##summarize time to detection data
detTime <- function(object, plot.time = TRUE, plot.seasons = FALSE,
cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){
UseMethod("detTime", object)
detTime.default <- function(object, plot.time = TRUE, plot.seasons = FALSE,
cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...){
stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")
##for ummarkedFrameOccuTTD
detTime.unmarkedFrameOccuTTD <- function(object, plot.time = TRUE, plot.seasons = FALSE,
cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) {
##extract data
yMat <- object@y
nsites <- nrow(yMat)
n.seasons <- object@numPrimary
nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
##visits per season
n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
surveyLength <- object@surveyLength
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons == 1) {
warning("\nCannot plot data across seasons with only 1 season of data: reset to plot.seasons = FALSE\n")
plot.seasons <- FALSE
if(plot.time && !plot.seasons) {
nRows <- 1
nCols <- 1
##reset graphics parameters and save in object
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
if(!plot.time && plot.seasons) {
##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
n.seasons.adj <- 12
warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 12) {
##if n.seasons < 12
##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
##if 4 <- 2 x 2
##if 3 <- 3 x 1
##if 2 <- 2 x 1
if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
nRows <- 4
nCols <- 3
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 3
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 2
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
nRows <- 2
nCols <- 2
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 1
} else {
nRows <- 2
nCols <- 1
##reset graphics parameters and save in object
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested
if(plot.time && plot.seasons) {
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
n.seasons.adj <- 11
warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
nRows <- 4
nCols <- 3
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 3
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 2
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
nRows <- 2
nCols <- 2
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 1
##reset graphics parameters and save in object
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
##combine all seasons
##Censoring distance
censoredDist.full <- surveyLength
uniqueDist.full <- unique(as.vector(censoredDist.full))
##determine data that were censored
uncensoredIndex.full <- yMat < censoredDist.full
uncensoredData.full <- yMat[uncensoredIndex.full]
ncensored.full <- nsites - sum(uncensoredIndex.full)
if(plot.time) {
##check that maximum times are the same for all sites
if(n.seasons == 1) {
if(length(uniqueDist.full) == 1) {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (survey length: ", uniqueDist.full, " min.)",
sep = "")
} else {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.full), "-",
max(uniqueDist.full), " min.)",
sep = "")
if(n.seasons > 1) {
if(length(uniqueDist.full) == 1) {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (", n.seasons, " seasons, survey length: ",
uniqueDist.full, " min.)",
sep = "")
} else {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (", n.seasons, " seasons, survey length: ",
min(uniqueDist.full), "-",
max(uniqueDist.full), " min.)",
sep = "")
hist(uncensoredData.full, xlim = c(0, uniqueDist.full),
xlab = "Time to detection (min.)",
main = main.title, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
##quantiles for entire data
time.table.full <- quantile(uncensoredData.full, na.rm = TRUE)
##store data for each season
##columns for each season
col.seasons <- seq(1, nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
##list to store raw data
yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
names(yMat.seasons) <- seasonNames
minusOne <- n.visits.season - 1
##list to store quantiles excluding censored times
time.table.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(time.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
##list of uncensored observations
uncensoredData.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(uncensoredData.seasons) <- seasonNames
##vector of censored observations
censored.seasons <- vector("numeric", n.seasons)
names(censored.seasons) <- seasonNames
##list of unique values of maximum effort
uniqueDist.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(uniqueDist.seasons) <- seasonNames
##list of maximum effort
censoredDist.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(censoredDist.seasons) <- seasonNames
##iterate over each season
for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
##extract yMat for each season
yMat1 <- yMat[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne), drop = FALSE]
yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat1
##Censoring values
censoredDist <- surveyLength[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne), drop = FALSE]
censoredDist.seasons[[i]] <- censoredDist
uniqueDist.seasons[[i]] <- unique(as.vector(censoredDist))
##determine data that were censored
uncensoredIndex <- yMat1 < censoredDist
uncensoredData <- yMat1[uncensoredIndex]
uncensoredData.seasons[[i]] <- uncensoredData
ncensored <- nsites - sum(uncensoredIndex)
##summarize times per season
time.quantiles <- quantile(uncensoredData, na.rm = TRUE)
time.table.seasons[[i]] <- time.quantiles
censored.seasons[i] <- ncensored
##check if any seasons were not sampled
y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all(
if(plot.seasons) {
for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
if(length(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]) == 1) {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (season ", i,
", survey length: ", uniqueDist.seasons[[i]],
" min.)", sep = "")
} else {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (season ", i,
", survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), "-",
max(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), " min.)",
sep = "")
##create histogram
##check for missing season
if(y.seasonsNA[i]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled
hist(uncensoredData.seasons[[i]], xlim = c(0, uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]),
xlab = "Time to detection (min.)",
main = main.title, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
if(n.seasons == 1) {
##for each season, determine frequencies
out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"
##sequence of visits
for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]]
censored <- censoredDist.seasons[[i]]
uncensoredObs <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.visits.season,
nrow = nsites)
for(j in 1:ncol(ySeason)){
uncensoredObs[, j] <- ySeason[, j] < censored[, j]
##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
det.sum <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE)
##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
sum.rows <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason)
##number of sites sampled
out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!
