
Defines functions .JAGS_prior_factor_names JAGS_parameter_names format_parameter_names contr.independent contr.meandif contr.orthonormal transform_treatment_samples transform_orthonormal_samples transform_meandif_samples transform_factor_samples .get_parameter_scaling_factor_matrix JAGS_evaluate_formula .remove_response JAGS_formula

Documented in contr.independent contr.meandif contr.orthonormal format_parameter_names JAGS_evaluate_formula JAGS_formula JAGS_parameter_names transform_factor_samples transform_meandif_samples transform_orthonormal_samples

#' @title Create JAGS formula syntax and data object
#' @description Creates a JAGS formula syntax, prepares data input, and
#' returns modified prior list for further processing in the \code{JAGS_fit}
#' function
#' @param formula formula specifying the right hand side of the assignment (the
#' left hand side is ignored)
#' @param parameter name of the parameter to be created with the formula
#' @param data data.frame containing predictors included in the formula
#' @param prior_list named list of prior distribution of parameters specified within
#' the \code{formula}
#' @examples
#' # simulate data
#' set.seed(1)
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   y      = rnorm(60),
#'   x_cont = rnorm(60),
#'   x_bin  = rbinom(60, 1, .5),
#'   x_fac3 = factor(rep(c("A", "B", "C"), 20), levels = c("A", "B", "C")),
#'   x_fac4 = factor(rep(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), 15), levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"))
#' )
#' # specify priors
#' prior_list <- list(
#' "intercept"     = prior("normal", list(0, 1)),
#' "x_cont"        = prior("normal", list(0, .5)),
#' "x_fac3"        = prior_factor("normal",  list(0, 1),  contrast = "treatment"),
#' "x_fac4"        = prior_factor("mnormal", list(0, 1),  contrast = "orthonormal"),
#' "x_fac3:x_fac4" = prior_factor("mnormal", list(0, .5), contrast = "orthonormal")
#' )
#' # create the formula object
#' formula <- JAGS_formula(
#'   formula = ~ x_cont + x_fac3 * x_fac4,
#'   parameter = "mu", data = df, prior_list = prior_list)
#' @return \code{JAGS_formula} returns a list containing the formula JAGS syntax,
#' JAGS data object, and modified prior_list.
#' @seealso [JAGS_fit()]
#' @export
JAGS_formula <- function(formula, parameter, data, prior_list){

    stop("'formula' must be a formula")
  check_char("parameter", parameter)
    stop("'data' must be a data.frame")
  check_list(prior_list, "prior_list")
  if(any(!sapply(prior_list, is.prior)))
    stop("'prior_list' must be a list of priors.")

  # remove the specified response (would crash the model.frame if not included)
  formula <- .remove_response(formula)

  # obtain predictors characteristics factors
  formula_terms    <- stats::terms(formula)
  has_intercept    <- attr(formula_terms, "intercept") == 1
  predictors       <- as.character(attr(formula_terms, "variables"))[-1]
  if(any(!predictors %in% colnames(data)))
    stop(paste0("The ", paste0("'", predictors[!predictors %in% colnames(data)], "'", collapse = ", ")," predictor variable is missing in the data set."))
  predictors_type  <- sapply(predictors, function(predictor){
    if(is.factor(data[,predictor]) | is.character(data[,predictor])){
  model_terms      <- c(if(has_intercept) "intercept", attr(formula_terms, "term.labels"))
  model_terms_type <- sapply(model_terms, function(model_term){
    model_term <- strsplit(model_term, ":")[[1]]
    if(length(model_term) == 1 && model_term == "intercept"){
    }else if(any(predictors_type[model_term] == "factor")){

  # check that all predictors have a prior distribution
  check_list(prior_list, "prior_list", check_names = model_terms, allow_other = FALSE, all_objects = TRUE)

