <- apply(col_ind, 2, function(x){rgb(red = x[1], green = x[2],
blue = x[3],
maxColorValue = 1)})
# Store in internal colData
int_colData(object)$CYTO_COLOUR <- col_out
return(list(object = object, cur_out = cur_limit))
# Colour segmentation masks based on features
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.colourMaskByFeature <- function(object, mask, cell_id, img_id,
colour_by, exprs_values, cur_colour,
missing_colour, background_colour, plottingParam){
object <- .createColourVector(object, colour_by,
exprs_values, cur_colour,
cur_limit <- object$cur_out
object <- object$object
for(i in seq_along(mask)){
cur_mask <- mask[[i]]
cur_sce <- object[,colData(object)[,img_id] == mcols(mask)[i,img_id]]
# Colour first the background
cur_mask[cur_mask == 0L] <- background_colour
# Then colour cells that are not in sce
cur_m <- as.vector(cur_mask != background_colour) &
!(cur_mask %in% as.character(colData(cur_sce)[,cell_id]))
if (sum(cur_m) > 0) {
cur_mask <- replace(cur_mask, which(cur_m), missing_colour)
# Next, colour cells that are present in sce object
cur_m <- match(cur_mask, as.character(colData(cur_sce)[,cell_id]))
cur_ind <- which(!
col_ind <- int_colData(cur_sce)$CYTO_COLOUR
col_ind <- col_ind[cur_m[cur_ind]]
cur_mask <- replace(cur_mask, cur_ind, col_ind)
ind <- names(mask)[i]
} else{
ind <- i
setImages(mask, ind) <- cur_mask
return(list(imgs = as(mask, "SimpleList"), cur_limit = cur_limit))
# Colour images based on features
#' @importFrom EBImage normalize
.colourImageByFeature <- function(image, colour_by, bcg,
cur_colour, plottingParam){
if (length(colour_by) > 1) {
max.values <- vapply(getChannels(image, colour_by), function(x){
apply(x, 3, max)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(colour_by)))
max.values <- apply(max.values, 1, max)
min.values <- vapply(getChannels(image, colour_by), function(x){
apply(x, 3, min)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(colour_by)))
min.values <- apply(min.values, 1, min)
} else {
max.values <- vapply(getChannels(image, colour_by), function(x){
apply(x, 3, max)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
max.values <- max(max.values)
names(max.values) <- colour_by
min.values <- vapply(getChannels(image, colour_by), function(x){
apply(x, 3, min)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
min.values <- min(min.values)
names(min.values) <- colour_by
image <- as(image, "SimpleList")
if (plottingParam$scale) {
cur_limit <- data.frame(matrix(c(min.values, max.values),
ncol = length(colour_by),
nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
names(cur_limit) <- colour_by
cur_limit <- as.list(cur_limit)
} else {
cur_limit <- data.frame(matrix(c(rep(min(min.values),
ncol = length(colour_by),
nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
names(cur_limit) <- colour_by
cur_limit <- as.list(cur_limit)
for(i in seq_along(image)){
cur_image <- image[[i]][,,colour_by, drop = FALSE]
