
Defines functions stripSpaces isAzoic readSettings readBEQI readTWN readAMBI readITI readFIBI read_ITI_FIBI readERF pool eqr rename harmonize abundance speciesRichness margalef entropy BEQI2dir genusToSpecies

Documented in abundance BEQI2dir entropy eqr genusToSpecies harmonize isAzoic margalef pool readAMBI readBEQI readERF readFIBI readITI readSettings readTWN rename speciesRichness stripSpaces

#' 	Remove Redundant Spaces
#' 	This function removes redundant spaces from character vectors
#' 	@param x character vector
#'  @return  character vector without trailing or multiple spaces
#'  @examples stopifnot(BEQI2:::stripSpaces(" Hello  World  ") == "Hello World")
stripSpaces <- 
function(x) {
	x <- gsub(pattern = " {2,}",   replacement = " ", x = x)
	x <- gsub(pattern = "^ +| +$", replacement = "",  x = x)

#'  Test for Azoic Samples
#' 	Case-insensitive test for taxa starting with 'azoi'
#' 	@param x character vector containing taxa
#'  @return  logical vector, with elements \code{TRUE} for azoic samples, 
#'      and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
isAzoic <- 
function(x) {
    grepl(pattern = "^Azoi", x = x, ignore.case = TRUE) 

#' 	Read BEQI Settings File
#' 	This function reads BEQI settings files (JSON)
#' 	@param filename name of BEQI input file (\code{character})
#' 	@details The function performs the following tasks:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 		\item{checks the existence of \code{filename};}
#'  	\item{reads JSON file while ignoring C-style comments;}
#'      \item{checks avaiability of required keys in the JSON-file}
#'  	\item{checks values in JSON-file}
#'  }
#'	@import jsonlite
#'  @export
readSettings <- 
function(filename) {

    # check existence of settings file
	if (!file.exists(filename)) {
		stop("File not found", call. = FALSE)

	# read settings file
	settings <- readLines(con = filename, warn = FALSE)

	# remove all C-style comments (//)
	# Note: comments are formally not part of the JSON specification.
	settings <- sub(pattern = "//.*$", replacement = "", x = settings)

	# parse JSON
	if (!validate(settings)) {
				"Errors found in %s. Check JSON-format (e.g. brackets, braces, trailing comma's)", 
			call. = FALSE
	settings <- fromJSON(settings)
    # check if required keys are available
    requiredKeys <- c("title", "user", "date", "files",
                      "months", "pooling", "genusToSpeciesConversion")
    names(settings) <- tolower(names(settings))
    found <- tolower(requiredKeys) %in% names(settings)
    if (any(!found)) {
                fmt = "key %s is missing in JSON-file %s\n(see package vignette)", 
            call. = FALSE
    # check required files
    requiredKeys <- c("BEQI2", "SpeciesNames", "Ecotopes")
    names(settings$files) <- tolower(names(settings$files))
    found <- tolower(requiredKeys) %in% names(settings$files)
    if (any(!found)) {
                fmt = "key files:%s is missing in JSON-file %s\n(see package vignette)", 
            call. = FALSE

    # check months
    if (!is.integer(settings$months) | length(settings$months) != 2L) {
            "key 'months' should be an integer vector of length 2", 
             call. = TRUE
	if (!all(settings$months %in% 1:12)) {
		stop("elements of key 'months' should be in [1, 12]", call. = TRUE)
    if ((settings$months[2] - settings$months[1]) < 0) {
            "First month to analyse should be smaller than or equal to last month", 
            call. = TRUE

    # check data pooling
    names(settings$pooling) <- tolower(names(settings$pooling))
    if (!is.logical(settings$pooling$enabled)) {
            "key 'pooling:enabled' should be either 'true' or 'false'", 
            call. = TRUE
    if (settings$pooling$enabled) {
        settings$pooling$targetarea <- range(settings$pooling$targetarea)
        if (!is.numeric(settings$pooling$targetarea) | 
            (length(settings$pooling$targetarea) != 2L)) {
                "key 'pooling:targetArea' should be a numeric vector of length 2", 
                call. = TRUE
        settings$pooling$randomseed <- as.integer(settings$pooling$randomseed)
        if (!is.integer(settings$pooling$randomseed)) {
                "key 'pooling:randomSeed' needs to be an integer vector of length 1", 
                call. = TRUE

