
Defines functions lopims lopims5 lopims4 refNormMeanOfNonNAPepSum refNormMedOfPepRatio lopims3 lopims2 lopims1

Documented in lopims lopims1 lopims2 lopims3 lopims4 lopims5

##' @noRd
lopims1 <- function(hdmsedir, fastafile, mfdr = 0.025) {
  HDMSeFinalPeptideFiles <- dir(hdmsedir, full.names = TRUE)
  message("[LOPIMS 1] Estimate master FDR")
  cmb <- synapter::estimateMasterFdr(HDMSeFinalPeptideFiles,
                                     masterFdr = mfdr,
                                     verbose = TRUE)
  message("[LOPIMS 1] Make master run")
  master <- synapter::makeMaster(HDMSeFinalPeptideFiles[synapter::bestComb(cmb)],
                                 verbose = TRUE)
  return(list(master = master,
              cmb = cmb))

##' @noRd
lopims2 <- function(msedir, pep3ddir, fasta,
                     master, outdir,
                     ...) {
  cmb <- master$cmb
  master <- master$master
  ## master file
  masterfile <- file.path(outdir, "master.rds")
  cmbfile <- file.path(outdir, "cmb.rds")
  saveRDS(master, file = masterfile)
  save(cmb, file = cmbfile)
  ## mse files
  msefiles <- dir(msedir, full.names = TRUE)
  pep3dfiles <- dir(pep3ddir, full.names = TRUE)
  stopifnot(length(msefiles) == length(pep3dfiles))
  n <- length(msefiles)
  ## iterate of each file pairs
  res <- lapply(seq_along(msefiles),
                function(i) {
                  message("[LOPIMS 2] Synergising file ", i, " out of ", n)
                  .outputdir <- file.path(outdir, paste0("synapter_results_", i))
                  .input <- list(identpeptide = masterfile,
                                 quantpeptide = msefiles[i],
                                 quantpep3d = pep3dfiles[i],
                                 fasta = fasta)
                  synapter::synergise(filenames = .input,
                                      outputdir = .outputdir,
                                      master = TRUE,

##' @noRd
lopims3 <- function(synlist) {
  message("[LOPIMS 3] Combine synapter results")
  ll <- lapply(synlist, as, "MSnSet")
  nms <- paste0("LOPIMS", seq_along(ll))
  ll <- lapply(seq_along(ll), function(i) {
    sampleNames(ll[[i]]) <- nms[i]
    ll[[i]] <- updateFvarLabels(ll[[i]], nms[i])
  Reduce(combine, ll)

refNormMedOfPepRatio <- function(x) {
    ## Polpitiya, A., Qian, W., Jaitly, N., Petyuk, V. et al., DAnTE: a
    ## statistical tool for quantitative analysis of -omics data.
    ## Bioinformatics 2008, 24, 1556 - 1558.
    ## See also Matzke et al. Proteomics DOI 10.1002/pmic.201200269 Ratio
    ## all peptides to the peptide with the least amount of missing
    ## values; Protein abundance is the median of the scaled peptide
    ## abundances
    ref <- which.min(apply(x, 2, function(.x) sum(is.na(.x))))
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    .res <- apply(x, 1, function(.x) {
        .xref <- .x[ref]
    res <- t(.res)
    apply(res, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)

refNormMeanOfNonNAPepSum <- function(x) {
  ## For each protein:
  ## (1) Find ref fraction with least amount of missing values
  ## (2) For each (frac_i, frac_ref), consider only peptides
  ##     without missing values, break ties using max(sum(int))
  ## (3) Calculate mean(sum(frac_i), sum(frac_ref))
  ref <- apply(x, 2, function(.x) sum(is.na(.x)))
  idx <- which(ref == min(ref)) ## indices if min na columns
  if (length(idx) > 1) {
    sms <- colSums(x, na.rm = TRUE)
    ## index of max sum from the min na columns
    jdx <- which.max(sms[idx])
    ref <- idx[jdx]
  } else {
    ref <- which.min(ref)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  .res <- rep(-1, ncol(x))
  for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
    sel_i <- !is.na(x[, i])
    sel_ref <- !is.na(x[, ref])
    sel <- sel_i & sel_ref
    .res[i] <- sum(x[sel, i])/sum(x[sel, ref])