# Colour pixels
# For this, we will perform a min/max scaling on the pixel values per
# channel. However, to keep pixel values comparable across images,
# we will fix the scale across all images to the min/max of all
# images per channel. Based on this, we will first merge the
# colours and colour the images accordingly, We also allow the
# user to change the scale thresholds using the 'bcg' object.
# This will allow the user to change the brightness (b),
# contrast (c) and gamma (g)
cur_frame_list <- lapply(colour_by, function(x){
if (x %in% names(bcg)) {
cur_bcg <- bcg[[x]]
} else {
cur_bcg <- c(0, 1, 1)
# Select min and max values
if (plottingParam$scale) {
cur_min <- as.numeric(min.values[x])
cur_max <- as.numeric(max.values[x])
} else {
cur_min <- min(min.values)
cur_max <- max(max.values)
cur_frame <- cur_image[,,x]
cur_frame <- ((cur_frame + cur_bcg[1]) * cur_bcg[2]) ^ cur_bcg[3]
cur_frame <- normalize(cur_frame, separate=TRUE,
ft = c(0,1),
inputRange = c(cur_min, cur_max))
col_ind <- colorRampPalette(cur_colour[[x]])(101)
cur_frame <- replace(cur_frame, seq_len(length(cur_frame)),
col_ind[round(100*cur_frame) + 1])
cur_image <- Reduce("+", cur_frame_list)
image[[i]] <- cur_image
return(list(imgs = image, cur_limit = cur_limit))
# Outline image based on metadata
#' @importFrom EBImage paintObjects
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.outlineImageByMeta <- function(object, mask, out_img, cell_id, img_id,
outline_by, cur_colour){
for(i in seq_along(mask)){
cur_mask <- mask[[i]]
cur_img <- out_img[[i]]
cur_sce <- object[,colData(object)[,img_id] == mcols(mask)[i,img_id]]
if (is.null(names(cur_colour))) {
col_ind <- colorRampPalette(cur_colour)(101)
cur_min <- min(colData(object)[,outline_by])
cur_max <- max(colData(object)[,outline_by])
cur_scaling <- .minMaxScaling(colData(cur_sce)[,outline_by],
min_x = cur_min,
max_x = cur_max)
cur_limit <- list(c(cur_min, cur_max))
names(cur_limit) <- outline_by
for(j in seq_along(cur_scaling)){
meta_mask <- cur_mask
cur_cell_id <- colData(cur_sce)[j,cell_id]
meta_mask[meta_mask != cur_cell_id] <- 0L
cur_img <- paintObjects(meta_mask, Image(cur_img),
col = col_ind[round(100*cur_scaling[j]) + 1])
} else {
cur_vec <- as.character(colData(cur_sce)[,outline_by])
for(j in unique(cur_vec)){
meta_mask <- cur_mask
ind <- cur_vec == j
cur_cell_id <- colData(cur_sce)[ind, cell_id]
meta_mask[!(meta_mask %in% cur_cell_id)] <- 0L
cur_img <- paintObjects(meta_mask, Image(cur_img),
col = cur_colour[j])
cur_limit <- NULL
out_img[[i]] <- Image(cur_img)
return(list(imgs = out_img, cur_limit = cur_limit))
# Selecting the colours for plotting
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom viridis viridis inferno
.selectColours <- function(object, colour_by, colour,
call.arg = c("colour_by", "outline_by")){
call.arg <- match.arg(call.arg)
if (!is.null(object) && all(colour_by %in% colnames(colData(object)))) {
cur_entries <- unique(colData(object)[,colour_by])
if (is.null(colour[[colour_by]])) {
if (length(cur_entries) > 23) {
if (is.numeric(cur_entries)) {
if (call.arg == "colour_by") {
cur_col <- viridis(100)
} else {
cur_col <- inferno(100)
} else {
if (call.arg == "colour_by") {
cur_col <- viridis(length(cur_entries))
} else {
cur_col <- inferno(length(cur_entries))
names(cur_col) <- as.character(cur_entries)
