
Defines functions ActiveDriverWGS

Documented in ActiveDriverWGS

# @import GenomicRanges
# @import IRanges
# @import BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
# @import parallel

#' ActiveDriverWGS is a driver discovery tool for simple somatic mutations in cancer whole genomes
#' @param mutations A data frame containing the following columns: chr, pos1, pos2, ref, alt, patient.
#' \describe{
#'     \item{chr}{autosomal chromosomes as chr1 to chr22 and sex chromosomes as chrX and chrY}
#'     \item{pos1}{the start position of the mutation in base 1 coordinates}
#'     \item{pos2}{the end position of the mutation in base 1 coordinates}
#'     \item{ref}{the reference allele as a string containing the bases A, T, C, G or -}
#'     \item{alt}{the alternate allele as a string containing the bases A, T, C, G or -}
#'     \item{patient}{the patient identifier as a string}
#' }
#' @param elements A data frame containing the following columns: chr, start, end, id
#' \describe{
#'     \item{chr}{autosomal chromosomes as chr1 to chr22 and sex chromosomes as chrX and chrY}
#'     \item{start}{the start position of the element in base 0 coordinates (BED format)}
#'     \item{end}{the end position of the element in base 0 coordinates (BED format)}
#'     \item{id}{the element identifier - if the element contains multiple segments such as exons,
#'     each segment should be a separate row with the segment coordinates
#'     and the element identifier as id. Elements can be coding or noncoding such as exons of protein
#'     coding genes or active enhancers.}
#' }
#' @param sites A data frame containing the following columns: chr, start, end, id
#' \describe{
#'     \item{chr}{autosomal chromosomes as chr1 to chr22 and sex chromosomes as chrX and chrY}
#'     \item{start}{the start position of the site in base 0 coordinates (BED format)}
#'     \item{end}{the end position of the site in base 0 coordinates (BED format)}
#'     \item{id}{the identifier of the element. id's need to match with those listed in the object elements. }
#' }
#' @param window_size An integer indicating the size of the background window in base pairs that is used to establish
#' the expected mutation rate and respective null model. The default is 50000bps
#' @param filter_hyper_MB Hyper-mutated samples carry many passenger mutations and dilute the signal of true drivers.
#' Samples with a rate greater than \code{filter_hyper_MB} mutations per megabase are excluded.
#' The default is 30 mutations per megabase.
#' @param recovery.dir The directory for storing recovery files. If the directory does not exist, ActiveDriverWGS will create the directory.
#' If the parameter is unspecified, recovery files will not be saved. As an ActiveDriverWGS query for large datasets may be computationally heavy,
#' specifying a recovery directory will recover previously computed results if a query is interrupted.
#' @param mc.cores The number of cores which can be used if multiple cores are available. The default is 1.
#' @param ref_genome The reference genome used on the analysis. The default option is "hg19", other options are "hg38", "mm9" and "mm10". 
#' @param detect_depleted_mutations if TRUE, detect elements with significantly fewer than expected mutations. FALSE by default
#' @return A data frame containing the results of driver discovery containing the following columns: id, pp_element,
#' element_muts_obs, element_muts_exp, element_enriched, pp_site, site_muts_obs, site_muts_exp, site_enriched,
#' fdr_element, fdr_site
#' \describe{
#'     \item{id}{A string identifying the element of interest}
#'     \item{pp_element}{The p-value of the element}
#'     \item{element_muts_obs}{The number of patients with a mutation in the element}
#'     \item{element_muts_exp}{The expected number of patients with a mutation in the element with respect to background}
#'     \item{element_enriched}{A boolean indicating whether the element is enriched in mutations}
#'     \item{pp_site}{The p-value of the site}
#'     \item{site_muts_obs}{The number of patients with a mutation in the site}
#'     \item{site_muts_exp}{The expected number of patients with a mutation in the site with respect to element}
#'     \item{site_enriched}{A boolean indicating whether the site is enriched in mutations}
#'     \item{fdr_element}{The FDR corrected p-value of the element}
#'     \item{fdr_site}{The FDR corrected p-value of the site}
#'     \item{has_site_mutations}{A V indicates the presence of site mutations}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(cancer_genes)
#' data(cll_mutations)
#' some_genes = c("ATM", "MYD88", "NOTCH1", "SF3B1", "XPO1",
#' "SOCS1", "CNOT3", "DDX3X", "KMT2A", "HIF1A", "APC")
#' result = ActiveDriverWGS(mutations = cll_mutations,
#' 		elements = cancer_genes[cancer_genes$id %in% some_genes,])
#' }
ActiveDriverWGS = function(mutations,
							sites = NULL,
							window_size = 50000,
							filter_hyper_MB = 30,
							recovery.dir = NULL,
							mc.cores = 1,
							ref_genome = "hg19", 
							detect_depleted_mutations = FALSE){

