
Defines functions plot_scale plot_responses plot_response plot_subnet plot_expression plot_data PlotMixtureMultivariate PlotMixtureBivariate plotPCA plot_associations

Documented in plot_associations plot_data plot_expression PlotMixtureBivariate PlotMixtureMultivariate plotPCA plot_response plot_responses plot_scale plot_subnet

#' @title Association strength between category labels and responses.
#' @description Plot association strength between user-defined category
#' labels and responses in a selected subnetwork. Associations are showm
#' in terms -log10(p) enrichment values for the annotation categories for the
#' responses within the specified subnetwork. No correction for multiple
#' testing. 
#' @param x NetResponseModel object
#' @param subnet.id Subnetwork.
#' @param labels Factor. Labels for the data samples. Name by samples, or
#' provide in the same order as in the original data.
#' @param method Method to calculate association strength.
#' @param mode group.by.responses or group.by.classes: indicate barplot
#' grouping type.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed for plot_
#' @return Used for side effect (plotting).
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @seealso plot_responses
#' @references See citation('netresponse').
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples #
plot_associations <- function(x, subnet.id, labels, method = "hypergeometric", mode = "group.by.classes", 
    ...) {
    # assumes that labels are in same order as data if names not given
    names(labels) <- rownames(x@datamatrix)
    # Number of responses for this subnet
    N.responses <- length(x@models[[subnet.id]]$w)
    association.tab <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(unique(labels)), ncol = N.responses)
    rownames(association.tab) <- as.character(unique(labels))
    colnames(association.tab) <- names(x@models[[subnet.id]]$w)
    for (lab in unique(labels)) {
        # Pick samples associated with this annotation group
        samples <- names(labels)[which(labels == lab)]
        # Get enrichment information o <- order.responses(x, samples, method =
        # 'hypergeometric')$ordered.responses # for all responses
        enr <- list()
        for (response in seq_len(N.responses)) {
            enr[[response]] <- response.enrichment(x[[subnet.id]]$qofz,
                response, method)
        neg.log.p <- -log10(sapply(enr, function(tab) {
        association.tab[as.character(lab), ] <- unname(neg.log.p)
    if (mode == "group.by.responses") {
        barplot(association.tab, beside = TRUE, legend = TRUE,
        las = 1, cex.names = 0.8, 
            main = "Label/response associations", ylab = "-log10(p)", ...)
    } else if (mode == "group.by.classes") {
        barplot(t(association.tab), beside = TRUE, legend = TRUE,
            las = 1, cex.names = 0.8, 
            main = "Label/response associations", ylab = "-log10(p)", ...)

#' @title plotPCA
#' @description Visualize data, centroids and response confidence intervals
#' for a given
#' subnetwork with PCA. Optionally, color the samples according to annotations
#' labels.
#' @param x NetResponseModel object. Output from the detect.responses function.
#' @param subnet.id Subnetwork id. Either character as 'Subnetwork-2' or
#' numeric as 2, which is then converted to character.
#' @param labels Optional: sample class labels to be indicated in colors.
#' @param confidence Confidence interval for the responses based on the
#' covariances of each response. If NULL, no plotting.
#' @param ... Further arguments for plot function.
#' @return Used for its side-effects.
