####------------------- constructTDS -------------------####
#' constructTDS
#' The function constructs an object of class \code{\link{TranscriptionDataSet}},
#' which is a container for holding processed sequencing data and the results of
#' all downstream analyses. All the slots of the created object are filled
#' during the workflow by applying specific functions to the object directly.
#' @name constructTDS
#' @param file A path to a BAM file with sequencing reads.
#' @param region \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}}. Genomic region(s) to
#' extract reads from. If not supplied, all the reads from a BAM file are
#' extracted.
#' @param fragment.size \code{Numeric}. Extend read length to the fragment size.
#' Default: 250.
#' @param unique \code{Logical}. Whether to remove duplicated reads (based on the
#' genomic coordinates). Default: FALSE.
#' @param paired.end \code{Logical}. Whether to treat a BAM file as paired-end.
#' Default: FALSE.
#' @param swap.strand \code{Logical}. Whether to reverse the strand of the read.
#' Default: FALSE.
#' @param param \code{\link[Rsamtools]{ScanBamParam}} object influencing what
#' fields and which records (reads) are imported from a BAM file. Default:
#' NULL.
#' @details
#' The slots \code{fragments}, \code{fragmentSize}, \code{region},
#' \code{coveragePlus}, \code{coverageMinus} are filled during the object
#' construction. The \code{fragments} holds information about genomic
#' coordinates of the sequenced fragments (reads extended to the fragmento
#' size). \code{coveragePlus} and \code{coverageMinus} for each position in
#' the genome counts the number of fragments that cover it (for the details,
#' see \code{\link[IRanges]{coverage}}). \code{region} holds information about
#' the region used for fragments extraction.
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{TranscriptionDataSet}}.
#' @author Armen R. Karapetyan
#' @examples
#' ### Load TranscriptionDataSet object
#' data(tds)
#' ### View a short summary of the object
#' tds
#' @export
constructTDS <- function(file, region, fragment.size = 250, unique = FALSE,
paired.end = FALSE, swap.strand = FALSE,
param = NULL){
if (fragment.size > 500) {
warning("'fragment.size' seems to be rather large. Please, verify that the 'fragment.size' is set correctly.")
message("[INFO] Extracting fragments...", appendLF = FALSE)
suppressWarnings(fragments <- .readBam(file, region, fragment.size, unique,
paired.end, swap.strand, param))
# trim out-of-bound ranges
fragments <- trim(fragments)
# Create coverage profile for each strand
message("[INFO] Creating coverage profile...", appendLF = FALSE) <- coverage(fragments[strand(fragments) == "+"])
cov.minus <- coverage(fragments[strand(fragments) == "-"])
# Discard empy chromosomes <-[which(unlist(lapply(, function(x) length(S4Vectors::runValue(x)))) > 1)]
cov.minus <- cov.minus[which(unlist(lapply(cov.minus, function(x) length(S4Vectors::runValue(x)))) > 1)]
if (missing(region)){
region <- GRanges()
return(new("TranscriptionDataSet", bamFile = file, fragments = fragments,
fragmentSize = fragment.size, region = region,
coveragePlus =, coverageMinus = cov.minus))
####------------------- estimateBackground -------------------####
#' @rdname estimateBackground-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet"),
definition = function(object, fdr.cutoff = 0.05){
if (length(object@coveragePlus) == 0 | length(object@coverageMinus) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'object' doesn't contain coverage information.
