
Defines functions call_batch_endpoint

Documented in call_batch_endpoint

#' Microsoft Graph request
#' Class representing a request to the Microsoft Graph API. Currently this is used only in building a batch call.
#' @docType class
#' @section Methods:
#' - `new(...)`: Initialize a new request object with the given parameters. See 'Details' below.
#' - `batchify()`: Generate a list object suitable for incorporating into a call to the batch endpoint.
#' @section Details:
#' The `initialize()` method takes the following arguments, representing the components of a HTTPS request:
#' - `op`: The path of the HTTPS URL, eg `/me/drives`.
#' - `body`: The body of the HTTPS request, if it is a PUT, POST or PATCH.
#' - `options`: A list containing the query parameters for the URL.
#' - `headers`: Any optional HTTP headers for the request.
#' - `encode`: If a request body is present, how it should be encoded when sending it to the endpoint. The default is `json`, meaning it will be sent as JSON text; an alternative is `raw`, for binary data.
#' - `http_verb`: One of "GET" (the default), "DELETE", "PUT", "POST", "HEAD", or "PATCH".
#' This class is currently used only for building batch calls. Future versions of AzureGraph may be refactored to use it in general API calls as well.
#' @seealso
#' [call_batch_endpoint]
#' [Microsoft Graph overview](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/overview),
#' [Batch endpoint documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/json-batching)
#' @examples
#' graph_request$new("me")
#' # a new email message in Outlook
#' graph_request$new("me/messages",
#'     body=list(
#'         body=list(
#'             content="Hello from R",
#'             content_type="text"
#'         ),
#'         subject="Hello",
#'         toRecipients="bob@example.com"
#'     ),
#'     http_verb="POST"
#' )
#' @format An R6 object of class `graph_request`.
#' @export
graph_request <- R6::R6Class("graph_request",


    initialize=function(op, body=NULL, options=list(), headers=list(), encode="json",
                        http_verb=c("GET", "DELETE", "PUT", "POST", "HEAD", "PATCH"))
        self$op <- op
        self$method <- match.arg(http_verb)
        self$options <- options
        self$headers <- headers
        self$body <- body
        self$encode <- encode

        url <- httr::parse_url("foo://bar")  # dummy scheme and host
        url$path <- self$op
        url$query <- self$options
        url <- httr::build_url(url)
        req <- list(
            url=substr(url, 10, nchar(url))
        hdrs <- self$headers
            hdrs$`Content-Type` <- if(self$encode == "json")
            else if(self$encode == "raw")
            else self$encode
            req$headers <- hdrs
            req$body <- self$body

        path <- httr::parse_url(self$op)
        path$query <- self$options
        path <- sub("^://", "", httr::build_url(path))
        cat("<Microsoft Graph request object>\n")
        cat("  path:", self$method, path, "\n")

#' Call the Graph API batch endpoint
#' @param token An Azure OAuth token, of class [AzureToken].
#' @param requests A list of [graph_request] objects, representing individual requests to the Graph API.
#' @param depends_on An optional named vector, or TRUE. See below.
#' @param api_version The API version to use, which will form part of the URL sent to the host.
#' @details
#' Use this function to combine multiple requests into a single HTTPS call. This can save significant network latency.
#' The `depends_on` argument specifies the dependencies that may exist between requests. The default is to treat the requests as independent, which allows them to be executed in parallel. If `depends_on` is TRUE, each request is specified as depending on the immediately preceding request. Otherwise, this should be a named vector or list that gives the dependency or dependencies for each request.
#' There are 2 restrictions on `depends_on`:
#' - If one request has a dependency, then all requests must have dependencies specified
#' - A request can only depend on previous requests in the list, not on later ones.
#' A request list that has dependencies will be executed serially.
#' @return
#' A list containing the responses to each request. Each item has components `id` and `status` at a minimum. It may also contain `headers` and `body`, depending on the specifics of the request.
#' @seealso
#' [graph_request], [call_graph_endpoint]
#' [Microsoft Graph overview](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/overview),
#' [Batch endpoint documentation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/json-batching)
#' [OData documentation on batch requests](https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-json-format/v4.01/odata-json-format-v4.01.html#sec_BatchRequestsandResponses)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' req1 <- graph_request$new("me")
#' # a new email message in Outlook
#' req_create <- graph_request$new("me/messages",
#'     body=list(
#'         body=list(
#'             content="Hello from R",
#'             content_type="text"
#'         ),
#'         subject="Hello",
#'         toRecipients="bob@example.com"
#'     ),
#'     http_verb="POST"
#' )
#' # messages in drafts
#' req_get <- graph_request$new("me/mailFolders/drafts/messages")
#' # requests are dependent: 2nd list of drafts will include just-created message
#' call_batch_endpoint(token, list(req_get, req_create, req_get), depends_on=TRUE)
#' # alternate way: enumerate all requests
#' call_batch_endpoint(token, list(req_get, req_create, req_get), depends_on=c("2"=1, "3"=2))
#' }
#' @export
call_batch_endpoint <- function(token, requests=list(), depends_on=NULL,

    for(req in requests)
        if(!inherits(req, "graph_request"))
            stop("Must supply a list of request objects", call.=FALSE)

    if(length(requests) > 20)
        stop("Maximum of 20 requests per batch job", call.=FALSE)

    ids <- as.character(seq_along(requests))

    # populate the batch request body
    reqlst <- lapply(requests, function(req) req$batchify())
    for(i in seq_along(reqlst))
        reqlst[[i]]$id <- as.character(i)

    # insert depends_on if required
        for(i in seq_along(requests)[-1])
            reqlst[[i]]$dependsOn <- I(as.character(i - 1))
    else if(!is_empty(depends_on))
        names_depends <- names(depends_on)
        if(is.null(names_depends) || any(names_depends == ""))
            stop("'depends_on' should be TRUE or a named vector identifying dependencies")

        for(i in seq_along(depends_on))
            id <- as.numeric(names_depends)[i]
            reqlst[[id]]$dependsOn <- I(as.character(depends_on[[i]]))

    reslst <- call_graph_endpoint(token, "$batch", body=list(requests=reqlst),
        http_verb="POST", api_version=api_version)$responses

    reslst <- reslst[order(sapply(reslst, `[[`, "id"))]
    err_msgs <- lapply(reslst, function(res)
        if(res$status >= 300)
        else NULL
    errs <- !sapply(err_msgs, is.null)
        stop("Graph batch job encountered errors on requests ", paste(which(errs), collapse=", "),
             paste(unlist(err_msgs[errs]), collapse="\n"),

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AzureGraph documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:53 p.m.