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @references See citation('netresponse') for citation details.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples #plotPCA(x, subnet.id)
plotPCA <- function(x, subnet.id, labels = NULL, confidence = 0.95, ...) {
    if (!is.null(labels)) {
        if (is.null(names(labels))) {
            names(labels) <- rownames(x@datamatrix)
    if (is.numeric(subnet.id)) {
        subnet.id <- paste("Subnet", subnet.id, sep = "-")
        warning("subnet.id given as numeric; converting to character: ",
            subnet.id, sep = "")
    # model parameters
    m <- get.model.parameters(x, subnet.id)
    # pick data (subnet only)
    dat <- t(get.dat(x, subnet.id))
    # Add cluster centroids
    dat2 <- rbind(dat, m$mu)
    # center the data
    dat.mean <- colMeans(dat)
    dat.centered <- t(t(dat2) - dat.mean)
    # PCA, two principal components
    pca <- princomp(dat.centered)
    # projection plane
    v <- as.matrix(pca$loadings[, seq_len(2)])
    # Projected centroids (in PC space) for the detected components
    dat.pca <- dat.centered %*% v
    nlab <- length(unique(labels))
    if (nlab > 1) {
        my.palette <- palette(rainbow(nlab))
        cols <- my.palette[labels]
    } else {
        cols <- "black"
    plot(dat.pca[seq_len(nrow(dat)), ], main = paste("PCA plot: subnetwork ",
        sep = ""), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
        col = cols, pch = 19)
    if (nlab > 1) {
        legend("topleft", legend = as.character(unique(labels)),
        fill = unique(cols))
    for (ri in seq_len(nrow(m$mu))) {
        # Estimated covariance matrix for the response
        cmat <- diag(m$sd[ri, ]^2)
        # Projection of the covariance matrix in the PCA projection space
        # force it
        # diagonal as it should be
        cmat.projection <- diag(diag(t(v) %*% cmat %*% v))
        # Indicate estimated responses by ellipses
        if (!is.null(confidence)) {
            #add.ellipse(centroid = dat.pca[ri, ],
            # covmat = cmat.projection, confidence = confidence)
            centroid <- dat.pca[ri, ]
            covmat <- cmat.projection
            # add ellipse to a plot
            el <- ellipse(centroid, covmat, confidence, npoints)
            points(el, type = "l", col = col, ...)

#' @title PlotMixtureBivariate
#' @description Visualize data, centroids and response confidence intervals
#' for a given
#' Gaussian mixture model in two-dimensional (bivariate) case. Optionally, 
#' color the samples according to annotations labels.
#' @param x data matrix (samples x features)
#' @param means mode centroids (modes x features)
#' @param sds mode standard deviations, assuming diagonal covariance 
#'    matrices (modes x features, each row giving the sqrt of covariance 
#'    diagonal for the corresponding mode)
#' @param ws weight for each mode
#' @param labels Optional: sample class labels to be indicated in colors.
#' @param confidence Confidence interval for the responses based on the
#' covariances of each response. If NULL, no plotting.
#' @param main title text
#' @param ... Further arguments for plot function.
#' @return Used for its side-effects.
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @references See citation('netresponse') for citation details.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples #plotMixture(dat, means, sds, ws)
PlotMixtureBivariate <- function(x, means, sds, ws, labels = NULL, confidence = 0.95, 
    main = "", ...) {
    if (!is.null(labels)) {
        if (is.null(names(labels))) {
            names(labels) <- rownames(x)
    # Add cluster centroids
    dat.proj <- rbind(x, means)
    nlab <- length(unique(labels))
    if (nlab > 1) {
        my.palette <- palette(rainbow(nlab))
        cols <- my.palette[labels]
    } else {
        cols <- "black"
    plot(dat.proj[seq_len(nrow(x)), ], main = main, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
        xlab = "", 
        ylab = "", col = cols, pch = 19)
    if (nlab > 1) {
        legend("topleft", legend = as.character(unique(labels)),
        fill = unique(cols))
    for (ri in seq_len(nrow(means))) {
        # Estimated covariance matrix for the response
        cmat <- diag(sds[ri, ]^2)
        # Indicate estimated responses by ellipses
        #if (!is.null(confidence)) {
        #    add.ellipse(centroid = dat.proj[ri, ], covmat = cmat, confidence = confidence)

#' @title PlotMixtureMultivariate
#' @description Visualize data, centroids and response confidence intervals for a given
#' Gaussian mixture model with PCA. Optionally, color the samples according 
#' to annotations labels.
