
Defines functions release unmanage managed manage connectionForResource checkArgFormat uriIsWritable uriIsLocal uriExists createResource normURI .parseURI isURL FileForFormat resourceDescription connection `resource<-` resource manager RTLFileList

Documented in FileForFormat resource

### =========================================================================
### Import/export support
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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### Classes files and connections

### RTLFile is a base class for high-level file abstractions, where
### subclasses are associated with a particular file format/type. It
### wraps a low-level representation of a file, currently either a
### path/URL or connection.

setClass("RTLFile", representation(resource = "character_OR_connection"),
         contains = "VIRTUAL")

         prototype = prototype(elementType = "RTLFile"),
         contains = "SimpleList")

RTLFileList <- function(files) {
    new("RTLFileList", listData = files)

setMethod("showAsCell", "RTLFileList", function(object) {
    showAsCell(vapply(object, path, character(1L)))

.ConnectionManager <- setRefClass("ConnectionManager",
                                  fields = c(connections = "list"))

manager <- function() .ConnectionManager()

resource <- function(x) x@resource

`resource<-` <- function(x, value) {
    x@resource <- value

connection <- function(manager, x, open = "") {
  connectionForResource(manager, resource(x), open = open)

resourceDescription <- function(x) {
  r <- resource(x)
  if (is(r, "connection"))
    r <- summary(r)$description

setGeneric("fileFormat", function(x) NULL)

setMethod("fileFormat", "character", function(x) fileFormat(FileForFormat(x)))

setMethod("fileFormat", "RTLFile", function(x)
    tolower(sub("File$", "", class(x))))

setMethod("path", "RTLFile", function(object) {
  r <- resource(object)
  if (!is.character(r))
    stop("Connection resource requested as a path")

setMethod("show", "RTLFile", function(object) {
  r <- resource(object)
  if (!isSingleString(r))
    r <- summary(r)$description
  cat(class(object), "object\nresource:", r, "\n")

FileForFormat <- function(path, format = file_ext(path)) {
  if (!(isSingleString(path) || is(path, "connection")))
    stop("'path' must be a single string or a connection object")
  if (!isSingleString(format))
    stop("'format' must be a single string")
  if (format == "")
    stop("Cannot detect format (no extension found in file name)")
  fileClassName <- paste0(format, "File")
  signatureClasses <- function(fun, pos) {
    matrix(unlist(findMethods(fun)@signatures), 3)[pos,]
  fileClassNames <- unique(c(signatureClasses(export, 2),
                             signatureClasses(import, 1)))
  fileClassNames <- fileClassNames[grepl("File$", fileClassNames)]
  fileSubClassNames <- unlist(lapply(fileClassNames, function(x) {
  }), use.names = FALSE)
  fileClassNames <- c(fileClassNames, fileSubClassNames) 
  fileClassIndex <- match(tolower(fileClassName),
  if (is.na(fileClassIndex))
    stop("Format '", format, "' unsupported")
  fileClassName <- fileClassNames[fileClassIndex]
  fileClass <- getClass(fileClassName)
  pkg <- packageSlot(fileClass)
  if (is.null(pkg) || identical(pkg, ".GlobalEnv"))
    ns <- topenv()
  else ns <- getNamespace(pkg[1])
  constructorName <- fileClassName
  if(!exists(constructorName, ns)) {
    parentClassNames <- names(getClass(constructorName)@contains)
    constructorName <- names(which(sapply(parentClassNames, exists, ns)))[1]
    if (is.na(constructorName))
      stop("No constructor found for ", fileClassName)
  get(constructorName, ns)(path)

setMethod("as.character", "RTLFile", function(x) path(x))

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### Export

           function(object, con, format, ...) standardGeneric("export"))

setMethod("export", c(con = "connection", format = "character"),
          function(object, con, format, ...)
            export(object, FileForFormat(con, format), ...)

setMethod("export", c(con = "connection", format = "missing"),
          function(object, con, format, ...)
            format <- file_ext(summary(con)$description)
            export(object, con, format, ...)

setMethod("export", c(con = "missing", format = "character"),
          function(object, con, format, ...)
            con <- file()
            export(object, con, format, ...)
            text <- readLines(con, warn = FALSE)
setMethod("export", c(con = "character", format = "missing"),
          function(object, con, format, ...)
            export(object, FileForFormat(con), ...)
setMethod("export", c(con = "character", format = "character"),
          function(object, con, format, ...)
            export(object, FileForFormat(con, format), ...)

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### Import

           function(con, format, text, ...) standardGeneric("import"))

setMethod("import", c("connection", "character"),
          function(con, format, text, ...)
            import(FileForFormat(con, format), ...)
setMethod("import", c("connection", "missing"),
          function(con, format, text, ...)
            format <- file_ext(summary(con)$description)
            import(con, format, ...)
setMethod("import", c("character", "missing"),
          function(con, format, text, ...)
            import(FileForFormat(con), ...)
setMethod("import", c("character", "character"),
          function(con, format, text, ...)
            import(FileForFormat(con, format), ...)
setMethod("import", c(con = "missing", text = "character"),
          function(con, format, text, ...)
            con <- file()
            writeLines(text, con)
            obj <- import(FileForFormat(con, format), ...)

