## ----vignetteSetup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning = FALSE----------------
## Track time spent on making the vignette
startTime <- Sys.time()
## Bib setup
## Write bibliography information
bib <- c(
R = citation(),
AnnotationDbi = RefManageR::BibEntry(
bibtype = "manual",
key = "AnnotationDbi",
author = "Hervé Pagès and Marc Carlson and Seth Falcon and Nianhua Li",
title = "AnnotationDbi: Annotation Database Interface",
year = 2017, doi = "10.18129/B9.bioc.AnnotationDbi"
BiocParallel = citation("BiocParallel"),
BiocStyle = citation("BiocStyle"),
derfinder = citation("derfinder")[1],
DESeq2 = citation("DESeq2"),
sessioninfo = citation("sessioninfo"),
downloader = citation("downloader"),
EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79 = citation("EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79"),
GEOquery = citation("GEOquery"),
GenomeInfoDb = RefManageR::BibEntry(
bibtype = "manual",
key = "GenomeInfoDb",
author = "Sonali Arora and Martin Morgan and Marc Carlson and H. Pagès",
title = "GenomeInfoDb: Utilities for manipulating chromosome and other 'seqname' identifiers",
year = 2017, doi = "10.18129/B9.bioc.GenomeInfoDb"
GenomicFeatures = citation("GenomicFeatures"),
GenomicRanges = citation("GenomicRanges"),
IRanges = citation("IRanges"),
knitr = citation("knitr")[3], = citation(""),
RCurl = citation("RCurl"),
recount = citation("recount")[1],
recountworkflow = citation("recount")[2],
phenopredict = citation("recount")[3],
regionReport = citation("regionReport"),
rentrez = citation("rentrez"),
RefManageR = citation("RefManageR")[1],
rmarkdown = citation("rmarkdown")[1],
rtracklayer = citation("rtracklayer"),
S4Vectors = RefManageR::BibEntry(
bibtype = "manual", key = "S4Vectors",
author = "Hervé Pagès and Michael Lawrence and Patrick Aboyoun",
title = "S4Vectors: S4 implementation of vector-like and list-like objects",
year = 2017, doi = "10.18129/B9.bioc.S4Vectors"
SummarizedExperiment = RefManageR::BibEntry(
bibtype = "manual",
key = "SummarizedExperiment",
author = "Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain and Jim Hester and Hervé Pagès",
title = "SummarizedExperiment: SummarizedExperiment container",
year = 2017, doi = "10.18129/B9.bioc.SummarizedExperiment"
testthat = citation("testthat")