#' @param x data matrix (samples x features)
#' @param means mode centroids (modes x features)
#' @param sds mode standard deviations, assuming diagonal covariance matrices 
#'        (modes x features, each row giving the sqrt of covariance diagonal 
#'   for the corresponding mode)
#' @param ws weight for each mode
#' @param labels Optional: sample class labels to be indicated in colors.
#' @param title title
#' @param modes Optional: provide sample modes for visualization already in 
#'   the input
#' @param pca The data is projected on PCA plane by default (pca = TRUE). 
#'   By setting this off (pca = FALSE) it is possible to visualize 
#'   two-dimensional data in the original domain.
#' @param qofz Sample-response probabilistic assignments matrix 
#'   (samples x responses)
#' @param ... Further arguments for plot function.
#' @return Used for its side-effects.
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @references See citation('netresponse') for citation details.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples #plotMixture(dat, means, sds, ws)
PlotMixtureMultivariate <- function(x, means, sds, ws, labels = NULL, title = NULL, 
    modes = NULL, pca = FALSE, qofz = NULL, ...) {
    # Circumvent warnings
    Comp.1 <- Comp.2 <- dat2 <- NULL
    if (!is.null(labels) && is.null(names(labels))) {
        names(labels) <- rownames(x)
    if (pca || ncol(x) > 2) {
        # center the data
        dat.mean <- colMeans(x)
        dat.centered <- t(t(x) - dat.mean)
        # PCA, two principal components
        pca <- princomp(dat.centered)
        # projection plane
        v <- as.matrix(pca$loadings[, seq_len(2)])
        # Projected centroids (in PC space) for the detected components
        dat.pca <- dat.centered %*% v
        pld <- dat.pca
        xtitle <- "PCA1"
        ytitle <- "PCA2"
        if (is.null(title)) {
            title <- paste("PCA (", ncol(x), " features)", sep = "")
    } else {
        pld <- x
        xtitle <- colnames(x)[[1]]
        ytitle <- colnames(x)[[2]]
        if (is.null(title)) {
            title <- "Cross-plot"
    nlab <- length(unique(labels))
    if (nlab > 1) {
        my.palette <- palette(rainbow(nlab))
        cols <- my.palette[labels]
    } else {
        cols <- "black"
    if (is.null(modes)) {
        # Determine the most likely cluster for each sample (-> hard clusters)
        if (is.null(qofz)) {
            qofz <- P.r.s(t(x), list(mu = means, sd = sds, w = ws), log = TRUE)
            rownames(qofz) <- rownames(x)
            colnames(qofz) <- paste("Mode", seq_len(ncol(qofz)), sep = "-")
        modes <- paste("Mode", apply(qofz, 1, which.max), sep = "-")
    # Form data.fframe
    df <- data.frame(list(Comp.1 = pld[, 1], Comp.2 = pld[, 2]))
    df$mode <- factor(modes)
    p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = Comp.1, y = Comp.2, colour = mode)) + geom_point()
    p <- p + ggtitle(title) + xlab(xtitle) + ylab(ytitle)

#' @title Plot observed data. 
#' @description Plotting tool for measurement data.
#' Produces boxplot for each feature in each annotation category for the
#' selected subnetwork.
#' @param x NetResponseModel object.
#' @param subnet.id Specify the subnetwork.
#' @param labels Annotation categories.
#' @param ... Further arguments for plot function.
#' @return ggplot2 plot object
#' @author Leo Lahti <leo.lahti@@iki.fi>
#' @seealso plot_responses
#' @references See citation('netresponse')
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples #
plot_data <- function(x, subnet.id, labels, ...) {
    # ggplot2 boxplots for each user-defined sample category (listed in labels)
    dat <- t(get.dat(x, subnet.id))  # samples x nodes
    df <- data.frame(list(labels = labels, dat))
    dfm <- melt(df, id = "labels")
    p <- ggplot(dfm) + aes(x = labels, y = dfm$value) + facet_wrap(~variable)
    p <- p + geom_boxplot()
    p <- p + ggtitle(paste(subnet.id, ": annotation boxplot", sep = ""))

#' @title plot_expression
#' @description Plot expression matrix in color scale. For one-channel data;
#' plot expression
#' of each gene relative to its mean expression level over all samples. Blue
#' indicates decreased expression and red indicates increased expression.