  # assign factor contrasts to the data based on prior distributions
  if(any(predictors_type == "factor")){

    for(factor in names(predictors_type[predictors_type == "factor"])){

      # select the corresponding prior for the variable
        this_prior <- prior_list[[factor]][["variable"]]
        this_prior <- prior_list[[factor]]

        stats::contrasts(data[,factor]) <- "contr.treatment"
      }else if(is.prior.independent(this_prior)){
        stats::contrasts(data[,factor]) <- "contr.independent"
      }else if(is.prior.orthonormal(this_prior)){
        stats::contrasts(data[,factor]) <- "contr.orthonormal"
      }else if(is.prior.meandif(this_prior)){
        stats::contrasts(data[,factor]) <- "contr.meandif"
        stop(paste0("Unsupported prior distribution defined for '", factor, "' factor variable. See '?prior_factor' for details."))
  if(any(predictors_type == "continuous")){

    for(continuous in names(predictors_type[predictors_type == "continuous"])){

      # select the corresponding prior for the variable
        this_prior <- prior_list[[continuous]][["variable"]]
        this_prior <- prior_list[[continuous]]

        stop(paste0("Unsupported prior distribution defined for '", continuous, "' continuous variable. See '?prior' for details."))

  # get the default design matrix
  model_frame  <- stats::model.frame(formula, data = data)
  model_matrix <- stats::model.matrix(model_frame, formula = formula, data = data)

  # check whether intercept is unique parameter
  if(sum(grepl("intercept", names(prior_list))) > 1)
    stop("only the intercept parameter can contain 'intercept' in its name.")
  # check whether the interaction replacement is in usage
  if(any(grepl("__xXx__", names(prior_list))))
    stop("'__xXx__' string is internally used by the BayesTools package and can't be used for naming variables.")
  # replace interaction signs (due to JAGS incompatibility)
  colnames(model_matrix)  <- gsub(":", "__xXx__", colnames(model_matrix))
  names(prior_list)       <- gsub(":", "__xXx__", names(prior_list))
  names(model_terms_type) <- gsub(":", "__xXx__", names(model_terms_type))
  model_terms             <- gsub(":", "__xXx__", model_terms)

  # prepare syntax & data based on the formula
  formula_syntax <- NULL
  prior_syntax   <- NULL
  JAGS_data      <- list()
  JAGS_data[[paste0("N_", parameter)]] <- nrow(data)

  # add intercept and prepare the indexing vector
    terms_indexes    <- attr(model_matrix, "assign") + 1
    terms_indexes[1] <- 0

    formula_syntax   <- c(formula_syntax, paste0(parameter, "_intercept"))
    prior_syntax     <- c(prior_syntax, .JAGS_prior.simple(prior_list[["intercept"]], paste0(parameter, "_intercept")))
    terms_indexes    <- attr(model_matrix, "assign")

  # add remaining terms (omitting the intercept indexed as NA)
  for(i in unique(terms_indexes[terms_indexes > 0])){

    # extract the corresponding prior distribution for a given coefficient
      this_prior <- prior_list[[model_terms[i]]][["variable"]]
      this_prior <- prior_list[[model_terms[i]]]

    # check whether the term is an interaction or not and save the corresponding attributes
    attr(this_prior, "interaction") <- grepl("__xXx__", model_terms[i])
      attr(this_prior, "interaction_terms") <- strsplit(model_terms[i], "__xXx__")[[1]]

    if(model_terms_type[i] == "continuous"){

      # continuous variables or interactions of continuous variables are simple predictors
      JAGS_data[[paste0(parameter, "_data_", model_terms[i])]] <- model_matrix[,terms_indexes == i]

      formula_syntax <- c(formula_syntax, paste0(
        if(!is.null(attr(this_prior, "multiply_by"))) paste0(attr(this_prior, "multiply_by"), " * "),
        parameter, "_", model_terms[i],
        " * ",
        parameter, "_data_", model_terms[i], "[i]"

