
Defines functions ExtendedForm PreVar kmeansCls Dobj.rc Uobj.rc Iobj.rc alteval.rc altopt.rc Dobj.ic Uobj.ic Iobj.ic alteval.ic altopt.ic convert.stress.level

Documented in alteval.ic alteval.rc altopt.ic altopt.rc convert.stress.level Dobj.ic Dobj.rc ExtendedForm Iobj.ic Iobj.rc kmeansCls PreVar Uobj.ic Uobj.rc

#' Transform the array to the model matrix
#' The internal function to make the model matrix corresponded to linear
#'   predictor model from the array (vector) containg coordinates of stress factors.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
ExtendedForm <- function(array, formula, nf) {
  terms <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
  mtx <- as.data.frame(matrix(array, ncol = nf))
  colnames(mtx) <- terms[1:nf]
  out <- model.matrix(formula, mtx)

#' Calculates the prediction variance at the particular use condition
#' The internal function to calculate the prediction variance
#' @keywords internal
PreVar <- function(location, formula, nf, infMtxInv) {
  # Calculates the prediction variance in a particular use condition
  use <- ExtendedForm(location, formula, nf)
  as.numeric(use %*% infMtxInv %*% t(use))

#' Perform the k-means clustering and make design table
#' The internal function to perform the k-means clustering and make design table.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
kmeansCls <- function(Mtx, nCls) {
  kmeansOut <- kmeans(Mtx, nCls)
  Tbl <- cbind(kmeansOut$centers, kmeansOut$size)
  colnames(Tbl)[ncol(Tbl)] <- paste("allocation")

#' Objective function of D optimal design with right censoring
#' The internal function to calculate the objective function value of
#' D optimal design with right censoring plan.
#' @keywords internal
Dobj.rc <- function(x, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha) {
  X <- ExtendedForm(x, formula, nf)
  b <- coef
  eta <- X %*% b #linear predictor
  phi <- 1 - exp(- exp(eta) * tc ^ alpha)
  W <- diag(phi[, 1])
  XWX <- t(X) %*% W %*% X

#' Objective function of U optimal design with right censoring
#' The internal function to calculate the objective function value of
#' U optimal design with right censoring plan.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom methods is
Uobj.rc <- function(x, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha, useCond) {
  X <- ExtendedForm(x, formula, nf)
  b <- coef
  eta <- X %*% b #linear predictor
  phi <- 1 - exp(- exp(eta) * tc ^ alpha)
  W <- diag(phi[, 1])
  XWX <- t(X) %*% W %*% X
  c <- try(qr.solve(XWX), silent = TRUE)
  if (is(c, "try-error"))
    return("cannot calculated ; information matrix is near singular")
    PreVar(location = useCond, formula = formula, nf = nf, infMtxInv = c)

#' Objective function of I optimal design with right censoring
#' The internal function to calculate the objective function value of
#' I optimal design with right censoring plan.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom methods is
Iobj.rc <- function(x, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha, useLower, useUpper) {
  X <- ExtendedForm(x, formula, nf)
  b <- coef
  eta <- X %*% b #linear predictor
  phi <- 1 - exp(- exp(eta) * tc ^ alpha)
  W <- diag(phi[, 1])
  XWX <- t(X) %*% W %*% X
  c <- try(qr.solve(XWX), silent = TRUE)
  if (is(c, "try-error"))
    return("cannot calculated ; information matrix is near singular")
  else {
    # numerical integration
    intgratedPV <- cubature::adaptIntegrate(PreVar, lowerLimit = useLower,
                                            upperLimit = useUpper, formula = formula,
                                            nf = nf, infMtxInv = c)$integral
    volume <- 1
    for (i in 1:nf) volume <- volume * (useUpper[i] - useLower[i])
    intgratedPV / volume

#' Design evaluation with right censoring.
#' \code{\link{alteval.rc}} calculates the objective function value
#'   (D, U or I) for a given design with right censoring plan.
#' @param designTable a data frame containing the coordinates and the number of
#'   allocation of each design point. The design created by either
#'   \code{\link{altopt.rc}} or \code{\link{altopt.ic}} or any design matrix
#'   with the same form as those can be provided for this argument.
#' @param optType the choice of \code{"D"}, \code{"U"} and \code{"I"} optimality.
#' @param tc the censoring time.
#' @param nf the number of stress factors.
#' @param alpha the value of the shape parameter of Weibull distribution.
#' @param formula the object of class formula which is the linear predictor model.
#' @param coef the numeric vector containing the coefficients of each term in \code{formula}.
#' @param useCond the numeric vector of use condition.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"U"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param useLower the numeric vector of lower bound of use region.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"I"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param useUpper the numeric vector of upper bound of use region.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"I"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @return The objective function value corresponded by \code{optType}
#'   for a given design with right censoring plan.
#' @seealso \code{\link{altopt.rc}}
#' @examples
#' # Evaluation of factorial design for right censoring.
#' x1 <- c(0, 1, 0, 1)
#' x2 <- c(0, 0, 1, 1)
#' allocation <- c(25, 25, 25, 25)
#' facDes <- data.frame(x1, x2, allocation)
#' alteval.rc(facDes, "D", 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))
#' alteval.rc(facDes, "U", 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' alteval.rc(facDes, "I", 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' @export
alteval.rc <- function(designTable, optType, tc, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                       useCond, useLower, useUpper) {

  # Transform design to the single column array.
  x <- NULL
  for (col in (1:nf)) {
    for (row in (1:nrow(designTable))) {
      x <- c(x, rep(designTable[row, col], designTable[row, nf + 1]))

  if      (optType == "D")
    value <- Dobj.rc(x, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha)
  else if (optType == "U")
    value <- Uobj.rc(x, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha, useCond)
  else if (optType == "I")
    value <- Iobj.rc(x, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha, useLower, useUpper)
  else stop('Wrong optimization criteria')

