
PrintAIC <-
function (DataTimeSeries, order = c(p, d = NULL, q = NULL), seas = list(order = c(P = NULL, 
    D = NULL, Q = NULL), frequency = NULL), type = NULL, xreg = NULL) 
    if (is.null(type)) 
        stop("'type' must be one of  \"ARMA\", \"ARIMA\", \"SARIMA\", \"ARCH\", \"GARCH\",\"ARMAX\", \"ARIMAX\" or \"SARIMAX\"!")
    if (type != "ARMA" & type != "ARIMA" & type != "SARIMA" & 
        type != "ARCH" & type != "GARCH" & type != "ARMAX" & 
        type != "ARIMAX" & type != "SARIMAX") 
        stop("Fuction PrintAIC can not comput this model!\n You should connect to Maintainer to develop\n            \n             code for the model by gmail <hongvietminh@gmail.com>")
    sona <- function(x) {
        f <- x
        f[!is.na(f)] <- 0
        f[is.na(f)] <- 1
        s <- sum(f == 1)
    is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - 
        round(x)) < tol
    if (!is.numeric(DataTimeSeries)) 
        stop("Error in 'DataTimeSeries'!")
    if (sona(DataTimeSeries) != 0) 
        stop("Serries has NA value!")
    DataTimeSeries <- as.ts(DataTimeSeries)
    if (type == "ARMA") {
        if (!is.null(seas$order) || !is.null(seas$frequency)) 
            stop("Error in 'type'!")
        if (missing(order) || is.null(order) || !is.numeric(order) || 
            length(order) != 2L || any(order < 0)) 
            stop("Loi o bac cua mo hinh!")
        p <- order[1]
        d <- 0
        q <- order[2]
        if (is.na(p) || !is.numeric(p) || p < 0 || !is.wholenumber(p)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.na(q) || !is.numeric(q) || q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(q)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        anser <- gl(1, 1, length = (p + 1) * (q + 1), labels = c("aic = ", 
            "aic ="))
        models <- list(p = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)), d = 1:((p + 
            1) * (q + 1)), q = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)))
        aic <- 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1))
        index = 0
        for (i1 in 0:p) {
            for (i2 in 0:q) {
                index = index + 1
                models$p[index] <- i1
                models$d[index] <- d
                models$q[index] <- i2
                aic[index] <- AIC(arima(DataTimeSeries, order = c(i1, 
                  d, i2)))
        xoa <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) if (models$p[i] == 0 & models$q[i] == 
            xoa <- cbind(xoa, i)
        models$p <- models$p[-xoa]
        models$d <- models$d[-xoa]
        models$q <- models$q[-xoa]
        aic <- aic[-xoa]
        xl <- 1:length(aic)
        aicxl <- sort(aic)
        for (k in 1:length(aic)) {
            for (l in 1:length(aic)) {
                if (aic[k] == aicxl[l]) {
                  if (l < 10) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("..........", l)
                  else if (l < 100) {
                    xl[k] <- paste(".........", l)
                  else if (l > 99) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("........", l)
        for (t in 1:length(aic)) if (aic[t] == min(aic)) 
        id.best <- t
        mohinh <- 1:length(aic)
        giatri.AIC <- 1:length(aic)
        for (i in 1:length(mohinh)) {
            mohinh[i] <- paste("ARMA(", models$p[i], ",", models$q[i], 
                ")", sep = "")
            giatri.AIC[i] <- paste("...AIC =", round(aic[i], 
        kq1 <- data.frame(mohinh, giatri.AIC, xl)
        namescot1 <- paste("ARMA", "models", sep = " ")
        namescot2 <- paste("AIC", "values", sep = " ")
        namescot3 <- paste("Sort", "by", "AIC", sep = " ")
        colnames(kq1) <- c(namescot1, namescot2, namescot3)
        stt <- 1:length(mohinh)
        for (j in 1:length(mohinh)) stt[j] <- paste("Model", 
        dimnames(kq1)[[1]] <- stt
        kq2 <- data.frame(the.best.model = paste(mohinh[id.best], 
        colnames(kq2) <- c(paste("The", "best", "ARMA", "model", 
            sep = " "))
        dimnames(kq2)[[1]] <- " "
        print <- list(Models = kq1, Best = kq2)
    if (type == "ARIMA") {
        if (!is.null(seas$order) || !is.null(seas$frequency)) 
            stop("Error in 'type'!")