} else {
if (call.arg == "colour_by") {
cur_col <- c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired"),
brewer.pal(8, "Pastel2")[-c(3,5,8)],
brewer.pal(12, "Set3")[-c(2,3,8,9,11,12)])
} else {
cur_col <- rev(c(brewer.pal(12, "Paired"),
brewer.pal(8, "Pastel2")[-c(3,5,8)],
brewer.pal(12, "Set3")[-c(2,3,7,8,9,11,12)],
cur_col <- cur_col[seq_len(length(cur_entries))]
names(cur_col) <- as.character(cur_entries)
col_out <- list(cur_col)
names(col_out) <- colour_by
} else {
col_out <- colour[colour_by]
} else {
if (!all(colour_by %in% names(colour))) {
if (length(colour_by) > 1) {
col_list <- list(colorRampPalette(c("black", "red"))(100),
colorRampPalette(c("black", "green"))(100),
colorRampPalette(c("black", "blue"))(100),
colorRampPalette(c("black", "cyan"))(100),
colorRampPalette(c("black", "magenta"))(100),
colorRampPalette(c("black", "yellow"))(100))
col_list <- col_list[seq_len(length(colour_by))]
names(col_list) <- colour_by
col_out <- col_list
} else {
col_out <- list(viridis(100))
names(col_out) <- colour_by
} else {
col_out <- colour[colour_by]
# Min/max scaling of expression counts
.minMaxScaling <- function(x, min_x, max_x){
return( (x - min_x) / (max_x - min_x) )
# Custom function to display images
#' @importFrom S4Vectors SimpleList mcols
#' @importFrom EBImage Image
#' @importFrom tools file_ext file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom graphics par rasterImage strheight text
#' @importFrom grDevices png jpeg tiff recordPlot
.displayImages <- function(object, image, exprs_values, outline_by,
colour_by, mask, out_img,
img_id, cur_col, plottingParam, cur_limits){
# We will take the largest image and
# build the grid based on its size
cur_dims <- vapply(out_img, dim,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(dim(out_img[[1]]))))
m_width <- max(cur_dims[1L,])
m_height <- max(cur_dims[2L,])
cur_dims_x <- c(m_width, as.numeric(cur_dims[1L,]))
cur_dims_y <- c(m_height, as.numeric(cur_dims[2L,]))
# Add empty image to list for legend
if (!is.null(plottingParam$legend)) {
out_img <- c(SimpleList(Image("#FFFFFF",
dim = c(m_height, m_width))),
legend_ind <- 1L
} else {
legend_ind <- 0L
# Number of images
# The first space is used for the figure legend
ni <- length(out_img)
# Ncols and nrow
nc <- ceiling(sqrt(ni))
nr <- ceiling(ni/nc)
# Define margin
margin <- plottingParam$margin
# Build the grid
x_len <- c(0, (nc * m_width) + (nc - 1) * margin)
y_len <- c(0, (nr * m_height) + (nr - 1) * margin)
# Initialize list for storing plots
if (plottingParam$return_plot && plottingParam$display == "single") {
cur_out <- list()
cur_par <- par(bty="n", mai=c(0,0,0,0), xaxs="i",
yaxs="i", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col = "white")
if (!is.null(plottingParam$save_plot) && plottingParam$display == "all") {
image_location <- plottingParam$save_plot$filename
image_scale <- plottingParam$save_plot$scale
cur_ext <- file_ext(image_location)
if (cur_ext == "png") {
png(filename = image_location,
width = image_scale * nc * m_width,
height = image_scale * nr * m_height,
units = "px",
pointsize = 12 * image_scale)
} else if (cur_ext == "jpeg") {
jpeg(filename = image_location,
width = image_scale * nc * m_width,
height = image_scale * nr * m_height,
units = "px",
pointsize = 12 * image_scale)
