
fuzzy.ts2 <-
function (ts, n = 7, w = 7, D1 = 0, D2 = 0, C = NULL, forecast = 5, 
    r = 12, trace = FALSE, plot = FALSE, grid = FALSE, type = "Abbasov-Mamedova") 
    is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - 
        round(x)) < tol
    namthang <- function(data.ts) {
        batdau <- start(data.ts)
        tanso <- frequency(data.ts)
        nam1 <- batdau[1]
        thang1 <- batdau[2]
        ketthuc <- end(data.ts)
        nam2 <- ketthuc[1]
        thang2 <- ketthuc[2]
        namkq <- 1:length(data.ts)
        thangkq <- 1:length(data.ts)
        index = 0
        for (nam in nam1:nam2) for (thang in 1:tanso) if (nam != 
            nam1 || thang >= thang1) {
            index = index + 1
            namkq[index] <- nam
            thangkq[index] <- thang
            if (nam == nam2 & thang == thang2) 
        if (tanso == 4) {
            thangkq[thangkq == 1] <- "Q1"
            thangkq[thangkq == 2] <- "Q1"
            thangkq[thangkq == 3] <- "Q1"
            thangkq[thangkq == 4] <- "Q1"
            print <- paste(namkq, thangkq, sep = " ")
        else if (tanso == 12) {
            thangkq[thangkq == 1] <- "Jan"
            thangkq[thangkq == 2] <- "Feb"
            thangkq[thangkq == 3] <- "Mar"
            thangkq[thangkq == 4] <- "Apr"
            thangkq[thangkq == 5] <- "May"
            thangkq[thangkq == 6] <- "Jun"
            thangkq[thangkq == 7] <- "Jul"
            thangkq[thangkq == 8] <- "Aug"
            thangkq[thangkq == 9] <- "Sep"
            thangkq[thangkq == 10] <- "Oct"
            thangkq[thangkq == 11] <- "Nov"
            thangkq[thangkq == 12] <- "Dec"
            print <- paste(namkq, thangkq, sep = " ")
        else if (tanso == 7) {
            thangkq[thangkq == 1] <- "Mon"
            thangkq[thangkq == 2] <- "Tue"
            thangkq[thangkq == 3] <- "Wed"
            thangkq[thangkq == 4] <- "Thu"
            thangkq[thangkq == 5] <- "Fri"
            thangkq[thangkq == 6] <- "Sat"
            thangkq[thangkq == 7] <- "Sun"
            print <- paste(namkq, thangkq, sep = " ")
        else if (tanso != 1) 
            print <- paste("(", namkq, ",", thangkq, ")", sep = "")
        else print <- namkq
    if (!is.numeric(ts)) 
        stop("Error in 'ts'!")
    if (!is.ts(ts)) 
        stop("Error in 'ts'!")
    else if (!is.null(dim(ts))) 
        stop("Error in 'ts'!")
    kt <- 0
    for (i in 1:length(ts)) if (is.na(ts[i])) 
        kt = kt + 1
    if (kt > 0) 
        stop("'ts' contain NA!")
    if (is.na(n) || !is.numeric(n) || n < 1 || !is.wholenumber(n)) 
        stop("Error in 'n'!")
    if (is.null(w) || is.na(w) || !is.numeric(w) || w < 2 || 
        stop("Error in 'w'!")
    if (is.null(C) || is.na(C) || !is.numeric(C)) 
        stop("Error in 'C'!")
    if (is.na(D1) || !is.numeric(D1) || length(D1) > 1) 
        stop("Error in 'D1'!")
    if (is.na(D2) || !is.numeric(D2) || length(D2) > 1) 
        stop("Error in 'D2'!")
    if (is.null(forecast) || is.na(forecast) || !is.numeric(forecast) || 
        forecast < 1 || !is.wholenumber(forecast)) 
        stop("Error in 'forecast'!")
    if (w >= length(ts)) 
        stop("Error in 'w'!")
    if (plot != 0 & plot != 1) 
        stop("Error in 'plot'!")
    if (is.na(r) || !is.numeric(r) || r < 0 || !is.wholenumber(r)) 
        stop("Error in 'r'!")
    if (trace != 0 & trace != 1) 
        stop("Error in 'trace'!")
    if (type != "Abbasov-Mamedova" & type != "NFTS") 
        stop("Error in 'type'!")