#' Optimal design with right censoring.
#' \code{\link{altopt.rc}} creates D, U or I optimal design
#' of the accelerated life testing with right censoring plan.
#' @param optType the choice of \code{"D"}, \code{"U"} and \code{"I"} optimality.
#' @param N the number of test units.
#' @param tc the censoring time.
#' @param nf the number of stress factors.
#' @param alpha the value of the shape parameter of Weibull distribution.
#' @param formula the object of class formula which is the linear predictor model.
#' @param coef the numeric vector containing the coefficients of each term in \code{formula}.
#' @param useCond the numeric vector of use condition.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"U"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param useLower the numeric vector of lower bound of use region.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"I"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param useUpper the numeric vector of upper bound of use region.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"I"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param nOpt the number of repetition of optimization process. Default is 1.
#' @param nKM the number of repetition of k-means clustering. Default is 20.
#' @param nCls the number of clusters used for k-means clustering. If not specified,
#'   it is set as the number of parameters in the linear predictor model.
#' @return A list with components
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{call:}{ the matched call.}
#'   \item{opt.design.ori:}{ the original optimal design.}
#'   \item{opt.value.ori:}{ the objective function value of \code{opt.design.ori}.}
#'   \item{opt.design.rounded:}{ the optimal design clustered by rounding in third decimal points.}
#'   \item{opt.value.rounded:}{ the objective function value of \code{opt.design.rounded}.}
#'   \item{opt.design.kmeans:}{ the optimal design clustered by \code{\link[stats]{kmeans}}.}
#'   \item{opt.value.kmeans:}{ the objective function value of \code{opt.design.kmeans}.}
#' }
#' @references
#' {
#' Monroe, E. M., Pan, R., Anderson-Cook, C. M., Montgomery, D. C. and
#' Borror C. M. (2011) A Generalized Linear Model Approach to Designing
#' Accelerated Life Test Experiments, \emph{Quality and Reliability Engineering
#'  International} \bold{27(4)}, 595--607
#' Yang, T., Pan, R. (2013) A Novel Approach to Optimal Accelerated Life Test
#'  Planning With Interval Censoring, \emph{Reliability, IEEE Transactions on}
#'   \bold{62(2)}, 527--536
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{kmeans}}, \code{\link{alteval.rc}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Generating D optimal design for right censoring.
#' altopt.rc("D", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))
#' # Generating U optimal design for right censoring.
#' altopt.rc("D", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' # Generating I optimal design for right censoring.
#' altopt.rc("D", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useLower = c(1.458, 2.859),
#' useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' }
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
altopt.rc <- function(optType, N, tc, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                      useCond, useLower, useUpper,
                      nOpt = 1, nKM = 30, nCls = NULL) {

  # function for optimization
  Opt.rc <- function() {
    xInit <- runif(nf * N, min = 0, max = 1)
    lb <- rep(0, nf * N)
    ub <- rep(1, nf * N)
    if      (optType == "D")
      solution <- optim(xInit, Dobj.rc, NULL, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha,
                        method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lb, upper = ub,
                        control = list(fnscale = -1) # Maximization
    else if (optType == "U")
      solution <- optim(xInit, Uobj.rc, NULL, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha,
                        method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lb, upper = ub)
    else if (optType == "I")
      solution <- optim(xInit, Iobj.rc, NULL, formula, coef, nf, tc, alpha,
                        useLower, useUpper,
                        method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lb, upper = ub)
    else stop('Wrong optimization criteria')

  # Repeat optimization with different initial points
  for (i in 1:nOpt) {
    Curr_sol <- Opt.rc()
    if (i == 1) Best_sol <- Curr_sol
    else if (optType == "D" && Curr_sol$value > Best_sol$value)
      Best_sol <- Curr_sol
    else if ((optType %in% c("U", "I")) && Curr_sol$value < Best_sol$value)
      Best_sol <- Curr_sol

  terms <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
  optDesignMtx <- as.data.frame(matrix(Best_sol$par, ncol = nf))
  colnames(optDesignMtx) <- terms[1:nf]

  # Original result

  columnlist <- apply(optDesignMtx, 2, list)
  columnlist <- lapply(columnlist, unlist)
  optDesignOri <- aggregate(optDesignMtx, columnlist, length)
  while (length(optDesignOri) != (nf + 1))
    optDesignOri <- optDesignOri[, -length(optDesignOri)]
  names(optDesignOri)[ncol(optDesignOri)] <- paste("allocation")
  optValueOri <- alteval.rc(optDesignOri, optType, tc, nf, alpha,
                            formula, coef, useCond, useLower, useUpper)

  # Rounding result
  optDesignMtxRound <- round(optDesignMtx, digits = 3)
  columnlist <- apply(optDesignMtxRound, 2, list)
  columnlist <- lapply(columnlist, unlist)
  optDesignRound <- aggregate(optDesignMtxRound, columnlist, length)
  while (length(optDesignRound) != (nf + 1))
    optDesignRound <- optDesignRound[, -length(optDesignRound)]
  names(optDesignRound)[ncol(optDesignRound)] <- paste("allocation")
  optValueRound <- alteval.rc(optDesignRound, optType, tc, nf, alpha,
                              formula, coef, useCond, useLower, useUpper)

  # k-means result
  if (is.null(nCls)) nCls <- length(coef)
  for (j in 1:nKM) {
    curDesignKmeans <- kmeansCls(optDesignMtx, nCls)
    curValueKmeans <- alteval.rc(curDesignKmeans, optType, tc, nf, alpha,
                                 formula, coef, useCond, useLower, useUpper)
    if (j == 1) {
      optDesignKmeans <- curDesignKmeans
      optValueKmeans <- curValueKmeans
    } else if (optType == "D" && curValueKmeans > optValueKmeans) {
      optDesignKmeans <- curDesignKmeans
      optValueKmeans <- curValueKmeans
    } else if ((optType %in% c("U", "I")) && curValueKmeans < optValueKmeans) {
      optDesignKmeans <- curDesignKmeans
      optValueKmeans <- curValueKmeans

  # Creates output
  out <- list(call = match.call(),
              opt.design.ori = optDesignOri,
              opt.value.ori = as.numeric(optValueOri),
              opt.design.rounded = optDesignRound,
              opt.value.rounded = as.numeric(optValueRound),
              opt.design.kmeans = optDesignKmeans,
              opt.value.kmeans = ifelse (is(optValueKmeans, "character"),
                                     optValueKmeans, as.numeric(optValueKmeans))

#' Objective function of D optimal design with interval censoring
#' The internal function to calculate the objective function value of
#' D optimal design with interval censoring plan.
#' @keywords internal
Dobj.ic <- function(x, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha) {
  X <- ExtendedForm(x, formula, nf)
  b <- coef
  dt <- t / k
  eta <- X %*% b # linear predictor
  temp1 <- exp(2 * eta)
  temp2 <- diag(temp1[, 1])
  sum <- 0
  for(j in 1:k) {
    c <- ((j - 1) ^ alpha - j ^ alpha) * dt ^ alpha
    temp3 <- c ^ 2 * exp(- exp(eta) * (dt ^ alpha) * (j ^ alpha))
    temp4 <- temp3 / (1 - exp(c * exp(eta)))
    sum = sum + temp4
  W <- sum[, 1] * temp2 # W plays a role of weight matrix
  XWX <- t(X) %*% W %*% X

