
mlePoissonTweedie <-
function (x, a, D.ini, a.ini, maxit = 100, loglik = TRUE, maxCount = 20000, w = NULL, 
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    if (all(x == 0)) 
        warning("All data are 0's")
    if (any(is.na(x))) {
        cat("There are NA's. They have been removed")
        x <- x[!is.na(x)]
      mu <- mean(x)
      mu <- weighted.mean(x, w)
    if (max(x) <= maxCount) {
        if (!missing(a)) {
            if (missing(D.ini)) 
                p.ini <- c(var(x)/mean(x))
            else p.ini <- c(D.ini)
            if (p.ini[1] < 1) 
                p.ini[1] <- 1
            MLE <- optim(p.ini, loglikPoissonTweedie2, x = x, 
                a = a, method = "L-BFGS-B", mu = mu, w = w, lower = c(1), 
                upper = c(Inf), control = list(fnscale = -1, 
                  maxit = maxit), hessian = TRUE, ...)
            p <- MLE$par
            D <- p[1]
            c <- (D - 1)/(D - a)
            b <- (mu * (1 - a)^(1 - a))/((D - 1) * (D - a)^(-a))
            se <- c(sqrt(-diag(solve(MLE$hessian))), NA)
        else {
            if (missing(D.ini) || missing(a.ini)) 
                p.ini <- c(var(x)/mean(x), 0)
            else p.ini <- c(D.ini, a.ini)
            if (p.ini[1] < 1) 
                p.ini[1] <- 1
            MLE <- try(optim(p.ini, loglikPoissonTweedie, x = x, 
                method = "L-BFGS-B", mu = mu, w = w, lower = c(1, -Inf), 
                upper = c(Inf, 1 - (1e-09)), control = list(fnscale = -1, 
                  maxit = maxit), hessian = TRUE, ...), TRUE)
            if (!inherits(MLE, "try-error")) {
                p <- MLE$par
                D <- p[1]
                a <- p[2]
            else {
                MLE <- try(optim(p.ini, loglikPoissonTweedie2, x = x, 
                  a = 0, method = "L-BFGS-B", mu = mu, w = w, lower = c(1), 
                  upper = c(Inf), control = list(fnscale = -1, 
                    maxit = maxit), hessian = TRUE, ...), TRUE)
                if (!inherits(MLE, "try-error"))
                  p <- MLE$par
                  D <- p[1]
                  a <- 0
                  D <- var(x)/mean(x)
                  a <- 0   
                  MLE <- list()
                  MLE$hessian <- matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=1)
                  MLE$convergence <- 1000
                  MLE$message <- "no convergence using maximum likelihood - moment estimation is used instead"
                  MLE$value <- 0
                  MLE$counts <- 0
            c <- (D - 1)/(D - a)
            b <- (mu * (1 - a)^(1 - a))/((D - 1) * (D - a)^(-a))
            se <- try(sqrt(-diag(solve(MLE$hessian))), TRUE)
            if (inherits(se, "try-error")) 
                se <- rep(NA, nrow(MLE$hessian))
        se <- c(sqrt((D * mu)/length(x)), se)
        loglik <- MLE$value
        iter <- MLE$counts[1]
        convergence <- MLE$convergence
        message <- MLE$message
        if (convergence != 0) {
            warning(paste("algorithm did not converge:", message))
            param <- momentEstimates(x, w = w)
            mu <- param[1]
            D <- param[2]
            a <- param[4]
            if (a > 1 || is.na(a)) 
                a <- NA
            c <- (D - 1)/(D - a)
            b <- (mu * (1 - a)^(1 - a))/((D - 1) * (D - a)^(-a))
            se <- c(sqrt((D * mu)/length(x)), NA, NA)
            if (loglik && (!any(is.na(c(mu, D, a)))) && D != 
                loglik <- loglikPoissonTweedie(c(D, a), x, mu = mu)
            else loglik <- NA
            iter <- message <- NA
            convergence <- 0
        method <- "MLE"
    else {
        param <- momentEstimates(x, w = w)
        mu <- param[1]
        D <- param[2]
        a <- param[4]
        if (a > 1 || is.na(a)) 
            a <- NA
        c <- (D - 1)/(D - a)
        b <- (mu * (1 - a)^(1 - a))/((D - 1) * (D - a)^(-a))
        se <- c(sqrt((D * mu)/length(x)), NA, NA)
        if (loglik && (!any(is.na(c(mu, D, a))))) 
            loglik <- loglikPoissonTweedie(c(D, a), x, mu = mu)
        else loglik <- NA
        iter <- message <- NA
        convergence <- 0
        method <- "Moments"
    parameters <- c(mu, D, a)
    gamma.num <- a^2 * c^2 - 3 * a * c + c + 1
    gamma.den <- sqrt(b * c * (1 - c)^a * (1 - a * c)^3)
    gamma <- gamma.num/gamma.den
    names(parameters) <- names(se) <- c("mu", "D", "a")
    paramZhu <- c(a, b, c)
    names(paramZhu) <- c("a", "b", "c")
    names(gamma) <- "skewness"
    alpha <- a
    delta <- b * (c)^a
    theta <- (1 - c)/c
    paramHou <- c(alpha, delta, theta)
    names(paramHou) <- c("alpha", "delta", "theta")
    ans <- list(par = parameters, se = se, loglik = loglik, iter = iter, 
        paramZhu = paramZhu, paramHou = paramHou, skewness = gamma, 
        x = x, convergence = convergence, message = message, 
        method = method)
    class(ans) <- "mlePT"

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