out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
##and extinctions based on raw data
out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]
if(n.seasons > 1) {
out.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(out.seasons) <- seasonNames
##for each season, determine frequencies
out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
"extinct", "static", "common")
rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
##sequence of visits
for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]]
censored <- censoredDist.seasons[[i]]
uncensoredObs <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.visits.season,
nrow = nsites)
for(j in 1:ncol(ySeason)){
uncensoredObs[, j] <- ySeason[, j] < censored[, j]
##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
det.sum <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE)
##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
sum.rows <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason)
##number of sites sampled
out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!
out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
##sites without detections
none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
##sites with at least one detection
some <- which(sum.rows != 0)
out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)
##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some
##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
} else {
out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
##no change
out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
##sites both sampled in t and t-1
year1 <- c(none1, some1)
year2 <- c(none2, some2)
out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))
##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
##and extinctions based on raw data
out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
##proportion of sites with detections
out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
##add check for seasons without sampling
if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
} else {
##proportion colonized
out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
##proportion extinct
out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
##proportion static
out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]
##reset to original values
if(any(plot.time || plot.seasons)) {
out.det <- list("time.table.full" = time.table.full,
"time.table.seasons" = time.table.seasons,
"out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
"n.seasons" = n.seasons,
"n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
"missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
class(out.det) <- "detTime"
##for occuTTD
detTime.unmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(object, plot.time = TRUE, plot.seasons = FALSE,
cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1, cex.main = 1, ...) {
##extract data
yMat <- object@data@y
nsites <- nrow(yMat)
n.seasons <- object@data@numPrimary
nvisits <- ncol(yMat)
##visits per season
n.visits.season <- nvisits/n.seasons
n.seasons.adj <- n.seasons #total number of plots fixed to 11 or 12, depending on plots requested
seasonNames <- paste("season", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
surveyLength <- object@data@surveyLength
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons == 1) {
warning("\nCannot plot data across seasons with only 1 season of data: reset to plot.seasons = FALSE\n")
plot.seasons <- FALSE
if(plot.time && !plot.seasons) {
nRows <- 1
nCols <- 1
##reset graphics parameters and save in object
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
if(!plot.time && plot.seasons) {
##determine arrangement of plots in matrix
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
n.seasons.adj <- 12
warning("\nOnly first 12 seasons are plotted\n")
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 12) {
##if n.seasons < 12
##if 12, 11, 10 <- 4 x 3
##if 9, 8, 7 <- 3 x 3
##if 6, 5 <- 3 x 2
##if 4 <- 2 x 2
##if 3 <- 3 x 1
##if 2 <- 2 x 1
if(n.seasons.adj >= 10) {
nRows <- 4
nCols <- 3
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 7) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 3
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 5) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 2
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj == 4) {
nRows <- 2
nCols <- 2
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 1
} else {
nRows <- 2
nCols <- 1
##reset graphics parameters and save in object
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
##if both plots for seasons and combined are requested
if(plot.time && plot.seasons) {
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons >= 12) {
n.seasons.adj <- 11
warning("\nOnly first 11 seasons are plotted\n")
if(plot.seasons && n.seasons.adj <= 11) {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 9) {
nRows <- 4
nCols <- 3
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 6) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 3
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj >= 4) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 2
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj == 3) {
nRows <- 2
nCols <- 2
} else {
if(n.seasons.adj == 2) {
nRows <- 3
nCols <- 1
##reset graphics parameters and save in object
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nRows, nCols))
##combine all seasons
##Censoring distance
censoredDist.full <- surveyLength
uniqueDist.full <- unique(as.vector(censoredDist.full))
##determine data that were censored
uncensoredIndex.full <- yMat < censoredDist.full
uncensoredData.full <- yMat[uncensoredIndex.full]
ncensored.full <- nsites - sum(uncensoredIndex.full)
if(plot.time) {