#' Objective function of U optimal design with interval censoring
#' The internal function to calculate the objective function value of
#' U optimal design with interval censoring plan.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom methods is
Uobj.ic <- function(x, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha, useCond) {
  X <- ExtendedForm(x, formula, nf)
  b <- coef
  dt <- t / k
  eta <- X %*% b # linear predictor
  temp1 <- exp(2 * eta)
  temp2 <- diag(temp1[, 1])
  sum <- 0
  for(j in 1:k) {
    c <- ((j - 1) ^ alpha - j ^ alpha) * dt ^ alpha
    temp3 <- c ^ 2 * exp(- exp(eta) * (dt ^ alpha) * (j ^ alpha))
    temp4 <- temp3 / (1 - exp(c * exp(eta)))
    sum = sum + temp4
  W <- sum[, 1] * temp2 # W plays a role of weight matrix
  XWX <- t(X) %*% W %*% X
  c <- try(qr.solve(XWX), silent = TRUE)
  if (is(c, "try-error"))
    return("cannot calculated ; information matrix is near singular")
    PreVar(location = useCond, formula = formula, nf = nf, infMtxInv = c)

#' Objective function of U optimal design with interval censoring
#' The internal function to calculate the objective function value of
#' U optimal design with interval censoring plan.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom methods is
Iobj.ic <- function(x, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha, useLower, useUpper) {
  X <- ExtendedForm(x, formula, nf)
  b <- coef
  dt <- t / k
  eta <- X %*% b # linear predictor
  temp1 <- exp(2 * eta)
  temp2 <- diag(temp1[, 1])
  sum <- 0
  for(j in 1:k) {
    c <- ((j - 1) ^ alpha - j ^ alpha) * dt ^ alpha
    temp3 <- c ^ 2 * exp(- exp(eta) * (dt ^ alpha) * (j ^ alpha))
    temp4 <- temp3 / (1 - exp(c * exp(eta)))
    sum = sum + temp4
  W <- sum[, 1] * temp2 # W plays a role of weight matrix
  XWX <- t(X) %*% W %*% X
  c <- try(qr.solve(XWX), silent = TRUE)
  if (is(c, "try-error"))
    return("cannot calculated ; information matrix is near singular")
  else {
    # numerical integration
    intgratedPV <- cubature::adaptIntegrate(PreVar, lowerLimit = useLower,
                                            upperLimit = useUpper, formula = formula,
                                            nf = nf, infMtxInv = c)$integral
    volume <- 1
    for (i in 1:nf) volume <- volume * (useUpper[i] - useLower[i])
    intgratedPV / volume

#' Design evaluation with interval censoring.
#' \code{\link{alteval.ic}} calculates the objective function value
#'   (D, U or I) for a given design with interval censoring plan.
#' @param designTable a data frame containing the coordinates and the number of
#'   allocation of each design point. The design created by either
#'   \code{\link{altopt.rc}} or \code{\link{altopt.ic}} or any design matrix
#'   with the same form as those can be provided for this argument.
#' @param optType the choice of \code{"D"}, \code{"U"} and \code{"I"} optimality.
#' @param t the total testing time.
#' @param k the number of time intervals.
#' @param nf the number of stress factors.
#' @param alpha the value of the shape parameter of Weibull distribution.
#' @param formula the object of class formula which is the linear predictor model.
#' @param coef the numeric vector containing the coefficients of each term in \code{formula}.
#' @param useCond the numeric vector of use condition.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"U"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param useLower the numeric vector of lower bound of use region.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"I"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param useUpper the numeric vector of upper bound of use region.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"I"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @return The objective function value corresponded by \code{optType}
#'   for a given design with interval censoring plan.
#' @seealso \code{\link{altopt.ic}}
#' @examples
#' # Evaluation of factorial design for interval censoring.
#' x1 <- c(0, 1, 0, 1)
#' x2 <- c(0, 0, 1, 1)
#' allocation <- c(25, 25, 25, 25)
#' facDes <- data.frame(x1, x2, allocation)
#' alteval.ic(facDes, "D", 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))
#' alteval.ic(facDes, "U", 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' alteval.ic(facDes, "I", 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' @export
alteval.ic <- function(designTable, optType, t, k, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                       useCond, useLower, useUpper) {
  # Transform design to the single column array.
  x <- NULL
  for (col in (1:nf)) {
    for (row in (1:nrow(designTable))) {
      x <- c(x, rep(designTable[row, col], designTable[row, nf + 1]))

  if      (optType == "D")
    value <- Dobj.ic(x, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha)
  else if (optType == "U")
    value <- Uobj.ic(x, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha, useCond)
  else if (optType == "I")
    value <- Iobj.ic(x, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha, useLower, useUpper)
  else stop('Wrong optimization criteria')

#' Optimal design with interval censoring.
#' \code{\link{altopt.ic}} creates D, U or I optimal design
#' of the accelerated life testing with interval censoring plan.
#' @param optType the choice of \code{"D"}, \code{"U"} and \code{"I"} optimality.
#' @param N the number of test units.
#' @param t the total testing time.
#' @param k the number of time intervals.
#' @param nf the number of stress factors.
#' @param alpha the value of the shape parameter of Weibull distribution.
#' @param formula the object of class formula which is the linear predictor model.
#' @param coef the numeric vector containing the coefficients of each term in \code{formula}.
#' @param useCond the numeric vector of use condition.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"U"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param useLower the numeric vector of lower bound of use region.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"I"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param useUpper the numeric vector of upper bound of use region.
#'   It should be provided when \code{optType} is \code{"I"}. The length of the vector
#'   should be same as the number of stress factors.
#' @param nOpt the number of repetition of optimization process. Default is 1.
#' @param nKM the number of repetition of k-means clustering. Default is 20.
#' @param nCls the number of clusters used for k-means clustering. If not specified,
#'   it is set as the number of parameters in the linear predictor model.
#' @return A list with components
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{call:}{ the matched call.}
#'   \item{opt.design.ori:}{ the original optimal design.}
#'   \item{opt.value.ori:}{ the objective function value of \code{opt.design.ori}.}
#'   \item{opt.design.rounded:}{ the optimal design clustered by rounding in third decimal points.}
#'   \item{opt.value.rounded:}{ the objective function value of \code{opt.design.rounded}.}
#'   \item{opt.design.kmeans:}{ the optimal design clustered by \code{\link[stats]{kmeans}}.}
#'   \item{opt.value.kmeans:}{ the objective function value of \code{opt.design.kmeans}.}
#' }
#' @references
#' {
#' Monroe, E. M., Pan, R., Anderson-Cook, C. M., Montgomery, D. C. and
#' Borror C. M. (2011) A Generalized Linear Model Approach to Designing
#' Accelerated Life Test Experiments, \emph{Quality and Reliability Engineering
#'  International} \bold{27(4)}, 595--607
#' Yang, T., Pan, R. (2013) A Novel Approach to Optimal Accelerated Life Test
#'  Planning With Interval Censoring, \emph{Reliability, IEEE Transactions on}
#'   \bold{62(2)}, 527--536
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{kmeans}}, \code{\link{alteval.ic}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Generating D optimal design for interval censoring.
#' altopt.ic("D", 100, 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))
#' # Generating U optimal design for interval censoring.
#' altopt.ic("D", 100, 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' # Generating I optimal design for interval censoring.
#' altopt.ic("D", 100, 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useLower = c(1.458, 2.859),
#' useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' }
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
altopt.ic <- function(optType, N, t, k, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                      useCond, useLower, useUpper,
                      nOpt = 1, nKM = 30, nCls = NULL) {