    if (type == "Abbasov-Mamedova") {
        computeVi <- function(M, table, w) {
            n <- (dim(M)[1] - w)
            cot <- dim(M)[2]
            Vi <- 1:dim(M)[1]
            Vi[1:w] <- NA
            for (i in 1:n) {
                O <- M[i:(w - 1 + (i - 1)), ]
                if (w == 2) 
                  O <- t(as.matrix(O))
                K <- M[w + (i - 1), ]
                R <- O
                for (i1 in 1:cot) for (j1 in 1:(w - 1)) if (O[j1, 
                  i1] > K[i1]) 
                  R[j1, i1] <- K[i1]
                F <- 1:cot
                for (i2 in 1:cot) F[i2] <- max(R[, i2])
                Vi[w + i] <- sum(F * table$Bw)/sum(F)
        computeVi2 <- function(M, table, w) {
            cot <- dim(M)[2]
            dong <- (dim(M)[1] - 1)
            O <- M[1:dong, ]
            if (w == 2) 
                O <- t(as.matrix(O))
            K <- M[(dong + 1), ]
            R <- O
            for (i1 in 1:cot) for (j1 in 1:(w - 1)) if (O[j1, 
                i1] > K[i1]) 
                R[j1, i1] <- K[i1]
            F <- 1:cot
            for (i2 in 1:cot) F[i2] <- max(R[, i2])
            Vi <- sum(F * table$Bw)/sum(F)
        ts1 <- as.vector(diff(ts))
        min.x = min(ts1) - D1
        max.x = max(ts1) + D2
        h = (max.x - min.x)/n
        k <- 1:(n + 1)
        U <- 1:n
        for (i in 1:(n + 1)) {
            if (i == 1) 
                k[i] = min.x
            else {
                k[i] = min.x + (i - 1) * h
                U[i - 1] = paste("u", i - 1, sep = "")
        D <- data.frame(set = U, low = k[1:n], up = k[2:(n + 
        D$Bw <- (1/2) * (D$low + D$up)
        table1 <- D
        thoidiem <- namthang(ts)
        Ai <- 1:length(ts1)
        MATRIX <- matrix(1:(length(ts1) * n), ncol = n)
        for (i in 1:length(ts1)) {
            temp = ""
            for (j in 1:n) {
                my.At <- 1/(1 + (C * (ts1[i] - D$Bw[j]))^2)
                MATRIX[i, j] <- my.At
                At.j <- paste("(", round2str(my.At, r), "/u", 
                  j, sep = "", ")")
                if (j == 1) 
                  temp <- paste(temp, At.j, sep = "")
                else temp <- paste(temp, At.j, sep = ",")
            Ai[i] <- paste("A[", thoidiem[i + 1], "]={", temp, 
                "}", sep = "")
        table2 <- data.frame(point = thoidiem, ts = ts, diff.ts = c(NA, 
        table3 <- c(NA, Ai)
        V <- computeVi(MATRIX, table1, w)
        N <- c(NA, (ts[-length(ts)] + V))
        danso1 <- N
        V <- c(NA, V)
        table4 <- data.frame(point = thoidiem, interpolate = N, 
            diff.interpolate = V)
        accuracy <- av.res(Y = data.frame(ts), F = data.frame(Abbasov.Mamedova = table4[, 
        table4 <- na.omit(table4)
        rownames(table4) <- c(1:dim(table4)[1])
        V <- 1:forecast
        N <- 0:forecast
        Ai <- 1:forecast
        N[1] <- ts[length(ts)]
        MT <- MATRIX[(dim(MATRIX)[1] - w + 1):dim(MATRIX)[1], 
        temp <- c(as.vector(ts), 1:forecast)
        temp <- ts(temp, start = start(ts), frequency = frequency(ts))
        temp <- namthang(temp)
        temp <- temp[(length(ts) + 1):length(temp)]
        thoidiem <- temp
        for (i in 1:forecast) {
            V[i] <- computeVi2(MT, table1, w)
            N[i + 1] <- N[i] + V[i]
            for (chuyen in 1:(dim(MT)[1] - 1)) MT[chuyen, ] <- MT[(chuyen + 
                1), ]
            temp = ""
            for (j in 1:n) {
                my.At <- 1/(1 + (C * (V[i] - D$Bw[j]))^2)
                MT[dim(MT)[1], j] <- my.At
                At.j <- paste("(", round2str(my.At, r), "/u", 
                  j, sep = "", ")")
                if (j == 1) 
                  temp <- paste(temp, At.j, sep = "")
                else temp <- paste(temp, At.j, sep = ",")
            Ai[i] <- paste("A[", thoidiem[i], "]={", temp, "}", 
                sep = "")
        N <- N[-1]
        danso2 <- N
        table5 <- data.frame(point = thoidiem, forecast = N, 
            diff.forecast = V)
        table6 <- Ai
        colnames(table1) <- c("set", "dow", "up", "mid")
