
Defines functions chains_fit grab_betas prep_data

#' Prepare BVAR data for methods
#' Helper function to retrieve hyperparameters or coefficient values based on
#' name / position. Also supports multiple \code{bvar} objects and may be used
#' to check them for similarity.
#' @param x A \code{bvar} object, obtained from \code{\link{bvar}}.
#' @param vars Character vector used to select variables. Elements are matched
#' to hyperparameters or coefficients. Coefficients may be matched based on
#' the dependent variable (by providing the name or position) or the
#' explanatory variables (by providing the name and the desired lag). See the
#' example section for a demonstration. Defaults to \code{NULL}, i.e. all
#' hyperparameters.
#' @param vars_response,vars_impulse Optional character or integer vectors used
#' to select coefficents. Dependent variables are specified with
#' \emph{vars_response}, explanatory ones with \emph{vars_impulse}. See the
#' example section for a demonstration.
#' @param chains List with additional \code{bvar} objects. Contents are then
#' added to trace and density plots.
#' @param check_chains Logical scalar. Whether to check \emph{x} and
#' \emph{chains} for similarity.
#' @param ... Fed to \code{\link{chains_fit}}.
#' @return Returns a named list with:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{data} - Numeric matrix with desired data.
#'   \item \code{vars} - Character vector with names for the desired data.
#'   \item \code{chains} - List of numeric matrices with desired data.
#'   \item \code{bounds} - Numeric matrix with optional boundaries.
#' }
#' @noRd
prep_data <- function(
  vars = NULL,
  vars_response = NULL, vars_impulse = NULL,
  chains = list(),
  check_chains = FALSE, ...) {

  if(!inherits(x, "bvar")) {stop("Please provide a `bvar` object.")}

  if(inherits(chains, "bvar")) {chains <- list(chains)}
  lapply(chains, function(x) {if(!inherits(x, "bvar")) {
    stop("Please provide `bvar` objects to the chains parameter.")

  if(check_chains) {chains_fit(x, chains, ...)}

  # Prepare selection ---

  vars_hyp <- c("ml", colnames(x[["hyper"]]))
  vars_dep <- x[["variables"]]
  vars_ind <- x[["explanatories"]]
  if(is.null(vars_ind)) { # Compatibility to older versions (<= 0.2.2)
    vars_ind <- name_expl(vars_dep,
      M = x[["meta"]][["M"]], lags = x[["meta"]][["lags"]])

  if(is.null(vars) && is.null(vars_impulse) && is.null(vars_response)) {
    vars <- vars_hyp

  choice_hyp <- vars_hyp[unique(do.call(c, lapply(vars, grep, vars_hyp)))]

  choice_dep <- if(is.null(vars_response)) {
    # Interpret numbers as positions, exclude independents
    vars_dep[unique(c(as.integer(vars[grep("^[0-9]+$", vars)]),
      do.call(c, lapply(vars[!grepl("(^const|lag[0-9]+$)", vars)],
        grep, vars_dep))))]
  } else {pos_vars(vars_response, vars_dep, M = x[["meta"]][["M"]])}
  choice_dep <- choice_dep[!is.na(choice_dep)]

  choice_ind <- if(is.null(vars_impulse)) {
    # Limit to ones with "-lag#" or "constant" to separate from dependents
    vars_ind[unique(do.call(c, lapply(vars[grep("(^const|lag[0-9]+$)", vars)],
      grep, vars_ind)))]
  } else {pos_vars(vars_impulse, vars_ind, M = x[["meta"]][["K"]])}

  if(all(c(length(choice_hyp), length(choice_dep), length(choice_ind)) == 0)) {
    stop("No matching data found.")

