
Defines functions Generate_DataFile_MG

Documented in Generate_DataFile_MG

#' @title Generates, from one (or several) BIN file(s) of Multi-grain OSL measurements a list of luminescence data and information before statistical analysis (DEPRECATED)
#' @description This function is used to generate, from the BIN file(s), a list of values of:
#' \bold{Multi-grain} OSL intensities and associated uncertainties, regenerative doses, etc., which will be the input of the Bayesian models.
#' To be easy-to-use, this function requires a rigorous organisation - all needed files should be arranged in one folder -
#' of informations concerning each BIN file.\cr
#' It is possible to process data for various samples simultaneously and to consider more
#' than one BIN-file per sample.
#' @param Path [character] (**required**): the path to the project folder, containing one or more sub folders in which the BIN files
#' are located. If it is not equal to `""`, it must end with `"/"`.
#' @param FolderNames [character] (**required**) vector: list of names of the sub-folders containing the BIN files
#' - each sub folder must contain a BIN file and associated csv files.
#' See details for more informations on associated csv files required in the sub folders.
#' If there is more than one BIN file per sample, see the details section for instructions regarding how to correctly fill the
#' \code{FolderNames} vector.
#' @param Nb_sample [integer] (**required**): number of samples
#' @param Nb_binfile [integer] (with default): number of BIN files. It must be equal to, or greater than \code{Nb_sample}.
#' @param BinPerSample [integer] vector (with default): vector with the number of BIN files per sample.
#' The length of this vector must be equal to \code{Nb_sample} and the sum of entries of this vector must be equal to \code{Nb_binfile}.
#' If there is more than one BIN file per sample, see the details section for instructions regarding how to correctly fill \code{BinPerSample} vector.
#' Otherwise, this vector must contain a list of 1 values.
#' @param sepD [character] (with default): column separator in the `DiscPose.csv` files.
#' @param sepDE [character] (with default): column separator in the `DoseEnv.csv` files.
#' @param sepDS [character] (with default): column separator in the `DoseLab.csv` files.
#' @param sepR [character] (with default): column separator in the `Rule.csv` files.
#' @param force_run1_at_a_time [logical] (*with default*): if set to `TRUE`, the order of the records is
#' pushed to follow the one "Run 1 at a time" order (this is, all sequence steps were performed on
#' one aliquot before moving to the next aliquot), regardless of their original sequence.
#' The default is `FALSE` because `'BayLum'` assumes that the sample was measured with the
#' "Run 1 at a time" option (only Risø readers, lexsyg readers do not have another option).
#' In other words, the argument allows you to automatically correct your input data to follow the order `'BayLum'` expects.
#' Why isn't the default value `TRUE`?. Because this re-ordering must fail
#' if a measurement position was used more than once for different samples!
#' This typically happens when different BIN/BINX files are merged.
#' @param verbose [logical] (with default): enable/disable verbose mode
#' @param ... further arguments that can be passed to [Luminescence::read_BIN2R].
#' @details