Please, use constructTDS function to initialize an object of class 'TranscriptionDataSet'.")
if (is.numeric(fdr.cutoff)){
if (fdr.cutoff <= 0 | fdr.cutoff > 1){
stop("[ERROR] 'fdr.cutoff' needs to be in a range (0, 1].")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'fdr.cutoff' needs to be numeric.")
objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
cutoff <- mean(unlist(lapply(list(object@coveragePlus, object@coverageMinus),
chipseq::peakCutoff(cov = x, fdr.cutoff = fdr.cutoff)
object@coverageCutoff <- round(cutoff, 3)
object@coverageCutoffFdr <- fdr.cutoff
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
####------------------- estimateGapDistance -------------------####
.dissectTranscribedRegions <- function(cov, coverage.cutoff, strand){
irl <- as(slice(cov, lower = coverage.cutoff), "IRangesList")
trr <- as(irl, "GRanges")
strand(trr) <- strand
.rpkm <- function(C, S, N){
(10^9 * C) / (as.numeric(N) * S)
.estimateFpkm <- function(object, reads, total.reads){
# count number of reads per transcripts
counts <- countOverlaps(query = object,
subject = reads,
ignore.strand = FALSE)
object$fragments <- counts
# estiamte rpkm/fpkm
object$fpkm <- round(.rpkm(C = counts, S = width(object), N = total.reads), 3)
.estimateErrorRate <- function(trx, annot){
trx.per.annot <- countOverlaps(annot, trx, ignore.strand = FALSE)
annot.per.trx <- countOverlaps(trx, annot, ignore.strand = FALSE)
error.dissected <- sum(trx.per.annot >= 2)/sum(trx.per.annot >= 1)
error.merged <- sum(annot.per.trx >= 2)/sum(annot.per.trx >= 1)
sum.two.errors <- error.dissected + error.merged
error.df <- data.frame(error.dissected, error.merged, sum.two.errors)
#' @rdname estimateGapDistance-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet", "GRanges"),
definition = function(object,
filter.annot = TRUE,
fpkm.quantile = 0.25,
gap.dist.range = seq(from = 0, to = 10000, by = 100)){
# Tests
if (length(object@coveragePlus) == 0 | length(object@coverageMinus) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'object' doesn't contain coverage information.
Please, use constructTDS function to initialize an object of class 'TranscriptionDataSet'.")
if (missing(coverage.cutoff)){
if (length(object@coverageCutoff) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'coverageCutoff' slot is empty.
Please, specify 'coverage.cutoff' manually or call estimateBackground function
on the 'object'.")
} else {
coverage.cutoff <- object@coverageCutoff
} else {
if (is.numeric(coverage.cutoff)){
if (coverage.cutoff <= 0) {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverage.cutoff' needs to be above 0.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverage.cutoff' needs to be numeric.")
if (!is.logical(filter.annot)){
stop("[ERROR] 'filter.annot' needs to be a boolean.")
if (is.numeric(fpkm.quantile)){
if (!(fpkm.quantile > 0 & fpkm.quantile < 1)){
stop("[ERROR] 'fpkm.quantile' needs to be in a range (0, 1).")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'fpkm.quantile' needs to be numeric.")
if (is.numeric(gap.dist.range)){
if (any(gap.dist.range < 0)){
stop("[ERROR] 'gap.dist.range' needs to be a vector of positive numbers.")
} else{
stop("[ERROR] 'gap.dist.range' needs to be a vector of positive numbers.")
objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
# Slice regions exceeding cutoff
message("[INFO] Dissecting transcribed regions...", appendLF = FALSE) <- .dissectTranscribedRegions(object@coveragePlus, coverage.cutoff = coverage.cutoff, strand = "+")
trr.minus <- .dissectTranscribedRegions(object@coverageMinus, coverage.cutoff = coverage.cutoff, strand = "-")
trr <- c(, trr.minus)
# Estimate gap distance minimazing the sum of two errors
message("[INFO] Estimating gap distance minimizing sum of two errors...", appendLF = FALSE)
# Keep annot. overlapping region
if (length(object@region) > 0){
annot <- subsetByOverlaps(annot, object@region,
ignore.strand = TRUE)
# Merge overlaping annot on the same strand
annot <- reduce(annot, ignore.strand = FALSE)
if (filter.annot){
# Estimate expression level of annotations
# Discard lowly expressed annotations
annot.stats <- .estimateFpkm(annot, object@fragments, total.reads = length(object@fragments))
fpkm.quant <- stats::quantile(x = annot.stats$fpkm, probs = fpkm.quantile)
annot <- annot[which(annot.stats$fpkm > fpkm.quant)]
# data.frame to store output values
error.df <- data.frame()
for (i in seq_along(gap.dist.range)){
trx <- GenomicRanges::reduce(trr, min.gapwidth = gap.dist.range[i], ignore.strand = FALSE)
error <- .estimateErrorRate(trx, annot)
error$gap.distance <- gap.dist.range[i]
error.df <- rbind(error.df, error)
object@gapDistanceTest <- error.df
object@gapDistanceTestCovCutoff <- coverage.cutoff
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
####------------------- detectTranscripts -------------------####
.estimateDensity <- function(object,, cov.minus, coverage.cutoff){
chrs <- levels(droplevels(seqnames(object)))
object.per.chr <- lapply(chrs,
# split by chromosome and strand <- object[seqnames(object) == chr & strand(object) == "+"]
object.minus <- object[seqnames(object) == chr & strand(object) == "-"]
# covearge profile per transcript <- Views(subject =[[chr]],
start = start(,
end = end(
views.minus <- Views(subject = cov.minus[[chr]],
start = start(object.minus),
end = end(object.minus))
# number of bases covered by fragments$bases.covered <- viewApply(,
sum(x > coverage.cutoff)
object.minus$bases.covered <- viewApply(views.minus,
sum(x > coverage.cutoff)
object.chr <- c(, object.minus)
object.chr$coverage <- round(object.chr$bases.covered / width(object.chr), 3)
object.comb <-, object.per.chr)
#' @rdname detectTranscripts-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet"),
definition = function(object,
estimate.params = TRUE,
total.reads, = FALSE,
if (length(object@coveragePlus) == 0 | length(object@coverageMinus) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'object' doesn't contain coverage information.
Please, use constructTDS function to initialize an object of class 'TranscriptionDataSet'.")
if (missing(coverage.cutoff)){
if (length(object@coverageCutoff) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'coverageCutoff' slot is empty.
Please, specify 'coverage.cutoff' manually or call estimateBackground function
on the 'object'.")
} else {
coverage.cutoff <- object@coverageCutoff
} else {
if (is.numeric(coverage.cutoff)){
if (coverage.cutoff <= 0) {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverage.cutoff' needs to be above 0.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverage.cutoff' needs to be numeric.")
if (missing(gap.dist)){
if (length(object@gapDistanceTest) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'gapDistanceTest' slot is empty.
Please, specify 'gap.dist' manually or call estimateGapDistance function
on the 'object'.")
} else {
idx <- which.min(object@gapDistanceTest$sum.two.errors)
gap.dist <- object@gapDistanceTest$gap.distance[idx]
sum.two.errors <- object@gapDistanceTest$sum.two.errors[idx]
} else {
if (is.numeric(gap.dist)){
if (gap.dist < 0) {
stop("[ERROR] 'gap.dist' needs to be a positive number.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'gap.dist' needs to be numeric.")
if (missing(total.reads)){
total.reads <- length(object@fragments)
} else {
if (is.numeric(total.reads)){
if (total.reads < 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'total.reads' needs to be a positive number.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'total.reads' needs to be numeric.")
if ({
if (missing(annot)){
stop("[ERROR] Please, provide annotations.")