#' Brightness of the color indicates magnitude of the change. Black denotes no
#' change.
#' @param x samples x features matrix
#' @param maintext main title
#' @param ... optional arguments
#' @return Used for its side effects.
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_scale}}
#' @references See citation('netresponse').
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples #plot_expression(x)
plot_expression <- function(x, maintext, ...) {
    # was: plot_matrix
    # set color breakpoints and palette
    mybreaks <- set.breaks(1, interval = 0.02)
    mypalette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "black", "red"), space = "rgb")
    # compute differential expression in nodes with respect to the mean expression
    # level for each gene
    ctrl.state <- colMeans(x)
    dmat <- t(t(x) - ctrl.state)
    # Color plot of the whole expression matrix, ordered by responses
    tmp <- plot_matrix(dmat, mybreaks = mybreaks, maintext = maintext,
        cexlab = 1, 
        mypalette = mypalette)

#' @title plot_subnet
#' @description Plot the given subnetwork.
#' @param x Result from NetResponse (detect.responses function).
#' @param subnet.id Subnet id.
#' @param network Original network used in the modelling.
#' @param plot_names Plot node names (TRUE) or indices (FALSE).
#' @param ... Further arguments for plot function.
#' @return Used for its side-effects. Returns a matrix that describes the
#' investigated subnetwork.
#' @author Leo Lahti, Olli-Pekka Huovilainen and Antonio Gusmao. Maintainer:
#' Leo Lahti <leo.lahti@@iki.fi>
#' @references L. Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in
#' interaction networks. Submitted.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
#' @examples #
#' # res <- detect.responses(D, netw, verbose = FALSE)
#' # net <- plot_subnet(res, subnet.idx = 1)
plot_subnet <- function(x, subnet.id, network, plot_names = TRUE, ...) {
    if (is.numeric(subnet.id)) {
        subnet.id <- paste("Subnet", subnet.id, sep = "-")
        warning("subnet.id given as numeric; converting to character: ",
            subnet.id, sep = "")
    subnet.nodes <- get.subnets(x)[[subnet.id]]
    mynet <- network[subnet.nodes, subnet.nodes]
    tmp <- plot_response(x = NULL, mynet, mybreaks = NULL, mypalette = NULL,
        colors = FALSE, 
        maintext = subnet.id)

#' @title plot_response
#' @description Plot a specific transcriptional response for a given subnetwork.
#' TRUE, colors = TRUE, plot_type = 'twopi', ...)
#' @param x A numerical vector, or NULL.
#' @param mynet Binary matrix specifying the interactions between nodes.
#' @param mybreaks Specify breakpoints for color plot_
#' @param mypalette Specify palette for color plot_
#' @param plot_names Plot node names (TRUE) or indices (FALSE).
#' @param colors Plot colors. Logical.
#' @param plot_type Network plot mode. For instance, 'neato' or 'twopi'.
#' @param ... Further arguments for plot function.
#' @return Used for its side-effects.
