
Defines functions print.summaryOD summaryOD.vglm summaryOD.multinom summaryOD.maxlikeFit summaryOD.glmmTMB summaryOD.unmarkedFitDSO summaryOD.unmarkedFitMMO summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti summaryOD.glmerMod summaryOD.unmarkedFitGPC summaryOD.unmarkedFitGMM summaryOD.unmarkedFitMPois summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP summaryOD.unmarkedFitGDS summaryOD.unmarkedFitDS summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCO summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCount summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN summaryOD.unmarkedFitColExt summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccu summaryOD.glm summaryOD.default summaryOD

Documented in print.summaryOD summaryOD summaryOD.glm summaryOD.glmerMod summaryOD.maxlikeFit summaryOD.multinom summaryOD.unmarkedFitColExt summaryOD.unmarkedFitDS summaryOD.unmarkedFitDSO summaryOD.unmarkedFitGDS summaryOD.unmarkedFitGMM summaryOD.unmarkedFitGPC summaryOD.unmarkedFitMMO summaryOD.unmarkedFitMPois summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccu summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCO summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCount summaryOD.vglm

summaryOD <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, 
                      out.type = "confint", ...){
    UseMethod("summaryOD", mod)

summaryOD.default <- function(mod, c.hat = 1, conf.level = 0.95, 
                              out.type = "confint", ...){
    stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

##summaryOD: summary with overdispersion to display CI or P-values
summaryOD.glm <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                          conf.level = 0.95,
                          out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily <- family(mod)$family
    if(!identical(modFamily, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily, "binomial")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1
    if(identical(modFamily, "binomial")) {
        if(!any(mod$prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                         conf.level = 0.95,
                                         out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                        conf.level = 0.95,
                                        out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                        conf.level = 0.95,
                                        out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                        conf.level = 0.95,
                                        out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily <- mod@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily, "P") && !identical(modFamily, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                     conf.level = 0.95,
                                     out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily <- mod@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily, "P") && !identical(modFamily, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitDS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                    conf.level = 0.95,
                                    out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                     conf.level = 0.95,
                                     out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily <- mod@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                        conf.level = 0.95,
                                        out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                       conf.level = 0.95,
                                       out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                     conf.level = 0.95,
                                     out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily <- mod@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                     conf.level = 0.95,
                                     out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily <- mod@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily, "P")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.glmerMod <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                               conf.level = 0.95,
                               out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily <- fam.link.mer(mod)$family
    if(!identical(modFamily, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily, "binomial")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1
    if(identical(modFamily, "binomial")) {
        if(!any(mod@resp$weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- fixef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                           conf.level = 0.95,
                                           out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                        conf.level = 0.95,
                                        out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                         conf.level = 0.95,
                                         out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                     conf.level = 0.95,
                                     out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                     conf.level = 0.95,
                                     out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.glmmTMB <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                              conf.level = 0.95,
                              out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    ##determine family of model
    fam <- family(mod)$family

    ##extract response
    ##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case
    if(fam == "binomial") {
        resp <- mod$frame[, mod$modelInfo$respCol]
        if(!is.matrix(resp)) {
            if(!any(names(mod$frame) == "(weights)")) {
                stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")

    ##Poisson or binomial
    if(!any(fam == c("poisson", "binomial"))) {
        stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- fixef(mod)$cond
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod)$cond * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if nhst
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.maxlikeFit <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                                 conf.level = 0.95,
                                 out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.multinom <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                               conf.level = 0.95,
                               out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- as.vector(coef(mod))
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))
    ##extract names
    parm.names <- names(ses)
    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(ses)

    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- parm.names
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

summaryOD.vglm <- function(mod, c.hat = 1,
                           conf.level = 0.95,
                           out.type = "confint", ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check family of vglm to avoid problems
    fam.type <- mod@family@vfamily[1]
    if(!(fam.type == "poissonff" || fam.type == "binomialff" || fam.type == "multinomial")) stop("\nDistribution not supported by function\n")
    if(fam.type == "binomialff") {
        if(!any(mod@prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
    ##extract coefs
    coefs <- coef(mod)
    ##extract SE's
    ses <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod) * c.hat))

    ##number of estimated parameters
    nparms <- length(coefs)
    ##arrange in matrix
    outMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nparms,
                     ncol = 4)
    outMat[, 1:2] <- cbind(coefs, ses)
    rownames(outMat) <- names(coefs)
    ##if interval
    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##compute confidence intervals
        zstat <- qnorm(p = conf.level)
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1] - zstat * outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- outMat[, 1] + zstat * outMat[, 2]

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "lowlim", "upplim")

    ##if htest
    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##compute P-value
        outMat[, 3] <- outMat[, 1]/outMat[, 2]
        outMat[, 4] <- 2 * pnorm(abs(outMat[, 3]), lower.tail = FALSE)

        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("estimate", "se", "z", "pvalue")

    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(out.type = out.type,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    conf.level = conf.level,
                    outMat = outMat)
    class(outList) <- c("summaryOD", "list")

print.summaryOD <- function(x, digits = 4, ...) {

    ##extract information
    conf.level <- x$conf.level
    c.hat <- x$c.hat
    out.type <- x$out.type
    outMat <- x$outMat

    if(identical(out.type, "confint")) {
        ##label for confidence limit
        lowLab <- paste("Lower ", conf.level * 100, "%", " CL", sep = "")
        uppLab <- paste("Upper ", conf.level * 100, "%", " CL", sep = "")
        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", lowLab, uppLab)

        if(c.hat <= 1) {
            cat("\nPrecision unadjusted for overdispersion:\n\n")
        } else {
            cat("\nPrecision adjusted for overdispersion:\n\n")
        printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits)
                    cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "")

    if(identical(out.type, "nhst")) {

        ##label for P-values
        zLab <- "z value"
        pLab <- "Pr(>|z|)"
        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", zLab, pLab)

        if(c.hat <= 1) {
            cat("\nPrecision and hypothesis tests unadjusted for overdispersion:\n\n")
        } else {
            cat("\nPrecision and hypothesis tests adjusted for overdispersion:\n\n")

        printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits, signif.stars = FALSE)
        cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "")

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AICcmodavg documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:08 a.m.