# Created by Astrid Deschenes
# 2014-08-13
# Class representing a abstract Metric which is used to quantify the similarity
# between two ChIP profiles covering the same range.
#' @title Metric class
#' @description A class which represents a abstract Metric object which is
#' used to quantify the similarity between two profiles covering the same range.
#' The \code{Metric} class should not be directly instanciated. It should be
#' used as the parent class of a specific metric class.
#' @return The \code{Metric$new} function returns a \code{Metric}
#' object which contains the information about the two profiles and the
#' threshold used to calculate the metric. It can be used, as many times
#' needed, to calculate the specified metric.
#' @section Constructor:
#' Create a \code{Metric} object.
#' \code{Metric$new(profile1, profile2, threshold = NULL)}
#' The \code{Metric} object inherites those functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{getMetric} { A function that returns the value of the
#' calculated metric }
#' \item \code{getInfo} { A function that returns a description of the metric
#' with the metric value.}
#' \item \code{getType} { A function that returns the unique name associated
#' to this metric }
#' \item \code{calculateMetric} { A function that modifies the values of the
#' two profiles and the threshold. The new values (profile1, profile2,
#' threshold) are passed as arguments.}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{MetricFactory}} {for using the recommanded interface to
#' calculate all available metrics separately or togheter.}
#' }
#' @import R6
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
Metric <- R6Class("Metric",
public = list(
initialize = function() {
getType = function() {
getMetric = function() {
calculateMetric = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = NULL) {
getInfo = function() {
cat(paste0("Metric type: ", private$type, ". Metric value: ",
private$metric, "\n"))
private = list(
metric = NA,
type = NA,
setMetric = function(val){
private$metric <<- val
setType = function(val){
private$type <<- val
#' @title RatioMaxMax class
#' @description An object which is a interface to calculate the ratio between
#' the peaks values between two profiles.
#' The \code{RatioMaxMax} object is needed to
#' calculate the ratio between
#' the peaks values between two profiles.
#' A threshold and the two profiles are set during the \code{RatioMaxMax}
#' object creation. If different threshold or
#' profiles are needed, the \code{calculateMetric} function should be used,
#' with the new profiles and threshold passed as arguments to update those
#' values inside the \code{RatioMaxMax} object.
#' The threshold is the minimum peak value accepted
#' to calculate a ratio.
#' @return The \code{RatioMaxMax$new} function returns a \code{RatioMaxMax}
#' object which contains the information about the two profiles and the
#' threshold used to calculate the metric. It can be used, as many times
#' needed, to calculate the specified metric.
#' @section Constructor:
#' Create a \code{RatioMaxMax} object.
#' \code{RatioMaxMax$new(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1)}
#' The threshold is the minimum peak value accepted
#' to calculate a ratio.
#' The \code{RatioMaxMax} object inherites those functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{getMetric} { A function that returns the value of the
#' calculated metric }
#' \item \code{getInfo} { A function that returns a description of the metric
#' with the metric value.}
#' \item \code{getType} { A function that returns the unique name associated
#' to this metric }
#' \item \code{calculateMetric} { A function that modifies the values of the
#' two profiles and the threshold. The new values (profile1, profile2,
#' threshold) are passed as arguments.}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{MetricFactory}} {for using a interface to calculate all
#' available metrics separately or togheter.}
#' }
#' @import R6
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
RatioMaxMax <- R6Class("RatioMaxMax",
inherit = Metric,
public = list(
initialize = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1) {
# Fix the type of metric
if (!missing(profile1) && !missing(profile2)) {
self$calculateMetric(profile1, profile2, threshold)
calculateMetric = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1) {
# Reset metric value to NA
# Profile1 and profile2 are mandatory
if (missing(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument is mandatory. ",
"The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (missing(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument is mandatory. ",
"The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The profile1 and profile2 arguments are
# numeric vectors where at least one element is greater than zero
if (!is.vector(profile1) || !is.numeric(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (!is.vector(profile2) || !is.numeric(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The length of profile1 is equal to the length of profile2
if (length(profile1) != length(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("Lengths of 'profile1' and 'profile2' vectors ",
"aren't equals. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# Calculate and assign the new max max ratio
super$setMetric(ratioMaxMaxMethod(profile1, profile2, threshold))
#' @title RatioArea class
#' @description An object which is a interface to calculate ratio between
#' the profile area of two profiles.