#' @author Leo Lahti, Olli-Pekka Huovilainen and Antonio Gusmao. Maintainer:
#' Leo Lahti <leo.lahti@@iki.fi>
#' @references L. Lahti et al.: Global modeling of transcriptional responses in
#' interaction networks. Submitted.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' #tmp <- plot_response(model, mynet, 
#' #  \tmaintext = paste('Subnetwork', subnet.id))
plot_response <- function(x, mynet, mybreaks, mypalette, plot_names = TRUE, colors = TRUE, 
    plot_type = "twopi", ...) {
    check.bins <- function(difexp, mybreaks) {
        # check color scale bin for each expression value
        bins <- c()
        for (i in seq_len(length(difexp))) {
            # which color bins are smaller than our difexp value (for probet: i, mode:mode)
            inds <- which(difexp[[i]] > mybreaks)
            if (length(inds) == 0) {
                bins[[i]] <- 1
            } else if (length(inds) > 0) {
                bins[[i]] <- max(inds) + 1
    # Add node color for specific nodes
    nAttrs <- list()
    if (colors) {
        bins <- check.bins(x, mybreaks)
        nAttrs$fillcolor <- mypalette(length(mybreaks) + 1)[bins]
    } else {
        nAttrs$fillcolor <- rep("white", nrow(mynet))
    names(nAttrs$fillcolor) <- rownames(mynet)
    # add node names for all nodes
    if (plot_names) {
        nodenames <- rownames(mynet)
    } else {
        nodenames <- rep("", nrow(mynet))
    nAttrs$label <- nodenames
    names(nAttrs$label) <- rownames(mynet)
    myg <- as(new("graphAM", mynet, "undirected"), "graphNEL")
    plot(myg, y = plot_type, nodeAttrs = nAttrs, ...)

#' @title plot_responses
#' @description Plot the detected transcriptional responses for a given
#' subnetwork.
#' plot_mode = 'network', xaxis = TRUE, yaxis = TRUE, plot_type = 'twopi', mar
#' = c(5, 4, 4, 2), horiz = TRUE, datamatrix = NULL, scale = FALSE, ...)
#' @param x Result from NetResponse (detect.responses function).
#' @param subnet.id Subnet id.
#' @param nc Number of columns for an array of images.
#' @param plot_names Plot node names (TRUE) or indices (FALSE).
#' @param plot_mode network: plot responses as a subnetwork graph; matrix,
#' heatmap: plot subnetwork expression matrix. For both, expression of each
#' gene is shown relative to the mean expression level of the gene;
#' boxplot_data: feature-wise boxplots for hard sample-to-response assignments;
#' response.barplot: estimated response centroids as barplot including 95%
#' confidence intervals for the means; pca: PCA projection with estimated
#' centroids and 95% intervals. In 1-dimensional case a histogram is drawn. In
#' two-dimensional case the original coordinates are used.
#' @param xaxis,yaxis Logical. Plot row/column names.
#' @param plot_type Network plot mode. For instance, 'neato' or 'twopi'.
#' @param mar Figure margins.
#' @param horiz Logical. Horizontal barplot_
#' @param datamatrix datamatrix
#' @param scale scale the phylotypes to unit length (only implemented for
#' plot_mode = 'matrix'
#' @param ... Further arguments for plot function.
#' @return Used for its side-effects.