} else if (cur_ext == "tiff") {
tiff(filename = image_location,
width = image_scale * nc * m_width,
height = image_scale * nr * m_height,
units = "px",
pointsize = 12 * image_scale)
} else {
image_scale <- 1
par(bty="n", mai=c(0,0,0,0), xaxs="i",
yaxs="i", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col = "white")
if(plottingParam$display == "all"){
plot(x_len, y_len, type="n", xlab="", ylab="",
asp = 1, ylim = rev(y_len))
# Plot the images
for(i in seq_len(nr)){
for(j in seq_len(nc)){
ind <- ((i - 1) * nc) + j
if (ind > ni) {break}
dim_x <- cur_dims_x[ind]
dim_y <- cur_dims_y[ind]
xleft <- (j - 1) * m_width +
(m_width - dim_x) / 2 + (j - 1) * margin
ybottom <- i * m_height -
(m_height - dim_y) / 2 + (i - 1) * margin
xright <- j * m_width -
(m_width - dim_x) / 2 + (j - 1) * margin
ytop <- (i - 1) * m_height +
(m_height - dim_y) / 2 + (i - 1) * margin
# If Images should be saved
if (!is.null(plottingParam$save_plot) &&
plottingParam$display == "single") {
image_location <- plottingParam$save_plot$filename
image_scale <- plottingParam$save_plot$scale
cur_ext <- file_ext(image_location)
if (ind == legend_ind) {
cur_name <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(image_location),
"_legend.", cur_ext)
} else {
cur_name <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(image_location),
"_", ind - legend_ind, ".", cur_ext)
if (cur_ext == "png") {
png(filename = cur_name,
width = image_scale * dim_x,
height = image_scale * dim_y, units = "px",
pointsize = 12 * image_scale)
} else if (cur_ext == "jpeg") {
jpeg(filename = cur_name,
width = image_scale * dim_x,
height = image_scale * dim_y, units = "px",
pointsize = 12 * image_scale)
} else if (cur_ext == "tiff") {
tiff(filename = cur_name,
width = image_scale * dim_x,
height = image_scale * dim_y, units = "px",
pointsize = 12 * image_scale)
par(bty="n", mai=c(0,0,0,0), xaxs="i",
yaxs="i", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col = "white")
if (plottingParam$display == "all") {
xleft = xleft, ybottom = ybottom,
xright = xright, ytop = ytop,
interpolate = plottingParam$interpolate)
} else {
plot(c(0, dim_x), c(0, dim_y), type="n", xlab="", ylab="",
asp = 1, ylim = rev(c(0, dim_y)))
xleft = 0, ybottom = dim_y,
xright = dim_x, ytop = 0,
interpolate = plottingParam$interpolate)
# Plot legend
if (ind == legend_ind && !is.null(plottingParam$legend)) {
.plotLegend(object = object, image = image,
exprs_values = exprs_values,
outline_by = outline_by, colour_by = colour_by,
m_width = m_width, m_height = m_height,
cur_col = cur_col, plottingParam = plottingParam,
cur_limits = cur_limits)
# Plot scale bar
if (ind != legend_ind && !is.null(plottingParam$scale_bar)) {
if (plottingParam$scale_bar$frame == "all") {
if (plottingParam$display == "all") {
xl = xleft, xr = xright,
yt = ytop, yb = ybottom,
m_w = m_width, m_h = m_height)
} else {
xl = 0, xr = dim_x,
yt = 0, yb = dim_y,
m_w = m_width, m_h = m_height)
} else {
frame_ind <- as.integer(plottingParam$scale_bar$frame)
cur_ind <- legend_ind + frame_ind
if (ind == cur_ind && !is.null(plottingParam$scale_bar)) {
if (plottingParam$display == "all") {
xl = xleft, xr = xright,
yt = ytop, yb = ybottom,
m_w = m_width, m_h = m_height)
} else {
xl = 0, xr = dim_x,
yt = 0, yb = dim_y,
m_w = m_width, m_h = m_height)