#' With \code{Path} and \code{FolderNames}, this function goes to the sub folders containing the BIN files and associated information to compute
#' the luminescence data.\cr
#' ** What are the required files in each subfolder? **\cr
#' Each subfolder can be named, for example, as the sample name followed by a number; it must contain:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \bold{bin.bin}, the bin file renamed as bin.BIN (note: the name of all files matters);
#'   \item \bold{Disc.csv}, a one columns csv file containing the list of disc number of the previously selected grains
#'   (typically this list will include the position of grains based on their sensitivity, recycling or other properties);
#'   \item \bold{DoseEnv.csv}, a two columns file containing the observation of the natural (or environmental),
#'   dose rate, and its non-shared variance (i.e. after removing all shared errors), both in Gy. Note: the user shall provide the squared value of the error associated
#'   with the dose rate experienced by the sample grains in nature;
#'   \item \bold{DoseSourve.csv}, a two columns file containing the observation of the laboratory dose rate,
#'   and its variance (squared error), both in Gy;
#'   \item \bold{rule.csv}, a csv file containing information on
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item `beginSignal=`  the first channel for summing the natural or regenerative OSL signal (typically 1 or 6);
#'     \item `endSignal=` the last channel for summing the natural or regenerative OSL signal (typically 5 or 10);
#'     \item `beginBackground=` the first channel for background estimation of the natural or regenerative OSL signal (typically 76 or 81);
#'     \item `endBackground=` the last channel for background estimation of the natural or regenerative OSL signal (typically 95 or 100);
#'     \item `beginTest`,
#'     \item `endTest`,
#'     \item `beginTestBackground`,
#'     \item `endTestBackground=` same values as above, for the test dose response (typically the same values should be used);
#'     \item `inflatePercent=` uncertainty arising from the instrument reproducibility (typically 0.02, i.e. 2\%);
#'     \item `nbOfLastCycleToRemove=` number of cycles at the end of the SAR protocol which should not be included in the dose response curve fitting
#'     (typically 1 if only a recycling test is performed, or 2 if both recycling and IR depletion are tested).\cr
#'   }
#' }
#' ** How to fill the `FolderNames` vector? **\cr
#' \code{FolderNames} is a vector of length \code{Nb_binfile}. \code{FolderNames[i]} is the name (e.g., Sample1-File1, or successive names separated by "/" signs,
#' if BIN files are in subfolders, e.g. Sample1/File1) of the subfolder containing all informations on the BIN file of ID number \code{i}.
#' The names in \code{FolderNames} are ordered following two rules:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item The names in the \code{FolderNames} vector must be ordered following the sample order
#'   (the names of subfolders containing BIN files for the same sample should follow each other in the \code{FolderNames} vector, e.g.
#'   Sample1, Sample2-File1, Sample2-File2, etc.).
#'   \item If stratigraphic constraints apply to samples, and so a \bold{Bayesian model with stratigraphic constraints} is implemented,
#'   then the names in the \code{FolderNames} vector must be ordered by order of increasing ages. \cr
#'   For example, \code{FolderNames=c(noun1,noun2)}, in which case \code{noun1} (respectively, \code{noun2}) corresponds to the subfolder
#'   name containing the BIN file of sample 1 (respectively of sample 2).
#'   In addition, if we know that sample 1 is younger than sample 2, then \code{FolderNames} vector is correctly filled. \cr
#'   If conversely, \code{FolderNames=c(noun2,noun1)}, the analysis performed by \code{\link{AgeS_Computation}} would not be consistent.\cr
#' }
#' ** How to fill the `BinPerSample` vector? **\cr
#' \code{BinPerSample[i]} corresponds to the number of BIN files for the sample whose number ID is equal to \code{i}.\cr
#' For example, let us consider a case with two samples (Sample1 and Sample2), with 2 BIN files for Sample1 and 1 for Sample2.
#' In this case, \code{Nb_binfile}=3 and \code{Nb_sample}=2.
#' The user may then set \code{FolderNames=c("Sample1-File1", "Sample1-File2", "Sample2-File1")}, in which case \code{"Sample1-1"} is the name of the subfolder containing the first BIN file
#' for Sample1, \code{"Sample1-File2"} the name of the  subfolder for the second BIN file of Sample1; eventually, \code{"Sample2-1"} is the name of the subfolder containing the BIN file
#' for the second sample. In this case, \code{BinPerSample=c(2,1)}.
#' For the general BIN-file structure, the reader is referred to the following website:  `http://www.nutech.dtu.dk/`
#' The function [Luminescence::read_BIN2R] is used to read the BIN files.
#' @return A list containing the following objects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \bold{LT} (one list per sample); each list contains all L/T values for the corresponding sample;
#'   \item \bold{sLT} (one list per sample); each list contains all uncertainties on L/T values for the corresponding sample;
#'   \item \bold{ITimes} (one list per sample); each list contains irradiation time values for the corresponding sample;
#'   \item \bold{dLab}, a matrix containing in line \code{i}, the laboratory dose rate and its variance for sample \code{i};
#'   \item \bold{ddot_env}, a matrix containing in line \code{i}, the environmental dose rate and its variance (excluding the common error terms) for sample \code{i};
#'   \item \bold{regDose} (one list per sample); each list contains all regenerated doses;
#'   \item \bold{J}, a vector giving, for each BIN file, the number of aliquots selected for the analysis;
#'   \item \bold{K}, a vector giving, for each BIN file, the number of regenerative doses in the SAR protocol;
#'   \item \bold{Nb_measurement}, a vector giving, for each BIN file, the number of measurements;
#' }
#' ** How to save this list **
#' You can save this list in a .RData object. To do this, you can use the function \code{\link{save}}.
#' Then, to load this list you can use the function \code{\link{load}} (see example section fore more details).
#' @author Claire Christophe, Sebastian Kreutzer, Anne Philippe, Guillaume Guérin
#' @note The function imports only BIN/BINX-file records which have been previously selected.
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_BIN2R}}, \code{\link{combine_DataFiles}}, \code{\link{LT_RegenDose}}
#' \code{\link{Age_Computation}}, \code{\link{AgeS_Computation}}, \code{\link{Palaeodose_Computation}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' path <- system.file("extdata/FER1", "", package="BayLum")
#' folder <- ""
#' # give the number of sample
#' nbsample <- 1
#' DATA <- Generate_DataFile_MG(
#'  Path = path,
#'  FolderNames = folder,
#'  Nb_sample = nbsample)
#' str(DATA)
#' # to save information in RData object in folder containing bin file
#' #save(DATA,file=c(paste(path,folder,'DATA.RData',sep="")))
#' # to load information containing DATA.RData object
#' #load(file=c(paste(path,folder,"DATA.RData",sep="")))
#' }
#' @name Generate_DataFile_MG-deprecated
#' @md
#' @export
Generate_DataFile_MG <- function(
  Nb_binfile = length(FolderNames),
  BinPerSample = rep(1, Nb_sample),
  sepD = c(","),
  sepDE = c(","),
  sepDS = c(","),
  sepR = c("="),
  verbose = TRUE,
  force_run1_at_a_time = FALSE,