        if (missing(order) || is.null(order) || !is.numeric(order) || 
            length(order) != 3L || any(order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        p <- order[1]
        d <- order[2]
        q <- order[3]
        if (is.na(p) || !is.numeric(p) || p < 0 || !is.wholenumber(p)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.na(d) || !is.numeric(d) || d < 0 || !is.wholenumber(d)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.na(q) || !is.numeric(q) || q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(q)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        anser <- gl(1, 1, length = (p + 1) * (q + 1), labels = c("aic = ", 
            "aic ="))
        models <- list(p = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)), d = 1:((p + 
            1) * (q + 1)), q = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)))
        aic <- 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1))
        index = 0
        for (i1 in 0:p) {
            for (i2 in 0:q) {
                index = index + 1
                models$p[index] <- i1
                models$d[index] <- d
                models$q[index] <- i2
                aic[index] <- AIC(arima(DataTimeSeries, order = c(i1, 
                  d, i2)))
        xoa <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) if (models$p[i] == 0 & models$q[i] == 
            xoa <- cbind(xoa, i)
        models$p <- models$p[-xoa]
        models$d <- models$d[-xoa]
        models$q <- models$q[-xoa]
        aic <- aic[-xoa]
        xl <- 1:length(aic)
        aicxl <- sort(aic)
        for (k in 1:length(aic)) {
            for (l in 1:length(aic)) {
                if (aic[k] == aicxl[l]) {
                  if (l < 10) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("..........", l)
                  else if (l < 100) {
                    xl[k] <- paste(".........", l)
                  else if (l > 99) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("........", l)
        for (t in 1:length(aic)) if (aic[t] == min(aic)) 
        id.best <- t
        mohinh <- 1:length(aic)
        giatri.AIC <- 1:length(aic)
        for (i in 1:length(mohinh)) {
            mohinh[i] <- paste("ARIMA(", models$p[i], ",", models$d[i], 
                ",", models$q[i], ")", sep = "")
            giatri.AIC[i] <- paste("...AIC =", round(aic[i], 
        kq1 <- data.frame(mohinh, giatri.AIC, xl)
        namescot1 <- paste("ARIMA", "models", sep = " ")
        namescot2 <- paste("AIC", "values", sep = " ")
        namescot3 <- paste("Sort", "by", "AIC", sep = " ")
        colnames(kq1) <- c(namescot1, namescot2, namescot3)
        stt <- 1:length(mohinh)
        for (j in 1:length(mohinh)) stt[j] <- paste("Model", 
        dimnames(kq1)[[1]] <- stt
        kq2 <- data.frame(the.best.model = paste(mohinh[id.best], 
        colnames(kq2) <- c(paste("The", "best", "ARIMA", "model", 
            sep = " "))
        dimnames(kq2)[[1]] <- " "
        print <- list(Models = kq1, Best = kq2)
    if (type == "SARIMA") {
        if (missing(order) || is.null(order) || !is.numeric(order) || 
            length(order) != 3L || any(order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.null(seas) || !is.list(seas)) 
            stop("'seas' must be a list and have 'order' and 'frequency'!")
        if (is.null(seas$order) || !is.numeric(seas$order) || 
            length(seas$order) != 3 || any(seas$order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in 'seas$order'!")
        if (is.null(seas$frequency) || is.na(seas$frequency) || 
            seas$frequency[1] < 0) 
            stop("Error in 'seas$frequency'!")
        p <- order[1]
        d <- order[2]
        q <- order[3]
        P <- seas$order[1]
        D <- seas$order[2]
        Q <- seas$order[3]
        s <- seas$frequency[1]
        if (is.na(p) || !is.numeric(p) || p < 0 || !is.wholenumber(p)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.na(d) || !is.numeric(d) || d < 0 || !is.wholenumber(d)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.na(q) || !is.numeric(q) || q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(q)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.na(P) || !is.numeric(P) || P < 0 || !is.wholenumber(P)) 
            stop("Error in 'seas$order'!")
        if (is.na(D) || !is.numeric(D) || D < 0 || !is.wholenumber(D)) 
            stop("Error in 'seas$order'!")