# Plot title on images
if (ind != legend_ind && !is.null(plottingParam$image_title)) {
if (plottingParam$display == "all") {
.plotImageTitle(out_img = out_img, mask = mask,
image = image, img_id = img_id,
ind = ind, legend_ind = legend_ind,
image_title = plottingParam$image_title,
dim_x = dim_x, xl = xleft, xr = xright,
yt = ytop, yb = ybottom, m_h = m_height)
} else {
.plotImageTitle(out_img = out_img, mask = mask,
image = image, img_id = img_id,
ind = ind, legend_ind = legend_ind,
image_title = plottingParam$image_title,
dim_x = dim_x, xl = 0, xr = dim_x,
yt = 0, yb = dim_y, m_h = m_height)
# Close device
if (!is.null(plottingParam$save_plot) &&
plottingParam$display == "single") {
if (plottingParam$return_plot &&
plottingParam$display == "single") {
cur_plot <- recordPlot()
if (ind == legend_ind && !is.null(plottingParam$legend)) {
cur_out[["legend"]] <- cur_plot
# Set the title correctly
image_title <- plottingParam$image_title
if (!is.null(image_title$text)) {
cur_title <- image_title$text[ind - legend_ind]
} else if (!is.null(mask) && !is.null(img_id)) {
cur_title <- mcols(mask)[ind - legend_ind,img_id]
} else if (!is.null(image) && !is.null(img_id)) {
cur_title <- mcols(image)[ind - legend_ind,img_id]
} else if (!is.null(names(out_img))) {
cur_title <- names(out_img)[ind]
} else {
cur_title <- as.character(ind - legend_ind)
cur_out[[as.character(cur_title)]] <- cur_plot
if (plottingParam$return_plot && plottingParam$display == "all") {
cur_out <- recordPlot()
if (!is.null(plottingParam$save_plot) && plottingParam$display == "all") {
if (plottingParam$return_plot) {
} else {
# Plot legend
#' @importFrom graphics strwidth strheight text rasterImage legend
#' @importFrom raster as.raster
.plotLegend <- function(object, image, exprs_values, outline_by, colour_by,
m_width, m_height, cur_col, plottingParam, cur_limits){
# Build one legend per feature or metadata entry
margin <- plottingParam$legend$margin
colour_by.title.font <- plottingParam$legend$colour_by.title.font
colour_by.title.cex <- plottingParam$legend$colour_by.title.cex
colour_by.labels.cex <- plottingParam$legend$colour_by.labels.cex
colour_by.legend.cex <- plottingParam$legend$colour_by.legend.cex
outline_by.title.font <- plottingParam$legend$outline_by.title.font
outline_by.title.cex <- plottingParam$legend$outline_by.title.cex
outline_by.labels.cex <- plottingParam$legend$outline_by.labels.cex
outline_by.legend.cex <- plottingParam$legend$outline_by.legend.cex
# Plot feature legends first
if (!is.null(colour_by) &&
(all(colour_by %in% rownames(object)) || !is.null(image))) {
# Maximum title height
title_height <- max(abs(strheight(colour_by,
font = colour_by.title.font)))
# Maximum label width
cur_labels <- unlist(lapply(cur_limits$colour_by[colour_by],
function(x){c(format(round(x[1], 1), nsmall = 1),
format(((round(x[2], 1) - round(x[1], 1)) /
2) + round(x[1], 1), nsmall = 1),
format(round(x[2], 1), nsmall = 1))}))
label_width <- max(strwidth(cur_labels))
for(i in seq_along(colour_by)){
col_n <- colour_by[i]
if (i < 4) {
cur_x <- (((m_width - (2 * margin)) / 6) * (i - 1)) + margin
cur_y <- margin
} else {
cur_x <- ((m_width - (2 * margin)) / 6 * (i - 4)) + margin
cur_y <- m_height / 2
cur_space_x <- (m_width - (2 * margin)) / 6
cur_space_y <- (m_height - (2 * margin)) / 2
cur_min <- cur_limits$colour_by[[col_n]][1]