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### Utilities

           function(x, dest, ...) standardGeneric("bestFileFormat"))

setMethod("bestFileFormat", c("GenomicRanges", "ANY"),
          function(x, dest) {
            ## have numbers on a single strand, use BigWig
            if (is.numeric(score(x)) && length(unique(strand(x))) == 1L)
            else "bed"

setMethod("bestFileFormat", c("GRangesList", "ANY"), function(x, dest) {
  "bed" # need hierarchical structure

setMethod("bestFileFormat", c("RleList", "ANY"), function(x, dest) {
  "bw" # e.g., coverage

setMethod("bestFileFormat", c("IntegerRangesList", "ANY"), function(x, dest) {
  "bed" # just ranges...

## First checks for Windows drive letter.
## There are no known URI schemes that are only a single character.
isURL <- function(uri) {
    if (!isSingleString(uri))
    windowsDriveLetter <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows" &&
        grepl("^[A-Za-z]:[/\\]", uri)
    grepl("^[A-Za-z]+:", uri) && !windowsDriveLetter

## Uses XML::parseURI, except custom check for whether it is a URL
.parseURI <- function(uri) {
  if (!isURL(uri)) {
    parsed <- parseURI("")
    parsed$path <- uri
  } else {
    parsed <- parseURI(uri)
    if (parsed$scheme == "file" && .Platform$OS.type == "windows") 
      parsed$path <- substring(parsed$path, 2) # trim '/' from '/C:/foo/bar.txt'

normURI <- function(x) {
  if (!isSingleString(x))
    stop("URI must be a single, non-NA string")
  uri <- .parseURI(x)
  if (uri$scheme == "") # /// (vs. //) needed for Windows
    x <- paste("file:///", file_path_as_absolute(x), sep = "")

createResource <- function(x, dir = FALSE, content = "") {
  uri <- .parseURI(x)
  if (uri$scheme == "file" || uri$scheme == "") {
    if (!file.exists(uri$path)) {
      if (dir)
        dir.create(uri$path, recursive = TRUE)
      else writeLines(content, uri$path)
    } else warning("Path '", uri$path, "' already exists")
  } else stop("Cannot create a resource that is not a local file")

uriExists <- function(x) {
  uri <- .parseURI(x)
  if (uriIsLocal(uri)) {
    exists <- file.exists(uri$path)
  } else {
    txt <- getURL(x, header = TRUE)
    exists <- grepl("^HTTP/\\d+\\.\\d+ 200 OK", txt)

uriIsLocal <- function(x) {
  x$scheme == "file" || x$scheme == ""

uriIsWritable <- function(x) {
  uri <- .parseURI(x)
  if (uriIsLocal(uri)) {
    !file.access(uri$path, 2) ||
    (!file.exists(uri$path) && uriIsWritable(dirname(uri$path)))
  } else FALSE

checkArgFormat <- function(con, format) {
  if (toupper(format) !=
      substring(toupper(sub("File$", "", class(con))), 1, nchar(format)))
    stop("Cannot treat a '", class(con), "' as format '", format, "'")

connectionForResource <- function(manager, x, open = "") {
  resource <- decompress(manager, x)
  if (is.character(resource)) {
    if (!nzchar(resource))
      stop("path cannot be an empty string")
    uri <- .parseURI(resource)
    if (uri$scheme != "")
      con <- url(resource)
    else con <- file(resource)
  } else con <- resource
  if (!isOpen(con) && nzchar(open)) {
      open(con, open)
      con <- manage(manager, con)

## Connection management (similar to memory management)

manage <- function(manager, con) {
    manager$connections <- unique(c(manager$connections, list(con)))
    attr(con, "manager") <- manager

managed <- function(manager, con) {
    con %in% manager$connections

unmanage <- function(manager, con) {
    manager$connections <- setdiff(manager$connections, con)
    attr(con, "manager") <- NULL

release <- function(manager, con) {
    if (managed(manager, con)) {
        unmanage(manager, con)

## manage <- function(con) {
##   if (!is.null(attr(con, "finalizerEnv")))
##     return(con)
##   env <- new.env()
##   finalizer <- function(obj) {
##     if (exists("con", parent.env(environment()), inherits=FALSE)) {
##       close(con)
##       rm(con, inherits = TRUE)
##       TRUE
##     } else FALSE
##   }
##   env$finalizer <- finalizer
##   reg.finalizer(env, finalizer)
##   attr(con, "finalizerEnv") <- env
##   rm(env)
##   con
## }

## unmanage <- function(con) {
##   attr(con, "finalizerEnv") <- NULL
##   con
## }

## release <- function(con) {
##   env <- attr(con, "finalizerEnv")
##   if (!is.null(env))
##     env$finalizer()
##   else FALSE
## }

Try the rtracklayer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rtracklayer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:50 p.m.