
Defines functions encode_md5 url_encode sign_sha256 render_xml delete_confirmed as_datetime retry_transfer.response retry_transfer.error retry_transfer xml_to_list generate_endpoint_container is_endpoint_url parse_storage_url storage_error_message process_storage_response add_sas validate_token call_storage_endpoint do_container_op

Documented in call_storage_endpoint do_container_op

#' Carry out operations on a storage account container or endpoint
#' @param container,endpoint For `do_container_op`, a storage container object (inheriting from `storage_container`). For `call_storage_endpoint`, a  storage endpoint object (inheriting from `storage_endpoint`).
#' @param operation The container operation to perform, which will form part of the URL path.
#' @param path The path component of the endpoint call.
#' @param options A named list giving the query parameters for the operation.
#' @param headers A named list giving any additional HTTP headers to send to the host. Note that AzureStor will handle authentication details, so you don't have to specify these here.
#' @param body The request body for a `PUT/POST/PATCH` call.
#' @param ... Any additional arguments to pass to `httr::VERB`.
#' @param http_verb The HTTP verb as a string, one of `GET`, `DELETE`, `PUT`, `POST`, `HEAD` or `PATCH`.
#' @param http_status_handler The R handler for the HTTP status code of the response. `"stop"`, `"warn"` or `"message"` will call the corresponding handlers in httr, while `"pass"` ignores the status code. The latter is primarily useful for debugging purposes.
#' @param timeout Optionally, the number of seconds to wait for a result. If the timeout interval elapses before the storage service has finished processing the operation, it returns an error. The default timeout is taken from the system option `azure_storage_timeout`; if this is `NULL` it means to use the service default.
#' @param progress Used by the file transfer functions, to display a progress bar.
#' @param return_headers Whether to return the (parsed) response headers, rather than the body. Ignored if `http_status_handler="pass"`.
#' @details
#' These functions form the low-level interface between R and the storage API. `do_container_op` constructs a path from the operation and the container name, and passes it and the other arguments to `call_storage_endpoint`.
#' @return
#' Based on the `http_status_handler` and `return_headers` arguments. If `http_status_handler` is `"pass"`, the entire response is returned without modification.
#' If `http_status_handler` is one of `"stop"`, `"warn"` or `"message"`, the status code of the response is checked, and if an error is not thrown, the parsed headers or body of the response is returned. An exception is if the response was written to disk, as part of a file download; in this case, the return value is NULL.
#' @seealso
#' [blob_endpoint], [file_endpoint], [adls_endpoint]
#' [blob_container], [file_share], [adls_filesystem]
#' [httr::GET], [httr::PUT], [httr::POST], [httr::PATCH], [httr::HEAD], [httr::DELETE]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # get the metadata for a blob
#' bl_endp <- blob_endpoint("storage_acct_url", key="key")
#' cont <- storage_container(bl_endp, "containername")
#' do_container_op(cont, "filename.txt", options=list(comp="metadata"), http_verb="HEAD")
#' }
#' @rdname storage_call
#' @export
do_container_op <- function(container, operation="", options=list(), headers=list(), http_verb="GET", ...)
    operation <- if(nchar(operation) > 0 && substr(operation, 1, 1) != "/")
        paste0(container$name, "/", operation)
    else paste0(container$name, operation)

    call_storage_endpoint(container$endpoint, operation, options=options, headers=headers, http_verb=http_verb, ...)

#' @rdname storage_call
#' @export
call_storage_endpoint <- function(endpoint, path, options=list(), headers=list(), body=NULL, ...,
                                  http_verb=c("GET", "DELETE", "PUT", "POST", "HEAD", "PATCH"),
                                  http_status_handler=c("stop", "warn", "message", "pass"),
                                  progress=NULL, return_headers=(http_verb == "HEAD"))
    http_verb <- match.arg(http_verb)
    url <- httr::parse_url(endpoint$url)
    # fix doubled-up /'s which can result from file.path snafus etc
    url$path <- gsub("/{2,}", "/", url_encode(paste0(url$path, "/", path)))
    options$timeout <- timeout
        url$query <- options[order(names(options))] # must be sorted for access key signing

    headers$`x-ms-version` <- endpoint$api_version
    retries <- as.numeric(getOption("azure_storage_retries"))
    r <- 0
        r <- r + 1
        # use key if provided, otherwise AAD token if provided, otherwise sas if provided, otherwise anonymous access
            headers <- sign_request(endpoint, http_verb, url, headers, endpoint$api_version)
        else if(!is.null(endpoint$token))
            headers$Authorization <- paste("Bearer", validate_token(endpoint$token))
        else if(!is.null(endpoint$sas) && r == 1)
            url <- add_sas(endpoint$sas, url)