	# Verifying Format for window_size
	if (!(length(window_size) == 1 && is.numeric(window_size) && window_size > 0)) {
		stop("window size must be a positive integer")
	# Verifying Format for mc.cores
	if (!(length(mc.cores) == 1 && is.numeric(mc.cores) && mc.cores > 0)) {
		stop("mc.cores must be a positive integer")
	# Verifying Format for filter_hyper_MB
	if (!(length(filter_hyper_MB) == 1 && is.numeric(filter_hyper_MB) && filter_hyper_MB > 0)) {
		stop("filter_hyper_MB must be a positive integer")
	# Verifying Format for ref_genome
	permitted_ref_genomes = c("hg19", "hg38", "mm9", "mm10")
	if (is.na(ref_genome) | is.null(ref_genome) | !ref_genome %in% permitted_ref_genomes) {
		stop("ref_genome must one of 'hg19', 'hg38', 'mm9', 'mm10'")
	hg_permitted_chrs = paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y", "M"))
	mm_permitted_chrs = paste0("chr", c(1:19, "X", "Y", "M"))
	this_genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19::Hsapiens
	permitted_chrs = hg_permitted_chrs
	if (ref_genome == 'hg38') {
		this_genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38::Hsapiens
		permitted_chrs = hg_permitted_chrs
	if (ref_genome == 'mm9') {
		this_genome = BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9::Mmusculus
		permitted_chrs = mm_permitted_chrs
	if (ref_genome == 'mm10') {
		this_genome = BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10::Mmusculus
		permitted_chrs = mm_permitted_chrs
	# Verifying Format for recovery.dir
	if(!is.character(recovery.dir) | length(recovery.dir) != 1) stop("recovery.dir must be a string")
	if (!dir.exists(recovery.dir)) {
			message(paste0("Creating ", recovery.dir))
		if(!endsWith(recovery.dir, "[/]") && recovery.dir != ""){
			recovery.dir = paste0(recovery.dir, "/")
	# Verifying Format for Mutations
	if (!is.data.frame(mutations)) {
		stop("mutations must be a data frame")
	if (!all(c("chr", "pos1", "pos2", "ref", "alt", "patient") %in% colnames(mutations))) {
		stop("mutations must contain the following columns: chr, pos1, pos2, ref, alt & patient")
	if (any(is.na(mutations))) {
		stop("mutations may not contain missing values")
	if (any(duplicated(mutations))) {
		stop("duplicated mutations are present. please review your format")
	if (!(is.character(mutations$chr) && 
		is.character(mutations$ref) && 
		is.character(mutations$alt))) {
			stop("chr, ref and alt must be character")
	if (!all(mutations$chr %in% permitted_chrs)) {
		stop(paste("Only autosomal and sex chromosomes may be used in mutation data (24 for human, 21 for mouse).", 
				"Note that chr23 and chr24 should be formatted as chrX and chrY, respectively"))
	if (!(is.numeric(mutations$pos1) && is.numeric(mutations$pos2))) {
	stop("pos1 and pos2 must be numeric")
	if (!(all(grepl("[ATGC\\-]", c(mutations$ref, mutations$alt))))) {
	   stop("Reference and alternate alleles must be A, T, C, G or -")
	if (!(is.character(mutations$patient))) {
		stop("patient identifier must be a string")
	# Creating gr_muts
	mutations = format_muts(mutations = mutations, this_genome = this_genome, filter_hyper_MB = filter_hyper_MB)
	gr_muts = GenomicRanges::GRanges(mutations$chr,
			IRanges::IRanges(mutations$pos1, mutations$pos2), 
			mcols = mutations[,c("patient", "tag")])
	# save(gr_muts, file=paste0(recovery.dir,"gr_muts.rsav"))
	# Verifying Format for Elements
	if (!is.data.frame(elements)) {
		stop("elements must be a data frame")
	if (!all(c("chr", "start", "end", "id") %in% colnames(elements))) {
		stop("elements must contain the following columns: chr, start, end & id")
	if (any(is.na(elements))) {
		stop("elements may not contain missing values")
	if (any(duplicated(elements))) {
		stop("duplicated elements are present. please review your format")
	if (!all(elements$chr %in% permitted_chrs)) {
		stop(paste("Only autosomal and sex chromosomes may be used in element coordinates (24 for human, 21 for mouse).", 
				"Note that chr23 and chr24 should be formatted as chrX and chrY, respectively"))
	if (!(is.numeric(elements$start) && is.numeric(elements$end))) {
		stop("start and end must be numeric")
	if (!(is.character(elements$id))) {
		stop("element identifier must be a string")
	# Creating elements_gr
	gr_element_coords = GenomicRanges::GRanges(elements$chr,
			IRanges::IRanges(elements$start, elements$end),