    # genus to species conversion
    if (!is.logical(settings$genustospeciesconversion)) {
            "key 'genusToSpeciesConversion' should be either 'true' or 'false'", 
            call. = TRUE
	# return results

#' 	Read BEQI input files
#' 	This function reads and checks BEQI input files. The format has been
#'	specified in Van Loon (2013).
#' 	@param filename name of BEQI input file (character)
#' @details The function performs the following tasks:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 		\item{checks the existence of \code{filename};}
#'  	\item{checks availablitity of required columns (case insensitive);}
#'      \item{make column names with aggregation data case-insensitive;}
#'  	\item{removes redundant spaces;}
#'      \item{checks if DATE-field adheres to ISO 8601 (YYYY-mm-dd);}
#'  	\item{constructs a unique identifier \code{ID} by concatenating 
#'          columns \code{OBJECTID} and \code{DATE};}
#'      \item{aggregate (by summation) VALUE-fields of records that only differ 
#'          in VALUE-field value;}
#'      \item{checks that each \code{ID} has a unique \code{AREA};}
#'      \item{checks azoic samples for VALUE=0;}
#'      \item{removes records with VALUE=0, not belonging to azoic samples;}
#'      \item{checks VALUE-field on missing values;}
#'      \item{checks if VALUE-field is an integer;}
#'  }
#' 	@references Willem van Loon, 2013. BEQI2 INPUT FORMAT
#' 	@export
readBEQI <-
function(filename) {

	# check if 'filename' exists
	if (!file.exists(filename)) {
			sprintf(fmt = "File %s not found", sQuote(filename)),
			call. = FALSE

	# read file 'filename'
	d <- try(read.csv(file = filename, as.is = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
	if (inherits(d, "try-error")) {
			sprintf(fmt = "Errors occurred while reading %s", sQuote(filename)),
			call. = FALSE

	# check column names (case insensitive)
	requiredColumns <- c("OBJECTID", "ECOTOPE", "SAMPLEID", "TAXON", 
                         "CHAR", "SAMPDEV", "AREA", "DATE", "VALUE")
	missingColumns <- setdiff(requiredColumns, toupper(names(d)))
	if (length(missingColumns) > 0L) {
                fmt = "The following columns are missing in file\n%s: %s", 
            call. = FALSE
	names(d) <- toupper(names(d))
    # check VALUE field on missing values
    index <- which(is.na(d$VALUE))
    if (length(index) != 0L) {
                fmt = paste0(
                    "The value in field %s is missing for %i records.\n",
                    "The record indices are:\n%s"
            call. = FALSE
    # check VALUE field on integers
    d$VALUE <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(d$VALUE))
    isInteger <- (abs(round(d$VALUE) - d$VALUE) < .Machine$double.eps)
    index <- which(is.na(isInteger) | !isInteger)
    if (length(index) != 0L) {
                fmt = paste0(
                    "Field %s contains %i non-integer values.\n",
                    "The record indices are:\n%s"
            call. = FALSE
	# remove redundant spaces
	d <- as.data.frame(
		lapply(X = d, FUN = function(x) {
			if (is.character(x)) {
				x <- stripSpaces(x)
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    # harmonize columns to make case-insensitive matching possible
    d <- as.data.frame(
		lapply(X = d, FUN = function(x) {
			if (is.character(x)) {
				x <- harmonize(x)
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
	# coerce date to class 'Date'
	res <- try(as.Date(d$DATE), silent = TRUE)
	if (inherits(res, "try-error") | any(is.na(res))) {
			"Invalid date formats found. Please adhere to ISO 8601 (YYYY-mm-dd)",
			call. = FALSE
	d$DATE <- res

    # add (unique) identifier field
    d$ID <- paste(d$OBJECTID, d$SAMPLEID, d$DATE, sep = "/")

    # check if areas are unique for a specific ID
    n <- tapply(
        X = d$AREA, 
        INDEX = d$ID, 
        FUN = function(x){length(unique(x))}
    if (!isTRUE(all(n == 1L))) {
        n <- names(n)[n > 1L]
                fmt = paste0(
                    "AREA-field is not unique for %i samples. ",
                    "These will be removed.\n",
                    "These samples have the following identifiers:\n%s"
            call. = FALSE
        d <- d[!(d$ID %in% n), ]

