
Defines functions GLM_inference

Documented in GLM_inference

#' @title Statistical Inference with DESeq2 on IP over input fold change.
#' @param SE_bins a \code{SummarizedExperiment} of read count. It should contains a colData with column named design_IP,
#'  which is a character vector with values of "IP" and "input". The column helps to index the design of MeRIP-Seq experiment.
#' @param glm_type a \code{character}, which can be one of  the "Poisson", "NB", and "DESeq2". This argument specify the type of generalized linear model used in peak calling; Default to be "Poisson".
#' The DESeq2 method is only recommended for high power experiments with more than 3 biological replicates for both IP and input.
#' @param p_cutoff a \code{numeric} for the p value cutoff used in DESeq inference.
#' @param p_adj_cutoff a \code{numeric} for the adjusted p value cutoff used in DESeq2 inference; if provided, values in \code{p_cutoff} will be ignored.
#' @param count_cutoff an \code{integer} indicating the cutoff of the mean of reads count in a row, inference is only performed on the windows with read count bigger than the cutoff. Default value is 10.
#' @param log2FC_mod a non negative \code{numeric} for the log2 fold change cutoff used in DESeq inferene for modification containing peaks (IP > input).
#' @param min_mod_number a non negative \code{numeric} for the minimum number of the reported modification containing bins.
#' If the bins are filtered less than this number by the p values or effect sizes,
#' more sites will be reported by the order of the p value until it reaches this number; Default to be calculated by floor( sum(rowSums( assay(SE_bins) ) > 0)*0.001 ).
#' @param correct_GC_bg a \code{logical} of whether to estimate the GC content linear effect on background regions; default \code{= FALSE}.
#' If \code{correct_GC_bg = TRUE}, it may result in a more accurate estimation of the technical effect of GC content for the RNA modifications that are highly biologically related to GC content.
#' @param qtnorm a \code{logical} of whether to perform subset quantile normalization after the GC content linear effect correction; default \code{= TRUE}.
#' Subset quantile normalization will be applied within the IP and input samples seperately to account for the inherent differences between the marginal distributions of IP and input samples.
#' @param consistent_peak a \code{logical} of whether the positive peaks returned should be consistent among replicates; default \code{= TRUE}.
#' @param consistent_log2FC_cutoff a \code{numeric} for the modification log2 fold changes cutoff in the peak consisency calculation; default = 1.
#' @param consistent_fdr_cutoff a \code{numeric} for the BH adjusted C-test p values cutoff in the peak consistency calculation; default { = 0.05}. Check \code{\link{ctest}}.
#' @param alpha a \code{numeric} for the binomial quantile used in the consitent peak filter; default\code{ = 0.05}.
#' @param p0 a \code{numeric} for the binomial proportion parameter used in the consistent peak filter; default \code{= 0.8}.
#' For a peak to be consistently methylated, the minimum number of significant enriched replicate pairs is defined as the 1 - alpha quantile of a binomial distribution with p = p0 and N = number of possible pairs between replicates.
#' The consistency defined in this way is equivalent to the rejection of an exact binomial test with null hypothesis of p < p0 and N = replicates number of IP * replicates number of input.
#' @description \code{GLM_inference} conduct inference on log2 fold changes of IP over input using the GLM defined in DESeq2.
#' @return a list of the index for the significant modified peaks (IP > input) and control peaks (peaks other than modification containing peaks).
#' @importFrom DESeq2 DESeqDataSet estimateDispersions estimateSizeFactors nbinomWaldTest results
#' @importFrom S4Vectors na.omit
#' @import cqn
#' @keywords internal
GLM_inference <- function(SE_bins,
                          glm_type = c("Poisson", "NB", "DESeq2"),
                          p_cutoff = 1e-5,
                          p_adj_cutoff = NULL,
                          count_cutoff = 5,
                          log2FC_mod = 1,
                          min_mod_number = NA,
                          correct_GC_bg = FALSE,
                          qtnorm = TRUE,
                          consistent_peak = FALSE,
                          consistent_log2FC_cutoff = 1,
                          consistent_fdr_cutoff = 0.05,
                          alpha = 0.05,
                          p0 = 0.8) {

  glm_type <- match.arg(glm_type)

  stopifnot(!(is.null(p_cutoff) & is.null(p_adj_cutoff)))

  indx_count <- which(rowMeans(assay(SE_bins)) > count_cutoff)

  if(is.na(min_mod_number)) min_mod_number = floor( sum(rowSums( assay(SE_bins) , na.rm = TRUE) > 0, na.rm = TRUE)*0.001 )

  dds = DESeqDataSet(se = SE_bins[indx_count, ],
                     design = ~ design_IP)

