#------ This function elaborate the bins when reads are paired-end -----#
# Bins are the node of the splicing graph.
bins_paired <- function(inpf, npetype, tophat.exons, count.exons, len.exons, n.exons, readtype, gap, std, n.samples.max,, n.samples) {
longtype <- vector(mode='list') # record each created type
numbertype <- vector(mode='list') # record the number of each type
compteur <- 0
numbertype.samples <- vector(mode='list') # record the number of each type for each sample
count.first.samples <- NULL
# I) first pass - create types based on left/right mapping
compteur <- compteur+1
plouf <- scan(inpf, what=character(0), nlines=2, quiet=TRUE)
sgone <- as.numeric(plouf[1]) # left type index
sgtwo <- as.numeric(plouf[2]) # right type index
nimp <- as.numeric(plouf[3]) # number of such types
oneleft <- which(readtype[sgone,1:n.exons]==1) # type of left read
oneright <- which(readtype[sgtwo,1:n.exons]==1) # type of right read
lastleft <- oneleft[length(oneleft)]
firstright <- oneright[1]
implicated <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(plouf[4:(4+as.numeric(plouf[3])-1)],split=':')))
npair <- implicated[seq(2,2*nimp,2)] # number of such paired-end reads
alldist <- implicated[seq(1,2*nimp,2)] # all insert distances
# read the lines specific to each sample
if(n.samples.max > 1) {
plouf.samples <- scan(inpf, what=character(0), nlines=n.samples.max, quiet=TRUE)
info.samples <- lapply(, FUN=function(sn){
aa <- which(plouf.samples==sn)
nimp <- as.integer(plouf.samples[aa+1])
ns <- 0
ds <- NULL
imp <- plouf.samples[(aa+2):(aa+1+nimp)]
imps <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(imp,split=':')))
ns <- imps[seq(2,2*nimp,2)]
ds <- imps[seq(1,2*nimp,2)]
return(list(ns=ns, ds=ds)) })
# a) left and right reads overlap or stop/start into same exon or neighbour exons -- EASY case
vecbin <- unique(sort(c(oneleft,oneright)))
newbin <- paste(vecbin, collapse='-')
longtype[[newbin]] <- vecbin
numbertype[[newbin]] <- c(numbertype[[newbin]],npair)
if(is.null(numbertype.samples[[newbin]])) { numbertype.samples[[newbin]] <- rep(0, n.samples) }
numbertype.samples[[newbin]] <- numbertype.samples[[newbin]] + sapply(info.samples, FUN=function(ll) sum(ll$ns)) # count of the bin for each sample
# b) left and right reads stop/start not into neighbours bins -- MIGHT BE AMBIGUOUS
# b1) only jump an intron (active when annotation in input)
if(sum(count.exons[(lastleft+1):(firstright-1)])==0){ # be less stringent ????
vecbin <- unique(sort(c(oneleft,oneright)))
newbin <- paste(vecbin, collapse='-')
longtype[[newbin]] <- vecbin
numbertype[[newbin]] <- c(numbertype[[newbin]],npair)
if(is.null(numbertype.samples[[newbin]])) { numbertype.samples[[newbin]] <- rep(0, n.samples) }
numbertype.samples[[newbin]] <- numbertype.samples[[newbin]] + sapply(info.samples, FUN=function(ll) sum(ll$ns))
# b2) complicated cases
djump <- alldist - (tophat.exons[firstright,1] - tophat.exons[lastleft,2]) # effective insert when jump all inside bins
ppp <- which(count.exons[(lastleft+1):(firstright-1)]>0)
addno <- sum(len.exons[(lastleft+1):(firstright-1)][ppp])
dnojump <- djump + addno # effective insert when no jump at all (exept introns of course) # be less stringent ???