    # aggregate (by summation) the VALUE-fields of records that at most only 
    # differ in VALUE-field value. These samples are the result of duplo/triplo 
    # samples and need to be combined.
    # (NB: the sample areas should not be summed!)
    VALUE <- d$VALUE
    d <- subset(x = d, select = -VALUE)
    d$INDEX <- apply(X = d, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = paste0, collapse = "")
    VALUE <- tapply(X = VALUE, INDEX = d$INDEX, FUN = sum)
    d <- unique(d)
    d$VALUE <- as.integer(VALUE)[match(x = d$INDEX, table = names(VALUE))]
    d$INDEX <- NULL

    # handle azoic samples
    index <- which(isAzoic(x = d$TAXON))
    if (length(index) != 0L) {
        if (isTRUE(any(d$VALUE[index] != 0L))) {
                    "Azoic sample(s) found with non-zero VALUE-field.",
                    "These abundances will be set to zero"
                call. = FALSE
        d$VALUE[index] <- 0L
    # remove non-Azoic records with zero counts as these are redundant 
    # and won't affect the results
    isZero <- (d$VALUE == 0L) & !isAzoic(x = d$TAXON)
    if (any(isZero)) {
                    "Non-azoic records (n=%s) found with zero VALUE-field.",
                    "These records are redundant and will be excluded."
            call. = FALSE
        d <- d[!isZero, ]
    # final check
    if (nrow(d) == 0L) {
                fmt = "No valid records found in: %s",
            call. = FALSE

	# return content of file

#' 	Read TWN Data
#' 	This function reads files in the Taxa Waterbeheer Nederland (TWN) format.
#' 	@details The function adds a new column \code{taxon}. Its contents depending on TWN-status:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 		\item{status = 10} {taxonname}
#'  	\item{status = 20} {prefername}
#'  	\item{status = 80} {parentname}
#' 	}
#' 	@param filename name of TWN  listBEQI input file (\code{character})
#'  @return a \code{data.frame} with four columns: taxonname, taxongroup, 
#'      taxonlevel, taxon
#' 	@references \url{sofus.ecosys.nl/taxabase.htm}
#'  @references \url{www.aquo.nl/faq/faq-twn}
#' 	@export
readTWN <-
function(filename) {

	# check if 'filename' exists
	if (!file.exists(filename)) {
			sprintf(fmt = "File %s not found", sQuote(filename)),
			call. = FALSE

	# read file 'filename'
	d <- try(read.csv(file = filename, as.is = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
	if (inherits(d, "try-error")) {
			sprintf(fmt = "Errors occurred while reading %s", sQuote(filename)),
			call. = FALSE

	# check column names
	requiredColumns <- c("status", "taxonname", "taxongroup", "prefername", 
                         "parentname", "taxonlevel")
	missingColumns <- setdiff(requiredColumns, tolower(names(d)))
	if (length(missingColumns) > 0L) {
                fmt = "The following columns are missing: %s", 
            call. = FALSE
	names(d) <- tolower(names(d))

	# select only columns of interest
	d <- d[, requiredColumns]

	# keep only status codes:
	#	10: preferred name 
	#	20: synonym
	#	80: non-taxonomic species group
	# see also www.aquo.nl/faq/faq-twn
	d <- d[d$status %in% c(10L, 20L, 80L), ]

	# remove redundant spaces 
	# (including leading and trailing spaces)
	d$taxonname  <- stripSpaces(d$taxonname)
	d$prefername <- stripSpaces(d$prefername)
	d$parentname <- stripSpaces(d$parentname)
    d$taxongroup <- stripSpaces(d$taxongroup)

	# construct taxon
	d$taxon <- NA_character_
	d$taxon[d$status == 10L] <- d$taxonname [d$status == 10L]
	d$taxon[d$status == 20L] <- d$prefername[d$status == 20L]
	d$taxon[d$status == 80L] <- d$parentname[d$status == 80L]

	if (any(is.na(d$taxon))) {
				"A total of %s taxon names cannot be converted", 
			call. = TRUE