#' The \code{RatioArea} object is needed to
#' calculate the ratio between the profile area of two profile.
#' A threshold and the two profiles are set during the \code{RatioArea}
#' object creation. If different threshold or
#' profiles are needed, the \code{calculateMetric} function should be used,
#' with the new profiles and threshold passed as arguments to update those
#' values inside the \code{RatioArea} object.
#' The threshold is the minimum profile area value accepted
#' to calculate the ratio.
#' @return The \code{RatioArea$new} function returns a \code{RatioArea}
#' object which contains the information about the two profiles and the
#' threshold used to calculate the metric. It can be used, as many times
#' needed, to calculate the specified metric.
#' @section Constructor:
#' Create a \code{RatioArea} object.
#' \code{RatioArea$new(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1)}
#' The threshold is the minimum profile area value accepted
#' to calculate the ratio.
#' The \code{RatioArea} object inherites those functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{getMetric} { A function that returns the value of the
#' calculated metric }
#' \item \code{getInfo} { A function that returns a description of the metric
#' with the metric value.}
#' \item \code{getType} { A function that returns the unique name associated
#' to this metric }
#' \item \code{calculateMetric} { A function that modifies the values of the
#' two profiles and the threshold. The new values (profile1, profile2,
#' threshold) are passed as arguments.}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{MetricFactory}} {for using a interface to calculate all
#' available metrics separately or togheter.}
#' }
#' @import R6
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
RatioArea <- R6Class("RatioArea",
inherit = Metric,
public = list(
initialize = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1) {
# Fix the type of metric
if (!missing(profile1) && !missing(profile2)) {
self$calculateMetric(profile1, profile2, threshold)
calculateMetric = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1) {
# Reset metric value to NA
# Profile1 and profile2 are mandatory
if (missing(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument is mandatory. The metric ",
"value has been reset to NA."))
if (missing(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument is mandatory. The metric ",
"value has been reset to NA."))
# The profile1 and profile2 arguments are numeric vectors where at
# least one element is greater than zero
if (!is.vector(profile1) || !is.numeric(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (!is.vector(profile2) || !is.numeric(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The length of profile1 is equal to the length of profile2
if (length(profile1) != length(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("Lengths of 'profile1' and 'profile2' vectors ",
"aren't equals. The metric value has been reset ",
"to NA."))
# Calculate and assign the new max max ratio
super$setMetric(ratioAreaMethod(profile1, profile2, threshold))
#' @title DiffPosMax class
#' @description An object which is a interface to calculate he difference
#' of profiles maximal peaks positions.
#' The \code{DiffPosMax} object is needed to
#' calculate the difference of profiles maximal peaks positions.
#' A threshold and the two profiles are set during the \code{DiffPosMax}
#' object creation. If different thresholds or
#' profiles are needed, the \code{calculateMetric} function should be used,
#' with the new profiles and thresholds passed as arguments to update those
#' values inside the \code{DiffPosMax} object.
#' The threshold is the minimum peak value accepted
#' to calculate the ratio.
#' The thresholdDiff is the maximum distance accepted
#' between two maximum peaks positions in the same profile. When the
#' thresholdDiff is not respected, the profile is considered having more than
#' one peak.
#' The tolerance is the maximum variation accepted on the
#' maximum peak value to consider a position as a peak position. The tolerance
#' must be between 0 and 1. All peaks within the tolerated range will be
#' considered in the calculation of the metric.