  #--- create object needed
  # BaSAR observations for samples
  LT <- list()     # corresponding to observation of natural and regenerated luminescence signal : N_{k,j}^(i) per sample
  sLT <- list()    # corresponding to error of observation of L : sigma_{N_{K,j}^(i)} per sample
  ITimes <- list() # corresponding to observation : t_{k,j}^(i) per sample

  ## check if the number of BIN-files makes sense
  if(list.files(Path) |> tolower() |> grepl(pattern = "\\.bin") |> sum() != Nb_binfile[1])
    warning("[Generate_DataFile_MG()] The total number of BIN-files does not match the number specified in Nb_binfile. Please double-check and correct the number otherwise this can lead to all kind of problems!", call. = FALSE)

  # information on bin file
  dLab <- matrix(1,ncol=Nb_binfile,nrow=2)  # corresponding to dose source rate of the lab : d_{lab} per sample
  regDose <- list()          # computed regenerated dose multiplying the 2 above lines per sample
  J <- rep(0,Nb_binfile)     # aliquot number per sample
  Nb_measurement <- rep(0,Nb_binfile) # measurement number per aliquot
  K <- rep(0,Nb_binfile)     # point number considered for the growth curve
  ddot <- matrix(1,ncol=Nb_binfile,nrow=2)   # the dose rate received by the sample during the time,
  #   if there is various bin file for one sample, they must have the same ddot

  # Fetch additional arguments for read_BIN2R()----------------------------------------------------

  ##the internal preset
  read_BIN2R.settings <- list(
    duplicated.rm = TRUE,
    verbose = verbose

  ##overwrite the preset if needed
  read_BIN2R.settings <- modifyList(x = read_BIN2R.settings, val = list(...))