} else {
if(!is(annot, "GRanges")){
stop("[ERROR] 'annot' needs to be a GRanges object.")
objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
# Slice regions exceeding coverage cutoff
message("[INFO] Dissecting transcripts...", appendLF = FALSE) <- .dissectTranscribedRegions(object@coveragePlus,
coverage.cutoff = coverage.cutoff,
strand = "+")
trr.minus <- .dissectTranscribedRegions(object@coverageMinus,
coverage.cutoff = coverage.cutoff,
strand = "-")
trx <- GenomicRanges::reduce(c(, trr.minus),
min.gapwidth = gap.dist,
ignore.strand = FALSE)
if ({
message("[INFO] Merging transcripts by the annotation overlap...", appendLF = FALSE)
# overlap betweem annotations and transcripts
hits <- findOverlaps(query = reduce(annot, ignore.strand = FALSE),
subject = trx, ignore.strand = FALSE)
# split transcripts by annotation overlap <- split(subjectHits(hits), queryHits(hits))
trx.per.annot <- lapply(, length)
# select annotations overlaping multiple transcripts
annot.mult.trx <-[trx.per.annot > 1]
# Merge transcripts overlaping the same annotation
trx.comb <- lapply(annot.mult.trx,
trx.per.annot <- trx[x]
s <- min(start(trx.per.annot))
e <- max(end(trx.per.annot))
GRanges(seqnames = as.character(S4Vectors::runValue(seqnames(trx.per.annot))),
ranges = IRanges(start = s, end = e),
strand = as.character(S4Vectors::runValue(strand(trx.per.annot))))
trx.comb <- suppressWarnings(BiocGenerics::Reduce(c, trx.comb))
# Discard duplicated transcripts
trx <- trx[-unlist(annot.mult.trx)]
# Combine merged transcritps with the rest of the transcripts
trx <- c(trx.comb, trx)
trx <- sort.GenomicRanges(trx, decreasing = FALSE, ignore.strand = TRUE)
trx <- GenomicRanges::sort(x = trx, decreasing = FALSE, ignore.strand = TRUE)
trx$id <- paste0("trx_", seq_along(trx))
trx$length <- width(trx)
if (estimate.params){
# Calculate transcripts coverage (proportion of bases covered by fragments/reads) and fpkm
message("[INFO] Calculating fpkm and coverage...", appendLF = FALSE)
trx <- .estimateDensity(trx, object@coveragePlus, object@coverageMinus, coverage.cutoff)
trx <- .estimateFpkm(trx, object@fragments, total.reads)
trx <- GenomicRanges::sort(x = trx, decreasing = FALSE, ignore.strand = TRUE)
object@transcripts <- trx
object@transcriptsCovCutoff <- coverage.cutoff
object@transcriptsGapDist <- gap.dist
object@transcriptsNormalization <- total.reads
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
####------------------- breakTranscriptsByPeaks -------------------####
#' @rdname breakTranscriptsByPeaks-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet", "ChipDataSet"),
definition = function(tdsObj, cdsObj, estimate.params = TRUE){
objName <- deparse(substitute(tdsObj)) <- FALSE
msg.alarm.minus <- FALSE
# Prepare data
trx <- tdsObj@transcripts
peaks <- cdsObj@peaks
predicted.tssOverlap <- cdsObj@tssOverlapPrediction$predicted.tssOverlap$predicted.tssOverlap
predicted.strand <- cdsObj@strandPrediction$predicted.strand <- cdsObj@strandPrediction$$q1q2.sepline.coord
trans.start.pos.minus <- cdsObj@strandPrediction$results.minus$q1q2.sepline.coord
values(peaks) <- cbind(values(peaks), S4Vectors::DataFrame(predicted.tssOverlap,,
# Select peaks predicted to be gene associated
peaks <- peaks[ peaks$predicted.tssOverlap == "yes"]
# Split transcripts by strand <- trx[strand(trx) == "+"]
trx.minus <- trx[strand(trx) == "-"]
# Split peaks by the predicted strand <- peaks[ peaks$predicted.strand == "+" | peaks$predicted.strand == "bi"]
peaks.minus <- peaks[ peaks$predicted.strand == "-" | peaks$predicted.strand == "bi"]
message("[IFNO] Breaking transcripts by peaks...", appendLF = FALSE)