#' @return The \code{DiffPosMax$new} function returns a \code{DiffPosMax}
#' object which contains the information about the two profiles and the
#' thresholds used to calculate the metric. It can be used, as many times
#' needed, to calculate the specified metric.
#' @section Constructor:
#' Create a \code{DiffPosMax} object.
#' \code{DiffPosMax$new(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1,
#' thresholdDiff = 100, tolerance = 0.01)}
#' The threshold is the minimum peak value accepted
#' to calculate the ratio.
#' The thresholdDiff is the maximum distance accepted
#' between two maximum peaks positions in the same profile. When the
#' thresholdDiff is not respected, the profile is considered having more than
#' one peak.
#' The tolerance is the maximum variation accepted on the
#' maximum peak value to consider a position as a peak position. All peaks
#' within the tolerated range will be
#' considered in the calculation of the metric.The tolerance must
# be between 0 and 1. Default = 0.01.
#' The \code{DiffPosMax} object inherites those functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{getMetric} { A function that returns the value of the
#' calculated metric }
#' \item \code{getInfo} { A function that returns a description of the metric
#' with the metric value.}
#' \item \code{getType} { A function that returns the unique name associated
#' to this metric }
#' \item \code{calculateMetric} { A function that modifies the values of the
#' two profiles and the threshold. The new values (profile1, profile2,
#' threshold, thresholdDiff, tolerance) are passed as arguments.}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{MetricFactory}} {for using a interface to calculate all
#' available metrics separately or togheter.}
#' }
#' @import R6
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
DiffPosMax <- R6Class("DiffPosMax",
inherit = Metric,
public = list(
initialize = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1,
thresholdDiff = 100, tolerance = 0.01) {
# Fix the type of metric
if (!missing(profile1) && !missing(profile2)) {
self$calculateMetric(profile1, profile2, threshold,
thresholdDiff, tolerance)
calculateMetric = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1,
thresholdDiff = 100, tolerance = 0.01) {
# Reset metric value to NA
# Profile1 and profile2 are mandatory
if (missing(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument is mandatory. ",
"The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (missing(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument is mandatory. ",
"The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The profile1 and profile2 arguments are numeric
# vectors where at least one element is greater than zero
if (!is.vector(profile1) || !is.numeric(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (!is.vector(profile2) || !is.numeric(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The length of profile1 is equal to the length of profile2
if (length(profile1) != length(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("Lengths of 'profile1' and 'profile2' vectors ",
"aren't equals. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# Calculate and assign the new difference position maximum
super$setMetric(diffPosMaxMethod(profile1, profile2, threshold,
thresholdDiff, tolerance))
#' @title RatioIntersect class
#' @description An object which is a interface to calculate the ratio between
#' the peaks values between two profiles.
#' The \code{RatioIntersect} object is needed to
#' calculate the ratio of profiles intersection area between two profiles and
#' those profiles total areas.
#' A threshold and the two profiles are set during the \code{RatioIntersect}
#' object creation. If different threshold or
#' profiles are needed, the \code{calculateMetric} function should be used,
#' with the new profiles and threshold passed as arguments to update those
#' values inside the \code{RatioIntersect} object.
#' The threshold is the minimum total area value accepted
#' to calculate a ratio.
#' @return The \code{RatioIntersect$new} function returns a
#' \code{RatioIntersect} object which contains the information about the two
#' profiles and the threshold used to calculate the metric. It can be used, as
#' many times needed, to calculate the specified metric.
#' @section Constructor:
#' Create a \code{RatioIntersect} object.
#' \code{RatioIntersect$new(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1)}
#' The threshold is the minimum total area value accepted to calculate a ratio.