  #               Size factor estimation               #

  dds$sizeFactor = estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(assay(dds))

  if (!is.null(rowData(SE_bins)$gc_contents)) {

    message("Estimate offsets of GC content biases on bins ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

    indx_IP <- dds$design_IP == "IP"

    if(correct_GC_bg) {
      subindex = which(rowData(dds)$indx_bg & rowData(dds)$indx_gc_est)
      subindex = which(rowData(dds)$indx_gc_est)

    cqnObject_IP <- quiet(
        assay(dds)[, indx_IP],
        lengths = rowData(dds)$region_widths,
        lengthMethod = "fixed",
        x = rowData(dds)$gc_contents,
        sizeFactors = dds$sizeFactor[indx_IP],
        subindex = subindex,
        verbose = FALSE,
        sqn = qtnorm

    cqnObject_input <- quiet(
        assay(dds)[, !indx_IP],
        lengths = rowData(dds)$region_widths,
        lengthMethod = "fixed",
        x = rowData(dds)$gc_contents,
        sizeFactors = dds$sizeFactor[!indx_IP],
        subindex = subindex,
        verbose = FALSE,
        sqn = qtnorm



    glm_off_sets <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(dds), ncol = ncol(dds))

    rownames(glm_off_sets) = rownames(dds)

    glm_off_sets[, indx_IP] <- cqnObject_IP$glm.offset

    glm_off_sets[, !indx_IP] <- cqnObject_input$glm.offset

    rm(cqnObject_IP, cqnObject_input, indx_IP)

    #normalization to make the row geometric means = 0 (since DESeq2 only cares about the difference).
    #and this norm factor is still under the original scale (not log scale glm off set).
    centered_off_sets <- exp(glm_off_sets) / exp(rowMeans(glm_off_sets))

    normalizationFactors(dds) <- centered_off_sets

    rm(glm_off_sets, centered_off_sets)

  #             Generalized Linear Model               #

  if (!consistent_peak) {

  if (glm_type == "Poisson") {
    message("Peak Calling with Poisson GLM ... ",appendLF = FALSE)

  if (glm_type == "NB") {
    message("Peak Calling with NB GLM ... ",appendLF = FALSE)

  if (glm_type == "DESeq2") {
    message("Peak Calling with regularized NB GLM ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

  if (glm_type == "Poisson") {
    dispersions(dds) = 0

  if (glm_type == "NB") {
    dds = estimateDispersions(dds, fitType = "mean")

  if (glm_type == "DESeq2") {
    dds = suppressMessages( estimateDispersions(dds) )

  dds = suppressMessages( nbinomWaldTest(dds) )

  res <- results(dds, altHypothesis = "greater")

  if (anyNA(res)) {
    res <- as.data.frame(na.omit(res))

  if (is.null(p_cutoff)) {
    sig_indx <- res$padj < p_adj_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange > log2FC_mod
  } else {
    sig_indx <- res$pvalue < p_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange > log2FC_mod

  if (sum(sig_indx,na.rm = TRUE) < min_mod_number) {
      "Insufficient positive bins under the current filter, the filter in peak calling is changed into p value < 0.05 and log2FC > 0, please consider using Poisson GLM.\n",
      call. = FALSE,
      immediate. = FALSE

    sig_indx <- res$pvalue < 0.05 & res$log2FoldChange > 0

    if (sum(sig_indx,na.rm = TRUE) < min_mod_number) {
        "The bins are not informative to conduct meaningful peak calling, please check the raw data quality."

  sig_peak_mod <- as.numeric(rownames(res)[sig_indx])



    message("Evaluating peak consistency with C-tests ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

    cons_indx <- consDESeq2_M(dds,
                              consistent_log2FC_cutoff = consistent_log2FC_cutoff,
                              consistent_fdr_cutoff = consistent_fdr_cutoff,
                              alpha = alpha,
                              p0 = p0)

    sig_peak_mod <- rownames(dds)[cons_indx]





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exomePeak2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:27 p.m.