## ----'installDer', eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------------
# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# }
# BiocManager::install("recount")
# ## Check that you have a valid Bioconductor installation
# BiocManager::valid()
## ----'citation'---------------------------------------------------------------
## Citation info
## ----'ultraQuick', eval = FALSE-----------------------------------------------
# ## Load library
# library("recount")
# ## Find a project of interest
# project_info <- abstract_search("GSE32465")
# ## Download the gene-level RangedSummarizedExperiment data
# download_study(project_info$project)
# ## Load the data
# load(file.path(project_info$project, "rse_gene.Rdata"))
# ## Browse the project at SRA
# browse_study(project_info$project)
# ## View GEO ids
# colData(rse_gene)$geo_accession
# ## Extract the sample characteristics
# geochar <- lapply(split(colData(rse_gene), seq_len(nrow(colData(rse_gene)))), geo_characteristics)
# ## Note that the information for this study is a little inconsistent, so we
# ## have to fix it.
# geochar <-, lapply(geochar, function(x) {
# if ("cells" %in% colnames(x)) {
# colnames(x)[colnames(x) == "cells"] <- "cell.line"
# return(x)
# } else {
# return(x)
# }
# }))
# ## We can now define some sample information to use
# sample_info <- data.frame(
# run = colData(rse_gene)$run,
# group = ifelse(grepl("uninduced", colData(rse_gene)$title), "uninduced", "induced"),
# gene_target = sapply(colData(rse_gene)$title, function(x) {
# strsplit(strsplit(
# x,
# "targeting "
# )[[1]][2], " gene")[[1]][1]
# }),
# cell.line = geochar$cell.line
# )
# ## Scale counts by taking into account the total coverage per sample
# rse <- scale_counts(rse_gene)
# ## Add sample information for DE analysis
# colData(rse)$group <- sample_info$group
# colData(rse)$gene_target <- sample_info$gene_target
# ## Perform differential expression analysis with DESeq2
# library("DESeq2")
# ## Specify design and switch to DESeq2 format
# dds <- DESeqDataSet(rse, ~ gene_target + group)
# ## Perform DE analysis
# dds <- DESeq(dds, test = "LRT", reduced = ~gene_target, fitType = "local")
# res <- results(dds)
# ## Explore results
# plotMA(res, main = "DESeq2 results for SRP009615")
# ## Make a report with the results
# library("regionReport")
# DESeq2Report(dds,
# res = res, project = "SRP009615",
# intgroup = c("group", "gene_target"), outdir = ".",
# output = "SRP009615-results"
# )
## ----'er_analysis', eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------
# ## Define expressed regions for study SRP009615, only for chromosome Y
# regions <- expressed_regions("SRP009615", "chrY",
# cutoff = 5L,
# maxClusterGap = 3000L
# )
# ## Compute coverage matrix for study SRP009615, only for chromosome Y
# system.time(rse_ER <- coverage_matrix("SRP009615", "chrY", regions))
# ## Round the coverage matrix to integers
# covMat <- round(assays(rse_ER)$counts, 0)
# ## Get phenotype data for study SRP009615
# pheno <- colData(rse_ER)
# ## Complete the phenotype table with the data we got from GEO
# m <- match(pheno$run, sample_info$run)
# pheno <- cbind(pheno, sample_info[m, 2:3])
# ## Build a DESeqDataSet
# dds_ers <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
# countData = covMat, colData = pheno,
# design = ~ gene_target + group
# )
# ## Perform differential expression analysis with DESeq2 at the ER-level
# dds_ers <- DESeq(dds_ers,
# test = "LRT", reduced = ~gene_target,
# fitType = "local"
# )
# res_ers <- results(dds_ers)
# ## Explore results
# plotMA(res_ers, main = "DESeq2 results for SRP009615 (ER-level, chrY)")
# ## Create a more extensive exploratory report
# DESeq2Report(dds_ers,
# res = res_ers,
# project = "SRP009615 (ER-level, chrY)",
# intgroup = c("group", "gene_target"), outdir = ".",
# output = "SRP009615-results-ER-level-chrY"
# )
## ----'install', eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("recount")
## ----'start', message=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
## Load recount R package
## ----'search_abstract'--------------------------------------------------------
## Find a project of interest
project_info <- abstract_search("GSE32465")
## Explore info
## ----'download'---------------------------------------------------------------
## Download the gene-level RangedSummarizedExperiment data
## Load the data
load(file.path(project_info$project, "rse_gene.Rdata"))
## Delete it if you don't need it anymore
unlink(project_info$project, recursive = TRUE)
## ----'explore_rse'------------------------------------------------------------
## This is the sample phenotype data provided by the recount project
## At the gene level, the row data includes the gene Gencode ids, the gene
## symbols and the sum of the disjoint exons widths, which can be used for
## taking into account the gene length.
## At the exon level, you can get the gene Gencode ids from the names of:
# rowRanges(rse_exon)
## ----'browse'-----------------------------------------------------------------
## Browse the project at SRA
## ----'sample_info', warning = FALSE-------------------------------------------
## View GEO ids
## Extract the sample characteristics
geochar <- lapply(split(colData(rse_gene), seq_len(nrow(colData(rse_gene)))), geo_characteristics)