##' @noRd
lopims4 <- function(xx) {
  ## remove rows with only NAs
  xx <- xx[!apply(exprs(xx), 1, function(x) all(is.na(x))), ]
  message("[LOPIMS 4] Calculate ratios to reference peptide")
  res <- by(exprs(xx),
  res2 <- Reduce(rbind, res)
  rownames(res2) <- names(res)
  xx2 <- combineFeatures(xx, fData(xx)$protein.Accession.LOPIMS1,
                         fun = median, na.rm=TRUE)
  ## xx2 <- MSnbase:::nologging(xx2)
  exprs(xx2) <- res2
  xx2@processingData@processing <-
      paste0("Normalised intensities to reference fraction: ",
  sampleNames(xx2) <- sampleNames(xx)
  if (validObject(xx2))

##' @noRd
lopims5 <- function(x, markerfile) {
  message("[LOPIMS 5] Adding markers")
  addMarkers(x, markerfile, verbose = TRUE)

##' The function processes MSe data using the \code{\link[synapter]{synergise}}
##' function of the \code{\link[synapter]{synapter}} package and combines resulting
##' \code{\link[synapter]{Synapter}} instances into one \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}
##' and organelle marker data is added as a feature-level annotation variable.
##' The \code{LOPIMS} pipeline is composed of 5 steps:
##' \enumerate{
##' \item The HDMSe final peptide files are used to compute false
##' discovery rates uppon all possible combinations of HDMSe final
##' peptides files and the best combination smaller or equal to
##' \code{mfdr} is chosen.  See
##' \code{\link[synapter]{estimateMasterFdr}} for details.  The
##' corresponding master run is then created as descibed in
##' \code{\link[synapter]{makeMaster}}. (function \code{lopims1})
##' \item Each MSe/pep3D pair is processed using the HDMSe master file
##' using \code{\link[synapter]{synergise}}. (function \code{lopims2})
##' \item The respective peptide-level \code{synergise} output objects
##' are converted and combined into an single
##' \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} instance. (function \code{lopims3})
##' \item Protein-level quantitation is inferred as follows.  For each
##' protein, a reference sample/fraction is chosen based on the number
##' of missing values (\code{NA}). If several samples have a same
##' minimal number of \code{NA}s, ties are broken using the sum of
##' counts.  The peptides that do not display any missing values for
##' each (frac_{i}, frac_{ref}) pair are summed and the ratio is
##' reported (see pRoloc:::refNormMeanOfNonNAPepSum for
##' details). (function \code{lopims4})
##' \item The markers defined in the \code{markerfile} are collated as
##' feature meta-data in the \code{markers} variable.  See
##' \code{\link{addMarkers}} for details. (function \code{lopims5})
##' }
##' Intermediate \code{synergise} reports as well as resulting objects
##' are stored in a \code{LOPIMS_pipeline} directory.
##' For details, please refer to the \code{synapter} vignette and
##' reference papers.
##' @references
##'     Improving qualitative and quantitative performance for
##'     MSE-based label free proteomics N.J. Bond, P.V. Shliaha,
##'     K.S. Lilley and L. Gatto Journal of Proteome Research,
##'     2013;12(6):2340-53. PMID: 23510225.
##'     The Effects of Travelling Wave Ion Mobility Separation on Data
##'     Independent Acquisition in Proteomics Studies P.V. Shliaha,
##'     N.J. Bond, L. Gatto and K.S. Lilley Journal of Proteome
##'     Research, 2013;12(6):2323-39. PMID: 23514362.
##'     MSnbase-an R/Bioconductor package for isobaric tagged mass
##'     spectrometry data visualization, processing and
##'     quantitation. L. Gatto and KS. Lilley. Bioinformatics. 2012
##'     Jan 15;28(2):288-9.  doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr645. Epub
##'     2011 Nov 22. PubMed PMID: 22113085.
##' @title A complete LOPIMS pipeline
##' @param hdmsedir A \code{character} identifying the directory
##' containing the HDMSe final peptide files. Default is \code{HDMSe}.
##' @param msedir A \code{character} identifying the directory
##' containing the MSe final peptide files. Default is \code{MSe}.
##' @param pep3ddir A \code{character} identifying the directory
##' containing the MSe pep 3D files. Default is \code{pep3D}.
##' @param fastafile A \code{character} identifying the protein
##' fasta database. Default is to use the fasta file in the current
##' directory. If several such files exist, the function reports an
##' error.
##' @param markerfile A \code{character} identifying the marker
##' file (see details for format). Default is to use a \code{csv} file
##' starting with \code{marker} in the current directory.
##' If several such files exist, the function reports an error.
##' @param mfdr The master FDR value. Default is 0.025.
##' @param ... Additional paramters passed to \code{\link[synapter]{synergise}}.
##' @return An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} with protein
##' level quantitation and respective organelle markers.
##' @author Laurent Gatto
##' @aliases lopims1 lopims2 lopims3 lopims4 lopims5
lopims <- function(hdmsedir = "HDMSE",
                   msedir = "MSE",
                   pep3ddir = "pep3D",
                   mfdr = 0.025,
                   ...) {

