
Defines functions SWAP.GetKFoldIndices SWAP.MakeTrainTestData SWAP.ScoreVectorToMatrix SWAP.ScoreMatrixToVector SWAP.KTSP.LOO SWAP.KTSP.CV SWAP.GetKTSP.TrainTestResults SWAP.GetKTSP.Result SWAP.GetKTSP.PredictionStats SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairClassesBoxplot SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairBoxplot SWAP.PlotKTSP.Votes SWAP.PlotKTSP.TrainTestROC SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairScatter SWAP.PlotKTSP.Genes SWAP.Calculate.BasicTSPScores SWAP.Calculate.SignedTSPScores SWAP.MakeTSPTable SWAP.Kby.Ttest SWAP.Kby.Measurement SWAP.Train.1TSP SWAP.Train.KTSP SWAP.CalculateScores SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon SWAP.KTSP.Classify SWAP.KTSP.Statistics SWAP.KTSP.Train SWAP.CalculateSignedScore

Documented in SWAP.Calculate.BasicTSPScores SWAP.CalculateScores SWAP.CalculateSignedScore SWAP.Calculate.SignedTSPScores SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon SWAP.GetKTSP.PredictionStats SWAP.GetKTSP.Result SWAP.GetKTSP.TrainTestResults SWAP.Kby.Measurement SWAP.Kby.Ttest SWAP.KTSP.Classify SWAP.KTSP.CV SWAP.KTSP.LOO SWAP.KTSP.Statistics SWAP.KTSP.Train SWAP.MakeTSPTable SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairBoxplot SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairClassesBoxplot SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairScatter SWAP.PlotKTSP.Genes SWAP.PlotKTSP.TrainTestROC SWAP.PlotKTSP.Votes SWAP.Train.1TSP SWAP.Train.KTSP

### An function used to calculate the pairwise scores.
### We can restrict the pairs for which we calculate the scores.

SWAP.CalculateSignedScore <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup,
                                      FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs, handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

        ## Check inputMat conformity
        SWAP.Check.Input(phenoGroup = phenoGroup, inputMat = inputMat,
                         RestrictedPairs = RestrictedPairs)

        ## Filter input and format the data
        formattedInput <- SWAP.Format.Input(phenoGroup =phenoGroup,
                                            inputMat = inputMat, RestrictedPairs = RestrictedPairs,
                                            FilterFunc = FilterFunc, verbose = verbose, ...)

        ## Compute the "unrestricted" classifier
        if ( missing(RestrictedPairs) ) {
                ## Obtain the TSP scores
                tryCatch(out <- calculateSignedScore(phenoGroup = phenoGroup ,
                                            inputMat1 = formattedInput$inputMat,
                                            inputMat2 = formattedInput$inputMat,
                                                handleTies = handleTies, verbose = verbose)
                ,error = function(c){ 
                    if(verbose) cat(c$message, "\nYou may consider increasing the memory or filtering features")
        } else {
                ## Then calculate the scores for these RestrictedPairs
                tryCatch(out <- calculateSignedScore(phenoGroup = phenoGroup,
                                            inputMat1 = formattedInput$inputMat,
                                            inputMat2 = formattedInput$inputMat,
                                            RestrictedPairs = formattedInput$FilteredPairs,
                                                handleTies = handleTies, verbose = verbose )
                ,error = function(c){ 
                    if(verbose) cat(c$message, "\nYou may consider increasing the memory or filtering features")

        ### Return output

### SWAP.KTSP.Train trains a KTSP classifier.
### `inputMat' is a numerical matrix with columns representing samples
### and rows representing features (e.g. genes).
### `phenoGroup' is a factor containing the training labels.
### `krange' is the range of top disjoint pairs used in the KTSP classifier
### If after picking some pairs, only pairs with negligible score remains,
### then no more pair is chosen even the 'n' has not been reached.

SWAP.KTSP.Train <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, krange = 2:10, #c(3, 5, 7:10),
                            FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs, handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) {

        ## Check inputMat conformity
        SWAP.Check.Input(phenoGroup = phenoGroup, inputMat = inputMat,
                         RestrictedPairs = RestrictedPairs)

        ## Filter input and format the data
        formattedInput <- SWAP.Format.Input(phenoGroup, inputMat = inputMat,
                                            RestrictedPairs = RestrictedPairs, FilterFunc = FilterFunc, ...)