    }else if(model_terms_type[i] == "factor"){

      # factor variables or interactions with a factor requires factor style prior

      # add levels information attributes to factors
        attr(this_prior, "levels") <- sum(terms_indexes == i)
        attr(this_prior, "levels") <- sum(terms_indexes == i) + 1
        level_names <- list()
        for(sub_term in strsplit(model_terms[i], "__xXx__")[[1]]){
          if(model_terms_type[sub_term] == "factor"){
            level_names[[sub_term]] <- levels(data[,sub_term])
        attr(this_prior, "level_names") <- level_names
        attr(this_prior, "level_names") <- levels(data[,model_terms[i]])

      JAGS_data[[paste0(parameter, "_data_", model_terms[i])]] <- model_matrix[,terms_indexes == i, drop = FALSE]
      formula_syntax <- c(formula_syntax, paste0(
        if(!is.null(attr(this_prior, "multiply_by"))) paste0(attr(this_prior, "multiply_by"), " * "),
        parameter, "_", model_terms[i],
        ", ",
        parameter, "_data_", model_terms[i], "[i,])"

      stop("Unrecognized model term.")

    # update the corresponding prior distribution back into the prior list
      this_prior -> prior_list[[model_terms[i]]][["variable"]]
      this_prior -> prior_list[[model_terms[i]]]


  # finish the syntax
  formula_syntax <- paste0(
    "for(i in 1:N_", parameter, "){\n",
    "  ", parameter, "[i] = ", paste0(formula_syntax, collapse = " + "), "\n",

  # add the parameter name as a prefix and attribute to each prior in the list
  names(prior_list) <- paste0(parameter, "_", names(prior_list))
  for(i in seq_along(prior_list)){
    attr(prior_list[[i]], "parameter") <- parameter

    formula_syntax = formula_syntax,
    data           = JAGS_data,
    prior_list     = prior_list,
    formula        = formula

.remove_response <- function(formula){
  if(attr(stats::terms(formula), "response")  == 1){
    formula[2] <- NULL

#' @title Evaluate JAGS formula using posterior samples
#' @description Evaluates a JAGS formula on a posterior distribution
#' obtained from a fitted model.
#' @param fit model fitted with either \link[runjags]{runjags} posterior
#' samples obtained with \link[rjags]{rjags-package}
#' @param formula formula specifying the right hand side of the assignment (the
#' left hand side is ignored)
#' @param parameter name of the parameter created with the formula
#' @param data data.frame containing predictors included in the formula
#' @param prior_list named list of prior distribution of parameters specified within
#' the \code{formula}
#' @return \code{JAGS_evaluate_formula} returns a matrix of the evaluated posterior samples on
#' the supplied data.
#' @seealso [JAGS_fit()] [JAGS_formula()]
#' @export
JAGS_evaluate_formula <- function(fit, formula, parameter, data, prior_list){

    stop("'formula' must be a formula")
    stop("'data' must be a data.frame")
  check_char(parameter, "parameter")
  check_list(prior_list, "prior_list")
  if(any(!sapply(prior_list, is.prior)))
    stop("'prior_list' must be a list of priors.")

  # extract the posterior distribution
  posterior <- as.matrix(.fit_to_posterior(fit))

  # remove the specified response (would crash the model.frame if not included)
  formula <- .remove_response(formula)

  # select priors corresponding to the prior distribution
  prior_parameter <- sapply(prior_list, function(p) if(is.null(attr(p, "parameter"))) "__none" else attr(p, "parameter"))
  if(!any(parameter %in% unique(prior_parameter)))
    stop("The specified parameter '", parameter, "' was not used in any of the prior distributions.")
  prior_list_formula <- prior_list[prior_parameter == parameter]
  names(prior_list_formula) <- format_parameter_names(names(prior_list_formula), formula_parameters = parameter, formula_prefix = FALSE)

  # extract the terms information from the formula
  formula_terms    <- stats::terms(formula)
  has_intercept    <- attr(formula_terms, "intercept") == 1
  predictors       <- as.character(attr(formula_terms, "variables"))[-1]
  model_terms      <- c(if(has_intercept) "intercept", attr(formula_terms, "term.labels"))

  # check that all predictors have data and prior distribution
  if(!all(predictors %in% colnames(data)))
    stop(paste0("The ", paste0("'", predictors[!predictors %in% colnames(data)], "'", collapse = ", ")," predictor variable is missing in the data."))
  if(!all(model_terms %in% names(prior_list_formula)))
    stop(paste0("The prior distribution for the ", paste0("'", predictors[!model_terms %in% format_parameter_names(names(prior_list_formula), formula_parameters = parameter, formula_prefix = FALSE)], "'", collapse = ", ")," term is missing in the prior_list."))