##check that maximum times are the same for all sites
if(n.seasons == 1) {
if(length(uniqueDist.full) == 1) {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (survey length: ", uniqueDist.full, " min.)",
sep = "")
} else {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.full), "-",
max(uniqueDist.full), " min.)",
sep = "")
if(n.seasons > 1) {
if(length(uniqueDist.full) == 1) {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (", n.seasons, " seasons, survey length: ",
uniqueDist.full, " min.)",
sep = "")
} else {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (", n.seasons, " seasons, survey length: ",
min(uniqueDist.full), "-",
max(uniqueDist.full), " min.)",
sep = "")
hist(uncensoredData.full, xlim = c(0, uniqueDist.full),
xlab = "Time to detection (min.)",
main = main.title,
cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
##quantiles for entire data
time.table.full <- quantile(uncensoredData.full, na.rm = TRUE)
##store data for each season
##columns for each season
col.seasons <- seq(1, nvisits, by = n.visits.season)
##list to store raw data
yMat.seasons <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.seasons)
names(yMat.seasons) <- seasonNames
minusOne <- n.visits.season - 1
##list to store quantiles excluding censored times
time.table.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(time.table.seasons) <- seasonNames
##list of uncensored observations
uncensoredData.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(uncensoredData.seasons) <- seasonNames
##vector of censored observations
censored.seasons <- vector("numeric", n.seasons)
names(censored.seasons) <- seasonNames
##list of unique values of maximum effort
uniqueDist.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(uniqueDist.seasons) <- seasonNames
##list of maximum effort
censoredDist.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(censoredDist.seasons) <- seasonNames
##iterate over each season
for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
##extract yMat for each season
yMat1 <- yMat[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne), drop = FALSE]
yMat.seasons[[i]] <- yMat1
##Censoring values
censoredDist <- surveyLength[, col.seasons[i]:(col.seasons[i]+minusOne), drop = FALSE]
censoredDist.seasons[[i]] <- censoredDist
uniqueDist.seasons[[i]] <- unique(as.vector(censoredDist))
##determine data that were censored
uncensoredIndex <- yMat1 < censoredDist
uncensoredData <- yMat1[uncensoredIndex]
uncensoredData.seasons[[i]] <- uncensoredData
ncensored <- nsites - sum(uncensoredIndex)
##summarize times per season
time.quantiles <- quantile(uncensoredData, na.rm = TRUE)
time.table.seasons[[i]] <- time.quantiles
censored.seasons[i] <- ncensored
##check if any seasons were not sampled
y.seasonsNA <- sapply(yMat.seasons, FUN = function(i) all(
if(plot.seasons) {
for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
if(length(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]) == 1) {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (season ", i,
", survey length: ", uniqueDist.seasons[[i]],
" min.)", sep = "")
} else {
main.title <- paste("Distribution of time to detection (season ", i,
", survey length: ", min(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), "-",
max(uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]), " min.)",
sep = "")
##create histogram
##check for missing season
if(y.seasonsNA[i]) {next} #skip to next season if current season not sampled
hist(uncensoredData.seasons[[i]], xlim = c(0, uniqueDist.seasons[[i]]),
xlab = "Time to detection (min.)",
main = main.title,
cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main)
if(n.seasons == 1) {
##for each season, determine frequencies
out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 2, nrow = n.seasons)
colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected")
rownames(out.freqs) <- "Season-1"
##sequence of visits
for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]]
censored <- censoredDist.seasons[[i]]
uncensoredObs <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.visits.season,
nrow = nsites)
for(j in 1:ncol(ySeason)){
uncensoredObs[, j] <- ySeason[, j] < censored[, j]
##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
det.sum <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE)
##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
sum.rows <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason)
##number of sites sampled
out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!
out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
##and extinctions based on raw data
out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 1)
colnames(out.props) <- "naive.occ"
rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
out.props[, 1] <- out.freqs[, 2]/out.freqs[, 1]
if(n.seasons > 1) {
out.seasons <- vector("list", n.seasons)
names(out.seasons) <- seasonNames
##for each season, determine frequencies
out.freqs <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = 6, nrow = n.seasons)
colnames(out.freqs) <- c("sampled", "detected", "colonized",
"extinct", "static", "common")
rownames(out.freqs) <- paste("Season-", 1:n.seasons, sep = "")
##sequence of visits
for(i in 1:n.seasons) {
ySeason <- yMat.seasons[[i]]
censored <- censoredDist.seasons[[i]]
uncensoredObs <- matrix(NA, ncol = n.visits.season,
nrow = nsites)
for(j in 1:ncol(ySeason)){
uncensoredObs[, j] <- ySeason[, j] < censored[, j]
##determine proportion of sites with at least 1 detection
det.sum <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE)
##check sites with observed detections and deal with NA's
sum.rows <- rowSums(uncensoredObs, na.rm = TRUE) <- rowSums( == ncol(ySeason)
##number of sites sampled
out.freqs[i, 1] <- sum(!