        KQ <- list(type = "Abbasov-Manedova model", table1 = table1, 
            table2 = table2, table3 = table3, table4 = table4, 
            table5 = table5, table6 = table6, accuracy = accuracy)
        Danso <- c(danso1, danso2)
        if (is.ts(ts)) {
            Danso <- ts(Danso, start = start(ts), frequency = frequency(ts))
            danso1 <- ts(danso1, start = start(Danso), frequency = frequency(Danso))
            danso2 <- ts(danso2, end = end(Danso), frequency = frequency(Danso))
        if (trace == TRUE) 
            MO <- KQ
        else if (trace == FALSE) {
            MO <- list(interpolate = danso1, forecast = danso2)
        else MO <- c("'trace' must be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'")
    if (type == "NFTS") {
        computeVt <- function(matrixVt, fuzzyset, w) {
            n <- (dim(matrixVt)[1] - w)
            cot <- dim(matrixVt)[2]
            Vt <- 1:dim(matrixVt)[1]
            Vt[1:w] <- NA
            for (i in 1:n) {
                O <- matrixVt[i:(w - 1 + (i - 1)), ]
                if (w == 2) 
                  O <- t(as.matrix(O))
                K <- matrixVt[w + (i - 1), ]
                R <- O
                for (i1 in 1:cot) for (j1 in 1:(w - 1)) if (O[j1, 
                  i1] > K[i1]) 
                  R[j1, i1] <- K[i1]
                F <- 1:cot
                for (i2 in 1:cot) F[i2] <- mean(R[, i2])
                Vt[w + i] <- sum(F * fuzzyset$Bw)/sum(F)
        computeVt2 <- function(matrixVt2, fuzzyset, w) {
            cot <- dim(matrixVt2)[2]
            dong <- (dim(matrixVt2)[1] - 1)
            O <- matrixVt2[1:dong, ]
            if (w == 2) 
                O <- t(as.matrix(O))
            K <- matrixVt2[(dong + 1), ]
            R <- O
            for (i1 in 1:cot) for (j1 in 1:(w - 1)) if (O[j1, 
                i1] > K[i1]) 
                R[j1, i1] <- K[i1]
            F <- 1:cot
            for (i2 in 1:cot) F[i2] <- mean(R[, i2])
            Vt2 <- sum(F * fuzzyset$Bw)/sum(F)
        ts1 <- as.vector(diff(ts))
        min.x = min(ts1) - D1
        max.x = max(ts1) + D2
        h = (max.x - min.x)/n
        k <- 1:(n + 1)
        U <- 1:n
        for (i in 1:(n + 1)) {
            if (i == 1) 
                k[i] = min.x
            else {
                k[i] = min.x + (i - 1) * h
                U[i - 1] = paste("u", i - 1, sep = "")
        D <- data.frame(U, low = k[1:n], up = k[2:(n + 1)])
        D$Bw <- (1/2) * (D$low + D$up)
        table1 <- D
        thoidiem <- namthang(ts)
        Ai <- 1:length(ts1)
        MATRIX <- matrix(1:(length(ts1) * n), ncol = n)
        for (i in 1:length(ts1)) {
            temp = ""
            for (j in 1:n) {
                my.At <- 1/(1 + (C * (ts1[i] - D$Bw[j]))^2)
                MATRIX[i, j] <- my.At
                At.j <- paste("(", round2str(my.At, r), "/u", 
                  j, sep = "", ")")
                if (j == 1) 
                  temp <- paste(temp, At.j, sep = "")
                else temp <- paste(temp, At.j, sep = ",")
            Ai[i] <- paste("A[", thoidiem[i + 1], "]={", temp, 
                "}", sep = "")
        table2 <- data.frame(point = thoidiem, ts = ts, diff.ts = c(NA, 
        table3 <- c(NA, Ai)
        V <- computeVt(MATRIX, table1, w)
        N <- ts[-length(ts)] + V
        V <- c(NA, V)
        N <- c(N, NA)
        table4 <- data.frame(point = thoidiem, interpolate = N, 
            diff.interpolate = V)
        V.f <- 1:(forecast + 1)
        N.f <- 0:(forecast + 1)
        Ai.f <- 1:(forecast + 1)
        N.f[1] <- ts[length(ts)]
        MATRIX.f <- MATRIX[(dim(MATRIX)[1] - w + 1):dim(MATRIX)[1], 
        temp <- c(as.vector(ts), 1:(forecast + 1))
        temp <- ts(temp, start = start(ts), frequency = frequency(ts))
        temp <- namthang(temp)
        temp <- temp[(length(ts) + 1):length(temp)]
        thoidiem <- temp
        for (i in 1:(forecast + 1)) {
            V.f[i] <- computeVt2(MATRIX.f, table1, w)
            N.f[i + 1] <- N.f[i] + V.f[i]
            for (chuyen in 1:(dim(MATRIX.f)[1] - 1)) MATRIX.f[chuyen, 
                ] <- MATRIX.f[(chuyen + 1), ]
            temp = ""