        if (is.na(Q) || !is.numeric(Q) || Q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(Q)) 
            stop("Error in 'seas$order'!")
        if (is.na(s) || !is.numeric(s) || s < 0 || !is.wholenumber(s)) 
            stop("Error in 'seas$frequency'!")
        anser <- gl(1, 1, length = (p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * 
            (Q + 1), labels = c("aic = ", "aic ="))
        models <- list(p = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 
            1)), d = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), 
            q = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), P = 1:((p + 
                1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), D = 1:((p + 
                1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), Q = 1:((p + 
                1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), s = 1:((p + 
                1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)))
        aic <- 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1))
        index = 0
        for (i1 in 0:p) {
            for (i2 in 0:q) {
                for (j1 in 0:P) {
                  for (j2 in 0:Q) {
                    index = index + 1
                    models$p[index] <- i1
                    models$d[index] <- d
                    models$q[index] <- i2
                    models$P[index] <- j1
                    models$D[index] <- D
                    models$Q[index] <- j2
                    models$s[index] <- s
                    aic[index] <- AIC(arima(DataTimeSeries, order = c(i1, 
                      d, i2), seasonal = list(order = c(j1, D, 
                      j2), s)))
        xoa <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) if (models$p[i] == 0 & models$q[i] == 
            xoa <- cbind(xoa, i)
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) if (models$P[i] == 0 & models$Q[i] == 
            xoa <- cbind(xoa, i)
        xoa <- unique(as.numeric(xoa[-1]))
        models$p <- models$p[-xoa]
        models$d <- models$d[-xoa]
        models$q <- models$q[-xoa]
        models$P <- models$P[-xoa]
        models$D <- models$D[-xoa]
        models$Q <- models$Q[-xoa]
        models$s <- models$s[-xoa]
        aic <- aic[-xoa]
        xl <- 1:length(aic)
        aicxl <- sort(aic)
        for (k in 1:length(aic)) {
            for (l in 1:length(aic)) {
                if (aic[k] == aicxl[l]) {
                  if (l < 10) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("..........", l)
                  else if (l < 100) {
                    xl[k] <- paste(".........", l)
                  else if (l > 99) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("........", l)
        for (t in 1:length(aic)) if (aic[t] == min(aic)) 
        id.best <- t
        mohinh <- 1:length(aic)
        giatri.AIC <- 1:length(aic)
        for (i in 1:length(mohinh)) {
            mohinh[i] <- paste("SARIMA(", models$p[i], ",", models$d[i], 
                ",", models$q[i], ")*(", models$P[i], ",", models$D[i], 
                ",", models$Q[i], "),s=", models$s[i], sep = "")
            giatri.AIC[i] <- paste("...AIC =", round(aic[i], 
        kq1 <- data.frame(mohinh, giatri.AIC, xl)
        namescot1 <- paste("SARIMA", "models", sep = " ")
        namescot2 <- paste("AIC", "values", sep = " ")
        namescot3 <- paste("Sort", "by", "AIC", sep = " ")
        colnames(kq1) <- c(namescot1, namescot2, namescot3)
        stt <- 1:length(mohinh)
        for (j in 1:length(mohinh)) stt[j] <- paste("Model", 
        dimnames(kq1)[[1]] <- stt
        kq2 <- data.frame(the.best.model = paste(mohinh[id.best], 
        colnames(kq2) <- c(paste("The", "best", "SARIMA", "model", 
            sep = " "))
        dimnames(kq2)[[1]] <- " "
        print <- list(Models = kq1, Best = kq2)
    if (type == "ARMAX") {
        if (is.null(xreg)) 
            stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (is.vector(xreg)) 
            if (length(xreg) != length(DataTimeSeries)) 
                stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (is.data.frame(xreg)) 
            if (dim(xreg)[1] != length(DataTimeSeries)) 
                stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (!is.null(seas$order) || !is.null(seas$frequency)) 
            stop("Error in type!")