#' The \code{RatioIntersect} object inherites those functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{getMetric} { A function that returns the value of the
#' calculated metric }
#' \item \code{getInfo} { A function that returns a description of the metric
#' with the metric value.}
#' \item \code{getType} { A function that returns the unique name associated
#' to this metric }
#' \item \code{calculateMetric} { A function that modifies the values of the
#' two profiles and the threshold. The new values (profile1, profile2,
#' threshold) are passed as arguments.}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{MetricFactory}} {for using a interface to calculate all
#' available metrics separately or togheter.}
#' }
#' @import R6
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
RatioIntersect <- R6Class("RatioIntersect",
inherit = Metric,
public = list(
initialize = function(profile1,profile2, threshold = 1) {
# Fix the type of metric
if (!missing(profile1) && !missing(profile2)) {
self$calculateMetric(profile1, profile2, threshold)
calculateMetric = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1) {
# Reset metric value to NA
# Profile1 and profile2 are mandatory
if (missing(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument is mandatory. The ",
"metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (missing(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument is mandatory. The ",
"metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The profile1 and profile2 arguments are numeric
# vectors where at least one element is greater than zero
if (!is.vector(profile1) || !is.numeric(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (!is.vector(profile2) || !is.numeric(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The length of profile1 is equal to the length of profile2
if (length(profile1) != length(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("Lengths of 'profile1' and 'profile2' vectors ",
"aren't equals. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# Calculate and assign the new intersect ratio
super$setMetric(ratioIntersectMethod(profile1, profile2, threshold))
#' @title RatioNormalizedIntersect class
#' @description An object which is a interface to calculate the ratio of
#' profiles intersection area between two normalized profiles.The profiles are
# normalized by multiplying the profile values with the length
# of the profile and dividing it by the area of the profile.
# normalized values = profile values * length(profile)/area(profile)
#' The \code{RatioNormalizedIntersect} object is needed to
#' calculate the ratio of profiles intersection area between two
#' normalized profiles.
#' A threshold and the two profiles are set during the
#' \code{RatioNormalizedIntersect}
#' object creation. If different profiles are needed, the
#' \code{calculateMetric} function should be used,
#' with the new profiles passed as arguments to update those
#' values inside the \code{RatioNormalizedIntersect} object.
#' The threshold is the minimum total normalized area value accepted to
#' calculate a ratio.
#' @return The \code{RatioNormalizedIntersect$new} function returns a
#' \code{RatioNormalizedIntersect} object which contains the information about
#' the two profiles. It can be used, as many times
#' needed, to calculate the specified metric.
#' @section Constructor:
#' Create a \code{RatioNormalizedIntersect} object.
#' \code{RatioNormalizedIntersect$new(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1)}
#' The threshold is the minimum total normalized area value accepted to
#' calculate a ratio. Default = 1
#' The \code{RatioNormalizedIntersect} object inherites those functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{getMetric} { A function that returns the value of the
#' calculated metric }
#' \item \code{getInfo} { A function that returns a description of the metric
#' with the metric value.}
#' \item \code{getType} { A function that returns the unique name associated
#' to this metric }
#' \item \code{calculateMetric} { A function that modifies the values of the
#' two profiles and the threshold. The new values (profile1, profile2,
#' threshold) are passed as arguments.}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{MetricFactory}} {for using a interface to calculate all
#' available metrics separately or togheter.}
#' }
#' @import R6
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
RatioNormalizedIntersect <- R6Class("RatioNormalizedIntersect",
inherit = Metric,
public = list(
initialize = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1) {
# Fix the type of metric
if (!missing(profile1) && !missing(profile2)) {
self$calculateMetric(profile1, profile2, threshold)
calculateMetric = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1) {
# Reset metric value to NA
# Profile1 and profile2 are mandatory
if (missing(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument is mandatory. The ",
"metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (missing(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument is mandatory. The ",
"metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The profile1 and profile2 arguments are numeric
# vectors where at least one element is greater than zero
if (!is.vector(profile1) || !is.numeric(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (!is.vector(profile2) || !is.numeric(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The length of profile1 is equal to the length of profile2
if (length(profile1) != length(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("Lengths of 'profile1' and 'profile2' vectors ",
"aren't equals. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# Normalized profiles values
normProfile1 <- profile1*(length(profile1)/sum(profile1,
normProfile2 <- profile2*(length(profile2)/sum(profile2,
# Calculate and assign the normalized intersect ratio
super$setMetric(ratioIntersectMethod(normProfile1, normProfile2,
#' @title SpearmanCorrelation class
#' @description An object which is a interface to calculate the Spearman's
# rank correlation coefficient of the two profiles.
#' The \code{SpearmanCorrelation} object is needed to
#' calculate the ratio between
#' the peaks values between two profiles.