  # function for optimization
  Opt.ic <- function() {
    xInit <- runif(nf * N, min = 0, max = 1)
    lb <- rep(0, nf * N)
    ub <- rep(1, nf * N)
    if      (optType == "D")
      solution <- optim(xInit, Dobj.ic, NULL, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha,
                        method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lb, upper = ub,
                        control = list(fnscale = -1) # Maximization
    else if (optType == "U")
      solution <- optim(xInit, Uobj.ic, NULL, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha,
                        method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lb, upper = ub)
    else if (optType == "I")
      solution <- optim(xInit, Iobj.ic, NULL, formula, coef, nf, t, k, alpha,
                        useLower, useUpper,
                        method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = lb, upper = ub)
    else stop('Wrong optimization criteria')

  # Repeat optimization with different initial points
  for (i in 1:nOpt) {
    Curr_sol <- Opt.ic()
    if (i == 1) Best_sol <- Curr_sol
    else if (optType == "D" && Curr_sol$value > Best_sol$value)
      Best_sol <- Curr_sol
    else if ((optType %in% c("U", "I")) && Curr_sol$value < Best_sol$value)
      Best_sol <- Curr_sol

  terms <- attr(terms(formula), "term.labels")
  optDesignMtx <- as.data.frame(matrix(Best_sol$par, ncol = nf))
  colnames(optDesignMtx) <- terms[1:nf]

  # Original result

  columnlist <- apply(optDesignMtx, 2, list)
  columnlist <- lapply(columnlist, unlist)
  optDesignOri <- aggregate(optDesignMtx, columnlist, length)
  while (length(optDesignOri) != (nf + 1))
    optDesignOri <- optDesignOri[, -length(optDesignOri)]
  names(optDesignOri)[ncol(optDesignOri)] <- paste("allocation")
  optValueOri <- alteval.ic(optDesignOri, optType, t, k, nf, alpha,
                              formula, coef, useCond, useLower, useUpper)

  # Rounding result
  optDesignMtxRound <- round(optDesignMtx, digits = 3)
  columnlist <- apply(optDesignMtxRound, 2, list)
  columnlist <- lapply(columnlist, unlist)
  optDesignRound <- aggregate(optDesignMtxRound, columnlist, length)
  while (length(optDesignRound) != (nf + 1))
    optDesignRound <- optDesignRound[, -length(optDesignRound)]
  names(optDesignRound)[ncol(optDesignRound)] <- paste("allocation")
  optValueRound <- alteval.ic(optDesignRound, optType, t, k, nf, alpha,
                              formula, coef, useCond, useLower, useUpper)

  # k-means result
  if (is.null(nCls)) nCls <- length(coef)
  for (j in 1:nKM) {
    curDesignKmeans <- kmeansCls(optDesignMtx, nCls)
    curValueKmeans <- alteval.ic(curDesignKmeans, optType, t, k, nf, alpha,
                                 formula, coef, useCond, useLower, useUpper)
    if (j == 1) {
      optDesignKmeans <- curDesignKmeans
      optValueKmeans <- curValueKmeans
    } else if (optType == "D" && curValueKmeans > optValueKmeans) {
      optDesignKmeans <- curDesignKmeans
      optValueKmeans <- curValueKmeans
    } else if ((optType %in% c("U", "I")) && curValueKmeans < optValueKmeans) {
      optDesignKmeans <- curDesignKmeans
      optValueKmeans <- curValueKmeans

  # Creates output
  out <- list(call = match.call(),
              opt.design.ori = optDesignOri,
              opt.value.ori = as.numeric(optValueOri),
              opt.design.rounded = optDesignRound,
              opt.value.rounded = as.numeric(optValueRound),
              opt.design.kmeans = optDesignKmeans,
              opt.value.kmeans = ifelse (is(optValueKmeans, "character"),
                                     optValueKmeans, as.numeric(optValueKmeans))

#' Design plot.
#' \code{\link{design.plot}} draws design plot as a form of a bubble plot
#' of any two stress factors which are specified by \code{xAxis} and \code{yAxis}.
#' The size of each bubble indicates the relative magnitude of allocation on
#' each design point.
#' @param design the data frame containing the coordinates and the number of
#'   allocation of each design point. The design created by either
#'   \code{\link{altopt.rc}} or \code{\link{altopt.ic}} or any design matrix
#'   with the same form as those can be provided for this argument.
#' @param xAxis the name of the factor to be displayed in x axis.
#' @param yAxis the name of the factor to be displayed in y axis.
#' @return The bubble plot of a design with two stress factors.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Design plot of D optimal design with right censoring.
#' Design1 <- altopt.rc("D", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))
#' design.plot(Design1$opt.design.rounded, x1, x2)
#' }
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics rect
#' @importFrom graphics symbols
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
design.plot <- function (design, xAxis, yAxis) {
  designName <- deparse(substitute(design))
  xAxisName <- deparse(substitute(xAxis))
  yAxisName <- deparse(substitute(yAxis))

  plot(1, type = "n", main = designName, xlab = xAxisName, ylab = yAxisName,
       xaxp = c(0, 1, 5), yaxp = c(0, 1, 5),
       xlim = c(-0.2, 1.2), ylim = c(-0.2, 1.2), frame = FALSE)
  rect(0, 0, 1, 1)
  agg.des <- aggregate(design, by = list(design[, colnames(design) == xAxisName],
                                         design[, colnames(design) == yAxisName]),
                       FUN = sum)
  symbols(agg.des$Group.1, agg.des$Group.2, circles = agg.des$allocation / 300,
          inches = FALSE, add = TRUE, fg = "blue", bg = "white", lwd = 1.5)
  text(agg.des$Group.1, agg.des$Group.2, agg.des$allocation, cex = .75)

