
#' @title AlphaPart.R
#' @description A function to partition breeding values by a path
#'   variable. The partition method is described in García-Cortés et
#'   al., 2008: Partition of the genetic trend to validate multiple
#'   selection decisions.  Animal : an international journal of animal
#'   bioscience. DOI:  \doi{10.1017/S175173110800205X}
#' @usage
#' AlphaPart(x, pathNA, recode, unknown, sort, verbose, profile,
#'   printProfile, pedType, colId, colFid, colMid, colPath, colBV,
#'   colBy, center, scaleEBV)
#' @details Pedigree in \code{x} must be valid in a sense that there
#'   are:
#'   * no directed loops (the simplest example is that the individual 
#'   identification is equal to the identification of a father or mother) 
#'   * no bisexuality, e.g., fathers most not appear as mothers 
#'   * father and/or mother can be unknown (missing) - defined with 
#'   any "code" that is different from existing identifications
#' Unknown (missing) values for breeding values are propagated down the
#' pedigree to provide all available values from genetic
#' evaluation. Another option is to cut pedigree links - set parents to
#' unknown and remove them from pedigree prior to using this function -
#' see \code{\link[AlphaPart]{pedSetBase}} function.  Warning is issued
#' in the case of unknown (missing) values.
#' In animal breeding/genetics literature the model with the underlying
#' pedigree type \code{"IPP"} is often called animal model, while the
#' model for pedigree type \code{"IPG"} is often called sire - maternal
#' grandsire model. With a combination of \code{colFid} and
#' \code{colMid} mother - paternal grandsire model can be accomodated as
#' well.
#' Argument \code{colBy} can be used to directly perform a summary
#' analysis by group, i.e., \code{summary(AlphaPart(...),
#' by="group")}. See \code{\link[AlphaPart]{summary.AlphaPart}} for
#' more. This can save some CPU time by skipping intermediate
#' steps. However, only means can be obtained, while \code{summary}
#' method gives more flexibility.
#' @seealso \code{\link[AlphaPart]{summary.AlphaPart}} for summary
#'   method that works on output of \code{AlphaPart},
#'   \code{\link[AlphaPart]{pedSetBase}} for setting base population,
#'   \code{\link[AlphaPart]{pedFixBirthYear}} for imputing unknown
#'   (missing) birth years, \code{\link[pedigree]{orderPed}} in
#'   \pkg{pedigree} package for sorting pedigree
#' @references Garcia-Cortes, L. A. et al. (2008) Partition of the
#'   genetic trend to validate multiple selection decisions. Animal,
#'   2(6):821-824. \doi{10.1017/S175173110800205X}
#' @param x data.frame , with (at least) the following columns:
#'   individual, father, and mother identif ication, and year of birth;
#'   see arguments \code{colId}, \code{colFid}, \code{colMid},
#'   \code{colPath}, and \code{colBV}; see also details about the
#'   validity of pedigree.
#' @param pathNA Logical, set dummy path (to "XXX") where path
#'   information is unknown (missing).
#' @param recode Logical, internally recode individual, father and,
#'   mother identification to \code{1:n} codes, while missing parents
#'   are defined with \code{0}; this option must be used if identif
#'   ications in \code{x} are not already given as \code{1:n} codes, see
#'   also argument \code{sort}.
#' @param unknown Value(s) used for representing unknown (missing)
#'   parent in \code{x}; this options has an effect only when
#'   \code{recode=FALSE} as it is only needed in that situation.
#' @param sort Logical, initially sort \code{x} using \code{orderPed()}
#'   so that children follow parents in order to make imputation as
#'   optimal as possible (imputation is performed within a loop from the