			mcols = elements[,c("id")])
	# Verifying Format for Sites 
		if (!is.data.frame(sites)) { 
			stop("sites must be a data frame")
		if (!all(c("chr", "start", "end", "id") %in% colnames(sites))) {
			stop("sites must contain the following columns: chr, start, end & id")
		if (any(is.na(sites))) {
			stop("sites may not contain missing values")
		if (any(duplicated(sites))) {
			stop("duplicated sites are present. please review your format")
		if (!all(sites$chr %in% permitted_chrs)) {
			stop(paste("Only autosomal and sex chromosomes may be used in site coordinates (24 for human, 21 for mouse).", 
					"Note that chr23 and chr24 should be formatted as chrX and chrY, respectively"))
		if (!(is.numeric(sites$start) && is.numeric(sites$end))) {
			stop("start and end must be numeric")
		if (!(is.character(sites$id))) {
			stop("site identifier must be a string")
		gr_site_coords = GenomicRanges::GRanges(sites$chr,
				IRanges::IRanges(sites$start, sites$end),
				mcols = sites$id)
	} else {
		gr_site_coords = GenomicRanges::GRanges()
	# Running ADWGS Test
	all_results = NULL
	# Pre-Filtering Results - only elements with 1+ mutation are analyzed, the rest assigned NA
	# for speeding up computation
	muts_elements_overlap = suppressWarnings(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_element_coords, gr_muts))
	mutated_elements = sort(unique(gr_element_coords$mcols[S4Vectors::queryHits(muts_elements_overlap)]))
	unmutated_elements = sort(unique(gr_element_coords$mcols[!gr_element_coords$mcols %in% mutated_elements]))
	not_done = mutated_elements
	# Unmutated Results
	unmutated_results = NULL
	if(length(unmutated_elements) > 0){
		unmutated_results = data.frame(id = unmutated_elements,
				pp_element = NA, element_muts_obs = NA, element_muts_exp = NA, element_enriched = NA,
				pp_site = NA, site_muts_obs = NA, site_muts_exp = NA, site_enriched = NA,
				stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
		unmutated_results$result_number = 1:length(unmutated_elements) + length(mutated_elements)
	cat("Number of Elements with 0 Mutations: ", length(unmutated_elements), "\n")
	# Recovered Results
	recovered_results = NULL
	recovered_result_numbers = c()
	if (!is.null(recovery.dir)) {
		results_filenames = list.files(recovery.dir, pattern = "ADWGS_result[0123456789]+_recovery_file.rsav")
		if (length(results_filenames) > 0) {
			results_filenames = paste0("/", results_filenames)
		recovered_results = do.call(rbind, lapply(results_filenames, function(filename) {
			load_result = suppressWarnings(try(load(paste0(recovery.dir, filename)), silent = TRUE))
			if (inherits(load_result, "try-error")) return(NULL)
			result = result
		recovered_result_numbers = recovered_results$result_number
	cat("Tests to do: ", length(not_done), "\n")
	if (length(recovered_result_numbers) > 0) {
		cat("Tests recovered: ", length(unique(recovered_result_numbers)), "\n")
	# Mutated Results
	mutated_results = do.call(rbind, parallel::mclapply(1:length(not_done), function(i) {
		if (i %% 100 == 0) {
			cat(i, " elements completed\n")
		# skip calculation if this item is completed already
		if (i %in% recovered_result_numbers) {
		result = ADWGS_test(
				id = not_done[i], gr_element_coords = gr_element_coords,
				gr_site_coords = gr_site_coords, gr_maf = gr_muts,
				win_size = window_size, this_genome = this_genome, 
				detect_depleted_mutations = detect_depleted_mutations)

		# save each result into recovery dir if requested
		if (!is.null(recovery.dir)) {
			result$result_number = i
			save(result, file = paste0(recovery.dir, "ADWGS_result", i, "_recovery_file.rsav"))
	}, mc.cores = mc.cores))
	all_results = rbind(recovered_results, mutated_results, unmutated_results)
	if (!all.equal(sort(unique(all_results$id)), sort(unique(elements$id)))) {
		stop("Error: Some elements were not evaluated. Results or recovery.dir may be corrupted.\n")
	rm(mutated_results, recovered_results, unmutated_results)
	rm(elements, gr_element_coords)
	# Formatting Results
	all_results = .fix_all_results(all_results)
	all_results = .get_signf_results(all_results)
	all_results = all_results[,!colnames(all_results) %in% "result_number"]

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ActiveDriverWGS documentation built on Sept. 3, 2022, 5:05 p.m.