	# create ordered factor of taxon levels
	d$taxonlevel <- factor(
		x = d$taxonlevel, 
		levels = c(
			"Phylum", "Subphylum", 
			"Classis", "Subclassis", "Infraclassis", 
			"Ordo", "Subordo", "Infraordo", 
			"Superfamilia",	"Familia", "Subfamilia", 
			"Genus", "Genus combi", "Subgenus", 
			"Species", "Species combi", "Subspecies", 
		ordered = TRUE

	# return subset
	d[, c("taxonname", "taxongroup", "taxonlevel", "taxon")]

#'  Read AMBI Sensitivity Data
#' 	This function reads and checks files with AMBI sensitivity data. If 
#'     \code{filename = NULL} Borja's data will be read
#' 	@param filename name of the AMBI sensitivity file (character)
#' @details The function performs the following tasks:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 		\item{checks the existence of \code{filename};}
#'  	\item{checks availablitity of required columns (case insensitive);}
#'  	\item{removes redundant spaces;}
#'  	\item{removes duplicated records.}
#'  }
#' 	@export
readAMBI <-
function(filename = NULL) {

    # check 'filename'
    if (is.null(filename)) {
        d <- readRDS(file = system.file("extdata/AMBI.rds", package = "BEQI2"))
    } else {

        if (!(file.exists(filename))) {
    			sprintf(fmt = "File %s not found", sQuote(filename)),
    			call. = FALSE

    	d <- try(read.csv(file = filename, as.is = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
    	if (inherits(d, "try-error")) {
    			sprintf(fmt = "Errors occurred while reading %s", sQuote(filename)),
    			call. = FALSE

    # check column names (case insensitive)
    names(d) <- toupper(names(d))
	requiredColumns <- "SUBMITTED.NAME"
	missingColumns <- setdiff(requiredColumns, names(d))
	if (length(missingColumns) > 0L) {
                fmt = "The following column is missing: %s", 
            call. = FALSE
    # check number of columns 
    # (should be 2 since the name of the second column is not fixed)
    if (ncol(d) != 2L) {
            "Two columns expected 'SUBMITTED.NAME' and 'AMBI'",
            call. = FALSE

	# remove redundant spaces
	d <- data.frame(
            X = d, 
            FUN = function(x) {
    			if (is.character(x)) {
    				x <- stripSpaces(x)
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

	# remove duplicated records
	if (anyDuplicated(d)) {
		isDuplicated <- duplicated(d)
		message(sprintf(fmt = "Number of duplicated records: %i", sum(isDuplicated)))
		message("These will be removed")
		d <- d[!isDuplicated, ]
    # check on duplicated taxa
    if (anyDuplicated(d$SUBMITTED.NAME)) {
    	index <- which(duplicated(d$SUBMITTED.NAME))
                fmt = "Duplicated taxonnames found: %s", 
            call. = FALSE

    # return content of file

#'  Read Infaunal Trophic Index File
#'  This function reads and checks files containing Infaunal trophic index 
#'  data (Gittenberger et al., 2011)
#' 	@param filename name of the ITI file (character)
#'  @details The function performs the following tasks:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 		\item{checks the existence of \code{filename};}
#'  	\item{checks availablitity of required columns (case insensitive);}
#'  	\item{removes redundant spaces;}
#'  	\item{removes duplicated records.}
#'      \item{checks if all ITI classes are I, II, III, or IV}
#'  }
#' 	@export
readITI <-
function(filename) {
    read_ITI_FIBI(filename = filename, which = "ITI")

#'  Read Freshwater Inflow Biotic Index File
#' @param filename name of the FIBI file (character)
#' @details The function performs the following tasks:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 		\item{checks the existence of \code{filename};}
#'  	\item{checks availablitity of required columns (case insensitive);}
#'  	\item{removes redundant spaces;}
#'  	\item{removes duplicated records.}
#'      \item{checks if all FIBI classes are I, II, III, or IV}
#'  }
#' 	@export
readFIBI <-
function(filename) {
    read_ITI_FIBI(filename = filename, which = "FIBI")

read_ITI_FIBI <- 
function(filename, which = c("ITI", "FIBI")) {
    # check argument 'which'
    which <- match.arg(which)

	# check if 'filename' exists
	if (!file.exists(filename)) {
			sprintf(fmt = "File %s not found", sQuote(filename)),
			call. = FALSE