        if (missing(order) || is.null(order) || !is.numeric(order) || 
            length(order) != 2L || any(order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        p <- order[1]
        d <- 0
        q <- order[2]
        if (is.na(p) || !is.numeric(p) || p < 0 || !is.wholenumber(p)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.na(q) || !is.numeric(q) || q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(q)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        anser <- gl(1, 1, length = (p + 1) * (q + 1), labels = c("aic = ", 
            "aic ="))
        models <- list(p = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)), d = 1:((p + 
            1) * (q + 1)), q = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)))
        aic <- 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1))
        index = 0
        for (i1 in 0:p) {
            for (i2 in 0:q) {
                index = index + 1
                models$p[index] <- i1
                models$d[index] <- d
                models$q[index] <- i2
                aic[index] <- AIC(arimax(DataTimeSeries, order = c(i1, 
                  d, i2), xreg = xreg))
        xoa <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) if (models$p[i] == 0 & models$q[i] == 
            xoa <- cbind(xoa, i)
        models$p <- models$p[-xoa]
        models$d <- models$d[-xoa]
        models$q <- models$q[-xoa]
        aic <- aic[-xoa]
        xl <- 1:length(aic)
        aicxl <- sort(aic)
        for (k in 1:length(aic)) {
            for (l in 1:length(aic)) {
                if (aic[k] == aicxl[l]) {
                  if (l < 10) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("..........", l)
                  else if (l < 100) {
                    xl[k] <- paste(".........", l)
                  else if (l > 99) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("........", l)
        for (t in 1:length(aic)) if (aic[t] == min(aic)) 
        id.best <- t
        mohinh <- 1:length(aic)
        giatri.AIC <- 1:length(aic)
        for (i in 1:length(mohinh)) {
            mohinh[i] <- paste("ARMAX(", models$p[i], ",", models$q[i], 
                ")", sep = "")
            giatri.AIC[i] <- paste("...AIC =", round(aic[i], 
        kq1 <- data.frame(mohinh, giatri.AIC, xl)
        namescot1 <- paste("ARMAX", "models", sep = " ")
        namescot2 <- paste("AIC", "values", sep = " ")
        namescot3 <- paste("Sort", "by", "AIC", sep = " ")
        colnames(kq1) <- c(namescot1, namescot2, namescot3)
        stt <- 1:length(mohinh)
        for (j in 1:length(mohinh)) stt[j] <- paste("Model", 
        dimnames(kq1)[[1]] <- stt
        kq2 <- data.frame(the.best.model = paste(mohinh[id.best], 
        colnames(kq2) <- c(paste("The", "best", "ARMAX", "model", 
            sep = " "))
        dimnames(kq2)[[1]] <- " "
        print <- list(Models = kq1, Best = kq2)
    if (type == "ARIMAX") {
        if (is.null(xreg)) 
            stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (is.vector(xreg)) 
            if (length(xreg) != length(DataTimeSeries)) 
                stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (is.data.frame(xreg)) 
            if (dim(xreg)[1] != length(DataTimeSeries)) 
                stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (!is.null(seas$order) || !is.null(seas$frequency)) 
            stop("Error in type!")
        if (missing(order) || is.null(order) || !is.numeric(order) || 
            length(order) != 3L || any(order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in order!")
        p <- order[1]
        d <- order[2]
        q <- order[3]
        if (is.na(p) || !is.numeric(p) || p < 0 || !is.wholenumber(p)) 
            stop("Error in order!")
        if (is.na(d) || !is.numeric(d) || d < 0 || !is.wholenumber(d)) 
            stop("Error in order!")
        if (is.na(q) || !is.numeric(q) || q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(q)) 
            stop("Error in order!")