        ## Prepare final output
        if( handleTies){

            ## Compute the "unrestricted" classifier
            if ( missing(RestrictedPairs) ) {
                    classifier <- SWAP.KTSP.Train.Plain.Ties(inputMat = formattedInput$inputMat,
                                                            phenoGroup = phenoGroup, maxK = max(krange), verbose = verbose )
            } else {
                    ## Develop restricted classifier
                    classifier <- SWAP.KTSP.Train.Restricted.Ties(inputMat = formattedInput$inputMat,
                                                             phenoGroup = phenoGroup, maxK = max(krange),
                                                             RestrictedPairs = formattedInput$FilteredPairs, verbose = verbose)


            ## Compute the "unrestricted" classifier
            if ( missing(RestrictedPairs) ) {
                    classifier <- SWAP.KTSP.Train.Plain(inputMat = formattedInput$inputMat,
                                                            phenoGroup = phenoGroup, maxK = max(krange), verbose = verbose )
            } else {
                    ## Develop restricted classifier
                    classifier <- SWAP.KTSP.Train.Restricted(inputMat = formattedInput$inputMat,
                                                             phenoGroup = phenoGroup, maxK = max(krange),
                                                             RestrictedPairs = formattedInput$FilteredPairs, verbose = verbose)

        ## Use min T-test to select k
        if(verbose) cat("Selecting K...\n")
        kmin <- bestKByTtest(classifier = classifier, inputMat = inputMat,
                                 phenoGroup = phenoGroup, krange = krange)

        ## Best K
        kstar <- min(krange[kmin], nrow(classifier$TSPs))
        if ( kstar != krange[kmin] ) {
                if(verbose) cat(paste("The required range of k is not available!\n",
                          "The minimum number of available TSP (", kstar,
                          ") will be used instead.\n", sep=""))
        } else {
                if(verbose) cat(paste(kstar, "TSP will be used to build the final classifier.\n"))

        out <- list(name = sprintf("%dTSPs", kstar),
                        TSPs = classifier$TSPs[ 1:kstar , ],
                        score = classifier$score[ 1:kstar ],
                        labels = classifier$labels)

        if("tieVote" %in% names(classifier))
            out$tieVote = classifier$tieVote[ 1:kstar ]
        ## Return out

### It calculates the KTSP statistics : \sum_{k} I(X_i_k <X_j_k) - I(X_j_k <X_i_k)
### statistics = SWAP.KTSP.Statitsics(datTraining, classifiers)

SWAP.KTSP.Statistics <- function(inputMat, classifier, CombineFunc) {

        ## Checking inputMat
        if ( !is.matrix(inputMat) || !is.numeric(inputMat) ) {
                stop("inputMat must be a numeric matrix.")

        ## Check if this a one sample classification situation
        if ( ncol(inputMat) == 1 ) {
                inputMat <- as.matrix(inputMat)

                ## Comparisons
                #loop over all comparisons
                comparisons <- matrix(nrow = ncol(inputMat), ncol = nrow(classifier$TSPs))
                comparisonnames <- vector(mode="character", length= nrow(classifier$TSPs))
                rownames(comparisons) <- colnames(inputMat)

                for( i in seq_len(nrow(classifier$TSPs))){
                        if(classifier$tieVote[i]=="both"){ #if the equality is not counted in favor of either classes
                                comparisons[,i] <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 2 ] , ]
                                                        + 0.5* inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 1 ] , ] == inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 2 ] , ]
                                comparisonnames[i] = sprintf("%s>%s", classifier$TSPs[ i, 1 ], classifier$TSPs[ i, 2 ] )
                        }else if(classifier$tieVote[i] == classifier$labels[2]){#if the equality is counted in favor of class 1
                                comparisons[,i] <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 2 ] , ]
                                comparisonnames[i] = sprintf("%s>=%s", classifier$TSPs[ i, 1 ], classifier$TSPs[ i, 2 ] )
                        }else{#if the equality is counted in favor of class 0
                                comparisons[,i] <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 1 ] , ] >= inputMat[classifier$TSPs[i , 2 ] , ]
                                comparisonnames[i] = sprintf("%s>>%s", classifier$TSPs[ i, 1 ], classifier$TSPs[ i, 2 ] )


    ## Add row and column names
                colnames(comparisons) <- comparisonnames

                ## Compute feature by samples switching
                stats1 <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ]
                stats2 <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] < inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ]

                ## Set the combine function if missing
                if (missing(CombineFunc)) {
                        ## Compute standard K statistics
                        KTSPstat <- apply(comparisons, 1 , sum) - nrow(classifier$TSPs)/2
                        ## Add names
                        names(KTSPstat) <- colnames(inputMat)
                } else {
                        ## Apply combined function
                        KTSPstat <- apply(comparisons, 1, CombineFunc)

                ## ## Make plot if needed
                ## if (show)
                ## plot the figure like the figure in the paper.

                ## Comparisons
                comparisons <- t(inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ])
                ## For 1-TSP
                if(nrow(classifier$TSPs) == 1)
                  comparisons <- matrix(comparisons, , 1)
                ## Add row and column names
                colnames(comparisons) <- mapply(x = classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] ,
                                                y = classifier$TSPs [ , 2 ] ,
                                                FUN = function(x,y) sprintf("%s>%s", x, y ) )
                rownames(comparisons) <- colnames(inputMat)