#'   first to the last unknown birth year); at the end original order is
#'   restored.
#' @param verbose Numeric, print additional information: \code{0} -
#'   print nothing, \code{1} - print some summaries about the data.
#' @param profile Logical, collect timings and size of objects.
#' @param printProfile Character, print profile info on the fly
#'   (\code{"fly"}) or at the end (\code{"end"}).
#' @param pedType Character, pedigree type: the most common form is
#'   \code{"IPP"} for Individual, Parent 1 (say father), and Parent 2
#'   (say mother) data; the second form is \code{"IPG"} for Individual,
#'   Parent 1 (say father), and one of Grandparents of Parent 2 (say
#'   maternal grandfather).
#' @param colId Numeric or character, position or name of a column
#'   holding individual identif ication.
#' @param colFid Numeric or character, position or name of a column
#'   holding father identif ication.
#' @param colMid Numeric or character, position or name of a column
#'   holding mother identif ication or maternal grandparent identif
#'   ication if \code{pedType="IPG"} .
#' @param colPath Numeric or character, position or name of a column
#'   holding path information.
#' @param colBV Numeric or character, position(s) or name(s) of
#'   column(s) holding breeding Values.
#' @param colBy Numeric or character, position or name of a column
#'   holding group information (see details).
#' @param center Logical, if \code{center=TRUE} detect a shift in base
#'   population mean and attributes it as parent average effect rather
#'   than Mendelian sampling effect, otherwise, if center=FALSE, the base
#'   population values are only accounted as Mendelian sampling
#'   effect. Default is \code{center = TRUE}.
#' @param scaleEBV a list with two arguments defining whether is 
#' appropriate to center and/or scale the \code{colBV} columns in respect to 
#' the base population. The list may contain the following components:
#' * `center`: a logical value 
#' * `scale`: a logical value. If `center = TRUE` and `scale = TRUE` then the 
#'  base population is set to has zero mean and unit variance.
#' @example inst/examples/examples_AlphaPart.R
#' @return An object of class \code{AlphaPart}, which can be used in
#'   further analyses - there is a handy summary method
#'   (\code{\link[AlphaPart]{summary.AlphaPart}} works on objects of
#'   \code{AlphaPart} class) and a plot method for its output
#'   (\code{\link[AlphaPart]{plot.summaryAlphaPart}} works on objects of
#'   \code{summaryAlphaPart} class).  Class \code{AlphaPart} is a
#'   list. The first \code{length(colBV)} components (one for each trait
#'   and named with trait label, say trt) are data frames. Each
#'   data.frame contains: 
#'   * `x` columns from initial data `x` 
#'   * `trt_pa` parent average 
#'   * `trt_w`Mendelian sampling term
#'   * `trt_path1, trt_path2, ...` breeding value partitions
#' The last component of returned object is also a list named
#' \code{info} with the following components holding meta information
#' about the analysis: 
#' * `path` column name holding path information
#' * `nP` number of paths 
#' * `lP` path labels
#' * `nT` number of traits
#' * `lT` trait labels 
#' * `warn` potential warning messages associated with this object
#' If \code{colBy!=NULL} the resulting object is of a class
#' \code{summaryAlphaPart}, see
#' \code{\link[AlphaPart]{summary.AlphaPart}} for details.
#' If \code{profile=TRUE}, profiling info is printed on screen to spot
#' any computational bottlenecks.
#' @useDynLib AlphaPart, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @importFrom pedigree orderPed
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @importFrom tibble is_tibble
#' @export