cur_max <- cur_limits$colour_by[[col_n]][2]
cur_labels <- c(format(round(cur_min, 1), nsmall = 1),
format(((round(cur_max, 1) - round(cur_min, 1)) /
2) + round(cur_min, 1), nsmall = 1),
format(round(cur_max, 1), nsmall = 1))
# Define title cex
if (is.null(colour_by.title.cex)) {
title_cex <- (cur_space_y / 10) / title_height
} else {
title_cex <- colour_by.title.cex
# Define label cex
if (is.null(colour_by.labels.cex)) {
label_cex <- (cur_space_x / 2) / label_width
label_cex <- label_cex * 0.9
} else {
label_cex <- colour_by.labels.cex
col_ramp <- colorRampPalette(cur_col$colour_by[[col_n]])(101)
cur_legend <- as.raster(matrix(rev(col_ramp), ncol=1))
text(x = cur_x + cur_space_x/2,
y = cur_y,
label = col_n, col = "black",
font = colour_by.title.font,
cex = title_cex, adj = c(0.5, 1))
text(x = cur_x + cur_space_x / 2,
y = seq(cur_y + cur_space_y/4,
cur_y + cur_space_y - cur_space_y/8, length.out = 3),
labels = rev(cur_labels), col = "black",
adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = label_cex)
xleft = cur_x,
ybottom = cur_y + cur_space_y - cur_space_y / 8,
xright = cur_x + cur_space_x / 3,
ytop = cur_y + cur_space_y / 4)
# Next metadata legends
if (!is.null(object) &&
!is.null(colour_by) &&
all(colour_by %in% colnames(colData(object)))) {
if (is.null(names(cur_col$colour_by[[1]]))) {
cur_space_x <- (m_width - (2 * margin)) / 4
cur_space_y <- (m_height - (2 * margin)) / 2
cur_x <- m_width / 2 + cur_space_x
cur_y <- margin
cur_min <- cur_limits$colour_by[[colour_by]][1]
cur_max <- cur_limits$colour_by[[colour_by]][2]
cur_labels <- c(format(round(cur_min, 1), nsmall = 1),
format(((round(cur_max, 1) - round(cur_min, 1)) /
2) + round(cur_min, 1), nsmall = 1),
format(round(cur_max, 1), nsmall = 1))
label_width <- max(strwidth(rev(cur_labels)))
title_height <- abs(strheight(colour_by,
font = colour_by.title.font))
col_ramp <- colorRampPalette(cur_col$colour_by[[1]])(101)
cur_legend <- as.raster(matrix(rev(col_ramp), ncol=1))
# Define title cex
if (is.null(colour_by.title.cex)) {
title_cex <- (cur_space_y / 10) / title_height
} else {
title_cex <- colour_by.title.cex
text(x = cur_x + cur_space_x / 2, y = cur_y,
label = colour_by, col = "black",
font = colour_by.title.font,
cex = title_cex, adj = c(0.5, 1))
# Define label cex
if (is.null(colour_by.labels.cex)) {
label_cex <- (cur_space_x / 2) / label_width
} else {
label_cex <- colour_by.labels.cex
text(x= cur_x + cur_space_x / 2,
y = seq(cur_y + cur_space_y / 4,
cur_y + cur_space_y - cur_space_y/8,
length.out = 3),
labels = rev(cur_labels), col = "black",
adj = 0, cex = label_cex)
xleft = cur_x,
ybottom = cur_y + cur_space_y - cur_space_y / 8,
xright = cur_x + cur_space_x / 3,
ytop = cur_y + cur_space_y / 4)
cur_legend_height <- cur_space_y - cur_space_y/8
} else {
cur_space_x <- (m_width - (2 * margin)) / 6
cur_x <- m_width / 2 + cur_space_x
cur_y <- margin
cur_colouring <- cur_col$colour_by[[1]]
legend_c <- legend(x = cur_x, y = cur_y,
legend = names(cur_colouring),
fill = cur_colouring, title = colour_by,
text.col = "black", plot = FALSE)
# Define legend cex
if (is.null(colour_by.legend.cex)) {
legend_cex <- (m_width - margin - cur_x) / legend_c$rect$w
} else {
legend_cex <- colour_by.legend.cex
legend_c <- legend(x = cur_x, y = cur_y,
legend = names(cur_colouring),
fill = cur_colouring, title = colour_by,
