
Defines functions .onAttach fixhet

 fixhet = function(vec) {
# take a mix of numerical strings and character strings 
# and set char strings to ""
# so that as.numeric will not warn
   strinds = grep("[a-zA-Z]", vec)
   if (length(strinds)>0) vec[strinds] = ""
.onAttach = function(libname, pkgname) {
packageStartupMessage("gwascat loaded.  Use makeCurrentGwascat() to extract current image.")
packageStartupMessage(" from EBI.  The data folder of this package has some legacy extracts.")

#.onAttach = function(libname, pkgname) {
## create global data objects
##  1) gwcat, a data.frame instance directly reflecting content of the table from NHGRI
##  2) gwrngs, a GRanges that is filtered to studies with specific claims of SNP-trait associations
## gwcat <- get(load(system.file("data/gwdf_2012_09_22.rda", package="gwascat")))
## gwcat <<- fixNonASCII(gwcat)
## !! please reset extractDate as appropriate
## extractDate = "2013.12.03"
### psm =  function(..., appendLF=FALSE )packageStartupMessage(..., appendLF=appendLF)
## psm(paste("'gwcat' data frame now available, provides NHGRI GWAS cat records of ", extractDate,".\n", sep=""))
##if (0) {
## psm("building 'gwrngs', GRanges for studies with located variants...", appendLF=TRUE)
## gwcatloc = gwcat[nchar(gwcat$Chr_pos)>0,]
## assign("gwrngs", gwdf2GRanges(gwcat, extractDate=extractDate), .GlobalEnv)
#psm =  function(..., appendLF=FALSE )packageStartupMessage(..., appendLF=appendLF)
#gwrngs <<- get(load(system.file("data/gwrngs.rda", package="gwascat")))
#psm("Object 'gwrngs' loaded and assigned from serialized version of 2013.12.03.", appendLF=TRUE)
#psm("Use makeCurrentGwascat() to obtain up-to-date image.", appendLF=TRUE)

gwdf2GRanges = function (df, extractDate, seqlSrc ) 
# intent is to take a data frame like that distributed by EMBL/EBI (formerly by NHGRI)
# and convert to a useful GRanges instance, coercing heterogeneous vectors
# to majority type
# NOTE: EMBL/EBI changed the column header case to capitals.  Code
#  will use the new naming convention
# April 30 2020 -- we find that CHR_POS can include NA and c x c and c X c for SNP-SNP interaction studies
# We cannot make these into GRanges.  We hand them back in metadata component
    badpos = unique(c(
              which(is.na(df$CHR_POS)), grep(";|x|X", df$CHR_POS), which(df$CHR_POS=="")))
    nogr = df[badpos,]
    gwcatloc = df[-badpos,]
# put chr prefix to CHR_ID as needed
    ch = as.character(gwcatloc$CHR_ID)
#    if (any(ch == "23")) ch[ch=="23"] = "X"
    if (length(grep("chr", ch)) == 0) 
        ch = paste("chr", ch, sep = "")
    gwrngs = GRanges(seqnames = ch, IRanges(as.numeric(gwcatloc$CHR_POS), 
        width = 1))
    mcols(gwrngs) = gwcatloc
# make numeric p values and addresses
    mcols(gwrngs)[["P-VALUE"]] = 
  as.numeric(as.character(mcols(gwrngs)[["P-VALUE"]])) # was factor
    mcols(gwrngs)$PVALUE_MLOG = as.numeric(as.character(mcols(gwrngs)$PVALUE_MLOG)) # was factor
    mcols(gwrngs)[["OR or BETA"]] = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(mcols(gwrngs)[["OR or BETA"]]))) # was factor
    mcols(gwrngs)$CHR_POS = as.numeric(mcols(gwrngs)$CHR_POS)
# clean out stray whitespace
    badco = mcols(gwrngs)[["STRONGEST SNP-RISK ALLELE"]]
    co = gsub(" $", "", badco)
    mcols(gwrngs)[["STRONGEST SNP-RISK ALLELE"]] = co
# utility to get numeric values in Risk.Allele.Frequency -- note, there may be scientific notation
    killpatt = "\\-|\\+|[[:alpha:]]|\\(|\\)|\\ "
#    nulcToNA = function(x) {isn = which(nchar(x)==0); if (length(isn)>0) x[isn] = NA; x}
    raf = mcols(gwrngs)[["RISK ALLELE FREQUENCY"]] 
    suppressWarnings({raf = as.numeric(raf)}) # will make NA for 'NR', ranges, etc. but keep scientific notation
    mcols(gwrngs)[["RISK ALLELE FREQUENCY"]] = raf
    gwrngs = new("gwaswloc", extractDate = extractDate, gwrngs)
    list(okrngs = gwrngs, nogr = nogr )

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gwascat documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:08 p.m.