	# read file 'filename'
	d <- try(read.csv(file = filename, as.is = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
	if (inherits(d, "try-error")) {
			sprintf(fmt = "Errors occurred while reading %s", sQuote(filename)),
			call. = FALSE

	# check column names (case insensitive)
    names(d) <- toupper(names(d))
	requiredColumns <- c("SUBMITTED.NAME", which)
	missingColumns <- setdiff(requiredColumns, names(d))
	if (length(missingColumns) > 0L) {
                fmt = "The following columns are missing: %s", 
            call. = FALSE

	# remove redundant spaces
	d <- data.frame(
            X = d, 
            FUN = function(x) {
    			if (is.character(x)) {
    				x <- stripSpaces(x)
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

	# remove duplicated records
	if (anyDuplicated(d)) {
		isDuplicated <- duplicated(d)
		message(sprintf(fmt = "Number of duplicated records: %i", sum(isDuplicated)))
		message("These will be removed")
		d <- d[!isDuplicated, ]

    # check on duplicated taxa
    if (anyDuplicated(d$SUBMITTED.NAME)) {
    	index <- which(duplicated(d$SUBMITTED.NAME))
                fmt = "Duplicated taxonnames found: %s", 
            call. = FALSE

    # check if all classes are in {I, II, III, IV}
    expectedClasses <- c("I", "II", "III", "IV")
    if (!all(d[[which]] %in% expectedClasses)) {
                fmt = "%s classes should be in {%s}", 
            call. = FALSE

    # return content of file

#'  Read Ecotopes References File
#'  This function reads and checks files with reference values
#' 	    @param filename name of the ecotopes reference file (character)
#'      @param extra additional user-defined indices to be checked (\code{character}, see details)
#' @details The function performs the following tasks:
#' 	\itemize{
#' 		\item{checks the existence of \code{filename};}
#'  	\item{checks availablitity of required columns (case insensitive);}
#'  	\item{removes redundant spaces}
#'  	\item{removes duplicated records}
#'  }
#'  Argument \code{extra} is a \code{character} vector of additional benthic 
#'  indices to be checked for. For example, if \code{extra = "ITI"}, then
#'  the ecotope reference file should also contain columns ITIREF and ITIBAD.
#'  The format of the ecotopes reference file is documented in the 
#'  BEQI2-package vignette.
#'  @references Van Loon, W, 2013. Loon2013-BEQI2-Specs-Ecotopes-27nov.doc
#' 	@export
readERF <-
function(filename, extra = NULL) {

	# check if 'filename' exists
	if (!file.exists(filename)) {
			sprintf(fmt = "File %s not found", sQuote(filename)),
			call. = FALSE

	# read file 'filename'
	d <- try(
        read.csv(file = filename, as.is = TRUE), 
        silent = TRUE
	if (inherits(d, "try-error")) {
			sprintf(fmt = "Errors occurred while reading %s", sQuote(filename)),
			call. = FALSE

	# check column names (case insensitive)
	requiredColumns <- c("OBJECTID", "ECOTOPE", "RELAREA", 
        "SREF", "SBAD", "HREF", "HBAD", "AMBIREF", "AMBIBAD")
    if (!is.null(extra)) {
        requiredColumns <- c(requiredColumns,
            paste0(rep(extra, each = 2), c("REF", "BAD"))
	missingColumns <- setdiff(requiredColumns, names(d))
	if (length(missingColumns) > 0L) {
                fmt = "The following columns are missing: %s", 
            call. = FALSE

    # remove redundant spaces
	d <- data.frame(
            X = d, 
            FUN = function(x) {
    			if (is.character(x)) {
    				x <- stripSpaces(x)
        check.names = FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

	# remove duplicated records
	if (anyDuplicated(d)) {
		isDuplicated <- duplicated(d)
		message(sprintf(fmt = "Number of duplicated records: %i", sum(isDuplicated)))
		message("These will be removed")
		d <- d[!isDuplicated, ]

    # harmonize columns to make case-insensitive matching possible
    d <- as.data.frame(
    	lapply(X = d, FUN = function(x) {
			if (is.character(x)) {
				x <- harmonize(x)
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    # return content of file