# Process plus strand
# Select peaks overlaping with the transcripts starts <- findOverlaps(promoters(, upstream = 1, downstream = 1),, ignore.strand = TRUE)
# Select peaks not ovelaping with the transcripts starts (located in the transcript body) <- setdiff(seq_along(, unique(subjectHits(
if (length( == 0){ <- TRUE
} else {
# Prepare break region for plus strand
s <-[]$ - 1
e <-[]$ - 1
chr <- seqnames([]) <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges(start = s, end = e), strand = "+")
# Truncate transcritps by transcription start position inside the peak (estimate by predictStrand function) <- setdiff(,
# Process minus strand
# Select peaks overlaping with the transcripts starts
hits.minus <- findOverlaps(promoters(trx.minus, upstream = 1, downstream = 1), peaks.minus, ignore.strand = TRUE)
# Select peaks not ovelaping with the transcripts starts (located in the transcript body)
idx.minus <- setdiff(seq_along(peaks.minus), unique(subjectHits(hits.minus)))
if (length(idx.minus) == 0){
msg.alarm.minus <- TRUE
} else {
# Prepare break region for plus strand
s <- peaks.minus[idx.minus]$trans.start.pos.minus + 1
e <- peaks.minus[idx.minus]$trans.start.pos.minus + 1
chr <- seqnames(peaks.minus[idx.minus])
breaks.minus <- GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges(start = s, end = e), strand = "-")
# Truncate transcritps by transcription start position inside the peak (estimate by predictStrand function)
trx.minus <- setdiff(trx.minus, breaks.minus)
# Combine transcripts
trx <- GenomicRanges::sort.GenomicRanges(c(, trx.minus), decreasing = FALSE, ignore.strand = TRUE)
trx$id <- paste0("trx_", seq_along(trx))
trx$length <- width(trx)
if ({ message("[INFO] No peaks to break transcripts on the plus strand.") }
if (msg.alarm.minus){ message("[INFO] No peaks to break transcripts on the minus strand.") }
if (estimate.params){
# Calculate transcripts coverage (proportion of bases covered by fragments/reads) and fpkm
message("[INFO] Calculating fpkm and coverage ...", appendLF = FALSE)
chrs <- levels(droplevels(seqnames(trx)))
trx <-, lapply(chrs,
function(chr){ <- trx[seqnames(trx) == chr & strand(trx) == "+"]
trx.minus <- trx[seqnames(trx) == chr & strand(trx) == "-"]
# covearge profile per transcript <- Views(subject = tdsObj@coveragePlus[[chr]],
start = start(,
end = end(
views.minus <- Views(subject = tdsObj@coverageMinus[[chr]],
start = start(trx.minus),
end = end(trx.minus))
# amount of bases covered by fragments$bases.covered <- viewApply(,
sum(x > tdsObj@transcriptsCovCutoff)
trx.minus$bases.covered <- viewApply(views.minus,
sum(x > tdsObj@transcriptsCovCutoff)
trx.chr <- c(, trx.minus)
trx.chr$coverage <- round(trx.chr$bases.covered / width(trx.chr), 3)
# Calculate fpkm
counts <- countOverlaps(query = trx,
subject = tdsObj@fragments,
ignore.strand = FALSE)
trx$fragments <- counts
trx$fpkm <- round(.rpkm(C = counts, S = width(trx), N = tdsObj@transcriptsNormalization), 3)
trx <- GenomicRanges::sort(x = trx, decreasing = FALSE, ignore.strand = TRUE)
tdsObj@transcripts <- trx
assign(objName, tdsObj, envir = parent.frame())
####------------------- annotateTranscripts -------------------####
#' @rdname annotateTranscripts-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet", "GRanges"),
definition = function(object, annot, min.overlap = 0.3){
if (length(object@transcripts) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'object' doesn't contain transcripts information. Please, call detectTranscripts function on the object of class 'TranscriptionDataSet'.")
if (is.null(names(annot))){
stop("[ERROR] Names are not specified in 'annot'.")