#' @author Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@@iki.fi}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_scale}}
#' @references See citation('netresponse')
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
#' @examples #
#' #res <- detect.responses(D, netw)
#' #vis <- plot_responses(res, subnet.id)
plot_responses <- function(x, subnet.id, nc = 3, plot_names = TRUE, plot_mode = "network", 
    xaxis = TRUE, yaxis = TRUE, plot_type = "twopi", mar = c(5, 4, 4, 2), horiz = TRUE, 
    datamatrix = NULL, scale = FALSE, ...) {
    responses <- NULL
    variable <- NULL
    p <- NULL  # return ggplot2 object if available
    if (is.null(datamatrix)) {
        datamatrix <- x@datamatrix
    value <- tmp <- NULL
    if (is.numeric(subnet.id)) {
        subnet.id <- paste("Subnet", subnet.id, sep = "-")
    warning("subnet.id given as numeric; converting to character: ", "Subnet-", 
            subnet.id, sep = "")
    pars <- get.model.parameters(x, subnet.id)
    subnet.nodes <- get.subnets(x)[[subnet.id]]
    datamatrix <- datamatrix[, subnet.nodes]
    if (class(x@network) %in% c("graphNEL", "igraph")) {
        # FIXME speedup by just converting the correct subset, not whole matrix
        mynet <- as(x@network, "graphAM")@adjMat
        rownames(mynet) <- colnames(mynet) <- nodes(x@network)
        mynet <- mynet[subnet.nodes, subnet.nodes]
    } else {
        mynet <- x@network[subnet.nodes, subnet.nodes]
    # Set color breakpoints and palette
    mybreaks <- set.breaks(1, interval = 0.02)
    mypalette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"), space = "rgb")
    # compute differential expression in nodes with respect to the mean
    # expression
    # level for each gene
    ctrl.state <- colMeans(datamatrix)
    centroids <- t(pars$mu)
    difexp <- apply(centroids, 2, function(x) {
        x - ctrl.state
    rownames(difexp) <- rownames(centroids)
    # Determine the most likely mode for each sample (-> hard clusters)
    qofz <- x@models[[subnet.id]]$qofz
    modes <- apply(qofz, 1, which.max)
    if (plot_mode == "network") {
        par(mfrow = c(ceiling(length(pars$w)/nc), nc))
        for (comp in seq_len(length(pars$w))) {
            tmp <- plot_response(difexp[, comp], mynet, mybreaks,
                mypalette, plot_names, 
                main = paste(subnet.id, "/Response-", comp, sep = ""),
                plot_type = plot_type, 
    } else if (plot_mode == "matrix" || plot_mode == "heatmap") {
        # order samples according to responses
        s2r <- apply(x[[subnet.id]]$qofz, 1, which.max)
        ordered.samples <- order(s2r)
        dmat <- datamatrix[ordered.samples, subnet.nodes]
        dmat <- t(t(dmat) - ctrl.state)
        if (scale) {
            dmat <- scale(dmat, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE)
        par(mfrow = c())
        # Color plot of the whole expression matrix, ordered by responses
        if (horiz) {
            tmp <- plot_matrix(t(dmat), mybreaks = mybreaks,
                maintext = subnet.id, 
                xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, palette = mypalette,
                xaxis = yaxis, yaxis = xaxis, 
                mar = mar, ...)
        } else {
            tmp <- plot_matrix(dmat, mybreaks = mybreaks,
                maintext = subnet.id, xlab = NULL, 
                ylab = NULL, palette = mypalette,
                xaxis = xaxis, yaxis = yaxis, mar = mar, 
    } else if (plot_mode == "boxplot_data") {
        s2r <- apply(x[[subnet.id]]$qofz, 1, which.max)
        label <- factor(s2r)
        # Ggplot2 boxplot handy as determines the grid size
        # automatically List samples in
        # each response (hard assignments)
        dat <- t(get.dat(x, subnet.id))  # samples x nodes
        df <- data.frame(list(responses = label, dat))
        dfm <- melt(df, id = "responses")
        p <- ggplot(dfm) + aes(x = responses, y = value) + facet_wrap(~variable)
        p <- p + geom_boxplot()
        p <- p + ggtitle(paste(subnet.id, ": response boxplot", sep = ""))
    } else if (plot_mode == "response.barplot") {
        # FIXME: does not work
        # Plot cross-bars for estimated means and 95% intervals for each
        # response for
        # each node
        m <- get.model.parameters(x, subnet.id)