#'  Test if a Value is in an Interval
#' 	This function tests if values are part of a closed interval.
#' 	@param e1 numeric value
#'  @param e2 numeric interval
#'  @return  TRUE if the interval includes the value, FALSE otherwise
#'  @examples \dontrun{3 %inInterval% c(1, 4)}
"%inInterval%" <- function(e1, e2) {
    e2 <- range(e2)
    e1 >= e2[1] & e1 <= e2[2]

#'  Pooling
#'  This function randomly assigns samples to pools of approximately equal area
#' 	@param sampleId identifier
#'  @param area sample corresponding to \code{sampleId}
#'  @param targetArea vector of length 2 containing the lower and upper bound 
#'      of the pooled area
#'  @param maxTry maximum number of unsuccessful pooling tries before the 
#'      algorithm gives up.
#'  @return vector with idenitifiers (integers) indicating the pool to which 
#'      each sample belongs (NA for samples that could not be pooled)
#'  @export
pool <-
function(sampleId = 1:length(area), area, targetArea, maxTry = 100L) {
    # check arguments
    nSamples <- length(sampleId)
    stopifnot(length(area) == nSamples)
    # make sure that targetArea is an ordered vector of length 2
    targetArea <- range(targetArea)
    # initialize pool identifier
    poolId <- rep(x = NA_integer_, length = nSamples)
    # initialize sample index
    sampleIndex <- 1:nSamples
    # exclude samples with an area greater than the maximum target pool area
    bigArea <- area > targetArea[2]
    if (any(bigArea)) {
        sampleIndex <-  setdiff(sampleIndex, which(bigArea))
    # check trivial cases
    if (all(area %inInterval% targetArea)) {
        message("No pooling necessary")
    if (all(area > targetArea[2])) {
        stop("No pooling possible", call. = FALSE)
    s <- sum(area)
    if (s < targetArea[1]) {
        stop("No pooling possible", call. = FALSE)
    if (s %inInterval% targetArea) {
        poolId[] <- 1L

    # estimate the (theoretical) maximum number of samples in a pool
    # Note: the theoretical minimum is not necessary as cumsum is 
    # also computed in the repeat-loop below.
    pooledArea <- cumsum(sort(area))
    index <- which(pooledArea > targetArea[2])
    maxSamples <- min(index)
    # initialize number of pools
    nPools <- 0L
    # start pooling...
    nTry <- maxTry
    repeat {

        # select samples _without_ replacement 
        # (safer than 'sample'-function: no undesired behavior when n = 1)
        index <- sampleIndex[
                n = nSamples, 
                size = min(nSamples, maxSamples), 
                replace = FALSE

        # selected smallest set that is in the specified range of target areas
        pooledArea <- cumsum(area[index])
        inRange <- pooledArea %inInterval% targetArea
        if (any(inRange)) {

            # reset nTry
            nTry <- maxTry

            poolSize <- min(which(inRange))
            index <- index[1:poolSize]
            # construct new pool identifier
            nPools <- nPools + 1L
            poolId[index] <- nPools
            # update sample indices accordingly
            sampleIndex <- setdiff(sampleIndex, index)
            # update remaining number of samples to pool
            nSamples <- nSamples - poolSize
        } else {
            # termination criterion:
            # - remaining number of samples is smaller than maximum samples in a pool
            # - remaining sample area is smaller than minimum target area.
            if (nSamples <= maxSamples) {
                if (pooledArea[length(pooledArea)] < targetArea[1]) {
            # termination criterion:
            # decreases and test nTry (trial-and-error)
            nTry <- nTry - 1L
            if (nTry == 0L) {
                # give up
        # termination criterion:
        if (nSamples == 0L) {
    # return pool identifiers

#'  Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR)
#'  The ecological quality ratio is the ratio beween a parameter value and its
#'  reference value:  
#'  \deqn{EQR = \frac{x-bad}{good-bad}}{EQR = (x-bad)/(good-bad)}
#'  Depending on \code{bad} and \code{good}, the EQR usually 
#'  (but not necessarily!) varies between 0 (bad ecological quality) and 1 (good
#'  ecological quality).
#' 	@param x numeric vector containing benthic indices
#'  @param bad the reference value for a bad status
#'  @param good the reference value for a good status
#'  @return  numeric vector with EQR-values: low values indicate bad ecological
#'      quality and high values indicate good ecological quality.
#'  @export
eqr <- function(x, bad, good) {
    stopifnot((length(bad)  == 1L) | length(bad)  == length(x))
    stopifnot((length(good) == 1L) | length(good) == length(x))
    if (all(good > bad) | all(good < bad)) {
        return((x - bad) / (good - bad))
            "reference values for 'good' and 'bad' status are inconsistent.\n",
            "'good' should always be either smaller or greater than 'bad'."
        call. = FALSE