if (is.numeric(min.overlap)){
if (min.overlap > 1 | min.overlap <= 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'min.overlap' needs to be in a range [0,1].")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'min.overlap' needs to be numeric.")
objName <- deparse(substitute(object))
trx <- object@transcripts
# Look for the overlap betwen transcripts and annotations
hits <- findOverlaps(trx, annot)
# Determine the width of the overlap (picewise intersection)
inter <- pintersect(annot[subjectHits(hits)], trx[queryHits(hits)])
# Calculate proportion of the overlap
# proportion of transcript overlaping annotation
trx.overlap.prop <- width(inter) / width(trx[queryHits(hits)])
# proportion of annotation overlaping transcript
annot.overlap.prop <- width(inter) / width(annot[subjectHits(hits)])
# take average of two proportions
overlap.prop <- (trx.overlap.prop + annot.overlap.prop) / 2
idx <- which(overlap.prop >= min.overlap)
# Select overlaps with the overlap proportion larger than 'min.overlap'
hits <- hits[idx]
# Split annot by transcripts <- split(names(inter[idx]), queryHits(hits)) <- CharacterList(replicate(n = length(trx), list("ND")))[as.numeric(names(] <-
trx$annotation.overlap <-
object@transcripts <- trx
assign(objName, object, envir = parent.frame())
####------------------- getTranscripts -------------------####
#' @rdname getTranscripts-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet"),
definition = function(object,
trx <- object@transcripts
# Tests
# Filter transcripts by length
if (!missing(min.length)){
if (is.numeric(min.length)){
if (min.length < 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'min.length' needs to be a positive number.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'min.length' needs to be numeric.")
trx <- trx[width(trx) > min.length]
# Filter transcripts by fpkm
if (!missing(min.fpkm)){
if (is.numeric(min.fpkm)){
if (min.fpkm < 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'min.fpkm' needs to be a positive number.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'min.fpkm' needs to be numeric.")
if (!("fpkm" %in% names(values(trx)))){
stop("[ERROR] fpkm values are not available. Please, rerun detectTranscripts function with 'estimate.params'=TRUE.")
trx <- trx[trx$fpkm > min.fpkm]
# Filter transcripts by coverage (proportion of bases covered by fragments)
if (!missing(min.coverage)){
if (is.numeric(min.coverage)){
if (min.coverage < 0 | min.coverage > 1){
stop("[ERROR] 'min.coverage' needs to be a range [0, 1].")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'min.coverage' needs to be numeric.")
if (!("coverage" %in% names(values(trx)))){
stop("[ERROR] coverage information is not available. Please, rerun detectTranscripts function with 'estimate.params'=TRUE.")
trx <- trx[trx$coverage > min.coverage]
####------------------- getTestedGapDistances -------------------####
#' @rdname getTestedGapDistances-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet"),
definition = function(object){
####------------------- plotErrorRate -------------------####
#' @rdname plotErrorRate-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet"),
definition = function(object,
color = c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3"),
xlab = "Gap distance (kb)",
ylab = "Error rate",
if (length(object@gapDistanceTest) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'gapDistanceTest' slot is empty.
Make sure that the 'object' was initialized with the constructTDS function call.
Please, call the estimateGapDistance function to test multiple gap distances.")
if (length(color) != 3){
stop("[ERROR] 'color' needs to contain three colors.")
df <- object@gapDistanceTest
graphics::plot(df$sum.two.errors, type = "l", col = color[1], ylim = c(0, 1), xaxt = "n",
ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, ...)
thicks <- which(df$gap.distance %% 1000 == 0)
labels <- df$gap.distance[thicks]/1000
graphics::axis(side = 1, at = thicks, labels = labels)
graphics::lines(df$error.dissected, col = color[2], ...)
graphics::lines(df$error.merged, col = color[3], ...)
graphics::abline(v = which.min(df$sum.two.errors), col = "grey40", lwd = 1.5, lty = "dashed")
legend = c("Sum of two errors", "Dissected error", "Merged error"),
col = color, lwd = 2, cex = 0.8)
####------------------- exportCoverage -------------------####
#' @rdname exportCoverage-methods
signature = signature("TranscriptionDataSet"),
definition = function(object,
color, = FALSE,
coverage.cutoff = NULL,
rpm = FALSE,
if (length(object@coveragePlus) == 0 | length(object@coverageMinus) == 0){
stop("[ERROR] 'object' doesn't contain coverage information.
