# --------------- Splicing graph for single-end reads --------------- #
# *** Create all the 'bins' i.e all the nodes of the splicing graph and the junctions between bins ***
# INPUT: - observed bins: binlist
# - count on the observed bins: count.first
# - exons: length len.exons and positions tophat.exons
# - read length: readlen
# - TSS and PAS from the annotations
# OUTPUT: - allbins (oberved + created)
# - splicing graph
# - vectors of count and cost on the bins: count and len
# ( 13/01/14 new version: manipulate clever structure
# do not use multiple rbind anymore
# do not use multiple strsplit / paste
# change paradigm: map with an entry for each exon number giving the list of type that starts by that exon )
graph_single <- function(binlist, count.first, readlen, len.exons, n.exons, tophat.exons, use_TSSPAS, TSSref, PASref) {
# Look for appropriate junctions between bins
# And potentially create new bins
# create a list of list
first.exons <- sapply(binlist, FUN=function(bb) bb[1])
unique.first.exons <- unique(first.exons)
list.byexons <- vector(mode='list', length=n.exons)
list.junctions <- list()
list.byexons[unique.first.exons] <- lapply( unique.first.exons, FUN=function(ee) binlist[first.exons==ee] )
length.all <- sapply(list.byexons, length)
length.done <- rep(0, n.exons)
list.byexons00 <- list.byexons
njunc <- 0
while(sum(length.all - length.done)>0) {
debut <- which( length.all - length.done !=0 )[1]
indcurrent <- length.done[debut]+1
attrape <- list.byexons[[debut]][[indcurrent]]
fin <- attrape[length(attrape)]
# multi-exons bin:
if( length(attrape)>1 ){
rightbin <- attrape[-1] # Look for shorter going out junctions
lright <- sum(len.exons[rightbin])
# rightbin is compatible:
if( lright >= readlen ){
rightbin.first <- rightbin[1]
testmatch <- quickmatch(rightbin,list.byexons[[rightbin.first]])
if( !testmatch ){ # rightbin not in the observed set
length.all[rightbin.first] <- length.all[rightbin.first]+1
testmatch <- length.all[rightbin.first]
list.byexons[[rightbin.first]][[testmatch]] <- integer(2)
list.byexons[[rightbin.first]][[testmatch]] <- rightbin
njunc <- njunc+1
list.junctions[[njunc]] <- c(debut,indcurrent,rightbin.first,testmatch)
# rightbin is not compatible:
if( lright<readlen & fin<n.exons ){
nextright <- vector()
for(qq in 1:length(attrape)){ # test all possible suffix
suffix <- attrape[qq:length(attrape)]
if(length(list.byexons00[[suffix[1]]])>0){ # consider non empty key
lala <- sapply(list.byexons00[[suffix[1]]], FUN=function(bin) find.prefix(suffix,bin,tophat.exons)) # isolate same prefix
nextright <- c(nextright,lala[lala>0]) # first non zero bin after suffix
# check if the exon right after is in the list
# if not AND consecutive genomic postion then add it # TODO seulement no annot !!!!
if( match(fin+1, nextright,nomatch=0)==0 &
length(list.byexons00[[fin+1]])>0 &
tophat.exons[fin,2]==tophat.exons[fin+1,1] ){
nextright <- c(nextright, fin+1)
nextright <- as.integer(unique(nextright))
if( lright==(readlen-1) ){ # particular case
all.longerbin <- lapply(nextright, FUN=function(nn) c(rightbin,nn))
if( lright<(readlen-1) ){
all.longerbin <- lapply(nextright, FUN=function(nn) c(attrape,nn))
for(longerbin in all.longerbin){
longfirst <- longerbin[1]
testmatch <- quickmatch(longerbin,list.byexons[[longfirst]])
if( !testmatch ){ # add the longer bin
length.all[longfirst] <- length.all[longfirst]+1
testmatch <- length.all[longfirst]
list.byexons[[longfirst]][[testmatch]] <- longerbin
njunc <- njunc+1
list.junctions[[njunc]] <- c(debut,indcurrent,longfirst,testmatch)
# mono-exon bin:
if( length(attrape)==1 ){
if( debut<n.exons ){ # Look for longer going out junction
nextright <- vector()
lala <- sapply(list.byexons00[[debut]], FUN=function(bin) find.prefix(debut,bin,tophat.exons)) # isolate same prefix
nextright <- lala[lala>0] # first non zero bin after suffix
# check if the exon right after is in the list
# if not AND consecutive genomic postion then add it
if(match(fin+1, nextright,nomatch=0)==0 &
length(list.byexons00[[fin+1]])>0 &
tophat.exons[fin,2]==tophat.exons[fin+1,1] ){
nextright <- c(nextright, fin+1)
nextright <- as.integer(unique(nextright))
all.longerbin <- lapply(nextright, FUN=function(nn) c(attrape,nn))
for(longerbin in all.longerbin){
testmatch <- quickmatch(longerbin,list.byexons[[debut]])
if( !testmatch ){ # add the longer bin
length.all[debut] <- length.all[debut]+1
testmatch <- length.all[debut]
list.byexons[[debut]][[testmatch]] <- longerbin
njunc <- njunc+1
list.junctions[[njunc]] <- c(debut,indcurrent,debut,testmatch)
length.done[debut] <- length.done[debut]+1
# After the main loop:
# Starting bins with no entering junctions - look if there is a long enough prefix to add a coming in junction
for(debut in 1:n.exons){
res <- sapply(list.junctions, FUN=function(lj) {
} else {
} } )
noentrant <- setdiff(1:length(list.byexons[[debut]]), res)
for(ind in noentrant){
ind0 <- ind
attrape <- list.byexons[[debut]][[ind]]
gobin <- attrape[-length(attrape)]
lleft <- sum(len.exons[gobin])
while(length(attrape)>1 & lleft >=readlen){
testmatch <- quickmatch(gobin,list.byexons[[debut]])
if( !testmatch ){ # add bin
length.all[debut] <- length.all[debut]+1
testmatch <- length.all[debut]
list.byexons[[debut]][[testmatch]] <- gobin
njunc <- njunc+1
list.junctions[[njunc]] <- c(debut,testmatch,debut,ind0)
ind0 <- testmatch
attrape <- attrape[-length(attrape)]
gobin <- attrape[-length(attrape)]
lleft <- sum(len.exons[gobin])
## All bins in a list
all.list <- unlist(list.byexons, recursive=F, use.names=F)