seuil.nojump <- min(gap-std, gap+std-addno)
ind.nojump <- (djump<seuil.nojump) # indexes of no jumping reads
vecbin <- unique(sort(c(oneleft,((lastleft+1):(firstright-1))[ppp],oneright)))
newbin <- paste(vecbin, collapse='-')
longtype[[newbin]] <- vecbin
numbertype[[newbin]] <- c(numbertype[[newbin]],npair[ind.nojump])
sumsamp <- sapply(info.samples, FUN=function(ll){
rsum <- 0
if(!is.null(ll$ds)) {
tt <- sapply(ll$ds, FUN=function(dd) ind.nojump[alldist==dd])
if(any(tt)) rsum <- sum(ll$ns[tt])
return(rsum) })
if(is.null(numbertype.samples[[newbin]])) { numbertype.samples[[newbin]] <- rep(0, n.samples) }
numbertype.samples[[newbin]] <- numbertype.samples[[newbin]] + sumsamp
seuil.jump <- max(gap-std, gap+std-addno)
ind.jump <- (djump>seuil.jump) # indexes of jumping reads
vecbin <- unique(sort(c(oneleft,oneright)))
newbin <- paste(vecbin, collapse='-')
longtype[[newbin]] <- vecbin
numbertype[[newbin]] <- c(numbertype[[newbin]],npair[ind.jump])
sumsamp <- sapply(info.samples, FUN=function(ll){
rsum <- 0
if(!is.null(ll$ds)) {
tt <- sapply(ll$ds, FUN=function(dd) ind.jump[alldist==dd])
if(any(tt)) rsum <- sum(ll$ns[tt])
return(rsum) })
if(is.null(numbertype.samples[[newbin]])) { numbertype.samples[[newbin]] <- rep(0, n.samples) }
numbertype.samples[[newbin]] <- numbertype.samples[[newbin]] + sumsamp
# II) second pass - readjust bin
# if a type if strictly inside another type then transfer it
longlength <- sapply(longtype, length)
inds <- sort(longlength, index.r=T)$ix
numbersum <- sapply(numbertype, sum)
toremove <- rep(FALSE, length(longtype))
toadd <- integer(length(numbertype))
numbersum.samples <- lapply( 1:n.samples, FUN=function(ii) sapply(numbertype.samples, FUN=function(ss) ss[ii], USE.NAMES=F))
toadd.samples <- lapply(, FUN=function(ll) return(toadd))
for(jj in 1:length(inds)){
ii <- inds[jj]
inbin <- longtype[[ii]]
if(inbin[1]>1 & inbin[length(inbin)]<n.exons){ # cannot be inside if start by 1st exon or and by last exon
totest <- inds[jj:length(inds)]
# select bins such that inbin is strictly inside
test.inside <- sapply(longtype[totest], FUN=function(outbin) bin.inside(inside.bin=inbin, outside.bin=outbin))
# check
toremove[ii] <- TRUE # the bin will be transfered
totransfer <- numbersum[ii]
testpos0 <- totest[which(test.inside)]
testpos <- testpos0[which.min( longlength[testpos0] )]
proportion <- numbersum[testpos]/sum(numbersum[testpos])
toadd[testpos] <- proportion*totransfer
# do it for each sample
for(nn in 1:n.samples){
tot <- numbersum.samples[[nn]][ii]
norms <- sum(numbersum.samples[[nn]][testpos])
if(norms==0) {
prop <- proportion # if no read at all in the sample, use global proportion
} else {
prop <- numbersum.samples[[nn]][testpos]/norms # else use sample proportions
toadd.samples[[nn]][testpos] <- prop*tot
keeplolo <- longtype[!toremove]
count.first <- (numbersum + toadd)[!toremove]
count.first.samples <- lapply(1:n.samples, FUN=function(nn) (numbersum.samples[[nn]] + toadd.samples[[nn]])[!toremove])
return(list(longtype=longtype, keeplolo=keeplolo, count.first=count.first, count.first.samples=count.first.samples))
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