  # obtain predictors characteristics -- based on prior distributions used to fit the original model
  # (i.e., do not truest the supplied data -- probably passed by the user)
  model_terms_type <- sapply(model_terms, function(model_term){
    if(model_term == "intercept"){
    }else if(is.prior.factor(prior_list_formula[[model_term]])){
    }else if(is.prior.simple(prior_list_formula[[model_term]])){
  predictors_type <- model_terms_type[predictors]

  # check that passed data correspond to the specified priors (factor levels etc...) and set the proper contrasts
  if(any(predictors_type == "factor")){

    # check the proper data input for each factor prior
    for(factor in names(predictors_type[predictors_type == "factor"])){

      # select the corresponding prior in the variable
        this_prior <- prior_list_formula[[factor]][["variable"]]
        this_prior <- prior_list_formula[[factor]]

        if(all(levels(data[,factor]) %in% .get_prior_factor_level_names(this_prior))){
          # either the formatting is correct, or the supplied levels are a subset of the original levels
          # reformat to check ordering and etc...
          data[,factor] <- factor(data[,factor], levels = .get_prior_factor_level_names(this_prior))
          # there are some additional levels
          stop(paste0("Levels specified in the '", factor, "' factor variable do not match the levels used for model specification."))
      }else if(all(unique(data[,factor]) %in% .get_prior_factor_level_names(this_prior))){
        # the variable was not passed as a factor but the values matches the factor levels
        data[,factor] <- factor(data[,factor], levels = .get_prior_factor_level_names(this_prior))
        # there are some additional mismatching values
        stop(paste0("Levels specified in the '", factor, "' factor variable do not match the levels used for model specification."))

      # set the contrast
        stats::contrasts(data[,factor]) <- "contr.orthonormal"
      }else if(is.prior.meandif(this_prior)){
        stats::contrasts(data[,factor]) <- "contr.meandif"
      }else if(is.prior.independent(this_prior)){
        stats::contrasts(data[,factor]) <- "contr.independent"
      }else if(is.prior.treatment(this_prior)){
        stats::contrasts(data[,factor]) <- "contr.treatment"
  if(any(predictors_type == "continuous")){

    # check the proper data input for each continuous prior
    for(continuous in names(predictors_type[predictors_type == "continuous"])){

      # select the corresponding prior in the variable
        this_prior <- prior_list_formula[[continuous]][["variable"]]
        this_prior <- prior_list_formula[[continuous]]

        stop(paste0("Unsupported prior distribution defined for '", continuous, "' continuous variable. See '?prior' for details."))

  # get the design matrix
  model_frame  <- stats::model.frame(formula, data = data)
  model_matrix <- stats::model.matrix(model_frame, formula = formula, data = data)

  ### evaluate the design matrix on the samples -> output[data, posterior]

    terms_indexes    <- attr(model_matrix, "assign") + 1
    terms_indexes[1] <- 0

    # check for scaling factors
    temp_multiply_by <- .get_parameter_scaling_factor_matrix(term = "intercept", prior_list = prior_list_formula, posterior = posterior, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = nrow(posterior))

    output           <- temp_multiply_by * matrix(posterior[,JAGS_parameter_names("intercept", formula_parameter = parameter)], nrow = nrow(data), ncol = nrow(posterior), byrow = TRUE)


    terms_indexes    <- attr(model_matrix, "assign")
    output           <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = nrow(posterior))