        # Use 1.96*std of the mean (95% quantile) for error limits
        # using the soft assignment sum as the sample size for each
        # cluster FIXME: use directly the parametric estimates from
        # the model?  NOTE: that wouldn't work with pca.basis version
        # directly
        # note: reverse the groups since also sds is reversed
        s2r <- apply(x[[subnet.id]]$qofz, 1, which.max)
        dat <- t(get.dat(x, subnet.id))  # samples x nodes
        response <- factor(s2r)
        # factor(apply(sample2response(x, subnet.id), 1, which.max))
        df <- data.frame(dat)
        df$response <- response
        dfm <- melt(df, id.var = "response")
        ggplot(dfm) + aes(x = response, y = value, fill = response) +
            facet_wrap(~variable) + 
            geom_bar(stat = "identity")
        # mean and std of mean
        df <- ddply(dfm, c("response", "variable"), function(dd) {
            c(mean = mean(dd$value),
                sd = 1.96 * sd(dd$value)/sqrt(sum(x[[subnet.id]]$qofz[, 
        p <- qplot(response, mean, fill = variable,
            data = df, geom = "bar", position = "dodge")
        p <- p + geom_errorbar(aes(ymax = mean + sd, ymin = mean - sd),
            position = "dodge") + 
    } else if (plot_mode == "pca") {
        dmat <- datamatrix[, subnet.nodes]
        if (length(subnet.nodes) == 1) {
            p <- PlotMixtureUnivariate(dmat, modes = modes,
            title.text = subnet.id, 
            xlab.text = "Component score",
            ylab.text = "Frequency", binwidth = 0.1)
        } else {
            if (ncol(dmat) > 2) {
                pca <- TRUE
            } else {
                pca <- FALSE
            p <- PlotMixtureMultivariate(dmat, modes = modes,
            title = subnet.id, pca = pca)
    list(breaks = mybreaks, palette = mypalette, info = tmp, p = p)

#' @title plot_scale
#' @description Plot the color scale used in visualization.
#' @param x Breakpoints for the plot_
#' @param y Color palette.
#' @param m Breakpoints' upper limit.
#' @param cex.axis Axis scale.
#' @param label.step Density of the labels.
#' @param interval Interval.
#' @param two.sided Plot two-sided (TRUE) or one-sided (FALSE) visualization.
#' @param label.start Label starting point.
#' @param Nlab Number of labels to plot_
#' @param ... Further arguments for plot function.
#' @return Used for its side-effects.
#' @author Leo Lahti <leo.lahti@@iki.fi>
#' @references See citation('netresponse')
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples #
#'   #res <- detect.responses(D, netw, verbose = FALSE)
#'   #vis <- plot_responses(res, subnet.idx)
#'   #plot_scale(vis$breaks, vis$palette)
plot_scale <- function(x, y, m = NULL, cex.axis = 1.5, label.step = 2, interval = 0.1, 
    two.sided = TRUE, label.start = NULL, Nlab = 3, ...) {
    if (two.sided) {
        if (length(m) > 0) {
            x <- set.breaks(m, interval)
        } else {
            mm <- max(x[-c(1, length(x))])
            m <- mm - interval/2
        image(t(as.matrix(seq(-mm, mm, length = 100))),
            col = y(length(x) - 1), xaxt = "n", 
            yaxt = "n", zlim = range(x), breaks = x)
        ndigits <- nchar(unlist(strsplit(as.character(mm), "\\."))[[2]])
        digit.step <- 10^(-ndigits)
        labs <- seq(-mm, mm, by = digit.step)
        label.start <- -max(abs(round(labs, ndigits)))
        start.position <- match(-label.start, round(labs, ndigits))
        end.position <- match(label.start, round(labs, ndigits))
        inds <- seq(start.position, end.position, length = Nlab)
        axis(2, at = inds/length(labs),
            labels = labs[inds], cex.axis = cex.axis, 
            las = 2)
    if (!two.sided) {
        mm <- max(x) + 1e+06  # infty
        m <- max(x)
        labs <- seq(0, m, label.step)
        inds <- sapply(labs, function(lab) {
            min(which(lab <= x))
        image(t(as.matrix(seq(0, m, length = 100))),
        col = y(length(x) - 1), xaxt = "n", 
            yaxt = "n", zlim = range(x), breaks = x)
        int <- 1/(length(x) - 1)
        axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = int)[inds],
        labels = labs, cex.axis = cex.axis, 
            las = 2)

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netresponse documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:04 p.m.