#' Contour plot of prediction variance for a design with right censoring.
#' \code{\link{pv.contour.rc}} draws the contour plot of prediction variance
#' for a given design with right censoring plan. Either \code{useCond} or
#' use region (\code{useLower} and \code{useUpper}) should be
#' provided.
#' @param design the data frame containing the coordinates and the number of
#'   allocation of each design point. The design created by either
#'   \code{\link{altopt.rc}} or \code{\link{altopt.ic}} or any design matrix
#'   with the same form as those can be provided for this argument.
#' @param xAxis the name of the factor to be displayed in x axis.
#' @param yAxis the name of the factor to be displayed in y axis.
#' @param tc the censoring time.
#' @param nf the number of stress factors.
#' @param alpha the value of the shape parameter of Weibull distribution.
#' @param formula the object of class formula which is the linear predictor model.
#' @param coef the numeric vector containing the coefficients of each term in \code{formula}.
#' @param useCond the vector of specified use condition. If it is provided,
#'   the contour line will be generated up to this point.
#' @param useLower,useUpper the vector of the use region. If these are
#'   provided, the contour line will be generated up to this region.
#'   Note that either \code{useCond} or both of \code{useLower, useUpper}
#'   should be provided.
#' @return The contour plot of prediction variance for right censoring.
#' @seealso \code{\link{altopt.rc}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Contour plot of prediction variance of U optimal design with right censoring.
#' Design <- altopt.rc("D", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' pv.contour.rc(Design$opt.design.rounded, x1, x2, 100, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' }
#' @importFrom graphics contour
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @importFrom graphics rect
#' @importFrom graphics segments
#' @importFrom graphics symbols
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
pv.contour.rc <- function (design, xAxis, yAxis, tc, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                           useCond = NULL, useLower = NULL, useUpper = NULL) {
  designName <- deparse(substitute(design))
  xAxisName <- deparse(substitute(xAxis))
  yAxisName <- deparse(substitute(yAxis))
  xColNum <- which(colnames(design) == xAxisName)
  yColNum <- which(colnames(design) == yAxisName)

  pv <- function (useCond, ux, uy) {
    useCond[xColNum] <- ux # change use condition of two factors given by user
    useCond[yColNum] <- uy # with maintaining values of the other factors
    as.numeric(alteval.rc(design, optType = "U", tc, nf,
                          alpha, formula, coef, useCond))

  if (!is.null(useCond)) {
    range <- ceiling(max(useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum]))
    pv.use <- round(pv(useCond, useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum]), digits = 2)
  else if (!is.null(useLower) && !is.null(useUpper)) {
    range <- ceiling(max(useUpper[xColNum], useUpper[yColNum]))
    pv.use <- round(pv(useUpper, useUpper[xColNum], useUpper[yColNum]), digits = 2)
  else stop('Use condition missing, either useCond or
            both of useLower and useUpper should be provided.')

  x <- seq(0, range, 0.1)
  y <- seq(0, range, 0.1)

  pv.grid <- matrix(nrow = length(x), ncol = length(y))
  for (r in 1:length(x)) {
    for (c in 1:length(y)) {
      if (!is.null(useCond))
        pv.grid[r, c] <- pv(useCond, x[r], y[c])
      else if (!is.null(useLower) && !is.null(useUpper))
        pv.grid[r, c] <- pv((useLower + useUpper) / 2, x[r], y[c])

  mylevels <- seq(0, pv.use, 0.1)

  contour(x, y, pv.grid, levels = mylevels, method = "edge", pty = "s")
  title(main = paste("PV contour of ", designName, sep = ""),
        xlab = xAxisName, ylab = yAxisName, cex.main = .75)
  agg.des <- aggregate(design, by = list(design[, colnames(design) == xAxisName],
                                         design[, colnames(design) == yAxisName]),
                       FUN = sum)
  symbols(agg.des$Group.1, agg.des$Group.2, circles = agg.des$allocation / 300,
          inches = FALSE, add = TRUE, bg = "gray")
  text(agg.des$Group.1, agg.des$Group.2, agg.des$allocation, cex = .75,
       adj = c(-.5, 1))

  segments(0, 0, range, 0)
  segments(0, 0, 0, range)
  segments(range, 0, range, range)
  segments(0, range, range, range)
  segments(0, 1, 1, 1)
  segments(1, 0, 1, 1)
  if (!is.null(useCond)) {
    points(useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum], pch=22, bg="white")
    text(useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum], paste("PV =", pv.use),
         cex = .75, adj = c(-.2, -.2))
    segments(0, useCond[yColNum], useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum])
    segments(useCond[xColNum], 0, useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum])
  else if (!is.null(useLower) && !is.null(useUpper)) {
    rect(useLower[xColNum], useLower[yColNum],
         useUpper[xColNum], useUpper[yColNum], col="white")
    text((useLower[xColNum] + useUpper[xColNum]) / 2,
         (useLower[yColNum] + useUpper[yColNum]) / 2,
         "Use Region", cex = .5, adj = c(0.5, 0.5))

#' Contour plot of prediction variance for a design with interval censoring.
#' \code{\link{pv.contour.ic}} draws the contour plot of prediction variance
#' for a given design with interval censoring plan. Either \code{useCond} or
#' use region (\code{useLower} and \code{useUpper}) should be
#' provided.
#' @param design the data frame containing the coordinates and the number of
#'   allocation of each design point. The design created by either
#'   \code{\link{altopt.rc}} or \code{\link{altopt.ic}} or any design matrix
#'   with the same form as those can be provided for this argument.
#' @param xAxis the name of the factor to be displayed in x axis.
#' @param yAxis the name of the factor to be displayed in y axis.
#' @param t the total testing time.
#' @param k the number of time intervals.
#' @param nf the number of stress factors.
#' @param alpha the value of the shape parameter of Weibull distribution.
#' @param formula the object of class formula which is the linear predictor model.
#' @param coef the numeric vector containing the coefficients of each term in \code{formula}.
#' @param useCond the vector of specified use condition. If it is provided,
#'   the contour line will be generated up to this point.
#' @param useLower,useUpper the vector of the use region. If these are
#'   provided, the contour line will be generated up to this region.
#'   Note that either \code{useCond} or both of \code{useLower, useUpper}
#'   should be provided.
#' @return The contour plot of prediction variance for interval censoring.
#' @seealso \code{\link{altopt.ic}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Contour plot of prediction variance of U optimal design with interval censoring.
#' Design <- altopt.ic("D", 100, 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' pv.contour.ic(Design$opt.design.rounded, x1, x2, 30, 5, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' }
#' @importFrom graphics contour
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @importFrom graphics rect
#' @importFrom graphics segments
#' @importFrom graphics symbols
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @importFrom graphics title
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
pv.contour.ic <- function (design, xAxis, yAxis, t, k, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                           useCond = NULL, useLower = NULL, useUpper = NULL) {
  designName <- deparse(substitute(design))
  xAxisName <- deparse(substitute(xAxis))
  yAxisName <- deparse(substitute(yAxis))
  xColNum <- which(colnames(design) == xAxisName)
  yColNum <- which(colnames(design) == yAxisName)

  pv <- function (useCond, ux, uy) {
    useCond[xColNum] <- ux # change use condition of two factors given by user
    useCond[yColNum] <- uy # with maintaining values of the other factors
    as.numeric(alteval.ic(design, optType = "U", t, k, nf,
                          alpha, formula, coef, useCond))

  if (!is.null(useCond)) {
    range <- ceiling(max(useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum]))
    pv.use <- round(pv(useCond, useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum]), digits = 2)
  else if (!is.null(useLower) && !is.null(useUpper)) {
    range <- ceiling(max(useUpper[xColNum], useUpper[yColNum]))
    pv.use <- round(pv(useUpper, useUpper[xColNum], useUpper[yColNum]), digits = 2)
  else stop('Use condition missing, either useCond or
            both of useLower and useUpper should be provided.')