            for (j in 1:n) {
                my.At <- 1/(1 + (C * (V.f[i] - D$Bw[j]))^2)
                MATRIX.f[dim(MATRIX.f)[1], j] <- my.At
                At.j <- paste("(", round2str(my.At, r), "/u", 
                  j, sep = "", ")")
                if (j == 1) 
                  temp <- paste(temp, At.j, sep = "")
                else temp <- paste(temp, At.j, sep = ",")
            Ai.f[i] <- paste("A[", thoidiem[i], "]={", temp, 
                "}", sep = "")
        N.f <- N.f[-1]
        N[length(N)] <- N.f[1]
        N.f <- N.f[-1]
        table4$interpolate[dim(table4)[1]] <- N[length(N)]
        N.f.temp <- c(N.f, NA)
        table4 <- table4[(sum(is.na(table4$interpolate)) + 1):dim(table4)[1], 
        table5 <- data.frame(point = thoidiem, forecast = N.f.temp, 
            diff.forecast = V.f)
        table6 <- Ai.f
        DS.noisuy <- N
        DS.dubao <- N.f
        Danso <- c(N, N.f)
        if (is.ts(ts)) {
            Danso <- ts(Danso, start = start(ts), frequency = frequency(ts))
            DS.noisuy <- ts(DS.noisuy, start = start(Danso), 
                frequency = frequency(Danso))
            DS.dubao <- ts(DS.dubao, end = end(Danso), frequency = frequency(Danso))
        accuracy <- av.res(Y = data.frame(ts), F = data.frame(NFTS = N))
        colnames(table1) <- c("set", "dow", "up", "mid")
        KQ1 <- list(type = "NFTS model", table1 = table1, table2 = table2, 
            table3 = table3, table4 = table4, table5 = table5, 
            table6 = table6, accuracy = accuracy)
        KQ2 <- list(interpolate = DS.noisuy, forecast = DS.dubao)
        if (trace == 1) 
            MO <- KQ1
        else MO <- KQ2
    if (plot == TRUE) {
        if (c(par()$mfrow)[1] > 2 | c(par()$mfrow)[2] > 2) 
            warning("Graph only paint when: c(par()$mfrow)[1] < 3 & c(par()$mfrow)[1] < 3")
        else {
            goc <- ts
            dubao <- Danso
            n.dothi <- sum(par()$mfrow)
            n.dothi <- n.dothi/2
            if (n.dothi == 1) 
                n.dothi <- 1/0.8
            cex.legend <- n.dothi
            main.plot <- c("Actual series vs forecated series by", 
                paste(type, "model of", n, "fuzzy set"), paste("with w =", 
                  w, " and C =", C))
            if (length(goc) < 50) {
                tde1 <- c(paste(main.plot[1], main.plot[2]), 
                tde2 <- main.plot
                if (c(par()$mfrow)[2] == 1) 
                  gve <- list(col = c("blue", "red"), cex.main = 0.8, 
                    type = "o", pch = c(15, 17), xlab = "point", 
                    ylab = "data", bty = "l", main = tde1)
                if (c(par()$mfrow)[2] == 2) 
                  gve <- list(col = c("blue", "red"), cex.main = 0.8, 
                    type = "o", pch = c(15, 17), xlab = "point", 
                    ylab = "data", bty = "l", main = tde2)
                ts.plot(goc, dubao, gpars = gve)
                legend("topleft", "(x,y)", c("Actual", "Forecasted"), 
                  ncol = 2, col = c("blue", "red"), lty = c(1, 
                    1), pch = c(15, 17), cex = 1/cex.legend, 
                  box.lty = 0)
            if (length(goc) > 49) {
                tde1 <- c(paste(main.plot[1], main.plot[2]), 
                tde2 <- main.plot
                if (c(par()$mfrow)[2] == 1) 
                  gve <- list(col = c("blue", "red"), cex.main = 0.8, 
                    type = "l", xlab = "point", ylab = "data", 
                    bty = "l", main = tde1)
                if (c(par()$mfrow)[2] == 2) 
                  gve <- list(col = c("blue", "red"), cex.main = 0.8, 
                    type = "l", xlab = "point", ylab = "data", 
                    bty = "l", main = tde2)
                ts.plot(goc, dubao, gpars = gve)
                legend("topleft", "(x,y)", c("Actual", "Forecasted"), 
                  ncol = 2, col = c("blue", "red"), lty = c(1, 
                    1), cex = 1/cex.legend, box.lty = 0)
            if (grid == 1) 
                grid.on(v = 0)

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AnalyzeTS documentation built on Dec. 9, 2019, 1:07 a.m.