
Defines functions writeFilesForKiwi

Documented in writeFilesForKiwi

#' Write files for Kiwi
#' Given a single object or a list of objects of class GSAres, extract the
#' information needed for visualization in the external python function Kiwi
#' and write it to files that can be used as input.
#' This function takes the result from a gene set analysis as returned by the
#' \code{\link{runGSA}} function and writes three files that can be directly
#' used as input to Kiwi. Kiwi is a external function i python that can be used
#' for network-based visualization of the GSA results (http://sysbio.se/kiwi).
#' @param gsaRes either an object of class \code{GSAres} or a list where each
#' element is an object of class \code{GSAres}, as returned by the
#' \code{runGSA} function.
#' @param label a character string that will be appended to the names of the
#' resulting files.
#' @param overwrite a logical, whether or not to overwrite existing files with
#' identical names.
#' @return Three files are written in the current directory. GSC.txt contains
#' the gene-gene set associations, i.e. the gene set collection. GLS.txt
#' contains the gene-level statistics. GSS.txt contains the gene set
#' statistics.
#' @author Leif Varemo \email{piano.rpkg@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{piano}}, \code{\link{runGSA}}, \code{\link{networkPlot}}
#' @examples
#'    # Load some example GSA results:
#'    data(gsa_results)
#'    # Write the files:
#'    writeFilesForKiwi(gsa_results,"exp1")
writeFilesForKiwi <- function(gsaRes, label="", overwrite=FALSE) {

   # Error checks:
   listExists <- FALSE
   if(is(gsaRes, "list")) {
      gsaResList <- gsaRes
      gsaRes <- gsaRes[[1]]
      listExists <- TRUE
   if(!is(gsaRes, "GSAres")) stop("argument gsaRes should be of class GSAres or a list of GSAres objects")
   if(!is(label, "character") | length(label)!=1) stop("argument label should be a character string")
   if(nchar(label)>0) {
      label <- paste("_",label,sep="")

   # Gene set - gene file:
   gsc <- gsaRes$gsc
   gscTable <- vector()
   for(i in 1:length(gsc)) {
      gscTable <- rbind(gscTable,cbind(names(gsc)[i],gsc[[i]]))
   filename <- paste("GSC",label,".txt",sep="")
   if(!file.exists(filename)) {
      write.table(gscTable, file=filename, sep="\t",
                  col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
   } else {
      if(overwrite) {
         write.table(gscTable, file=filename, sep="\t",
                     col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
         warning(paste("file ",filename)," was overwritten")
      } else {
         stop("files with identical names already exist, replace names or enforce overwriting")

   # Gene-level statistics file:
   if(gsaRes$geneStatType == "t") {
      warning("Only gene-level p-values are currently supported to be exported to Kiwi. Skipping GLS-file.") # Not supported in Kiwi yet
      #t <- gsaRes$geneLevelStats
      #fc <- sign(t)
      #glTable <- merge(p,fc,by=0)
      #colnames(glTable) <- c("g","t","FC")
   } else if(gsaRes$geneStatType == "p-signed") {
      p <- gsaRes$geneLevelStats
      fc <- gsaRes$directions
      glTable <- data.frame(g=rownames(p),p=p[,1],FC=fc[,1],stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      colnames(glTable) <- c("g","p","FC")
   } else {
     warning("Only gene-level p-values are currently supported to be exported to Kiwi. Skipping GLS-file.") # Not supported in Kiwi yet
   filename <- paste("GLS",label,".txt",sep="")
   if(!file.exists(filename)) {
      write.table(glTable, file=filename, sep="\t",
                  col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
   } else {
      if(overwrite) {
         write.table(glTable, file=filename, sep="\t",
                     col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
         warning(paste("file ",filename)," was overwritten")
      } else {
         stop("files with identical names already exist, replace names or enforce overwriting")

   # Gene set statistics file:
   if(listExists) {
      suppressWarnings(tmp1 <- consensusHeatmap(gsaResList,cutoff=Inf, adjusted=TRUE, plot=FALSE)$pMat)
      suppressWarnings(tmp2 <- consensusHeatmap(gsaResList,cutoff=Inf, adjusted=FALSE, plot=FALSE)$pMat)
      gsTable <- merge(tmp1,tmp2,by=0)
      colnames(gsTable) <- c("Name",
                             "p adj (dist.dir.dn)","p adj (mix.dir.dn)","p adj (non-dir.)",
                             "p adj (mix.dir.up)","p adj (dist.dir.up)",
                             "p (dist.dir.dn)","p (mix.dir.dn)","p (non-dir.)",
                             "p (mix.dir.up)","p (dist.dir.up)")

      filename <- paste("GSS",label,".txt",sep="")
      if(!file.exists(filename)) {
         write.table(gsTable, file=filename, sep="\t",
                     col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
      } else {
         if(overwrite) {
            write.table(gsTable, file=filename, sep="\t",
                        col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
            warning(paste("file ",filename)," was overwritten")
         } else {
            stop("files with identical names already exist, replace names or enforce overwriting")
   } else {
      filename <- paste("GSS",label,".txt",sep="")
      if(!file.exists(filename)) {
      } else {
         if(overwrite) {
            warning(paste("file ",filename)," was overwritten")
         } else {
            stop("files with identical names already exist, replace names or enforce overwriting")

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piano documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:27 p.m.