AlphaPart <- function (x, pathNA=FALSE, recode=TRUE, unknown= NA,
                       sort=TRUE, verbose=1, profile=FALSE,
                       printProfile="end", pedType="IPP", colId=1,
                       colFid=2, colMid=3, colPath=4, colBV=5:ncol(x),
                       colBy=NULL, center = TRUE, 
                       scaleEBV = list()) {
  ## Test if the data is a data.frame
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
  ## --- Setup ---
  test <- (length(colId) > 1 | length(colFid) > 1 | length(colMid) > 1 | length(colPath) > 1 | length(colBy) > 1)
  if (test) {
    stop("arguments 'colId', 'colFid', 'colMid', 'colPath', and 'colBy' must be of length 1")

  if (is.null(colBy)) {
    groupSummary <- FALSE
  } else {
    groupSummary <- TRUE

  test <- pedType %in% c("IPP", "IPG")
  if (any(!test)) {
    stop("'pedType' must be either 'IPP' or 'IPG'")
  if (profile) {
    time0 <- Sys.time()
    cat("\nStart:", format(time0), "\n")
    timeRet <- data.frame(task="Start", timeP=time0, time=0, timeCum=0,
                          memory=0, memoryCum=0,
    .profilePrint <- function(x, task, printProfile, time, mem, update=
      i <- nrow(x)
      x[i + 1, "task"]        <- task
      x[i + 1, "timeP"]       <- time
      x[i + 1, "time"]        <- timeTMP1 <- round(time - x[i, "timeP"], digits=1L)
      x[i + 1, "timeCum"]     <- timeTMP2 <- round(time - x[1, "timeP"], digits=1L)
      if (!update) {
        x[i + 1, "memory"]    <- memTMP1  <- round(mem/1024^2, digits=1L)
        x[i + 1, "memoryCum"] <- memTMP2  <- round(mem/1024^2, digits=1L) + x[i, "memoryCum"]
      } else {
        x[i + 1, "memory"]    <- memTMP1  <- round(mem/1024^2, digits=1L)
        x[i + 1, "memory"]    <- abs(x[i + 1, "memory"] - x[i, "memory"])
        x[i + 1, "memoryCum"] <- memTMP2  <- x[i + 1, "memory"] + x[i, "memoryCum"]
      if (printProfile == "fly") {
        cat("\n", task, ":\n", sep="")
        cat(" - time (this task):",     format(timeTMP1),     "\n")
        cat(" - time (all tasks):",     format(timeTMP2),     "\n")
        cat(" - memory (this object):", paste(memTMP1, "Mb"), "\n")
        cat(" - memory (all objects):", paste(memTMP2, "Mb"), "\n")
  # -- Test identification
    colId <- which(colnames(x) %in% colId)
    if (length(colId)==0) {
      stop("Identification not valid for 'colId' column name", call. = FALSE)
    colMid <- which(colnames(x) %in% colMid)
    if (length(colMid)==0) {
      stop("Identification not valid for 'colMid' column name", call. = FALSE)
    colFid <- which(colnames(x) %in% colFid)
    if (length(colFid)==0) {
      stop("Identification not valid for 'colFid' column name", call. = FALSE)
    testN <- length(colPath)
    colPath <- which(colnames(x) %in% colPath)
    if (length(colPath)!=testN) {
      stop("Identification not valid for 'colPath' column name", call. = FALSE)
    testN <-  NULL # not needed anymore
    testN <- length(colBy)
    colByOriginal <- colBy
    colBy <- which(colnames(x) %in% colBy)
    if (length(colBy)!=testN) {
      stop("Identification not valid for 'colBy' column name", call. = FALSE)
    testN <- NULL # not needed anymore
    testN <- length(colBV)
    colBV <- which(colnames(x) %in% colBV)
    if (length(colBV) != testN) {
      stop("Identification not valid for 'colBV' column(s) name", call. = FALSE)
    testN <- NULL # not needed anymore
  ## --- Sort and recode pedigree ---
  ## Make sure that identifications are numeric if  recode=FALSE
  test <- !sapply(x[, c(colId, colFid, colMid)], is.numeric) & !recode