  x <- seq(0, range, 0.1)
  y <- seq(0, range, 0.1)

  pv.grid <- matrix(nrow = length(x), ncol = length(y))
  for (r in 1:length(x)) {
    for (c in 1:length(y)) {
      if (!is.null(useCond))
        pv.grid[r, c] <- pv(useCond, x[r], y[c])
      else if (!is.null(useLower) && !is.null(useUpper))
        pv.grid[r, c] <- pv((useLower + useUpper) / 2, x[r], y[c])

  mylevels <- seq(0, pv.use, 0.1)

  contour(x, y, pv.grid, levels = mylevels, method = "edge", pty="s")
  title(main = paste("PV contour of ", designName, sep = ""),
        xlab = xAxisName, ylab = yAxisName, cex.main = .75)
  agg.des <- aggregate(design, by = list(design[, colnames(design) == xAxisName],
                                         design[, colnames(design) == yAxisName]),
                       FUN = sum)
  symbols(agg.des$Group.1, agg.des$Group.2, circles = agg.des$allocation / 300,
          inches = FALSE, add = TRUE, bg = "gray")
  text(agg.des$Group.1, agg.des$Group.2, agg.des$allocation, cex = .75,
       adj = c(-.5, 1))

  segments(0, 0, range, 0)
  segments(0, 0, 0, range)
  segments(range, 0, range, range)
  segments(0, range, range, range)
  segments(0, 1, 1, 1)
  segments(1, 0, 1, 1)
  if (!is.null(useCond)) {
    points(useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum], pch=22, bg="white")
    text(useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum], paste("PV =", pv.use),
         cex = .75, adj = c(-.2, -.2))
    segments(0, useCond[yColNum], useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum])
    segments(useCond[xColNum], 0, useCond[xColNum], useCond[yColNum])
  else if (!is.null(useLower) && !is.null(useUpper)) {
    rect(useLower[xColNum], useLower[yColNum],
         useUpper[xColNum], useUpper[yColNum], col="white")
    text((useLower[xColNum] + useUpper[xColNum]) / 2,
         (useLower[yColNum] + useUpper[yColNum]) / 2,
         "Use Region", cex = .5, adj = c(0.5, 0.5))

#' FUS (Fraction of Use Space) plot for right censoring.
#' \code{\link{pv.fus.rc}} draws the FUS plot of prediction variance
#' for a given design with right censoring plan. The use region
#' (\code{useLower} and \code{useUpper}) should be
#' provided.
#' @param useLower,useUpper the vectors containing the lower bound and upper
#'   bound for the use region. They should be provided for FUS plot.
#' @return The "trellis" object which includes the FUS plot
#'   for right censoring.
#' @inheritParams design.plot
#' @inheritParams altopt.rc
#' @seealso \code{\link{altopt.rc}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # FUS plot of I optimal design with right censoring.
#' Design <- altopt.rc("I", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' pv.fus.rc(Design$opt.design.rounded, 100, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01),
#' useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' }
#' @export
pv.fus.rc <- function (design, tc, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                       useLower = NULL, useUpper = NULL) {
  if (is.null(useLower) || is.null(useUpper)) stop('Use condition missing')

  d <- round(5000 ^ (1 / nf))
  pv.grid <- matrix(nrow = d ^ nf, ncol = nf + 1)
  for (p in 1:nf) {
    range <- seq(useLower[p], useUpper[p], length.out = d)
    pv.grid[, p] <- rep(rep(range, each = d ^ (nf - p)), d ^ (p - 1))

  for (r in 1:nrow(pv.grid)) {
    pv.grid[r, ncol(pv.grid)] <- as.numeric(alteval.rc(design, optType = "U",
                                                       tc, nf, alpha, formula, coef, useCond = pv.grid[r, 1:nf]))

  fus <- cbind(sort(pv.grid[, ncol(pv.grid)]), c(1:nrow(pv.grid)) / nrow(pv.grid))
  plot <- lattice::xyplot(fus[, 1] ~ fus[, 2],
                          aspect = 1 / 2,
                          main = paste("FUS of ", deparse(substitute(design)), sep = ""),
                          xlab = paste("Fraction of Use Space"),
                          ylab = paste("Prediction Variance"),
                          type = "a",
                          grid = TRUE,
                          scales = list(x = list(tick.number = 11)))

#' FUS (Fraction of Use Space) plot for interval censoring.
#' \code{\link{pv.fus.ic}} draws the FUS plot of prediction variance
#' for a given design with interval censoring plan. The use region
#' (\code{useLower} and \code{useUpper}) should be
#' provided.
#' @param useLower,useUpper the vectors containing the lower bound and upper
#'   bound for the use region. They should be provided for FUS plot.
#' @return The "trellis" object which includes the FUS plot
#'   for interval censoring.
#' @inheritParams design.plot
#' @inheritParams altopt.ic
#' @seealso \code{\link{altopt.ic}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # FUS plot of I optimal design with interval censoring.
#' Design <- altopt.ic("I", 100, 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' pv.fus.ic(Design$opt.design.rounded, 30, 5, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01),
#' useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' }
#' @export
pv.fus.ic <- function (design, t, k, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                       useLower = NULL, useUpper = NULL) {
  if (is.null(useLower) || is.null(useUpper)) stop('Use condition missing')

  d <- round(5000 ^ (1 / nf))
  pv.grid <- matrix(nrow = d ^ nf, ncol = nf + 1)
  for (p in 1:nf) {
    range <- seq(useLower[p], useUpper[p], length.out = d)
    pv.grid[, p] <- rep(rep(range, each = d ^ (nf - p)), d ^ (p - 1))

  for (r in 1:nrow(pv.grid)) {
    pv.grid[r, ncol(pv.grid)] <- as.numeric(alteval.ic(design, optType="U",
                                                       t, k, nf, alpha, formula, coef, useCond = pv.grid[r, 1:nf]))

  fus <- cbind(sort(pv.grid[, ncol(pv.grid)]), c(1:nrow(pv.grid)) / nrow(pv.grid))
  plot <- lattice::xyplot(fus[, 1] ~ fus[, 2],
                          aspect = 1 / 2,
                          main = paste("FUS of ", deparse(substitute(design)), sep = ""),
                          xlab = paste("Fraction of Use Space"),
                          ylab = paste("Prediction Variance"),
                          type = "a",
                          grid = TRUE,
                          scales = list(x = list(tick.number = 11)))