#'  Renaming Taxon Names
#'  Convert taxon name \code{x} to taxon name \code{to} by looking it up in
#'  \code{from}. Look-up is case insensitive.
#'  @param x character vector with names
#'  @param from character vector of old names
#'  @param to character vector of new names
#'  @return character vector of \code{length(x)} with converted names
rename <-
function(x, from, to) {
    # check arguments
    if (length(from) != length(to)) {
        stop("'from' should have the same length as 'to'.", call. = FALSE)

    # strip 'sp.' from TAXON name
    x <- sub(pattern = " sp\\.$", replacement = "", x = x, ignore.case = TRUE)
    # initialize result
    r <- rep.int(x = NA_character_, times = length(x))
    # keep 'x' when it is already in 'to'
    r <- to[match(x = tolower(x), table = tolower(to))]
    # convert 'x' to 'to' if it is in 'from'
    index <- which(is.na(r))
    if (length(index) > 0L) {
        r[index] <- to[match(x = tolower(x[index]), table = tolower(from))]
    # return result

#'  Harmonize Case
#'  Convert text to the most occuring case. In case of ties, the first
#'  occurence in sorted order will be taken.
#'  @param x character vector
#'  @return character vector with harmonized names (i.e., same case)
#'  @examples 
#'  x <- c("FOO", "Foo", "bar", "FOO", "bar", "FOO", "Bar")
#'  y <- BEQI2:::harmonize(x)
#'  stopifnot(all.equal(y, c("FOO", "FOO", "bar", "FOO", "bar", "FOO", "bar")))
harmonize <- function(x) {
    lx <- tolower(x)
    lut <- tapply(
        X = x, 
        INDEX = lx, 
        FUN = function(x) {
            f <- tapply(X = x, INDEX = x, FUN = length)
    as.character(lut[match(x = lx, table = names(lut))])

#'  Abundance
#' 	Compute abundance for each taxon.
#' 	@param taxon character vector with taxa
#'  @param count integer vector with counts
#'  @export
#'  @return integer vector with abundance per taxon.
abundance <- 
function(taxon, count) {
    # check arguments
    stopifnot(length(taxon) == length(count))

    # remove azoic (sub)samples as they do not affect abundance and
    # should be removed for further processing 
    # (e.g. species richness) anyway.
    index <- which(isAzoic(x = taxon))
    if (length(index) > 0L) {
        taxon <- taxon[-index]
        count <- count[-index]
        if (length(count) == 0L) {

    # compute abundance
    tapply(X = count, INDEX = taxon, FUN = sum)

#'  Species Richness 
#'  Species richness (\eqn{S}{S}) is defined as the number of taxa 
#'  (lowest identification level possible) per sampling unit 
#'  (data pool or box core sample).
#' 	@param taxon character vector with taxa
#'  @param count integer vector with counts
#'  @export
#'  @return species richness (integer vector of length 1)
speciesRichness <- 
function(taxon, count) {

    # abundance (delegate argument checking and removal of azoic samples)
    n <- abundance(taxon = taxon, count = count)
    # species richness (after removal of azoic samples)

#'  Margalef Index of Diversity
#'  Margalef Index of Diversity is given by
#'  \deqn{D = \frac{S-1}{\ln(N)}}{D = (S-1)/ln(N)}
#'  For \eqn{N=1}{N=1}, the index is set to 0.
#'  @param taxon character vector with taxa
#'  @param count integer vector with counts
#'  @export
#'  @return Margalef diversity index (numeric vector of length 1)
margalef <- 
function(taxon, count) {

    # species richness
    S <- speciesRichness(taxon = taxon, count = count)

    # abundance (delegate argument checking and removal of azoic samples)
    n <- abundance(taxon = taxon, count = count)
    # total abundance (azoic samples are excluded)
    N <- sum(n)
    # Margalef's index of diversity (azoic samples are excluded)
    if (N == 1L) {
        D <- 0 
    } else {
        D <-(S - 1) / log(N)
    # return D