out.freqs[i, 2] <- sum(det.sum)
##sites without detections
none <- which(sum.rows == 0)
##sites with at least one detection
some <- which(sum.rows != 0)
out.seasons[[i]] <- list("none" = none, "some" = some)
##populate out.freqs with freqs of extinctions and colonizations
for(j in 2:n.seasons) {
none1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$none
some1 <- out.seasons[[j-1]]$some
none2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$none
some2 <- out.seasons[[j]]$some
##add check for seasons without sampling or previous season without sampling
if(y.seasonsNA[j] || y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
if(y.seasonsNA[j]) {
out.freqs[j, 2:6] <- NA
if(y.seasonsNA[j-1]) {
out.freqs[j, 3:6] <- NA
} else {
out.freqs[j, 3] <- sum(duplicated(c(some2, none1)))
out.freqs[j, 4] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, none2)))
##no change
out.freqs[j, 5] <- sum(duplicated(c(some1, some2))) + sum(duplicated(c(none1, none2)))
##sites both sampled in t and t-1
year1 <- c(none1, some1)
year2 <- c(none2, some2)
out.freqs[j, 6] <- sum(duplicated(c(year1, year2)))
##create a matrix with proportion of sites with colonizations
##and extinctions based on raw data
out.props <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(out.freqs), ncol = 4)
colnames(out.props) <- c("naive.occ", "naive.colonization", "naive.extinction", "naive.static")
rownames(out.props) <- rownames(out.freqs)
for(k in 1:n.seasons) {
##proportion of sites with detections
out.props[k, 1] <- out.freqs[k, 2]/out.freqs[k, 1]
##add check for seasons without sampling
if(y.seasonsNA[k]) {
out.props[k, 2:4] <- NA
} else {
##proportion colonized
out.props[k, 2] <- out.freqs[k, 3]/out.freqs[k, 6]
##proportion extinct
out.props[k, 3] <- out.freqs[k, 4]/out.freqs[k, 6]
##proportion static
out.props[k, 4] <- out.freqs[k, 5]/out.freqs[k, 6]
##reset to original values
if(any(plot.time || plot.seasons)) {
out.det <- list("time.table.full" = time.table.full,
"time.table.seasons" = time.table.seasons,
"out.freqs" = out.freqs, "out.props" = out.props,
"n.seasons" = n.seasons,
"n.visits.season" = n.visits.season,
"missing.seasons" = y.seasonsNA)
class(out.det) <- "detTime"
##print method
print.detTime <- function(x, digits = 2, ...) {
if(identical(x$n.seasons, 1)) {
cat("\nSummary of time to detection:\n")
time.mat <- matrix(x$time.table.full, nrow = 1)
colnames(time.mat) <- names(x$time.table.full)
rownames(time.mat) <- "Times"
print(round(time.mat, digits = digits))
cat("\nProportion of sites with at least one detection:\n", round(x$out.props[, "naive.occ"], digits), "\n\n")
cat("Frequencies of sites with detections:\n")
##add matrix of frequencies
} else {
cat("\nSummary of time to detection (", x$n.seasons, " seasons combined): \n", sep ="")
time.mat <- matrix(x$time.table.full, nrow = 1)
colnames(time.mat) <- names(x$time.table.full)
rownames(time.mat) <- "Time"
print(round(time.mat, digits = digits))
##if some seasons have not been sampled
if(any(x$missing.seasons)) {
if(sum(x$missing.seasons) == 1) {
cat("\nNote: season", which(x$missing.seasons), "was not sampled\n")
} else {
cat("\nNote: seasons",
paste(which(x$missing.seasons), sep = ", "),
"were not sampled\n")
cat("\nSeason-specific time to detection: \n")
for(i in 1:x$n.seasons) {
if(!x$missing.seasons[i]) {
cat("Season", i, "\n")
} else {
cat("Season", i, "(no sites sampled)", "\n")
} <- x$time.table.seasons[[i]]
out.mat <- matrix(, nrow = 1)
colnames(out.mat) <- names(
rownames(out.mat) <- "Time"
print(round(out.mat, digits = digits))
cat("Frequencies of sites with detections, extinctions, and colonizations:\n")
##add matrix of frequencies
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