text.col = "black", cex = legend_cex)
cur_legend_height <- abs(legend_c$rect$h)
# Outline
if (!is.null(outline_by)) {
if (!is.null(colour_by) &&
all(colour_by %in% colnames(colData(object)))) {
cur_y <- margin + abs(cur_legend_height) + m_width / 20
} else {
cur_y <- margin
# Continous scale
if (is.null(names(cur_col$outline_by[[1]]))) {
cur_space_x <- (m_width - (2 * margin)) / 4
cur_space_y <- (m_height - (2 * margin)) / 2
cur_x <- m_width / 2 + cur_space_x
cur_min <- cur_limits$outline_by[[outline_by]][1]
cur_max <- cur_limits$outline_by[[outline_by]][2]
cur_labels <- c(format(round(cur_min, 1), nsmall = 1),
format(((round(cur_max, 1) - round(cur_min, 1)) /
2) + round(cur_min, 1), nsmall = 1),
format(round(cur_max, 1), nsmall = 1))
label_width <- max(strwidth(rev(cur_labels)))
title_height <- abs(strheight(outline_by,
font = colour_by.title.font))
col_ramp <- colorRampPalette(cur_col$outline_by[[1]])(101)
cur_legend <- as.raster(matrix(rev(col_ramp), ncol=1))
# Define title cex
if (is.null(colour_by.title.cex)) {
title_cex <- (cur_space_y / 10) / title_height
} else {
title_cex <- outline_by.title.cex
text(x = cur_x + cur_space_x/2, y = cur_y,
label = outline_by, col = "black",
font = outline_by.title.font,
cex = title_cex, adj = c(0.5, 1))
# Define label cex
if (is.null(outline_by.labels.cex)) {
label_cex <- (cur_space_x / 2) / label_width
} else {
label_cex <- outline_by.labels.cex
text(x=cur_x + cur_space_x / 2,
y = seq(cur_y + cur_space_y / 4,
cur_y + cur_space_y - cur_space_y / 8,
length.out = 3),
labels = rev(cur_labels), col = "black",
adj = 0, cex = label_cex)
cur_y + cur_space_y - cur_space_y/8,
cur_x + cur_space_x / 3,
cur_y + cur_space_y / 4)
} else {
cur_space_x <- (m_width - (2 * margin)) / 6
cur_x <- m_width / 2 + cur_space_x
cur_colouring <- cur_col$outline_by[[1]]
legend_o <- legend(x = cur_x, y = cur_y,
legend = names(cur_colouring),
fill = cur_colouring, title = outline_by,
text.col = "black", plot = FALSE)
# Define legend cex
if (is.null(outline_by.legend.cex)) {
legend_cex <- (m_width - margin - cur_x) / legend_o$rect$w
} else {
legend_cex <- outline_by.legend.cex
legend(x = cur_x, y = cur_y, legend = names(cur_colouring),
fill = cur_colouring, title = outline_by,
text.col = "black", cex = legend_cex)
# Plot scale_bar
#' @importFrom graphics strheight text rect
#' @importFrom raster as.raster
.plotScaleBar <- function(scale_bar, xl, xr, yt, yb, m_w, m_h){
# Set default scale bar length
if (is.null(scale_bar$length)) {
cur_length <- ifelse(m_w > 25, round(m_w / 5, digits = -1), 10)
} else {
cur_length <- scale_bar$length
if (is.null(scale_bar$label)) {
cur_label <- as.character(cur_length)
} else {
cur_label <- scale_bar$label
if (is.null(scale_bar$cex)) {
label_height <- abs(strheight(cur_label))
# Target size is 5% of max image height
cur_cex <- (m_h / 20) / label_height
} else {
cur_cex <- scale_bar$cex
if (is.null(scale_bar$lwidth)) {
# Target size is 2% of max image height
cur_lwidth <- ifelse(m_h >= 50, round(m_h / 50, digits = 0), 1)
} else {
cur_lwidth <- scale_bar$lwidth
cur_col <- scale_bar$colour
cur_position <- scale_bar$position
cur_margin.x <- scale_bar$margin[1]
cur_margin.y <- scale_bar$margin[2]
# Plot scale bar
label_height <- abs(strheight(cur_label, cex = cur_cex))
rect_params <- list(col = cur_col)