  if (any(test)) {
    stop("argument 'recode' must be 'TRUE' when identif ications in 'x' are not numeric")
  ## Make sure that colBV columns are numeric
  test <- !sapply(x[, c(colBV)], is.numeric)
  if (any(test)) {
    stop("colBV columns must be numeric!")
  ## Sort so that parents precede children
  if (sort) {
    recode <- TRUE
    x <- x[order(orderPed(ped=x[, c(colId, colFid, colMid)])), ]
  # Centering  to make founders has mean zero
  controlvals <- getScale()
  if (!missing(scaleEBV)) {
    controlvals[names(scaleEBV)] <- scaleEBV
  if(controlvals$center == TRUE | controlvals$scale == TRUE){
    x[, colBV] <- sEBV(y = x[,c(colId, colFid, colMid, colBV)], 
                       center = controlvals$center, 
                       scale = controlvals$scale, 
                       recode = recode, unknown = unknown)
  ## Recode all ids to 1:n
  if (recode) {
    y <- cbind(id=seq_len(nrow(x)),
               fid=match(x[, colFid], x[, colId], nomatch=0),
               mid=match(x[, colMid], x[, colId], nomatch=0))
    colnames(y) <- c(colId,colFid,colMid)
  } else {
    y <- as.matrix(x[, c(colId, colFid, colMid)])
    ## Make sure we have 0 when recoded data is provided
    if (is.na(unknown)) {
      y[, c(colFid, colMid)] <- NAToUnknown(x=y[, c(colFid, colMid)],
    } else {
      if (unknown != 0)  {
        y[, c(colFid, colMid)] <-
          NAToUnknown(x=unknownToNA(x=y[, c(colFid, colMid)],
                                    unknown=unknown), unknown=0)
  y <- cbind(y, as.matrix(x[, colBV]))
  ## Test if father and mother codes preceede children code -
  ## computational engine needs this
  test <- y[, 2] >= y[, 1]
  if (any(test)) {
    print(x[test, ])
    stop("sorting/recoding problem: parent (father in this case) code must preceede children code - use arguments 'sort' and/or 'recode'")
  test <- y[, 3] >= y[, 1]
  if (any(test)) {
    print(x[test, ])
    stop("sorting/recoding problem: parent (mother in this case) code must preceede children code - use arguments 'sort' and/or 'recode'")
  if (profile) {
    timeRet <- .profilePrint(x=timeRet, task="Sort and/or recode pedigree", printProfile=printProfile,
                             time=Sys.time(), mem=(object.size(x) + object.size(y)))
  ## --- Dimensions and Paths ---
  ## Pedigree size
  nI <- nrow(x)
  ## Traits
  lT <- colnames(x[, colBV, drop=FALSE])
  nT <- length(lT) # number of traits
  colnames(y)[4:ncol(y)] <- lT
  ## Missing values
  nNA <- apply(x[, colBV, drop=FALSE], 2, function(z) sum(is.na(z)))
  names(nNA) <- lT
  ## Paths - P matrix
  test <- is.na(x[, colPath])
  if (any(test)) {
    if (pathNA) {
      x[, colPath] <- as.character(x[, colPath])
      x[test, colPath] <- "XXX"
    } else {
      stop("unknown (missing) value for path not allowed; use 'pathNA=TRUE'")
  if (!is.factor(x[, colPath])) x[, colPath] <- factor(x[, colPath])
  lP <- levels(x[, colPath])
  nP <- length(lP) # number of paths
  P <- as.integer(x[, colPath]) - 1
  ## Groups
  if (groupSummary) {
    test <- is.na(x[, colBy])
    if (any(test)) {
      if (pathNA) {
        x[, colBy] <- as.character(x[, colBy])
        x[test, colBy] <- "XXX"
      } else {
        stop("unknown (missing) value for group not allowed; use 'pathNA=TRUE'")
    if (!is.factor(x[, colBy])) x[, colBy] <- factor(x[, colBy])
    lG <- levels(x[, colBy])
    nG <- length(lG)
    g <- as.integer(x[, colBy])