                ## Compute feature by samples switching
                stats1 <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] > inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ]
                stats2 <- inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 1 ] , ] < inputMat[classifier$TSPs[ , 2 ] , ]

                ## For 1-TSP
                if(nrow(classifier$TSPs) == 1){
                  stats1 = t(matrix(stats1, , 1))
                  stats2 = t(matrix(stats2, , 1))
                ## Set the combine function if missing
                if (missing(CombineFunc)) {
                        ## Compute standard K statistics
                        stats1 <- apply(as.matrix(stats1), 2 , sum)
                        stats2 <- apply(as.matrix(stats2), 2 , sum)
                        KTSPstat <- stats1 - stats2
                        ## Add names
                        names(KTSPstat) <- colnames(inputMat)
                } else {
                        ## Apply combined function
                        x <- stats1
                        KTSPstat <- apply(x, 2, CombineFunc)

                ## ## Make plot if needed
                ## if (show)
                ## plot the figure like the figure in the paper.

        ## Return statistics
        out <- list(statistics = KTSPstat , comparisons = comparisons)


### The classifier for the test inputMat. 'inputMat' is the test inputMat.
### just threshold the outcome of KTSP Statistics
### This will be handled by a function inthe future

### CombineFunc must return a logical indicator
### TRUE for Good (2nd level in phenoGroup)
### FALSE for Bad (1st level in phenoGroup)

SWAP.KTSP.Classify <- function(inputMat, classifier, DecisionFunc) {

        ## Get the group labels
        mylabels <- classifier$labels

        ## If CombineFunction is missing use default (majority wins)
        if (missing(DecisionFunc)) {
                ## Compute the KTSP statistics
                ktspStat <- SWAP.KTSP.Statistics(inputMat, classifier)$statistics > 0
        } else {
                ## Use CombineFunc to compute the KTSP statistics
                ktspStat <- SWAP.KTSP.Statistics(inputMat, classifier, DecisionFunc)$statistics

        ## Prepare and return the results
        out <- factor(ifelse(ktspStat, mylabels[[2]], mylabels[[1]]), levels=mylabels)


### A function to filter the genes, other functions taking similar
### arguments will be passed to SWAP.KTSP.Train() in the future.
### Here the default  filtering is based on the Wilcoxon rank-sum test:
### 50 top up-regulated and 50 top down-regulated genes

SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon <- function(phenoGroup, inputMat, featureNo = 100,
                                 UpDown = TRUE) {

        ## Check inputMat conformity
        SWAP.Check.Input(phenoGroup, inputMat)

        ## Get ranks and perform test
        tiedData <- apply(inputMat, 2 , rank)
        tiedDataP <- t(apply(tiedData, 1 , rank))
        n <- sum(phenoGroup == levels(phenoGroup)[1])
        m <- sum(phenoGroup == levels(phenoGroup)[2])
        sumzeros <- apply(tiedDataP[ , which(phenoGroup == levels(phenoGroup)[1])], 1 , sum)
        windex <- (sumzeros - n*(n+m+1)/2) / sqrt(n*m*(n+m+1)/12)

        ## Retrieve the features
        if (UpDown) {
                s <- order(windex, decreasing = TRUE)
                lens <- length(s)
                ## UP
                featuresIndexUp <- s[1:min(c(round(featureNo/2) , lens))]
                ## DOWN
                featuresIndexDown <- s[ max(c(lens - round(featureNo/2) , 1)) : lens]
                ## Gene indexes
                featuresIndex <- unique(c(featuresIndexUp , featuresIndexDown))
        } else {
        ## The top features
                s <- order(abs(windex) , decreasing=TRUE)
                featuresIndex <- s[1:min(c(featureNo , length(s)))]

        ## Return results as ronames of inputMat
        out <- rownames(inputMat)[featuresIndex]


### ====================================================================================================================================

### Replacement functions

SWAP.CalculateScores <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes = NULL, FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs = NULL, 
    handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, score_fn = signedTSPScores, score_opts = list(), ...){
    calculateScores(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes, FilterFunc, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, verbose, score_fn, score_opts, ...)

SWAP.Train.KTSP <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes = NULL, krange = 2:10,
                            FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs = NULL, 
                            handleTies = FALSE, disjoint = TRUE,
                            k_selection_fn = KbyTtest, k_opts = list(), score_fn = signedTSPScores, score_opts = NULL, 
                            verbose = FALSE, ...){

    classifier = trainkTSP(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes, krange,
                        FilterFunc, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, disjoint,
                        k_selection_fn, k_opts, score_fn, score_opts, 
                        verbose, ...)


