
Defines functions showSlots showSlot BamTallyParam .makeCdsIIT normArgWhich

Documented in BamTallyParam

### =========================================================================
### BamTallyParam class
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Collects parameters for the bam_tally command

         representation(genome = "GmapGenome",
                        which = "GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList",
                        desired_read_group = "character_OR_NULL",
                        minimum_mapq = "integer",
                        concordant_only = "logical",
                        unique_only = "logical",
                        primary_only = "logical",
                        ignore_duplicates = "logical",
                        min_depth = "integer",
                        variant_strand = "integer",
                        variant_pct = "numeric",
                        ignore_query_Ns = "logical",
                        indels = "logical",
                        min_softclip = "integer",
                        max_softclip = "integer",
                        exon_iit = "character_OR_NULL",
                        xs = "logical",
                        read_pos = "logical",
                        min_base_quality = "integer",
                        noncovered = "logical",
                        nm = "logical"))

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### Constructor

normArgWhich <- function(x, genome) {
  if (!is(x, "GenomicRanges_OR_GRangesList"))
    stop("'which' must be a GenomicRanges or GRangesList")
  si <- seqinfo(genome)
  seqinfo(x, new2old = match(seqlevels(si), seqlevels(x))) <-
    merge(si, seqinfo(x))

setGeneric("normArgCdsIIT", function(exon_iit, genome, ...)

setMethod("normArgCdsIIT", "ANY", function(exon_iit, genome, BPPARAM) {
       && (!is(exon_iit, "character") || length(exon_iit) > 1))
      stop("Invalid exon_iit value. See ?BamTallyParam for acceptable values")
    if(!is.null(exon_iit) && (nchar(exon_iit) && !file.exists(exon_iit)))
        stop("exon_iit is non-empty and does not point to an existing file")


setMethod("normArgCdsIIT", "TxDb", function(exon_iit, genome, BPPARAM) {
    exon_iit = iit_store(exonsBy(exon_iit, "gene"),
      dest = tempfile(pattern = "cds", fileext = ".iit"), BPPARAM = BPPARAM)

setMethod("normArgCdsIIT", "GRangesList", function(exon_iit, genome, BPPARAM) {
    exon_iit = iit_store(exon_iit, dest = tempfile(pattern = "cds",
                                     fileext = ".iit"), BPPARAM = BPPARAM)

setMethod("normArgCdsIIT", "GmapGenome", function(exon_iit, genome, BPPARAM) {
    if(!identical(exon_iit, genome))
        stop("You cannot specify different GmapGenomes for exon_iit and genome")
    exon_iit = list.files(mapsDirectory(exon_iit), pattern = "genes.iit")
        stop("No map matching the pattern 'genes.iit' found for this GmapGenome")
    if(length(exon_iit) > 1)
        stop("Multipe map matching the pattern 'genes.iit' found for this GmapGenome")

.makeCdsIIT <- function(exons,
                        filename = tempfile(pattern="exon_iit", fileext=".iit"))
    exonsFlat <- unlist(exons, use.names=FALSE)
    exonsPart <- PartitioningByWidth(exons)
    exonsHead <- exonsFlat[-end(exonsPart)]
    donors <- flank(exonsHead, 1L, start = FALSE)
    exonsTail <- exonsFlat[-start(exonsPart)]
    acceptors <- flank(exonsTail, 1L, start = TRUE)
    sites <- c(resize(donors, 2L, fix = "end"),
               resize(acceptors, 2L, fix = "start"))
    names(sites) <- values(sites)$exon_id
    info <- rep(c("donor", "acceptor"), each = length(donors))
    intronWidths <- abs(start(acceptors) - start(donors)) + 1L
    info <- paste(info, intronWidths)
    values(sites) <- DataFrame(info)
    iit_store(sites, filename)

BamTallyParam <- function(genome, which = GRanges(),
                          desired_read_group = NULL, minimum_mapq = 0L,
                          concordant_only = FALSE, unique_only = FALSE,
                          primary_only = FALSE, ignore_duplicates = FALSE,
                          min_depth = 0L, variant_strand = 0L, variant_pct = 0,
                          ignore_query_Ns = FALSE,
                          indels = FALSE, min_softclip = 0L, max_softclip = 0L,
                          exon_iit = NULL, IIT_BPPARAM = NULL,
                          xs = FALSE, read_pos = FALSE,
                          min_base_quality = 0L, noncovered = FALSE,
                          nm = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(desired_read_group) && !isSingleString(desired_read_group))
    stop("'desired_read_group' must be NULL or a single, non-NA string")
  if (!isSingleNumber(minimum_mapq) || minimum_mapq < 0)
    stop("minimum_mapq must be a single, non-negative, non-NA number")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(concordant_only))
    stop("concordant_only must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(unique_only))
    stop("unique_only must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(primary_only))
    stop("primary_only must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore_duplicates))
    stop("ignore_duplicates must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isSingleNumber(min_depth) || min_depth < 0)
    stop("min_depth must be a single, non-negative, non-NA number")
  if (!variant_strand %in% c(0, 1, 2))
    stop("variant_strand must be one of 0, 1, or 2")
  if (variant_pct < 0)
    stop("variant_pct must be non-negative")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore_query_Ns))
    stop("ignore_query_Ns must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(indels))
    stop("indels must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (max_softclip < 0L)
    stop("max_softclip must be non-negative")
  if (min_softclip < 0L)
    stop("min_softclip must be non-negative")
  if (max_softclip < min_softclip)
    stop("max_softclip must be at least equal to min_softclip")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(xs))
    stop("xs must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(read_pos))
    stop("read_pos must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isSingleNumber(min_base_quality) || min_base_quality < 0)
    stop("min_base_quality must be a single, non-negative, non-NA number")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(noncovered))
    stop("noncovered must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!isTRUEorFALSE(nm))
    stop("nm must be TRUE or FALSE")
  args <- names(formals(sys.function()))
  params <- mget(args, environment())
  params$genome <- as(genome, "GmapGenome")
  params$which <- normArgWhich(which, params$genome)
  params$exon_iit = normArgCdsIIT(params$exon_iit, BPPARAM = IIT_BPPARAM)
  integer_params <- c("minimum_mapq", "min_depth", "variant_strand",
                      "min_softclip", "max_softclip")
  params[integer_params] <- lapply(params[integer_params], as.integer)
  params = params[names(params) != "IIT_BPPARAM"]
  do.call(new, c("BamTallyParam", params))  

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### Coercion

setAs("BamTallyParam", "list", function(from) {
  sapply(slotNames(from), slot, object = from, simplify = FALSE)

setMethod("as.list", "BamTallyParam", function(x) as(x, "list"))

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### Show

showSlot <- function(name, value, ...) {
  S4Vectors:::labeledLine(name, showAsCell(value), ...)

showSlots <- function(object, exclude = character(), ...) {
  snames <- setdiff(slotNames(object), exclude)
  slots <- sapply(snames, slot, object = object, simplify = FALSE)
  mapply(showSlot, names(slots), slots, MoreArgs = list(...))

setMethod("show", "BamTallyParam", function(object) {
  cat("A", class(object), "object\n", sep = " ")
  cat(showSlots(object, count = FALSE), sep = "")

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gmapR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:29 p.m.