  if (verbose > 0) {
    cat(" - individuals:", nI, "\n")
    cat(" - traits: ", nT, " (", paste(lT, collapse=", "), ")", "\n", sep="")
    cat(" - paths: ",  nP, " (", paste(lP, collapse=", "), ")", "\n", sep="")
    if (groupSummary) {
      cat(" - groups: ", nG, " (", paste(lG, collapse=", "), ")", "\n", sep="")
    cat(" - unknown (missing) values:\n")

  if (any(nNA > 0)) stop("unknown (missing) values are propagated through the pedigree and therefore not allowed")
  nNA <- NULL # not needed anymore
  if (profile) {
    timeRet <- .profilePrint(x=timeRet, task="Dimensions and Matrices P", printProfile=printProfile,
                             time=Sys.time(), mem=object.size(P))
  ## --- Compute ---
  ## Prepare stuff for C++
  c1 <- c2 <- 0.5
  if (pedType == "IPG") c2 <- 0.25
  ## Add "zero" row (simplif ies computations with missing parents!)
  y <- rbind(y[1, ], y)
  y[1, ] <- 0
  rownames(x) <- NULL
  P <- c(0, P)
  if (groupSummary) g <- c(0, g)
  ## Compute
  if (!groupSummary) {
    tmp <- .Call("AlphaPartDrop",
                 c1_=c1, c2_=c2,
                 nI_=nI, nP_=nP, nT_=nT,
                 P_=P, Px_=cumsum(c(0, rep(nP, nT-1))),
  } else {
    N <- aggregate(x=y[-1, -c(1:3)], by=list(by=x[, colBy]), FUN=length)
    tmp <- vector(mode="list", length=3)
    names(tmp) <- c("pa", "w", "xa")
    tmp$pa <- tmp$w <- matrix(data=0, nrow=nG+1, ncol=nT)
    tmp$xa <- .Call("AlphaPartDropGroup",
                 c1_=c1, c2_=c2,
                 nI_=nI, nP_=nP, nT_=nT, nG_=nG,
                 y_=y, P_=P, Px_=cumsum(c(0, rep(nP, nT-1))), g_=g,
  ## Assign nice column names
  colnames(tmp$pa) <- paste(lT, "_pa", sep="")
  colnames(tmp$w)  <- paste(lT, "_w", sep="")
  colnames(tmp$xa) <- c(t(outer(lT, lP, paste, sep="_")))

  if (profile) {
    timeRet <- .profilePrint(x=timeRet, task="Computing",
                             time=Sys.time(), mem=object.size(tmp))
  ## --- Massage results ---
  ## Put partitions for one trait in one object (-1 is for removal of
  ## the "zero" row)
  ret <- vector(mode="list", length=nT+1)
  t <- 0
  colP <- colnames(tmp$pa)
  colW <- colnames(tmp$w)
  colX <- colnames(tmp$xa)
  # Original Values 
  if (center){
    tmp <- centerPop(y = y[-1,], colBV = colBV, path = tmp)    

  for (j in 1:nT) { ## j <- 1
    Py <- seq(t+1, t+nP)
    ret[[j]] <- cbind(tmp$pa[-1, j], tmp$w[-1, j], tmp$xa[-1, Py])
    colnames(ret[[j]]) <- c(colP[j], colW[j], colX[Py])
    t <- max(Py)
  tmp <- NULL # not needed anymore
  if (profile) {
    timeRet <- .profilePrint(x=timeRet, task="Massage results",
                             time=Sys.time(), mem=object.size(ret))
  ## Add initial data
  if (!groupSummary) {
    for (i in 1:nT) {
      ## Hassle in order to get all columns and to be able to work with
      ##   numeric or character column "names"
      colX <- colX2 <- colnames(x)
      names(colX) <- colX; names(colX2) <- colX2
      ## ... put current agv in the last column in original data
      colX <- c(colX[!(colX %in% colX[colBV[i]])], colX[colBV[i]])
      ## ... remove other traits
      colX <- colX[!(colX %in% colX2[(colX2 %in% colX2[colBV]) & !
                                       (colX2 %in% colX2[colBV[i]])])]
      ret[[i]] <- cbind(x[, colX], as.data.frame(ret[[i]]))
      rownames(ret[[i]]) <- NULL
  ## Additional (meta) info. on number of traits and paths for other
  ## methods
  tmp <- colnames(x); names(tmp) <- tmp
  ret[[nT+1]] <- list(path=tmp[colPath], nP=nP, lP=lP, nT=nT, lT=lT,
  ## names(ret)[nT+1] <- "info"
  names(ret) <- c(lT, "info")

  if (profile) {
    timeRet <- .profilePrint(x=timeRet, task="Finalizing returned object + adding initial data", printProfile=printProfile,
                             time=Sys.time(), mem=object.size(ret), update=TRUE)
  # Profile
  if (profile){
    ret$info$profile <- timeRet
    if (printProfile == "end") {
  ## --- Return ---
  class(ret) <- c("AlphaPart", class(ret))
  if (groupSummary) {
    ret$by <- colByOriginal
    ret$N <- N
    summary(object=ret, sums=TRUE)
  } else {

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