        anser <- gl(1, 1, length = (p + 1) * (q + 1), labels = c("aic = ", 
            "aic ="))
        models <- list(p = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)), d = 1:((p + 
            1) * (q + 1)), q = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)))
        aic <- 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1))
        index = 0
        for (i1 in 0:p) {
            for (i2 in 0:q) {
                index = index + 1
                models$p[index] <- i1
                models$d[index] <- d
                models$q[index] <- i2
                aic[index] <- AIC(arimax(DataTimeSeries, order = c(i1, 
                  d, i2), xreg = xreg))
        xoa <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) if (models$p[i] == 0 & models$q[i] == 
            xoa <- cbind(xoa, i)
        models$p <- models$p[-xoa]
        models$d <- models$d[-xoa]
        models$q <- models$q[-xoa]
        aic <- aic[-xoa]
        xl <- 1:length(aic)
        aicxl <- sort(aic)
        for (k in 1:length(aic)) {
            for (l in 1:length(aic)) {
                if (aic[k] == aicxl[l]) {
                  if (l < 10) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("..........", l)
                  else if (l < 100) {
                    xl[k] <- paste(".........", l)
                  else if (l > 99) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("........", l)
        for (t in 1:length(aic)) if (aic[t] == min(aic)) 
        id.best <- t
        mohinh <- 1:length(aic)
        giatri.AIC <- 1:length(aic)
        for (i in 1:length(mohinh)) {
            mohinh[i] <- paste("ARIMAX(", models$p[i], ",", models$d[i], 
                ",", models$q[i], ")", sep = "")
            giatri.AIC[i] <- paste("...AIC =", round(aic[i], 
        kq1 <- data.frame(mohinh, giatri.AIC, xl)
        namescot1 <- paste("ARIMAX", "models", sep = " ")
        namescot2 <- paste("AIC", "values", sep = " ")
        namescot3 <- paste("Sort", "by", "AIC", sep = " ")
        colnames(kq1) <- c(namescot1, namescot2, namescot3)
        stt <- 1:length(mohinh)
        for (j in 1:length(mohinh)) stt[j] <- paste("Model", 
        dimnames(kq1)[[1]] <- stt
        kq2 <- data.frame(the.best.model = paste(mohinh[id.best], 
        colnames(kq2) <- c(paste("The", "best", "ARIMAX", "model", 
            sep = " "))
        dimnames(kq2)[[1]] <- " "
        print <- list(Models = kq1, Best = kq2)
    if (type == "SARIMAX") {
        if (is.null(xreg)) 
            stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (is.vector(xreg)) 
            if (length(xreg) != length(DataTimeSeries)) 
                stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (is.data.frame(xreg)) 
            if (dim(xreg)[1] != length(DataTimeSeries)) 
                stop("Error in 'xreg'!")
        if (missing(order) || is.null(order) || !is.numeric(order) || 
            length(order) != 3L || any(order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in order!")
        if (is.null(seas) || !is.list(seas)) 
            stop("'seas' must be a list and have 'order' and 'frequency'!")
        if (is.null(seas$order) || !is.numeric(seas$order) || 
            length(seas$order) != 3 || any(seas$order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in 'seas$order'!")
        if (is.null(seas$frequency) || is.na(seas$frequency) || 
            seas$frequency[1] < 0) 
            stop("Error in 'seas$frequency'!")
        p <- order[1]
        d <- order[2]
        q <- order[3]
        P <- seas$order[1]
        D <- seas$order[2]
        Q <- seas$order[3]
        s <- seas$frequency[1]
        if (is.na(p) || !is.numeric(p) || p < 0 || !is.wholenumber(p)) 
            stop("Error in order!")
        if (is.na(d) || !is.numeric(d) || d < 0 || !is.wholenumber(d)) 
            stop("Error in order!")
        if (is.na(q) || !is.numeric(q) || q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(q)) 
            stop("Error in order!")
        if (is.na(P) || !is.numeric(P) || P < 0 || !is.wholenumber(P)) 
            stop("Error in seas$order!")
        if (is.na(D) || !is.numeric(D) || D < 0 || !is.wholenumber(D)) 
            stop("Error in seas$order!")
        if (is.na(Q) || !is.numeric(Q) || Q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(Q)) 
            stop("Error in seas$order!")
        if (is.na(s) || !is.numeric(s) || s < 0 || !is.wholenumber(s)) 
            stop("Error in seas$frequency!")