#'  Shannon's Entropy 
#'  Compute entropy according to Shannon (1948)
#'  @param taxon character vector with taxa
#'  @param count integer vector with counts
#'  @export
#'  @return Shannon's entropy
#'  @references Shannon, C. E., 1948. A Mathematical Theory of Communication.
#'      Bell System Technical Journal 27: 379-423.
entropy <- 
function(taxon, count) {
    n <- abundance(taxon = taxon, count = count)
    p <- n / sum(n)
    -sum(p * log2(p))

#'  Create BEQI-2 Directory Structure
#'  Creates a BEQI2-directory structure and populates it with some
#'  relevant BEQI2-files. Users may wish to modify this directory structure 
#'  and add their own data.
#'  @param path name of an exisiting directory. This directory should
#'      be empty to prevent loss of data. If missing, a dialogue will
#'      appear.
#'  @export
BEQI2dir <- function(path = NULL) {

    # interactive selection
    if (is.null(path)) {
        if (capabilities("tcltk")) {
            path <- tk_choose.dir(
                caption = "Select directory to store BEQI-2 files"
        } else {
                "The 'tcltk'-package is not supported on this machine.\n",
                "Please provide a valid path as function argument\n",
                call. = FALSE
    # check path
    if (!file.exists(path)) {
        stop("directory does not exist", call. = FALSE)
    # check if directory is empty (to prevent overwriting existing data)
    if (length(list.files(path)) != 0L) {
        stop(sprintf("directory %s is not empty!", sQuote(path)), call. = FALSE)
    # populate directories
    tmp <- file.copy(
        from = c(
            system.file("extdata/INPUT-FILES", package = "BEQI2"),
            system.file("extdata/REF-FILES", package = "BEQI2"),
            system.file("extdata/settings.json", package = "BEQI2")
        to = path,
        recursive = TRUE

    # show message
                "Directory %s\nhas been populated with BEQI-2 files.\n",
                "To run the BEQI-2 tool, type: BEQI2()\n",
                'For the tutorial, type: vignette("BEQI2")\n',
                "For more technical information, type: ?beqi2"

#'  Genus to Species Conversion
#' 	For each sample, the algorithm tries to convert taxa on the genus level
#'  to the species level. Counts at the genus level will be distributed 
#'  over the species level proportional to the available number of species.
#'  @note The updated counts are not necessarily integers.
#' 	@param id sample identifier
#'  @param taxon taxon name on either the genus or species level
#'  @param count total number of individuals of a specific taxon in a sample
#'  @return \code{data.frame} with three columns: \code{id} the sample
#'      identifier, \code{taxon} the taxon name, and \code{count} the  count
#'      after genus to species conversion.
#'  @export
#'  @examples
#'      genusToSpecies(id = c(1, 1, 1), 
#'          taxon = c("Genus1", "Genus1 s1", "Genus1 s2"), count = c(4, 2, 1))
genusToSpecies <-
function(id, taxon, count) {
    # check arguments
    stopifnot(length(id) == length(taxon))
    stopifnot(length(id) == length(count))
    taxon <- as.character(taxon)

    # split taxon into a genus and a species part
    d <- strsplit(x = taxon, split =" +")
    genusPart <- sapply(X = d, FUN = function(x){x[1]}) 
    speciesPart <- sapply(X = d, FUN = function(x) {
        if (length(x) == 1L) {
            } else {
                paste(x[-1], collapse = " ")
    # convert genus to proportionally to existing species
    d <- ddply(
        .data = data.frame(id, taxon, genusPart, speciesPart, count), 
        .variables = c("id", "genusPart"), 
        .fun = function(x) {
            isGenusLevel <- is.na(x$speciesPart)
            isSpeciesLevel <- !isGenusLevel
            if (any(isGenusLevel) & any(isSpeciesLevel)) {

                # extract counts of species
                n <- x$count[isSpeciesLevel]
                # convert counts to weights
                w <- n / sum(n)
                # assign genus counts proportionally to species
                p <- w * x$count[isGenusLevel]
                # update counts
                x$count[isGenusLevel] <- 0L
                x$count[isSpeciesLevel] <- n + p

    # return result
    d[, c("id", "taxon", "count")]

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BEQI2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:19 a.m.