Please, use constructTDS to initialize an object of class 'TranscriptionDataSet'.")
if (missing(type)){
type <- "bedGraph"
} else {
type <- match.arg(arg = type, choices = c("bigWig", "bedGraph"))
if (missing(color)){
color <- c(0L, 0L, 255L)
} else {
if (is.numeric(color)){
color <- as.integer(color)
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'color' needs to be an object o class
'integer' representing the track color (as from col2rgb).")
if (strand %in% "+"){
cov <- object@coveragePlus
} else if (strand %in% "-"){
cov <- object@coverageMinus * (-1)
} else {
stop("[ERROR] Wrong 'strand'. Either '+' or '-'.")
if (!is.logical(rpm)){
stop("[ERROR] 'rpm' needs to be boolean.")
if (!missing(total.reads)){
if (!is.numeric(total.reads)){
stop("[ERROR] 'total.reads' needs to be numeric.")
} else {
total.reads <- length(object@fragments)
# Filter by coverage cutoff
if (is.logical({
if ({
if (is.null(coverage.cutoff)){
if (length(object@coverageCutoff) == 1){
coverage.cutoff <- object@coverageCutoff
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverageCutoff' slot is empty.
Please, specify 'coverage.cutoff' manually or call estimateBackground function on the 'object'.")
} else {
if (is.numeric(coverage.cutoff)){
if (coverage.cutoff <= 0) {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverage.cutoff' needs to be above 0.")
} else {
stop("[ERROR] 'coverage.cutoff' needs to be numeric.")
cov[abs(cov) < coverage.cutoff] <- 0
} else {
if (!is.null(coverage.cutoff)){
message("[WARNING] '' is set to FALSE. Coverage profiles will not be filtered by 'coverage.cutoff'.")
} else{
stop("[ERROR] '' needs to be boolean.")
# Normalize
if (rpm){
cov.rpm <- (10^6 * cov) / total.reads
names(cov.rpm) <- names(cov)
cov <- cov.rpm
if (type %in% "bigWig"){
rtracklayer::export(object = cov, con = file, format = "bigWig")
} else if (type %in% "bedGraph"){
track.line <- new("GraphTrackLine",
name = file,
color = color,
altColor = color,
autoScale = TRUE,
alwaysZero = TRUE,
rtracklayer::export(object = cov, con = file, trackLine = track.line, format = "bedGraph")
####------------------- transcriptsToBed -------------------####
#' @rdname transcriptsToBed-methods
signature = signature("GRanges"),
definition = function(object, file, strand.color = c("blue", "red")){
if (length(strand.color) != 2){
stop("[ERROR] 'strand.color' needs to be a character vector of length two.")
chrom <- seqnames(object)
chromStart <- start(object)
chromEnd <- end(object)
# name <- paste0("transcript_", 1 : length(object))
ids <- object$id
score <- rep(0, length(object))
strand <- strand(object)
thichStart <- chromStart
thickEnd <- chromEnd <- paste(grDevices::col2rgb(col = strand.color[1]), collapse = ",")
col.minus <- paste(grDevices::col2rgb(col = strand.color[2]), collapse = ",")
itemRgb <- ifelse(strand(object) == "+",, col.minus)
df <- data.frame(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, ids, score, strand, thichStart, thickEnd, itemRgb)
utils::write.table(x = df, file = file, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
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