        anser <- gl(1, 1, length = (p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * 
            (Q + 1), labels = c("aic = ", "aic ="))
        models <- list(p = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 
            1)), d = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), 
            q = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), P = 1:((p + 
                1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), D = 1:((p + 
                1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), Q = 1:((p + 
                1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)), s = 1:((p + 
                1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1)))
        aic <- 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1) * (P + 1) * (Q + 1))
        index = 0
        for (i1 in 0:p) {
            for (i2 in 0:q) {
                for (j1 in 0:P) {
                  for (j2 in 0:Q) {
                    index = index + 1
                    models$p[index] <- i1
                    models$d[index] <- d
                    models$q[index] <- i2
                    models$P[index] <- j1
                    models$D[index] <- D
                    models$Q[index] <- j2
                    models$s[index] <- s
                    aic[index] <- AIC(arimax(DataTimeSeries, 
                      order = c(i1, d, i2), seasonal = list(order = c(j1, 
                        D, j2), s), xreg = xreg))
        xoa <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) if (models$p[i] == 0 & models$q[i] == 
            xoa <- cbind(xoa, i)
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) if (models$P[i] == 0 & models$Q[i] == 
            xoa <- cbind(xoa, i)
        xoa <- unique(as.numeric(xoa[-1]))
        models$p <- models$p[-xoa]
        models$d <- models$d[-xoa]
        models$q <- models$q[-xoa]
        models$P <- models$P[-xoa]
        models$D <- models$D[-xoa]
        models$Q <- models$Q[-xoa]
        models$s <- models$s[-xoa]
        aic <- aic[-xoa]
        xl <- 1:length(aic)
        aicxl <- sort(aic)
        for (k in 1:length(aic)) {
            for (l in 1:length(aic)) {
                if (aic[k] == aicxl[l]) {
                  if (l < 10) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("..........", l)
                  else if (l < 100) {
                    xl[k] <- paste(".........", l)
                  else if (l > 99) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("........", l)
        for (t in 1:length(aic)) if (aic[t] == min(aic)) 
        id.best <- t
        mohinh <- 1:length(aic)
        giatri.AIC <- 1:length(aic)
        for (i in 1:length(mohinh)) {
            mohinh[i] <- paste("SARIMAX(", models$p[i], ",", 
                models$d[i], ",", models$q[i], ")*(", models$P[i], 
                ",", models$D[i], ",", models$Q[i], "),s=", models$s[i], 
                sep = "")
            giatri.AIC[i] <- paste("...AIC =", round(aic[i], 
        kq1 <- data.frame(mohinh, giatri.AIC, xl)
        namescot1 <- paste("SARIMAX", "models", sep = " ")
        namescot2 <- paste("AIC", "values", sep = " ")
        namescot3 <- paste("Sort", "by", "AIC", sep = " ")
        colnames(kq1) <- c(namescot1, namescot2, namescot3)
        stt <- 1:length(mohinh)
        for (j in 1:length(mohinh)) stt[j] <- paste("Model", 
        dimnames(kq1)[[1]] <- stt
        kq2 <- data.frame(the.best.model = paste(mohinh[id.best], 
        colnames(kq2) <- c(paste("The", "best", "SARIMAX", "model", 
            sep = " "))
        dimnames(kq2)[[1]] <- " "
        print <- list(Models = kq1, Best = kq2)
    if (type == "ARCH") {
        if (!is.null(seas$order) || !is.null(seas$frequency)) 
            stop("Error in 'type'!")
        if (missing(order) || is.null(order) || !is.numeric(order) || 
            length(order) != 1L || any(order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        p <- 0
        q <- order[1]
        if (is.na(q) || !is.numeric(q) || q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(q)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        anser <- gl(1, 1, length = (p + 1) * (q + 1), labels = c("aic = ", 
            "aic ="))
        models <- list(p = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)), q = 1:((p + 
            1) * (q + 1)))
        aic <- 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1))
        index = 0
        for (i1 in 0:p) {
            for (i2 in 0:q) {
                index = index + 1
                models$p[index] <- i1
                models$q[index] <- i2
                if (index != 1) 