#' A threshold and the two profiles are set during the
#' \code{SpearmanCorrelation}
#' object creation. If different threshold or profiles are needed, the
#' \code{calculateMetric} function should be used,
#' with the new profiles and threshold passed as arguments to update those
#' values inside the \code{SpearmanCorrelation} object.
#' The threshold is the minimum standard deviation of the profile accepted
#' to calculate a ratio.
#' @return The \code{SpearmanCorrelation$new} function returns a
#' \code{SpearmanCorrelation} object which contains the information about
#' the two profiles. It can be used, as many times
#' needed, to calculate the specified metric.
#' @section Constructor:
#' Create a \code{SpearmanCorrelation} object.
#' \code{SpearmanCorrelation$new(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1e-8)}
#' The threshold is the minimum standard deviation of the profile accepted
#' to calculate a ratio. Default = 1e-8
#' The \code{SpearmanCorrelation} object inherites those functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{getMetric} { A function that returns the value of the
#' calculated metric }
#' \item \code{getInfo} { A function that returns a description of the metric
#' with the metric value.}
#' \item \code{getType} { A function that returns the unique name associated
#' to this metric }
#' \item \code{calculateMetric} { A function that modifies the values of the
#' two profiles and the threshold. The new values (profile1, profile2)
#' are passed as arguments.}
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{MetricFactory}} {for using a interface to calculate all
#' available metrics separately or togheter.}
#' }
#' @import R6
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
SpearmanCorrelation <- R6Class("SpearmanCorrelation",
inherit = Metric,
public = list(
initialize = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = NULL) {
# Fix the type of metric
if (!missing(profile1) && !missing(profile2)) {
self$calculateMetric(profile1, profile2, threshold)
calculateMetric = function(profile1, profile2, threshold = 1e-8) {
# Reset metric value to NA
# Profile1 and profile2 are mandatory
if (missing(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument is mandatory. ",
"The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (missing(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument is mandatory. The ",
"metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The profile1 and profile2 arguments are numeric
# vectors where at least one element is greater than zero
if (!is.vector(profile1) || !is.numeric(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
if (!is.vector(profile2) || !is.numeric(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument must be a numeric ",
"vector. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# The length of profile1 is equal to the length of profile2
if (length(profile1) != length(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("Lengths of 'profile1' and 'profile2' vectors ",
"aren't equals. The metric value has been reset to NA."))
# Calculate and assign the spearman correlation
super$setMetric(spearmanCorrMethod(profile1, profile2, threshold))
#' @title MetricFactory object
#' @description An object which is a interface to calculate all available
#' metrics separately.
#' The \code{MetricFactory} object is inspired from the factory design
#' pattern. Only one instance of \code{MetricFactory} object is necessary to
#' calculate all available metrics for different profiles, as long as the
#' thresholds set in the \code{MetricFactory} instance are appropriate for
#' the calculation. The thresholds are set during the \code{MetricFactory}
#' object creation and cannot be changed afterwards. If different thresholds
#' are needed, a new \code{MetricFactory} object, with the new thresholds,
#' must be instantiated.
#' @return The \code{MetricFactory$new} function returns a \code{MetricFactory}
#' object which contains the information about the thresholds used to calculate
#' each metric. It can be used, as many times needed, to calculate the
#' specified metrics.
#' @section Constructor:
#' Create a \code{MetricFactory} object.