## Adjacency matrix # faire directement une matrice sparse !!
n.nodes <- length(all.list)
pos.junc <- sapply(list.junctions, FUN=function(lj){
pos.first <- sum( length.all[1:(lj[1]-1)] ) + lj[2]
} else {
pos.first <- lj[2]
pos.second <- sum( length.all[1:(lj[3]-1)] ) + lj[4]
} else {
pos.second <- lj[4]
return(c(pos.second, pos.first))
sp.Adj <- sparseMatrix(i=pos.junc[1,],j=pos.junc[2,], dims=c(n.nodes,n.nodes), giveCsparse=T)
} else {
sp.Adj <- sparseMatrix(i=NULL,j=NULL, dims=c(n.nodes,n.nodes), giveCsparse=T)
allbins <- sapply(all.list, FUN=function(aa) paste(aa, collapse='-'))
rownames(sp.Adj) <- allbins
## Counts on bins # le faire directement dans la boucle ?
count <- matrix(0,nrow=n.nodes,ncol=1)
indcount <- sapply(1:length(first.exons), FUN=function(ii){
debut <- first.exons[ii]
pos <- sum(first.exons[1:ii]==debut)
return( pos )
} else {
return( sum(length.all[1:(debut-1)]) + pos )
count[indcount] <- count.first
rownames(count) <- allbins
## Cost on bins
len.bin <- sapply(all.list, FUN=function(zz) calculate.cost(len.exons, zz, readlen))
len <- matrix(len.bin, nrow=n.nodes, ncol=1)
rownames(len) <- allbins
## Weights for START and STOP
wg.start <- wg.stop <- rep(Inf, n.nodes)
toto <- sapply(all.list, FUN=function(bin) startstop(len.exons,bin,readlen))
indalltss <- which(toto[1,]) # index of possible TSS bins
indallpas <- which(toto[2,]) # index of possible PAS bins
wg.start[indalltss] <- 1
wg.stop[indallpas] <- 0
## TSS no entering junctions (1 line of 0)
ind.sometss <- which(!rowSums(sp.Adj))
## PAS no outgoing junctions (1 col of 0)
ind.somepas <- which(!colSums(sp.Adj))
if(is.null(TSSref) | is.null(PASref)) { # no annotation
# add direct neightbours of previously selected TSS PAS
exon.tss <- sapply(ind.sometss, FUN=function(ii) firstexon(all.list[[ii]]))
exon.pas <- sapply(ind.somepas, FUN=function(ii) lastexon(all.list[[ii]]))
indtss <- indalltss[sapply(indalltss, FUN=function(ii) findtss(all.list[[ii]],exon.tss, tophat.exons, len.exons))]
indpas <- indallpas[sapply(indallpas, FUN=function(ii) findpas(all.list[[ii]],exon.pas, tophat.exons, len.exons))]
} else { # use known TSS PAS from annotation
# add the known TSS PAS
indtss <- union(ind.sometss,indalltss[sapply(indalltss, FUN=function(ii) all.list[[ii]][1] %in% TSSref)])
indpas <- union(ind.somepas, indallpas[sapply(indallpas, FUN=function(ii) tail(all.list[[ii]],1) %in% PASref)])
wg.start[indtss] <- 1
wg.stop[indpas] <- 0
graph <- vector(mode="list", length=3)
names(graph) <- c('weights','start_weights','stop_weights')
graph[['weights']] <- sp.Adj*1e-24
graph[['start_weights']] <- wg.start
graph[['stop_weights']] <- wg.stop
return(list(allbins=allbins, count=count, len=len, graph=graph, indcount=indcount))
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