Man pages for wateRmelon
Illumina 450 methylation array normalization and metrics

adaptRefQuantilesFunctions from 450-pipeline (Touleimat & Tost)
agepAge Prediction from methylomic expression data
as.methylumi-methodsMethods for Function 'as.methylumi'
beadcCalculates the number of samples with bead count <3 for each...
beadcountCreates matrix of beacounts from minfi data.
Beta2MInternal functions for peak.correction (fuks)
BMIQBeta-Mixture Quantile (BMIQ) Normalisation method for...
bsconCalculate bisulphite conversion
colnames-methodsMethods for Function 'colnames' in Package 'wateRmelon'
comboCombine MethyLumiSet objects
dasenCalculate normalized betas from Illumina 450K methylation...
dasen-exprmethy450Calculate normalized betas from exprmethy450 of Illumina 450K...
dasen-MethyLumiSetCalculate normalized betas from MethyLumiSets of Illumina...
dasen-MethySetCalculate normalized betas from Illumina 450K methylation...
db1Internal wateRmelon functions for calculating betas
dmrseStandard error of iDMR 450k array DNA methylation features
dmrse-methodsMethods for Function 'dmrse' in Package 'wateRmelon'
estimateCellCounts.wmlnCell Proportion Estimation using wateRmelon
genkiSNP derived performance metrics for Illumina 450K DNA...
genki-methodsMethods for Function 'genki' in Package 'wateRmelon'
genkmeInternal functions for genotype-based normalization metrics
gotInternal functions for Illumina i450 normalization functions
iDMRImprinting differentially methylated region probes of...
melonSmall MethyLumi data set for examples and testing
metricsCalculate a full set of 450K normalization/performance...
outlyxIdentify Outliers within Methylumi and Minfi packaged objects
outlyx-methodsMethods for Function 'outlyx' in Package 'wateRmelon'
pfilterBasic data filtering for Illumina 450 methylation data
predictSexSex Prediction of samples assayed on the Illumina Infinium...
pwodProbe-Wise Outlier Detection
pwod-methodsMethods for Function 'pwod' in Package 'wateRmelon'
qualA measure of Normalization Violence
seabiCalculate a performance metric based on male-female...
seabi-methodsMethods for Function 'seabi' in Package 'wateRmelon'
seabirdCalculate ROC area-under-curve for X-chromosome sex...
sextestTest Illumina methylation 450K array probes for sex...
wateRmelon-packageIllumina 450K arrays: normalization and performance metrics
wm_internalInternal functions for readEPIC and other wateRmelon...
wateRmelon documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:47 p.m.