                  aic[index] <- AIC(garch(DataTimeSeries, order = c(i1, 
                    i2), trace = FALSE))
        aic <- aic[-1]
        models$p <- models$p[-1]
        models$q <- models$q[-1]
        xl <- 1:length(aic)
        aicxl <- sort(aic)
        for (k in 1:length(aic)) {
            for (l in 1:length(aic)) {
                if (aic[k] == aicxl[l]) {
                  if (l < 10) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("..........", l)
                  else if (l < 100) {
                    xl[k] <- paste(".........", l)
                  else if (l > 99) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("........", l)
        for (t in 1:length(aic)) if (aic[t] == min(aic)) 
        id.best <- t
        mohinh <- 1:length(aic)
        giatri.AIC <- 1:length(aic)
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) {
            mohinh[i] <- paste("ARCH(", models$q[i], ")", sep = "")
            giatri.AIC[i] <- paste("...AIC =", round(aic[i], 
        kq1 <- data.frame(`Cac mo hinh ARCH..` = mohinh, `...Gia tri AIC..` = giatri.AIC, 
            `....xep loai` = xl)
        namescot1 <- paste("ARCH", "models", sep = " ")
        namescot2 <- paste("AIC", "values", sep = " ")
        namescot3 <- paste("Sort", "by", "AIC", sep = " ")
        colnames(kq1) <- c(namescot1, namescot2, namescot3)
        stt <- 1:length(mohinh)
        for (j in 1:length(mohinh)) stt[j] <- paste("Model", 
        dimnames(kq1)[[1]] <- stt
        kq2 <- data.frame(the.best.model = paste(mohinh[id.best], 
        colnames(kq2) <- c(paste("The", "best", "ARCH", "model", 
            sep = " "))
        dimnames(kq2)[[1]] <- " "
        print <- list(Models = kq1, Best = kq2)
    if (type == "GARCH") {
        if (!is.null(seas$order) || !is.null(seas$frequency)) 
            stop("Error in 'type'!")
        if (missing(order) || is.null(order) || !is.numeric(order) || 
            length(order) != 2L || any(order < 0)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        p <- order[1]
        q <- order[2]
        if (is.na(p) || !is.numeric(p) || p < 0 || !is.wholenumber(p)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        if (is.na(q) || !is.numeric(q) || q < 0 || !is.wholenumber(q)) 
            stop("Error in 'order'!")
        anser <- gl(1, 1, length = (p + 1) * (q + 1), labels = c("aic = ", 
            "aic ="))
        models <- list(p = 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1)), q = 1:((p + 
            1) * (q + 1)))
        aic <- 1:((p + 1) * (q + 1))
        index = 0
        for (i1 in 0:p) {
            for (i2 in 0:q) {
                index = index + 1
                models$p[index] <- i1
                models$q[index] <- i2
                if (i1 != 0) 
                  aic[index] <- AIC(garch(DataTimeSeries, order = c(i1, 
                    i2), trace = FALSE))
        aic <- aic[-c(1:(q + 1))]
        models$p <- models$p[-c(1:(q + 1))]
        models$q <- models$q[-c(1:(q + 1))]
        xl <- 1:length(aic)
        aicxl <- sort(aic)
        for (k in 1:length(aic)) {
            for (l in 1:length(aic)) {
                if (aic[k] == aicxl[l]) {
                  if (l < 10) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("..........", l)
                  else if (l < 100) {
                    xl[k] <- paste(".........", l)
                  else if (l > 99) {
                    xl[k] <- paste("........", l)
        for (t in 1:length(aic)) if (aic[t] == min(aic)) 
        id.best <- t
        mohinh <- 1:length(aic)
        giatri.AIC <- 1:length(aic)
        for (i in 1:length(aic)) {
            mohinh[i] <- paste("GARCH(", models$p[i], ",", models$q[i], 
                ")", sep = "")
            giatri.AIC[i] <- paste("...AIC =", round(aic[i], 
        kq1 <- data.frame(`Cac mo hinh GARCH..` = mohinh, `...Gia tri AIC..` = giatri.AIC, 
            `....xep loai` = xl)
        namescot1 <- paste("GARCH", "models", sep = " ")
        namescot2 <- paste("AIC", "values", sep = " ")
        namescot3 <- paste("Sort", "by", "AIC", sep = " ")
        colnames(kq1) <- c(namescot1, namescot2, namescot3)
        stt <- 1:length(mohinh)
        for (j in 1:length(mohinh)) stt[j] <- paste("Model ", 
        dimnames(kq1)[[1]] <- stt
        kq2 <- data.frame(the.best.model = paste(mohinh[id.best], 
        colnames(kq2) <- c(paste("The", "best", "GARCH", "model", 
            sep = " "))
        dimnames(kq2)[[1]] <- " "
        print <- list(mohinh = kq1, best = kq2)

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AnalyzeTS documentation built on Dec. 9, 2019, 1:07 a.m.