#' \code{MetricFactory$new(ratioAreaThreshold=1,
#' ratioMaxMaxThreshold=1,
#' ratioIntersectThreshold=1,
#' ratioNormalizedIntersectThreshold=1,
#' diffPosMaxThresholdMinValue=1,
#' diffPosMaxThresholdMaxDiff=100,
#' diffPosMaxTolerance=0.01,
#' spearmanCorrSDThreashold=1e-8)}
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ratioAreaThreshold} { The minimum denominator accepted to
#' calculate the ratio of the area between both profiles. Default = 1.}
#' \item \code{ratioMaxMaxThreshold} { The minimum denominator accepted to
#' calculate the ratio of the maximum values between both profiles.
#' Default = 1.}
#' \item \code{ratioIntersectThreshold} { The minimum denominator accepted to
#' calculate the ratio of the intersection area of both profiles and the
#' total area. Default = 1.}
#' \item \code{ratioIntersectThreshold} { The minimum denominator accepted to
#' calculate the ratio of the intersection area of both profiles and the
#' total area for normalized profiles. Default = 1.}
#' \item \code{diffPosMaxThresholdMinValue} { The minimum peak accepted to
#' calculate the metric. Default = 1.}
#' \item \code{diffPosMaxThresholdMaxDiff} { The maximum distance accepted
#' between 2 peaks positions in one profile to calculate the metric.
#' Default=100.}
#' \item \code{diffPosMaxTolerance} {The maximum variation accepted on the
#' maximum value to consider a position as a peak position. Default=0.01.}
#' \item\code{spearmanCorrSDThreashold} {The minimum standard deviation
#' accepted on both profiles to consider to calculate the metric.
#' Default=1e-8.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Initialized the factory object
#' factory = MetricFactory$new(ratioAreaThreshold=100,
#' ratioIntersectThreshold=20,
#' diffPosMaxTolerance=0.04)
#' ## Define 2 ChIP-Seq profiles
#' profile1 <- c(1,59,6,24,65,34,15,4,53,22)
#' profile2 <- c(15,9,46,44,9,39,27,34,34,4)
#' ## Use the factory object to calculate each metric separatly
#' ratio_max_max <- factory$createMetric(metricType="RATIO_MAX_MAX",
#' profile1, profile2)
#' ratio_max_max
#' diff_pos_max <- factory$createMetric(metric="DIFF_POS_MAX", profile1,
#' profile2)
#' diff_pos_max
#' ## Example using ChIP-Seq profiles of H3K27ac (DCC accession: ENCFF000ASG)
#' ## and H3K4me1 (DCC accession: ENCFF000ARY) from the Encyclopedia of DNA
#' ## Elements (ENCODE) for the region
#' data(demoProfiles)
#' ## Visualize ChIP-Seq profiles
#' plot(demoProfiles$chr3.73159773.73160145$H3K27ac, type="l", col="blue",
#' xlab="", ylab="", ylim=c(0, 125), main="chr3:73159773-73160145")
#' par(new=TRUE)
#' plot(demoProfiles$chr3.73159773.73160145$H3K4me1, type="l", col="darkgreen",
#' xlab="Position", ylab="Coverage in reads per million (RPM)",
#' ylim=c(0, 125))
#' legend("topright", c("H3K27ac","H3K4me1"), cex=1.2,
#' col=c("blue","darkgreen"), lty=1)
#' ## Calculate metrics using factory object
#' ratio_norm_intersect <- factory$createMetric(metricType =
#' profile1=demoProfiles$chr3.73159773.73160145$H3K4me1,
#' profile2=demoProfiles$chr3.73159773.73160145$H3K27ac)
#' ratio_norm_intersect
#' ratio_area <- factory$createMetric(metricType="RATIO_AREA",
#' profile1=demoProfiles$chr3.73159773.73160145$H3K4me1,
#' profile2=demoProfiles$chr3.73159773.73160145$H3K27ac)
#' ratio_area
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{similarity}} {for calculating all available metrics
#' between two ChIP-Seq profiles.}
#' \item \code{\link{demoProfiles}} {for more informations about ChIP-Seq
#' profiles present in the demoProfiles data.}