## Note that the information for this study is a little inconsistent, so we
## have to fix it.
geochar <-, lapply(geochar, function(x) {
if ("cells" %in% colnames(x)) {
colnames(x)[colnames(x) == "cells"] <- "cell.line"
} else {
## We can now define some sample information to use
sample_info <- data.frame(
run = colData(rse_gene)$run,
group = ifelse(grepl("uninduced", colData(rse_gene)$title), "uninduced", "induced"),
gene_target = sapply(colData(rse_gene)$title, function(x) {
"targeting "
)[[1]][2], " gene")[[1]][1]
cell.line = geochar$cell.line
## ----'scale_counts'-----------------------------------------------------------
## Scale counts by taking into account the total coverage per sample
rse <- scale_counts(rse_gene)
##### Details about counts #####
## Scale counts to 40 million mapped reads. Not all mapped reads are in exonic
## sequence, so the total is not necessarily 40 million.
colSums(assays(rse)$counts) / 1e6
## Compute read counts
rse_read_counts <- read_counts(rse_gene)
## Difference between read counts and number of reads downloaded by Rail-RNA
colSums(assays(rse_read_counts)$counts) / 1e6 -
colData(rse_read_counts)$reads_downloaded / 1e6
## Check the help page for read_counts() for more details
## ----'add_sample_info'--------------------------------------------------------
## Add sample information for DE analysis
colData(rse)$group <- sample_info$group
colData(rse)$gene_target <- sample_info$gene_target
## ----'de_analysis'------------------------------------------------------------
## Perform differential expression analysis with DESeq2
## Specify design and switch to DESeq2 format
dds <- DESeqDataSet(rse, ~ gene_target + group)
## Perform DE analysis
dds <- DESeq(dds, test = "LRT", reduced = ~gene_target, fitType = "local")
res <- results(dds)
## ----'maplot', fig.cap = "MA plot for group differences adjusted by gene target for SRP009615 using gene-level data."----
## Explore results
plotMA(res, main = "DESeq2 results for SRP009615")
## ----'make_report', eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------
# ## Make a report with the results
# library("regionReport")
# report <- DESeq2Report(dds,
# res = res, project = "SRP009615",
# intgroup = c("group", "gene_target"), outdir = ".",
# output = "SRP009615-results", nBest = 10, nBestFeatures = 2
# )
## ----'make_report_real', echo = FALSE, results = 'hide'---------------------------------------------------------------
## Make it so that the report will be available as a vignette
original <- readLines(system.file("DESeq2Exploration", "DESeq2Exploration.Rmd",
package = "regionReport"
vignetteInfo <- c(
"vignette: >",
" %\\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}",
" %\\VignetteIndexEntry{Basic DESeq2 results exploration}",
" %\\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}"
new <- c(original[1:16], vignetteInfo, original[17:length(original)])
writeLines(new, "SRP009615-results-template.Rmd")
## Now create the report
report <- DESeq2Report(dds,
res = res, project = "SRP009615",
intgroup = c("group", "gene_target"), outdir = ".",
output = "SRP009615-results", device = "png", template = "SRP009615-results-template.Rmd", nBest = 10, nBestFeatures = 2
## Clean up
## ----'geneSymbols'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Load required library
## Extract Gencode gene ids
gencode <- gsub("\\..*", "", names(recount_genes))
## Find the gene information we are interested in
gene_info <- select(, gencode, c(
## Explore part of the results
## ----'define_ers', eval = .Platform$OS.type != 'windows'--------------------------------------------------------------
## Define expressed regions for study SRP009615, only for chromosome Y
regions <- expressed_regions("SRP009615", "chrY",
cutoff = 5L,
maxClusterGap = 3000L
## Briefly explore the resulting regions
## ----'compute_covMat', eval = .Platform$OS.type != 'windows'----------------------------------------------------------
## Compute coverage matrix for study SRP009615, only for chromosome Y
system.time(rse_ER <- coverage_matrix("SRP009615", "chrY", regions))
## Explore the RSE a bit
## ----'to_integer', eval = .Platform$OS.type != 'windows'--------------------------------------------------------------
## Round the coverage matrix to integers
covMat <- round(assays(rse_ER)$counts, 0)
