
Defines functions .h5dapplyIRanges

.sampleDimMap <- list(
  "Counts" = 2,
  "Coverages" = 1,
  "Deletions" = 1,
  "Reference" = NULL

setGeneric("h5dapply", function(...,range) standardGeneric("h5dapply"))

setMethod("h5dapply", c("numeric"), function(..., blocksize, range){
  stopifnot( is.numeric(range), length(range) == 2, diff(range) > 0, range[1] >= 1 )
  blocksize  = min(blocksize, diff(range))
  retsize    = ceiling(diff(range)/blocksize)
  blockstart = seq( range[1], by = blocksize, length = retsize)
  blockend   = blockstart + blocksize - 1
  blockend[length(blockend)] = min(blockend[length(blockend)], range[2])
  range <- IRanges( start = blockstart, end = blockend )
  .h5dapplyIRanges(..., range = range)

setMethod("h5dapply", c("IRanges"), function(..., range){
  .h5dapplyIRanges(..., range = range)

setMethod("h5dapply", c("GRanges"), function(..., group, range){
  ret <- lapply(seqlevels(range), function(chrom){
    tmpranges <- ranges(keepSeqlevels(range, chrom, pruning.mode = "coarse"))
    tmpgroup <- paste(group, chrom, sep="/")
    .h5dapplyIRanges(..., group=tmpgroup, range = tmpranges)
  names(ret) <- seqlevels(range)

.h5dapplyIRanges <- function( filename, group, blocksize, FUN = function(x) x, ... , names = c("Counts", "Coverages", "Deletions", "Reference"), dims, range, samples = NULL, sampleDimMap = .sampleDimMap, verbose = FALSE, BPPARAM = NULL ) {
  sampleData <- getSampleData( filename, group )
  if( !is.null(samples) ){
    stopifnot(all(samples %in% sampleData$Sample))
    samples = sampleData$Sample  
  selectedColumns <- subset( sampleData, Sample %in% samples )$Column
  f <- H5Fopen(filename, flags = "H5F_ACC_RDONLY")
  g <- H5Gopen(f, group)
  h5Ds <- lapply(names, function(n) H5Dopen(g, n))
  names(h5Ds) <- names
  sizes <- lapply( lapply( lapply(h5Ds, H5Dget_space), H5Sget_simple_extent_dims), function(x) x$size )
  datasets = data.frame(
    Name = names,
    DimCount = sapply( sizes, length ),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  if( missing(dims) ){
    if(!("Counts" %in% names )){
      dCount <- tryCatch(H5Dopen(g, "Counts"), error = function(e) e)
      if(class(dCount) != "H5IdComponent"){
        stop( "If dims is not specified the dataset 'Counts' must exist in the tallyFile" )  
        sCount <- H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(H5Dget_space(dCount))$size
        datasets$PosDim = sapply(sizes, function(x) which(x == sCount[4]))
        message("Guessing chromosome length from 'Counts' dataset, if one of the other dimensions happens to match this length there might be weird behaviour here. In that case, specify the dimensions explicitly.")
      datasets$PosDim = sapply(sizes, function(x) which(x == sizes$Counts[4]))
    datasets$PosDim = dims
    if( !all(dims <= datasets$DimCount & dims >= 1) ) 
      stop( "The specified dimensions 'dims' do not match the structure of the data" )
  chromlength <- sapply(datasets$Name, function(n) sizes[[n]][datasets$PosDim[datasets$Name == n]])
  if( length(unique(chromlength)) == 1 ){
    chromlength = chromlength[1]
    stop( "The specified datasets do not have a common length in the specified dimensions!" )
  if( missing(range) ){
    range = c( 1, chromlength )
  lapply(h5Ds, H5Dclose)
  blockstart <- start(range)
  blockend <- end(range)
  stopifnot( blockstart[1] >= 1, blockend[length(blockend)] <= chromlength )
  blocks = paste( blockstart, blockend, sep=":" )
  applyFUN <- function( b ){
      message( "Processing Block #", b, ": ", blocks[b], sep="")
    vec = vector(mode="list", length=nrow(datasets))
    names(vec) = datasets$Name 
    for( i in seq_len(nrow(datasets)) ){
      idx_list = vector(mode="list", length=datasets$DimCount[i] )
      idx_list[[ datasets$PosDim[i] ]] <- blockstart[b]:blockend[b]
      sampleDim <- sampleDimMap[[datasets$Name[i]]]
        if( sampleDim == datasets$PosDim[i] & !all( sampleData$Sample %in% samples) ){
          stop("Specified binning dimension equals sample dimension - can't subset by sample")
        idx_list[[ sampleDim ]] <- selectedColumns
      vec[[i]] = h5read( filename, paste( group, datasets$Name[i], sep="/" ), index = idx_list )
      if(names(vec)[i] == "Reference"){ #BEGIN: Explicit casting to integer since this now comes out as raw for some reason
        vec[[i]] <- as.integer(vec[[i]])
      }                                 #END:   Explicit casting to integer since this now comes out as raw for some reason
    vec$h5dapplyInfo <- list( Blockstart = blockstart[b], Blockend = blockend[b], Datasets = datasets, Group = group )
    FUN(vec, ... )
    ret = lapply(
    ret = bplapply(seq(along=blocks),
                   function(b, blocks, datasets, ...) {
                   }, blocks=blocks, datasets=datasets, BPPARAM = BPPARAM
  base::names(ret) = blocks
  return( ret )

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h5vc documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:56 p.m.