#' }
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @import R6
#' @export
MetricFactory <- R6Class("MetricFactory",
public = list(
initialize = function(ratioAreaThreshold = 1,
ratioMaxMaxThreshold = 1,
ratioIntersectThreshold = 1,
ratioNormalizedIntersectThreshold = 1,
diffPosMaxThresholdMinValue = 1,
diffPosMaxThresholdMaxDiff = 100,
diffPosMaxTolerance = 0.01,
spearmanCorrSDThreashold = 1e-8) {
private$ratioAreaThreshold <<- ratioAreaThreshold
private$ratioMaxMaxThreshold <<- ratioMaxMaxThreshold
private$ratioIntersectThreshold <<- ratioIntersectThreshold
private$ratioNormalizedIntersectThreshold <<-
private$diffPosMaxThresholdMinValue <<- diffPosMaxThresholdMinValue
private$diffPosMaxThresholdMaxDiff <<- diffPosMaxThresholdMaxDiff
private$diffPosMaxTolerance <<- diffPosMaxTolerance
private$spearmanCorrSDThreashold <<- spearmanCorrSDThreashold
createMetric = function(metricType, profile1, profile2) {
# Metric, profile1 and profile2 are mandatory
if (missing(metricType)) {
stop(paste0("The 'metricType' argument is mandatory."))
if (missing(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument is mandatory."))
if (missing(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument is mandatory."))
# The profile1 and profile2 arguments are numeric vectors
if (!is.vector(profile1) || !is.numeric(profile1)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile1' argument must be a numeric ",
if (!is.vector(profile2) || !is.numeric(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("The 'profile2' argument must be a numeric ",
# The length of profile1 is equal to the length of profile2
if (length(profile1) != length(profile2)) {
stop(paste0("Lengths of 'profile1' and 'profile2' vectors ",
"aren't equals."))
# Metric type must exist
if (!metricType %in% private$metricVector) {
stop(paste0("The metricType must be one of those choices: ",
paste(private$metricVector, collapse = ", ")))
result_name = list()
result =list()
if (metricType == "ALL" || metricType == "RATIO_AREA") {
metric <- RatioArea$new(profile1, profile2,
result_name <- c(result_name, metric$getType())
result <- c(result, metric$getMetric())
if (metricType == "ALL" || metricType == "DIFF_POS_MAX") {
metric <- DiffPosMax$new(profile1, profile2,
result_name <- c(result_name, metric$getType())
result <- c(result, metric$getMetric())
if (metricType == "ALL" || metricType == "RATIO_MAX_MAX") {
metric <- RatioMaxMax$new(profile1, profile2,
result_name <- c(result_name, metric$getType())
result <- c(result, metric$getMetric())
if (metricType == "ALL" || metricType == "RATIO_INTERSECT") {
metric <- RatioIntersect$new(profile1, profile2,
result_name <- c(result_name, metric$getType())
result <- c(result, metric$getMetric())
if (metricType == "ALL" ||
metric <- RatioNormalizedIntersect$new(profile1, profile2,
result_name <- c(result_name,metric$getType())
result <- c(result, metric$getMetric())
if (metricType == "ALL" ||
metric <- SpearmanCorrelation$new(profile1, profile2,
result_name <- c(result_name,metric$getType())
result <- c(result, metric$getMetric())
names(result) <- result_name
), private = list(
# Vector of all existing types of metrics
metricVector = c("ALL",
# Threshold values
ratioAreaThreshold = NA,
ratioMaxMaxThreshold = NA,
ratioIntersectThreshold = NA,
ratioNormalizedIntersectThreshold = NA,
diffPosMaxThresholdMinValue = NA,
diffPosMaxThresholdMaxDiff = NA,
diffPosMaxTolerance = NA,
spearmanCorrSDThreashold = NA
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