  # Build up required outputs ---

  out <- out_vars <- out_bounds <- out_chains <- list()
  N <- x[["meta"]][["n_save"]]

  if(length(choice_hyp) > 0) { # Hyperparameters
    out[["hyper"]] <- cbind("ml" = x[["ml"]], x[["hyper"]])[seq(N), choice_hyp]
    out_vars[["hyper"]] <- choice_hyp
    out_bounds[["hyper"]] <- vapply(choice_hyp, function(z) {
      if(z == "ml") {c(NA, NA)} else {
        c(x[["priors"]][[z]][["min"]], x[["priors"]][[z]][["max"]])
      }}, double(2))
    out_chains[["hyper"]] <- lapply(chains, function(z) {
      cbind("ml" = z[["ml"]], z[["hyper"]])[seq(N), choice_hyp]
  } else {
    out_chains[["hyper"]] <- rep(list(NULL), length(chains))

  if(length(choice_dep) > 0 || length(choice_ind) > 0) { # Betas
    pos_dep <- pos_vars(choice_dep,
      variables = vars_dep, M = x[["meta"]][["M"]])
    pos_ind <- pos_vars(choice_ind,
      variables = vars_ind, M = x[["meta"]][["K"]])
    K <- length(pos_dep) * length(pos_ind)

    out[["betas"]] <- grab_betas(x, N, K, pos_dep, pos_ind)
    out_vars[["betas"]] <- paste0(
      rep(vars_dep[pos_dep], length(pos_ind)), "_",
      rep(vars_ind[pos_ind], each = length(pos_dep)))
    out_bounds[["betas"]] <- matrix(NA, ncol = K, nrow = 2)
    out_chains[["betas"]] <- lapply(chains, grab_betas, N, K, pos_dep, pos_ind)
 } else {
   out_chains[["betas"]] <- rep(list(NULL), length(chains))

  # Merge stuff and return ---

  out_data <- cbind(out[["hyper"]], out[["betas"]])
  out_vars <- c(out_vars[["hyper"]], out_vars[["betas"]])
  out_chains <- mapply(cbind,
    out_chains[["hyper"]], out_chains[["betas"]], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  out_chains <- lapply(out_chains, `colnames<-`, out_vars)
  colnames(out_data) <- out_vars

  out <- list(
    "data" = out_data, "vars" = out_vars, "chains" = out_chains,
    "bounds" = cbind(out_bounds[["hyper"]], out_bounds[["betas"]]))


#' Grab draws of certain betas
#' Helper function for \code{\link{prep_data}}.
#' @param x A \code{bvar} object, obtained from \code{\link{bvar}}.
#' @param N,K Integer scalars. Number of rows and columns to return.
#' @param pos_dep,pos_ind Numeric vectors. Positions of desired variables.
#' @return Returns a matrix with the requested data.
#' @noRd
grab_betas <- function(x, N, K, pos_dep, pos_ind) {
  data <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = K)
  k <- 1
  for(i in pos_ind) {for(j in pos_dep) {
    data[, k] <- x[["beta"]][seq(N), i, j] # seq() for longer chains
    k <- k + 1

#' Check equalities across chains
#' Function to help check whether \code{bvar} objects are close enough to
#' compare. Accessed via \code{\link{prep_data}}.
#' @param x A \code{bvar} object, obtained from \code{\link{bvar}}.
#' @param chains List with additional \code{bvar} objects.
#' @param Ms Logical scalar. Whether to check equality of
#' \code{x[["meta"]][["M"]]}.
#' @param n_saves Logical scalar. Whether to check equality of
#' \code{x[["meta"]][["n_save"]]}.
#' @param hypers Logical scalar. Whether to check equality of
#' \code{x[["priors"]][["hyper"]]}.
#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} or throws an error.
#' @noRd
chains_fit <- function(
  x, chains,
  Ms = TRUE,
  n_saves = FALSE,
  hypers = FALSE) {

  if(is.null(chains) || length(chains) == 0) {return(TRUE)}

  if(Ms) {
    Ms <- c(x[["meta"]][["M"]],
      vapply(chains, function(x) {x[["meta"]][["M"]]}, integer(1)))
    if(!all(duplicated(Ms)[-1])) {stop("Number of variables does not match.")}
  if(n_saves) {
    n_saves <- c(x[["meta"]][["n_save"]],
      vapply(chains, function(x) {x[["meta"]][["n_save"]]}, integer(1)))
    if(!all(duplicated(n_saves)[-1])) {
      stop("Number of stored iterations does not match.")
  if(hypers) {
    hypers <- vapply(chains, function(z) {
      all(x[["priors"]][["hyper"]] == z[["priors"]][["hyper"]])}, logical(1))
    if(!all(hypers)) {stop("Hyperparameters do not match.")}


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BVAR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:34 a.m.