        # retry on curl errors, not on httr errors
        response <- tryCatch(httr::VERB(http_verb, url, do.call(httr::add_headers, headers), body=body, progress, ...),
                             error=function(e) e)
        if(retry_transfer(response) && r <= retries)
            message("Connection error, retrying (", r, " of ", retries, ")")
        else break
    if(inherits(response, "error"))

    process_storage_response(response, match.arg(http_status_handler), return_headers)

validate_token <- function(token)
    if(inherits(token, "AzureToken") || inherits(token, "Token2.0"))
        # if token has expired, renew it
            message("Access token has expired or is no longer valid; refreshing")
        if(!is.character(token) || length(token) != 1)
            stop("Token must be a string, or an object of class AzureRMR::AzureToken", call.=FALSE)

add_sas <- function(sas, url)
    full_url <- httr::build_url(url)
    httr::parse_url(paste0(full_url, if(is.null(url$query)) "?" else "&", sub("^\\?", "", sas)))

process_storage_response <- function(response, handler, return_headers)
    if(handler == "pass")

    handler <- get(paste0(handler, "_for_status"), getNamespace("httr"))
    handler(response, storage_error_message(response))


    # if file was written to disk, printing content(*) will read it back into memory!
    if(inherits(response$content, "path"))

    # silence message about missing encoding
    cont <- suppressMessages(httr::content(response, simplifyVector=TRUE))
    else if(inherits(cont, "xml_node"))
    else cont

storage_error_message <- function(response, for_httr=TRUE)
    cont <- suppressMessages(httr::content(response))
    msg <- if(inherits(cont, "xml_node"))
        cont <- xml_to_list(cont)
        paste0(unlist(cont), collapse="\n")
    else if(is.character(cont))
    else if(is.list(cont) && is.character(cont$message))
    else if(is.list(cont) && is.list(cont$error) && is.character(cont$error$message))
    else if(is.list(cont) && is.list(cont$odata.error) && is.character(cont$odata.error$message$value))
    else ""

        paste0("complete Storage Services operation. Message:\n", sub("\\.$", "", msg))
    else msg

parse_storage_url <- function(url)
    url <- httr::parse_url(url)
    endpoint <- paste0(url$scheme, "://", url$hostname, "/")
    store <- sub("/.*$", "", url$path)
    path <- if(url$path == store) "" else sub("^[^/]+/", "", url$path)
    c(endpoint, store, path)

is_endpoint_url <- function(url, type)
    # handle cases where type != uri string
    if(type == "adls")
        type <- "dfs"
    else if(type == "web")
        type <- "z26\\.web"

    # endpoint URL must be of the form {scheme}://{acctname}.{type}.{etc}
    type <- sprintf("^https?://[a-z0-9]+\\.%s\\.", type)

    is_url(url) && grepl(type, url)

generate_endpoint_container <- function(url, key, token, sas, api_version)
    stor_path <- parse_storage_url(url)
    endpoint <- storage_endpoint(stor_path[1], key, token, sas, api_version)
    name <- stor_path[2]
    list(endpoint=endpoint, name=name)

xml_to_list <- function(x)
    # work around breaking change in xml2 1.2
    if(packageVersion("xml2") < package_version("1.2"))
    else (xml2::as_list(x))[[1]]

# check whether to retry a failed file transfer
# retry on:
# - curl error (except host not found)
# - http 400: MD5 mismatch
retry_transfer <- function(res)

retry_transfer.error <- function(res)
    grepl("curl", deparse(res$call[[1]]), fixed=TRUE) &&
        !grepl("Could not resolve host", res$message, fixed=TRUE)

retry_transfer.response <- function(res)
    httr::status_code(res) == 400L &&
        grepl("Md5Mismatch", rawToChar(httr::content(res, as="raw")), fixed=TRUE)

as_datetime <- function(x, format="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", tz="GMT")
    as.POSIXct(x, format=format, tz=tz)

delete_confirmed <- function(confirm, name, type)
    if(!interactive() || !confirm)

    msg <- sprintf("Are you sure you really want to delete the %s '%s'?", type, name)

    ok <- if(getRversion() < numeric_version("3.5.0"))
        msg <- paste(msg, "(yes/No/cancel) ")
        yn <- readline(msg)
        if(nchar(yn) == 0)
        else tolower(substr(yn, 1, 1)) == "y"
    else utils::askYesNo(msg, FALSE)

render_xml <- function(lst)
    xml <- xml2::as_xml_document(lst)
    rc <- rawConnection(raw(0), "w")
    xml2::write_xml(xml, rc)

sign_sha256 <- function(string, key)
    openssl::base64_encode(openssl::sha256(charToRaw(string), openssl::base64_decode(key)))

url_encode <- function(string, reserved=FALSE)
    URLencode(enc2utf8(string), reserved=reserved)

encode_md5 <- function(x, ...)
    openssl::base64_encode(openssl::md5(x, ...))

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AzureStor documentation built on May 25, 2022, 9:11 a.m.