  # add remaining terms (omitting the intercept indexed as NA)
  for(i in unique(terms_indexes[terms_indexes > 0])){

    # subset the model matrix
    temp_data <- model_matrix[,terms_indexes == i,drop = FALSE]

    # get the posterior (unless point prior was used)
      temp_posterior <- matrix(
        nrow = nrow(posterior),
        ncol = if(model_terms_type[i] == "factor") .get_prior_factor_levels(prior_list_formula[[model_terms[i]]]) else 1
      temp_posterior <- posterior[,paste0(
        JAGS_parameter_names(model_terms[i], formula_parameter = parameter),
        if(model_terms_type[i] == "factor" && .get_prior_factor_levels(prior_list_formula[[model_terms[i]]]) > 1) paste0("[", 1:.get_prior_factor_levels(prior_list_formula[[model_terms[i]]]), "]"))
        ,drop = FALSE]

    # check for scaling factors
    temp_multiply_by <- .get_parameter_scaling_factor_matrix(term = model_terms[i], prior_list = prior_list_formula, posterior = posterior, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = nrow(posterior))

    output <- output + temp_multiply_by * (temp_data %*% t(temp_posterior))



.get_parameter_scaling_factor_matrix <- function(term, prior_list, posterior, nrow, ncol){

  if(!is.null(attr(prior_list[[term]], "multiply_by"))){
    if(is.numeric(attr(prior_list[[term]], "multiply_by"))){
      temp_multiply_by <- matrix(attr(prior_list[[term]], "multiply_by"), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
      temp_multiply_by <- matrix(posterior[,JAGS_parameter_names(attr(prior_list[[term]], "multiply_by"))], nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE)
    temp_multiply_by <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)


#' @title Transform factor posterior samples into differences from the mean
#' @description Transforms posterior samples from model-averaged posterior
#' distributions based on meandif/orthonormal prior distributions into differences from
#' the mean.
#' @param samples (a list) of mixed posterior distributions created with
#' \code{mix_posteriors} function
#' @return \code{transform_meandif_samples} returns a named list of mixed posterior
#' distributions (either a vector of matrix).
#' @seealso [mix_posteriors] [transform_meandif_samples] [transform_meandif_samples] [transform_orthonormal_samples]
#' @export
transform_factor_samples <- function(samples){

  check_list(samples, "samples", allow_NULL = TRUE)

  samples <- transform_meandif_samples(samples)
  samples <- transform_orthonormal_samples(samples)


#' @title Transform meandif posterior samples into differences from the mean
#' @description Transforms posterior samples from model-averaged posterior
#' distributions based on meandif prior distributions into differences from
#' the mean.
#' @param samples (a list) of mixed posterior distributions created with
#' \code{mix_posteriors} function
#' @return \code{transform_meandif_samples} returns a named list of mixed posterior
#' distributions (either a vector of matrix).
#' @seealso [mix_posteriors] [contr.meandif]
#' @export
transform_meandif_samples <- function(samples){

  check_list(samples, "samples", allow_NULL = TRUE)

  for(i in seq_along(samples)){
    if(!inherits(samples[[i]],"mixed_posteriors.meandif_transformed") && inherits(samples[[i]], "mixed_posteriors.factor") && attr(samples[[i]], "meandif")){

      meandif_samples     <- samples[[i]]
      transformed_samples <- meandif_samples %*% t(contr.meandif(1:(attr(samples[[i]], "levels")+1)))

      if(attr(samples[[i]], "interaction")){
        if(length(attr(samples[[i]], "level_names")) == 1){
          transformed_names <- paste0(names(samples)[i], " [dif: ", attr(samples[[i]], "level_names")[[1]],"]")
          stop("meandif de-transformation for interaction of multiple factors is not implemented.")
        transformed_names <- paste0(names(samples)[i], " [dif: ", attr(samples[[i]], "level_names"),"]")

      colnames(transformed_samples)   <- transformed_names
      attributes(transformed_samples) <- c(attributes(transformed_samples), attributes(meandif_samples)[!names(attributes(meandif_samples)) %in% names(attributes(transformed_samples))])
      class(transformed_samples)      <- c(class(transformed_samples), "mixed_posteriors.meandif_transformed")

