
#' TFBSs analysis in DNA sequences
#' The package provides functions for determining the positions
#' of motif hits as well as motif hit
#' enrichment for a given position frequency matrix (PFM)
#' in a DNA sequence of interest.
#' The following examples guides you through the main 
#' functions of the `motifcounter` package. 
#' For an analysis with `motifcounter`,
#' the user is required to provide 1) a PFM,
#' 2) a DNA sequence which is used to estimate
#' a background model (see \code{link{readBackground}}),
#' 3) a DNA sequence of interest that shall be scanned for motif hits
#' (can be the same as the one used for point 2),
#' and 4) (optionally) a desired false positive probability of motif hits in
#' random DNA sequences (see \code{\link{motifcounterOptions}}).
#' \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab motifcounter\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab
#' 1.0\cr Date: \tab 2016-11-04\cr License: \tab GPL-2\cr }
#' @name motifcounter-package
#' @aliases motifcounter-package motifcounter
#' @docType package
#' @author Wolfgang Kopp
#' Maintainer: Wolfgang Kopp <kopp@@molgen.mpg.de>
#' @keywords PFM, MotifEnrichment
#' @useDynLib motifcounter, .registration=TRUE
#' @import Biostrings
#' @import methods
#' @examples
#' # Load sequences
#' file = system.file("extdata", "seq.fasta", package = "motifcounter")
#' seqs = Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(file)
#' # Estimate an order-1 background model
#' order = 1
#' bg = readBackground(seqs, order)
#' # Load motif
#' motiffile = system.file("extdata", "x31.tab", package = "motifcounter")
#' motif = t(as.matrix(read.table(motiffile)))
#' # Normalize the motif
#' # Normalization is sometimes necessary to prevent zeros in
#' # the motif
#' motif = normalizeMotif(motif)
#' # Use subset of the sequences
#' seqs = seqs[1:10]
#' # Optionally, set the false positive probability
#' #alpha=0.001 # is also the default
#' #motifcounterOptions(alpha) 
#' # Investigate the per-position and per-strand scores in a given sequence
#' scores = scoreSequence(seqs[[1]], motif, bg)
#' # Investigate the per-position and per-strand motif hits in a given sequence
#' hits = motifHits(seqs[[1]], motif, bg)
#' # Determine the average score profile across a set of sequences
#' scores = scoreProfile(seqs, motif, bg)
#' # Determine the average motif hit profile across a set of sequences
#' hits = motifHitProfile(seqs, motif, bg)
#' # Determine the empirical score distribution
#' scoreHistogram(seqs, motif, bg)
#' # Determine the theoretical score distribution in random sequences
#' scoreDist(motif, bg)
#' # Determine the motif hit enrichment in a set of DNA sequences
#' # 1. Use the compound Poisson approximation
#' #    and scan only a single strand for motif hits
#' result = motifEnrichment(seqs, motif, bg,
#'             singlestranded = TRUE, method = "compound")
#' # Determine the motif hit enrichment in a set of DNA sequences
#' # 2. Use the compound Poisson approximation
#' #    and scan both strands for motif hits
#' result = motifEnrichment(seqs, motif, bg,
#'             singlestranded = FALSE, method = "compound")
#' # Determine the motif hit enrichment in a set of DNA sequences
#' # 3. Use the combinatorial model
#' #    and scan both strands for motif hits
#' result = motifEnrichment(seqs, motif, bg, singlestranded = FALSE,
#'             method = "combinatorial")

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motifcounter documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:44 p.m.