summaryOD <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
UseMethod("summaryOD", mod)
summaryOD.default <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")
##summaryOD: summary with overdispersion to display CI or P-values
summaryOD.glm <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily <- family(mod)$family
if(!identical(modFamily, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily, "binomial")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1
if(identical(modFamily, "binomial")) {
if(!any(mod$prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily <- mod@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily, "P") && !identical(modFamily, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily <- mod@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily, "P") && !identical(modFamily, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitDS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily <- mod@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily <- mod@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily <- mod@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.glmerMod <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily <-$family
if(!identical(modFamily, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily, "binomial")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1
if(identical(modFamily, "binomial")) {
if(!any(mod@resp$weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- fixef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.glmmTMB <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
##determine family of model
fam <- family(mod)$family
##extract response
##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case
if(fam == "binomial") {
resp <- mod$frame[, mod$modelInfo$respCol]
if(!is.matrix(resp)) {
if(!any(names(mod$frame) == "(weights)")) {
stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
##Poisson or binomial
if(!any(fam == c("poisson", "binomial"))) {
stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- fixef(mod)$cond
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)$cond * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if nhst
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.multinom <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract coefs
coefs <- as.vector(coef(mod))
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##extract names
parm.names <- names(ses)
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(ses)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- parm.names
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
summaryOD.vglm <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
conf.level = 0.95,
out.type = "confint", ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check family of vglm to avoid problems
fam.type <- mod@family@vfamily[1]
if(!(fam.type == "poissonff" || fam.type == "binomialff" || fam.type == "multinomial")) stop("\nDistribution not supported by function\n")
if(fam.type == "binomialff") {
if(!any(mod@prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
##extract coefs
coefs <- coef(mod)
##extract SE's
ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
##number of estimated parameters
nparms <- length(coefs)
##arrange in matrix
outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
ncol = 4)
outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
##if interval
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##compute confidence intervals
zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")
##if htest
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##compute P-value
outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
c.hat = c.hat,
conf.level = conf.level,
outMat = outMat)
class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")
print.summaryOD <- function(x, digits = 4, ...) {
##extract information
conf.level <- x$conf.level
c.hat <- x$c.hat
out.type <- x$out.type
outMat <- x$outMat
if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
##label for confidence limit
lowLab <- paste("Lower ", conf.level * 100, "%", " CL", sep = "")
uppLab <- paste("Upper ", conf.level * 100, "%", " CL", sep = "")
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", lowLab, uppLab)
if(c.hat <= 1) {
cat("\nPrecision unadjusted for overdispersion:\n\n")
} else {
cat("\nPrecision adjusted for overdispersion:\n\n")
printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits)
cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "")
if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {
##label for P-values
zLab <- "z value"
pLab <- "Pr(>|z|)"
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", zLab, pLab)
if(c.hat <= 1) {
cat("\nPrecision and hypothesis tests unadjusted for overdispersion:\n\n")
} else {
cat("\nPrecision and hypothesis tests adjusted for overdispersion:\n\n")
printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits, signif.stars = FALSE)
cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "")
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