text_params <- list(labels = cur_label, cex = cur_cex,
col = cur_col, adj = c(0.5, 0))
label_dist <- m_h / 40
if (cur_position == "bottomright") {
rect(xleft = xr - cur_length - cur_margin.x,
xright = xr - cur_margin.x,
ybottom = yb - cur_margin.y,
ytop = yb - cur_margin.y - cur_lwidth,
col = cur_col, border = NA), append(list(x = xr - cur_length / 2 - cur_margin.x,
y = yb - cur_margin.y - cur_lwidth - label_dist),
} else if (cur_position == "bottomleft") {
rect(xleft = xl + cur_margin.x,
xright = xl + cur_length + cur_margin.x,
ybottom = yb - cur_margin.y,
ytop = yb - cur_margin.y - cur_lwidth,
col = cur_col, border = NA), append(list(x = xl + cur_length / 2 + cur_margin.x,
y = yb - cur_margin.y - cur_lwidth - label_dist),
} else if (cur_position == "topright") {
rect(xleft = xr - cur_length - cur_margin.x,
xright = xr - cur_margin.x,
ybottom = yt + cur_margin.y + cur_lwidth,
ytop = yt + cur_margin.y,
col = cur_col, border = NA), append(list(x = xr - cur_length / 2 - cur_margin.x,
y = yt + cur_margin.y - label_dist),
} else if (cur_position == "topleft") {
rect(xleft = xl + cur_margin.x,
xright = xl + cur_length + cur_margin.x,
ybottom = yt + cur_margin.y + cur_lwidth,
ytop = yt + cur_margin.y,
col = cur_col, border = NA), append(list(x = xl + cur_length / 2 + cur_margin.x,
y = yt + cur_margin.y - label_dist),
# Plot Title
#' @importFrom graphics strwidth strheight text rasterImage legend
#' @importFrom raster as.raster
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.plotImageTitle <- function(out_img, mask, image, img_id, ind, legend_ind,
image_title, dim_x,
xl, xr, yt, yb, m_h){
if (!is.null(image_title$text)) {
cur_title <- image_title$text[ind - legend_ind]
} else if (!is.null(mask) && !is.null(img_id)) {
cur_title <- mcols(mask)[ind - legend_ind, img_id]
} else if (!is.null(image) && !is.null(img_id)) {
cur_title <- mcols(image)[ind - legend_ind, img_id]
} else if (!is.null(names(out_img))) {
cur_title <- names(out_img)[ind]
} else {
cur_title <- as.character(ind - legend_ind)
cur_font <- image_title$font
if (is.null(image_title$cex)) {
title_height <- abs(strheight(cur_title, font = cur_font))
# Target size is 5% of max image height
cur_cex <- (m_h / 20) / title_height
} else {
cur_cex <- image_title$cex
cur_position <- image_title$position
cur_col <- image_title$colour
cur_margin.x <- image_title$margin[1]
cur_margin.y <- image_title$margin[2]
text_params <- list(labels = cur_title, col = cur_col,
cex = cur_cex, font = cur_font)
if(cur_position == "top"){, append(list(x = xl + dim_x/2,
y = yt + cur_margin.y,
adj = c(0.5, 1)), text_params))
} else if (cur_position == "bottom") {, append(list(x = xl + dim_x/2,
y = yb - cur_margin.y,
adj = c(0.5, 0)), text_params))
} else if (cur_position == "topleft") {, append(list(x = xl + cur_margin.x,
y = yt + cur_margin.y,
adj = c(0, 1)), text_params))
} else if (cur_position == "topright") {, append(list(x = xr - cur_margin.x,
y = yt + cur_margin.y,
adj = c(1, 1)), text_params))
} else if (cur_position == "bottomleft") {, append(list(x = xl + cur_margin.x,
y = yb - cur_margin.y,
adj = c(0, 0)), text_params))
} else if (cur_position == "bottomright") {, append(list(x = xr - cur_margin.x,
y = yb - cur_margin.y,
adj = c(1, 0)), text_params))
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