  msg0 <-
    paste("\n ------------------------------------------------------------\n",
          "This free open-source software implements academic research. \n",
          "If you use it, please cite:\n\n",
          "L. Gatto and KS. Lilley. MSnbase - an R/Bioconductor\n",
          "package for isobaric tagged mass spectrometry data visualization,\n",
          "processing and quantitation. Bioinformatics 28, 288-289 (2012).\n\n",
          "N.J. Bond, P.V. Shliaha, K.S. Lilley and L. Gatto Improving\n",
          "qualitative and quantitative performance for MSE-based label free\n",
          "proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research, 2013;12(6):2340-53.\n\n",
          "The Effects of Travelling Wave Ion Mobility Separation on\n",
          "Data Independent Acquisition in Proteomics Studies\n",
          "P.V. Shliaha, N.J. Bond, L. Gatto and K.S. Lilley Journal of\n",
          "Proteome Research, 2013;12(6):2323-39. PMID: 23514362.\n\n",
          "Gatto L, Breckels LM, Wieczorek S, Burger T, Lilley KS.\n",
          "Mass-spectrometry-based spatial proteomics data analysis using pRoloc\n",
          "and pRolocdata. Bioinformatics. 2014 May 1;30(9):1322-4.\n",
          "doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu013. Epub 2014 Jan 11. PubMed PMID:\n",
          "24413670; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3998135.\n",

  version <- "0.1.1"
  released <- "2013/03/29"
  msg1 <- paste0("LOPIMS pipline version ", version, " (", released, "), using\n",
                 "synapter ", packageVersion("synapter"),
                 ", MSnbase ", packageVersion("MSnbase"),
                 " and pRoloc ", packageVersion("pRoloc"), ".\n\n")

  if (missing(fastafile)) {
    fastafile <- dir(pattern = "\\.fasta$")
    if (length(fastafile) != 1)
      stop("Require exactly one fasta file in directory.")
  if (missing(markerfile)) {
    markerfile <- dir(pattern = "marker.*\\.csv$")
    if (length(markerfile) != 1)
      stop("Require exactly one markers csv file in directory.")
  mainoutputdir <- paste0("LOPIMS_pipeline_",
                          format(Sys.time(), "%a_%b_%d_%H.%M.%S_%Y"))
  message("[LOPIMS  ] Results will be saved to ", mainoutputdir)

  master <- lopims1(hdmsedir, fastafile, mfdr)
  res <- lopims2(msedir, pep3ddir, fastafile,
                  mainoutputdir, ...)
  msn <- lopims3(res)
  msn <- lopims4(msn)
  lopims <- lopims5(msn, markerfile)
              file = file.path(mainoutputdir, "lopims.txt"),
              fDataCols = fvarLabels(lopims))
  save(lopims, file = file.path(mainoutputdir, "lopims.rda"))
  SOFTWARE <- file.path(mainoutputdir, "SOFTWARE")
  cat(msg0, file = SOFTWARE)
  cat(msg1, file = SOFTWARE, append = TRUE)

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pRoloc documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:26 p.m.