#' Comparing designs using FUS
#' \code{\link{compare.fus}} draws the FUS plots of multiple designs on a
#' single frame.
#' @param ... Objects created by \code{\link{pv.fus.rc}} or
#' \code{\link{pv.fus.ic}}.
#' @return FUS plots of multiple designs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pv.fus.rc}}, \code{\link{pv.fus.ic}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Generating D optimal design and FUS plot.
#' Dopt <- altopt.rc("D", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))
#' FUS.D <- pv.fus.rc(Dopt$opt.design.rounded, 100, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01),
#' useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' # Generating U optimal design and FUS plot.
#' Uopt <- altopt.rc("U", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' FUS.U <- pv.fus.rc(Uopt$opt.design.rounded, 100, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01),
#' useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' # Comparing D and U optimal designs.
#' compare.fus(FUS.D, FUS.U)
#' }
#' @export
compare.fus <- function (...) {
  # Keep the name of arguments as string
  nm <- unlist(strsplit(deparse(substitute(list(...))), split = ","))
  nm <- unlist(strsplit(nm, split = " "))
  nm <- unlist(strsplit(nm, split = "list(", fixed = TRUE))
  nm <- unlist(strsplit(nm, split = ")", fixed = TRUE))

  fus.obj <- list(...)

  data <- data.frame()
  for (i in 1:length(fus.obj)) {
    data <- rbind(data, data.frame(y = fus.obj[[i]]$panel.args[[1]]$y,
                                   x = fus.obj[[i]]$panel.args[[1]]$x,
                                   z = nm[i]))

  plot <- lattice::xyplot(y ~ x, data, groups = data$z, auto.key = list(corner = c(0, 1)),
                          aspect = 1 / 2,
                          main = paste("FUS of ", deparse(substitute(list(...))), sep = ""),
                          xlab = paste("Fraction of Use Space"),
                          ylab = paste("Prediction Variance"),
                          type = "a",
                          grid = TRUE,
                          scales = list(x = list(tick.number = 11)))

#' VDUS (Variance Dispersion of Use Space) plot for right censoring.
#' \code{\link{pv.vdus.rc}} draws the VDUS plot of prediction variance
#' for a given design with right censoring plan. The use region
#' (\code{useLower} and \code{useUpper}) should be
#' provided.
#' @param useLower,useUpper the vectors containing the lower bound and upper
#'   bound for the use region. They should be provided for VDUS plot.
#' @return The "trellis" object which includes the VDUS plot
#'   for right censoring.
#' @inheritParams design.plot
#' @inheritParams altopt.rc
#' @seealso \code{\link{altopt.rc}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # VDUS plot of I optimal design with right censoring.
#' Design <- altopt.rc("I", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' pv.vdus.rc(Design$opt.design.rounded, 100, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01),
#' useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' }
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
pv.vdus.rc <- function (design, tc, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                        useLower = NULL, useUpper = NULL) {
  if (is.null(useLower) || is.null(useUpper)) stop('Use condition missing')

  d <- round(5000 ^ (1 / nf))
  if (d %% 2 == 0) d <- d + 1
  pv.grid <- matrix(nrow = d ^ nf, ncol = nf)
  for (p in 1:nf) {
    range <- seq(useLower[p], useUpper[p], length.out = d)
    pv.grid[, p] <- rep(rep(range, each = d ^ (nf - p)), d ^ (p - 1))

  center <- (useLower + useUpper) / 2
  dx <- (useUpper - center) / ((d - 1) / 2)
  rank <- numeric(length = nrow(pv.grid))
  for (r in 1:nrow(pv.grid)) {
    if (all(pv.grid[r, ] == center)) rank[r] <- 0
    else {
      for (n in 1:(d - 1) / 2) {
        for (p in 1:nf) {
          if ((round(pv.grid[r, p], 3) == round(center[p] + n * dx[p], 3)
               || round(pv.grid[r, p], 3) == round(center[p] - n * dx[p], 3))
              && round(pv.grid[r, -p], 3) >= round(center[-p] - n * dx[-p], 3)
              && round(pv.grid[r, -p], 3) <= round(center[-p] + n * dx[-p], 3))
            rank[r] <- n
  pv.grid <- cbind(pv.grid, rank)
  pv <- numeric(length = nrow(pv.grid))
  for (r in 1:nrow(pv.grid)) {
    pv[r] <- as.numeric(alteval.rc(design, optType = "U", tc, nf, alpha,
                                   formula, coef, useCond = pv.grid[r, 1:nf]))
  pv.grid <- cbind(pv.grid, pv)

  min <- aggregate(pv.grid, by = list(pv.grid[, "rank"]), FUN = min)
  avg <- aggregate(pv.grid, by = list(pv.grid[, "rank"]), FUN = mean)
  max <- aggregate(pv.grid, by = list(pv.grid[, "rank"]), FUN = max)
  vdus <- rbind(cbind(min, gr = "min"), cbind(avg, gr = "avg"),
                cbind(max, gr = "max"))

  plot <- lattice::xyplot(vdus$pv ~ vdus$rank,
                          aspect = 1 / 2,
                          main = paste("VDUS of ", deparse(substitute(design)), sep = ""),
                          xlab = paste("Relative radius from origin"),
                          ylab = paste("Prediction Variance"),
                          type = "smooth",
                          grid = TRUE,
                          group = vdus$gr,
                          auto.key = list(corner = c(0, 1)))

#' VDUS (Variance Dispersion of Use Space) plot for interval censoring.
#' \code{\link{pv.vdus.ic}} draws the VDUS plot of prediction variance
#' for a given design with interval censoring plan. The use region
#' (\code{useLower} and \code{useUpper}) should be
#' provided.
#' @param useLower,useUpper the vectors containing the lower bound and upper
#'   bound for the use region. They should be provided for VDUS plot.
#' @return The "trellis" object which includes the VDUS plot
#'   for interval censoring.
#' @inheritParams design.plot
#' @inheritParams altopt.ic
#' @seealso \code{\link{altopt.ic}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # VDUS plot of I optimal design with interval censoring.
#' Design <- altopt.ic("I", 100, 30, 5, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' pv.vdus.ic(Design$opt.design.rounded, 30, 5, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01),
#' useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' }
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
pv.vdus.ic <- function (design, t, k, nf, alpha, formula, coef,
                        useLower = NULL, useUpper = NULL) {
  if (is.null(useLower) || is.null(useUpper)) stop('Use condition missing')

  d <- round(5000 ^ (1 / nf))
  if (d %% 2 == 0) d <- d + 1
  pv.grid <- matrix(nrow = d ^ nf, ncol = nf)
  for (p in 1:nf) {
    range <- seq(useLower[p], useUpper[p], length.out = d)
    pv.grid[, p] <- rep(rep(range, each = d ^ (nf - p)), d ^ (p - 1))