## ----'phenoData', eval = .Platform$OS.type != 'windows'---------------------------------------------------------------
## Get phenotype data for study SRP009615
pheno <- colData(rse_ER)
## Complete the phenotype table with the data we got from GEO
m <- match(pheno$run, sample_info$run)
pheno <- cbind(pheno, sample_info[m, 2:3])
## Explore the phenotype data a little bit
## ----'ers_dds', eval = .Platform$OS.type != 'windows'-----------------------------------------------------------------
## Build a DESeqDataSet
dds_ers <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
countData = covMat, colData = pheno,
design = ~ gene_target + group
## ----'de_analysis_ers', eval = .Platform$OS.type != 'windows'---------------------------------------------------------
## Perform differential expression analysis with DESeq2 at the ER-level
dds_ers <- DESeq(dds_ers,
test = "LRT", reduced = ~gene_target,
fitType = "local"
res_ers <- results(dds_ers)
## ----'maploters', eval = .Platform$OS.type != 'windows', fig.cap = "MA plot for group differences adjusted by gene target for SRP009615 using ER-level data (just chrY)."----
## Explore results
plotMA(res_ers, main = "DESeq2 results for SRP009615 (ER-level, chrY)")
## ----'report2', eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Create the report
# report2 <- DESeq2Report(dds_ers,
# res = res_ers,
# project = "SRP009615 (ER-level, chrY)",
# intgroup = c("group", "gene_target"), outdir = ".",
# output = "SRP009615-results-ER-level-chrY"
# )
## ---- 'gene_annotation'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Gene annotation information
## Also accessible via
## ---- 'exon_annotation'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the rse_exon object for study SRP009615
download_study("SRP009615", type = "rse-exon")
load(file.path("SRP009615", "rse_exon.Rdata"))
## Delete it if you don't need it anymore
unlink("SRP009615", recursive = TRUE)
## Annotation information
## Add a gene_id column
rowRanges(rse_exon)$gene_id <- rownames(rse_exon)
## Example subset
rse_exon_subset <- subset(rse_exon, subset = gene_id == "ENSG00000000003.14")
## ---- eval = .Platform$OS.type != 'windows'---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the disjoint exons based on EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79 which matches hg38
exons <- reproduce_ranges("exon", db = "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79")
## Change the chromosome names to match those used in the BigWig files
seqlevelsStyle(exons) <- "UCSC"
## Get the count matrix at the exon level for chrY
exons_chrY <- keepSeqlevels(exons, "chrY", pruning.mode = "coarse")
exonRSE <- coverage_matrix("SRP009615", "chrY", unlist(exons_chrY),
chunksize = 3000
exonMatrix <- assays(exonRSE)$counts
## Summary the information at the gene level for chrY
exon_gene <- rep(names(exons_chrY), elementNROWS(exons_chrY))
geneMatrix <-, lapply(split(,
), colSums))
## ----'gene_fusions'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Download and load RSE object for SRP009615 study
download_study("SRP009615", type = "rse-jx")
load(file.path("SRP009615", "rse_jx.Rdata"))
## Delete it if you don't need it anymore
unlink("SRP009615", recursive = TRUE)
## Exon-exon junctions by class
## Potential gene fusions by chromosome
fusions <- rowRanges(rse_jx)[rowRanges(rse_jx)$class == "fusion"]
fusions_by_chr <- sort(table(seqnames(fusions)), decreasing = TRUE)
fusions_by_chr[fusions_by_chr > 0]
## Genes with the most fusions
head(sort(table(unlist(fusions$symbol_proposed)), decreasing = TRUE))
## ----snaptron---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
junctions <- GRanges(seqnames = "chr2", IRanges(
start = c(28971711, 29555082, 29754983),
end = c(29462418, 29923339, 29917715)
## ----'rse-fc example'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Example use of download_study()
## for downloading the FANTOM-CAT `rse_fc`
## file for a given study
download_study("DRP000366", type = "rse-fc", download = FALSE)