  ##combine list and remove duplicated entries
  read_BIN2R.settings <- c(read_BIN2R.settings, list(...))
  read_BIN2R.settings <- read_BIN2R.settings[!duplicated(names(read_BIN2R.settings))]

  #--- read informations
  for(i in 1:Nb_sample){
    for(nb in 1:BinPerSample[i]){
      if(verbose) message(paste("File being read:",FolderNames[bf]))

      # read files....
      XLS_file <- read.csv(file=paste(Path,FolderNames[bf],"/Disc.csv",sep=""),sep=sepD)

      # BIN file analysis
      object <- Luminescence::read_BIN2R(
        file = paste0(Path, FolderNames[bf]),
        duplicated.rm = read_BIN2R.settings$duplicated.rm,
        verbose =  read_BIN2R.settings$verbose

      ##sort dataset in correct order by aliquots
      if(force_run1_at_a_time) {
        o <- object@METADATA[["ID"]][order(object@METADATA[["POSITION"]])]
        object@METADATA <- object@METADATA[o,]
        object@DATA <- object@DATA[o]
        object@METADATA[["ID"]] <- 1:nrow(object@METADATA)

      # csv file indicating position and disc selection and preparation to be read
      XLS_file[[2]] <- XLS_file[[1]]
      XLS_file[[1]] <- object@METADATA$FNAME[1:length(XLS_file[[1]])]
      names(XLS_file) <- c("BIN_FILE","DISC")

      # aliquot number

      # data d_lab

      # data ddot

      # information for Lx/Tx

      #--- selection of record ID corresponding to the selection done
      ind <- object@METADATA[(object@METADATA[["POSITION"]] %in% XLS_file[[2]]) & object@METADATA[["SEL"]], "ID"]

      # what is ind...

      # regeneration dose number
      Nb_measurement[bf] <- length(ind)/J[bf]
      if(Nb_measurement[bf]%%2 != 0)
        stop("[Generate_DataFile_MG()] The number of curves is not a multiple of 2, please check your curve selection!", call. = FALSE)

      K[bf] <- Nb_measurement[bf]/2-(rule[10,1]+1)
      if (K[bf] < 0) {
            "[Generate_DataFile_MG()] In file ", FolderNames[bf],"/rule.csv the parameter 'nbOfLastCycleToRemove' + 1 is larger than the number of Lx/Tx cycles.\n\t(This usually indicates that you try to discard more Lx/Tx cycles than you have selected or stored in the BIN/BINX-file.)"
          call. = FALSE

      #--- check if K, Nb_measurement, prop are integer
      # if((prop-floor(pror))!=0){
      #   warning(paste("Problem folder: ",FolderNames[bf],
      #       ". Check in rule.csv file if (endBackground-beginBackground+1)/(endSignal-beginSignal+1) is integer.",sep=""),
      #     call. = FALSE)
      # }

        warning(paste("Problem folder: ",FolderNames[bf],
                ". Check in bin.bin file if for all aliquots the measurement of Lx and Tx is the same.
                If not you can create a new subfolder with the same bin.bin, DoseEnv.csv, DoseSource.csv, rule.csv
                and a new DiscPos.csv corresponding to these aliquots that had different number of measurement than the previous aliquot.
                That means considered an other bin file for your sample.",sep=""),
                call. = FALSE)
        while(ii <= J[bf]){
            warning(paste("problem aliquot: position:",XLS_file[ii,2]))

      #--- computation of irradiation time
      for(j in 1:J[bf]){
      # in memory

      #--- computation of luminescence signals
      for(j in 1:J[bf]){
        #-- natural signal
        # computation of regenerated luminescence
        # computation of error of regenerated luminescence

        #-- regenerated signal
        for(k in 1:K[bf]){
          # computation of regenerated luminescence
          # computation of error of regenerated luminescence
      # in memory


  #--- return information needed to compute BaSAR analysis
  Liste <- list(
    "LT" = LT,
    "sLT" = sLT,
    "ITimes" = ITimes,
    "dLab" = dLab,
    "ddot_env" = ddot,
    "regDose" = regDose,
    "J" = J,
    "K" = K,
    "Nb_measurement" = Nb_measurement

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BayLum documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:18 a.m.