### New kTSP functions

SWAP.Train.1TSP <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes = NULL, 
                            FilterFunc = SWAP.Filter.Wilcoxon, RestrictedPairs = NULL,
                            handleTies = FALSE, disjoint = TRUE,
                            score_fn = signedTSPScores, score_opts = NULL, 
                            verbose = FALSE, ...){

    train1TSP(inputMat, phenoGroup, classes, FilterFunc, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, disjoint, 
        score_fn, score_opts, verbose, ...)


SWAP.Kby.Measurement <- function(inputMat, phenoGroup, scoreTable, classes, krange, 
    k_opts=list(disjoint=TRUE, measurement="auc")){
    KbyMeasurement(inputMat, phenoGroup, scoreTable, classes, krange, k_opts)

SWAP.Kby.Ttest <-  function(inputMat, phenoGroup, scoreTable, classes, krange, k_opts=list()){
    KbyTtest(inputMat, phenoGroup, scoreTable, classes, krange, k_opts)

SWAP.MakeTSPTable <- function(Scores, maxk, disjoint = TRUE){
    makeTSPTable(Scores, maxk, disjoint)

### Score functions

SWAP.Calculate.SignedTSPScores <- function(phenoGroup, inputMat1, inputMat2 = NULL, classes = NULL, RestrictedPairs = NULL, 
    handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, score_opts=list()){
    signedTSPScores(phenoGroup, inputMat1, inputMat2, classes, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, verbose, score_opts)

SWAP.Calculate.BasicTSPScores <- function(phenoGroup, inputMat1, inputMat2 = NULL, classes = NULL, RestrictedPairs = NULL, 
    handleTies = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, score_opts=list()){
    basicTSPScores(phenoGroup, inputMat1, inputMat2, classes, RestrictedPairs, handleTies, verbose, score_opts)

### Plotting functions

SWAP.PlotKTSP.Genes <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes, genes, colors=c(), legends=c(), ...){
    plotGenes(inputMat, Groups, classes, genes, colors, legends, ...)

SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairScatter <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes, genes, colors=c(), legends=c(), ...){
    plotGenePairScatter(inputMat, Groups, classes, genes, colors, legends, ...)

SWAP.PlotKTSP.TrainTestROC <- function(result, colors=c(), legends=c(), ...){
    plotkTSPTrainTestROC(result, colors, legends, ...)

SWAP.PlotKTSP.Votes <- function(classifier, inputMat, Groups=NULL, CombineFunc, ...){
    plotkTSPVotes(classifier, inputMat, Groups, CombineFunc, ...)

SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairBoxplot <- function(genes, inputMat, Groups=NULL, classes=NULL, points=FALSE, point_coloring="byGene", colors=c(), point_colors=c(), ...){
    plotGenePairBoxplot(genes, inputMat, Groups, classes, points, point_coloring, colors, point_colors, ...)

SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairClassesBoxplot <- function(genes, inputMat, Groups, classes=NULL, points=FALSE, ordering="byGene", colors=c(), point_colors=c(), 
  point_directions=FALSE, ...){
    plotGenePairClassesBoxplot(genes, inputMat, Groups, classes, points, ordering, colors, point_colors, point_directions, ...)

### Utility functions

SWAP.GetKTSP.PredictionStats <- function(predictions, truth, classes=NULL, decision_values=NULL){
    getPredictionStats(predictions, truth, classes, decision_values)

SWAP.GetKTSP.Result <- function(classifier, inputMat, Groups, classes=NULL, predictions=FALSE, decision_values=FALSE){
    getkTSPResult(classifier, inputMat, Groups, classes, predictions, decision_values)

SWAP.GetKTSP.TrainTestResults <- function(trainMat, trainGroup, testMat, testGroup, classes=NULL, predictions=FALSE, decision_values=FALSE, ...){
    getkTSPTrainTestResults(trainMat, trainGroup, testMat, testGroup, classes, predictions, decision_values, ...)

SWAP.KTSP.CV <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes = NULL, k = 4, folds = NULL, randomize = TRUE, ...){
    kTSPCV(inputMat, Groups, classes, k, folds, randomize, ...)

SWAP.KTSP.LOO <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes = NULL, ...){
    kTSPLOO(inputMat, Groups, classes, ...)

### Miscellaneous functions

SWAP.ScoreMatrixToVector <- function(M){

SWAP.ScoreVectorToMatrix <- function(V){

SWAP.MakeTrainTestData <- function(inputMat, Groups, classes = NULL, p = .5){
    make_train_test_data(inputMat, Groups, classes, p)

SWAP.GetKFoldIndices <- function(Groups, k = 4){
    get_kfold_indices(Groups, k)

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