## ----'recount-brain'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## recount-brain citation details
## ----'downloadAll'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get data.frame with all the URLs
## Explore URLs
## ----'actuallyDownload', eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Download all files (will take a while! It's over 8 TB of data)
# sapply(unique(recount_url$project), download_study, type = "all")
## ----Figure1, out.width="100%", fig.align="center", fig.cap = "SIgn up to SciServer", echo = FALSE--------------------
## ----Figure2, out.width="100%", fig.align="center", fig.cap = "Click on SciServer Compute,", echo = FALSE-------------
## ----Figure3, out.width="100%", fig.align="center", fig.cap = "Select the appropriate image and load the recount public volume.", echo = FALSE----
## ----Figure4, out.width="100%", fig.align="center", fig.cap = "Create a R notebook.", echo = FALSE--------------------
## ----Figure5, out.width="100%", fig.align="center", fig.cap = "Install recount and DESeq2 on SciServer.", echo = FALSE----
## ----Figure6, out.width="100%", fig.align="center", fig.cap = "recount files are available locally so remmeber to use the local data when working on SciServer.", echo = FALSE----
## ----'ER-sciserver', eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Expressed-regions SciServer example
# regions <- expressed_regions("SRP009615", "chrY",
# cutoff = 5L,
# maxClusterGap = 3000L, outdir = file.path(scipath, "SRP009615")
# )
# regions
## ----createVignette, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Create the vignette
# library("rmarkdown")
# system.time(render("recount-quickstart.Rmd", "BiocStyle::html_document"))
# ## Extract the R code
# library("knitr")
# knit("recount-quickstart.Rmd", tangle = TRUE)
## ----reproduce1, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Date the vignette was generated
## ----reproduce2, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Processing time in seconds
totalTime <- diff(c(startTime, Sys.time()))
round(totalTime, digits = 3)
## ----reproduce3, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Session info
options(width = 120)
## ----'datasetup', echo = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Code for re-creating the data distributed in this package
# ## Genes/exons
# library("recount")
# recount_both <- reproduce_ranges("both", db = "Gencode.v25")
# recount_exons <- recount_both$exon
# save(recount_exons, file = "../data/recount_exons.RData", compress = "xz")
# recount_genes <- recount_both$gene
# save(recount_genes, file = "../data/recount_genes.RData", compress = "xz")
# ## URL table
# load("../../recount-website/fileinfo/upload_table.Rdata")
# recount_url <- upload_table
# ## Create URLs
# <- grepl("[.]bw$", recount_url$file_name)
# recount_url$url <- NA
# recount_url$url[!] <- paste0(
# "",
# recount_url$project[!], "/", recount_url$file_name[!]
# )
# recount_url$url[! & recount_url$version2] <-
# paste0(
# "",
# recount_url$project[! & recount_url$version2], "/",
# recount_url$file_name[! & recount_url$version2]
# )
# recount_url$url[] <- paste0(
# "",
# recount_url$project[], "/bw/", recount_url$file_name[]
# )
# save(recount_url, file = "../data/recount_url.RData", compress = "xz")
# ## Add FC-RC2 data
# load("../data/recount_url.RData")
# load("../../recount-website/fileinfo/fc_rc_url_table.Rdata")
# recount_url <- rbind(recount_url, fc_rc_url_table)
# rownames(recount_url) <- NULL
# save(recount_url, file = "../data/recount_url.RData", compress = "xz")
# ## Abstract info
# load("../../recount-website/website/meta_web.Rdata")
# recount_abstract <- meta_web[, c("number_samples", "species", "abstract")]
# recount_abstract$project <- gsub('.*">|</a>', "", meta_web$accession)
# Encoding(recount_abstract$abstract) <- "latin1"
# recount_abstract$abstract <- iconv(recount_abstract$abstract, "latin1", "UTF-8")
# save(recount_abstract,
# file = "../data/recount_abstract.RData",
# compress = "bzip2"
# )
# ## Example rse_gene file
# system("scp e:/dcl01/leek/data/recount-website/rse/rse_sra/SRP009615/rse_gene.Rdata .")
# load("rse_gene.Rdata")
# rse_gene_SRP009615 <- rse_gene
# save(rse_gene_SRP009615,
# file = "../data/rse_gene_SRP009615.RData",
# compress = "xz"
# )
# unlink("rse_gene.Rdata")
## ----'cleanup', echo = FALSE, results = 'hide'------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Clean up
unlink("SRP009615", recursive = TRUE)
## ----vignetteBiblio, results = 'asis', echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---------------------------------
## Print bibliography
PrintBibliography(bib, .opts = list(hyperlink = "to.doc", style = "html"))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
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