  center <- (useLower + useUpper) / 2
  dx <- (useUpper - center)/((d - 1) / 2)
  rank <- numeric(length = nrow(pv.grid))
  for (r in 1:nrow(pv.grid)) {
    if (all(pv.grid[r, ] == center)) rank[r] <- 0
    else {
      for (n in 1:(d - 1) / 2) {
        for (p in 1:nf) {
          if ((round(pv.grid[r, p], 3) == round(center[p] + n * dx[p], 3)
               || round(pv.grid[r, p], 3) == round(center[p] - n * dx[p], 3))
              && round(pv.grid[r, -p], 3) >= round(center[-p] - n * dx[-p], 3)
              && round(pv.grid[r, -p], 3) <= round(center[-p] + n * dx[-p], 3))
            rank[r] <- n
  pv.grid <- cbind(pv.grid, rank)
  pv <- numeric(length = nrow(pv.grid))
  for (r in 1:nrow(pv.grid)) {
    pv[r] <- as.numeric(alteval.ic(design, optType = "U", t, k, nf, alpha,
                                   formula, coef, useCond = pv.grid[r, 1:nf]))
  pv.grid <- cbind(pv.grid, pv)

  min <- aggregate(pv.grid, by = list(pv.grid[, "rank"]), FUN = min)
  avg <- aggregate(pv.grid, by = list(pv.grid[, "rank"]), FUN = mean)
  max <- aggregate(pv.grid, by = list(pv.grid[, "rank"]), FUN = max)
  vdus <- rbind(cbind(min, gr = "min"), cbind(avg, gr = "avg"),
                cbind(max, gr = "max"))

  plot <- lattice::xyplot(vdus$pv ~ vdus$rank,
                          aspect = 1 / 2,
                          main = paste("VDUS of ", deparse(substitute(design)), sep = ""),
                          xlab = paste("Relative radius from origin"),
                          ylab = paste("Prediction Variance"),
                          type = "smooth",
                          grid = TRUE,
                          group = vdus$gr,
                          auto.key = list(corner = c(0, 1)))

#' Comparing designs using VDUS
#' \code{\link{compare.vdus}} draws the VDUS plots of multiple designs on a
#' single frame.
#' @param ... Objects created by \code{\link{pv.vdus.rc}} or
#' \code{\link{pv.vdus.ic}}.
#' @return VDUS plots of multiple designs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pv.vdus.rc}}, \code{\link{pv.vdus.ic}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Generating D optimal design and VDUS plot.
#' Dopt <- altopt.rc("D", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))
#' VDUS.D <- pv.vdus.rc(Dopt$opt.design.rounded, 100, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01),
#' useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' # Generating U optimal design and VDUS plot.
#' Uopt <- altopt.rc("U", 100, 100, 2, 1, formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2,
#' coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01), useCond = c(1.758, 3.159))
#' VDUS.U <- pv.vdus.rc(Uopt$opt.design.rounded, 100, 2, 1,
#' formula = ~ x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01),
#' useLower = c(1.458, 2.859), useUpper = c(2.058, 3.459))
#' # Comparing D and U optimal designs.
#' compare.vdus(VDUS.D, VDUS.U)
#' }
#' @export
compare.vdus <- function (...) {
  nm <- unlist(strsplit(deparse(substitute(list(...))), split = ","))
  nm <- unlist(strsplit(nm, split = " "))
  nm <- unlist(strsplit(nm, split = "list(", fixed = TRUE))
  nm <- unlist(strsplit(nm, split = ")", fixed = TRUE))

  vdus.obj <- list(...)

  data <- data.frame()
  for (i in 1:length(vdus.obj)) {
    data <- rbind(data, data.frame(y = vdus.obj[[i]]$panel.args[[1]]$y,
                                   x = vdus.obj[[i]]$panel.args[[1]]$x,
                                   z = paste(nm[i], vdus.obj[[i]]$panel.args.common$groups),
                                   sep = "."))

  plot <- lattice::xyplot(y ~ x, data, groups = data$z, auto.key = list(corner = c(0, 1)),
                          aspect = 1 / 2,
                          main = paste("VDUS of ", deparse(substitute(list(...))), sep = ""),
                          xlab = paste("Variance Dispersion of Use Space"),
                          ylab = paste("Prediction Variance"),
                          type = "a",
                          grid = TRUE,
                          scales = list(x = list(tick.number = 11)))

#' Coding and decoding stress level
#' Convert the stress levels from the actual levels to standardized levels,
#'   and vice versa.
#' @param lowStLv a numeric vector containing the actual lowest stress level
#'   of each stress variable in design region.
#' @param highStLv a numeric vector containing the actual highest stress level
#'   of each stress variable in design region.
#' @param actual a data frame or numeric vector containing the design points
#'   in actual units.
#' @param stand a data frame or numeric vector containing the design points
#'   in standardized units.
#' @return When \code{actual} is provided, the function converts it to the
#'   standardized units and when \code{stand} is provided, the function converts
#'   it to the actual units.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Generating D optimal design in coded unit.
#'   Design <- altopt.rc(optType = "D", N = 100, tc = 100, nf = 2, alpha = 1,
#'   formula = ~x1 + x2 + x1:x2, coef = c(0, -4.086, -1.476, 0.01))
#'   # Transform the coded unit to actual stress variable's level.
#'   convert.stress.level(lowStLv = c(34.834, 4.094), highStLv = c(30.288, 4.5),
#'   stand = Design$opt.design.rounded)
#'   # Transform the actual stress level to coded units.
#'   use <- c(38.281, 3.219)
#'   convert.stress.level(lowStLv = c(34.834, 4.094), highStLv = c(30.288, 4.5),
#'   actual = use)
#'   }
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
convert.stress.level <- function(lowStLv, highStLv,
                                 actual = NULL, stand = NULL) {
  nf <- length(lowStLv)
  if (is.null(actual) && is.null(stand))
    stop ('Either actual or Stand should be provided.')
  else if (!is.null(actual) && !is.null(stand))
    stop ('Only one of actual or Stand should be provided')
  else if (!is.null(stand)) {
    # Convert from stand to actual
    if (is(stand, "numeric"))
      stand <- as.data.frame(matrix(stand, ncol = nf))
    out <- stand
    for (c in 1:nf) {
      for (r in 1:nrow(stand))
        out[r, c] <- stand[r, c] * (lowStLv[c] - highStLv[c]) + highStLv[c]
  else if (!is.null(actual)) {
    # Convert from actual to stand
    if (is(actual, "numeric"))
      actual <- as.data.frame(matrix(actual, ncol = nf))
    out <- actual
    for (c in 1:nf) {
      for (r in 1:nrow(actual))
        out[r, c] <- (actual[r, c] - highStLv[c]) / (lowStLv[c] - highStLv[c])

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