      samples[[i]] <- transformed_samples


#' @title Transform orthonomal posterior samples into differences from the mean
#' @description Transforms posterior samples from model-averaged posterior
#' distributions based on orthonormal prior distributions into differences from
#' the mean.
#' @param samples (a list) of mixed posterior distributions created with
#' \code{mix_posteriors} function
#' @return \code{transform_orthonormal_samples} returns a named list of mixed posterior
#' distributions (either a vector of matrix).
#' @seealso [mix_posteriors] [contr.orthonormal]
#' @export
transform_orthonormal_samples <- function(samples){

  check_list(samples, "samples", allow_NULL = TRUE)

  for(i in seq_along(samples)){
    if(!inherits(samples[[i]],"mixed_posteriors.orthonormal_transformed") && inherits(samples[[i]], "mixed_posteriors.factor") && attr(samples[[i]], "orthonormal")){

      orthonormal_samples <- samples[[i]]
      transformed_samples <- orthonormal_samples %*% t(contr.orthonormal(1:(attr(samples[[i]], "levels")+1)))

      if(attr(samples[[i]], "interaction")){
        if(length(attr(samples[[i]], "level_names")) == 1){
          transformed_names <- paste0(names(samples)[i], " [dif: ", attr(samples[[i]], "level_names")[[1]],"]")
          stop("orthonormal de-transformation for interaction of multiple factors is not implemented.")
        transformed_names <- paste0(names(samples)[i], " [dif: ", attr(samples[[i]], "level_names"),"]")

      colnames(transformed_samples)   <- transformed_names
      attributes(transformed_samples) <- c(attributes(transformed_samples), attributes(orthonormal_samples)[!names(attributes(orthonormal_samples)) %in% names(attributes(transformed_samples))])
      class(transformed_samples)      <- c(class(transformed_samples), "mixed_posteriors.orthonormal_transformed")

      samples[[i]] <- transformed_samples


# not part of transform factor samples (as it's usefull only for marginal effects)
transform_treatment_samples <- function(samples){

  check_list(samples, "samples", allow_NULL = TRUE)

  for(i in seq_along(samples)){
    if(!inherits(samples[[i]],"mixed_posteriors.treatment_transformed") && inherits(samples[[i]], "mixed_posteriors.factor") && attr(samples[[i]], "treatment")){

      treatment_samples   <- samples[[i]]
      transformed_samples <- treatment_samples %*% t(stats::contr.treatment(1:(attr(samples[[i]], "levels")+1)))

      if(attr(samples[[i]], "interaction")){
        if(length(attr(samples[[i]], "level_names")) == 1){
          transformed_names <- paste0(names(samples)[i], " [dif: ", attr(samples[[i]], "level_names")[[1]],"]")
          stop("orthonormal de-transformation for interaction of multiple factors is not implemented.")
        transformed_names <- paste0(names(samples)[i], " [dif: ", attr(samples[[i]], "level_names"),"]")

      colnames(transformed_samples)   <- transformed_names
      attributes(transformed_samples) <- c(attributes(transformed_samples), attributes(treatment_samples)[!names(attributes(treatment_samples)) %in% names(attributes(transformed_samples))])
      class(transformed_samples)      <- c(class(transformed_samples), "mixed_posteriors.treatment_transformed")

      samples[[i]] <- transformed_samples


#' @title Orthornomal contrast matrix
#' @description Return a matrix of orthornomal contrasts.
#' Code is based on \code{stanova::contr.bayes} and corresponding to description
#' by \insertCite{rouder2012default;textual}{BayesTools}
#' @param n a vector of levels for a factor, or the number of levels
#' @param contrasts logical indicating whether contrasts should be computed
#' @examples
#' contr.orthonormal(c(1, 2))
#' contr.orthonormal(c(1, 2, 3))
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @return A matrix with n rows and k columns, with k = n - 1 if \code{contrasts = TRUE} and k = n
#' if \code{contrasts = FALSE}.
#' @export
contr.orthonormal <- function(n, contrasts = TRUE){
  # based on: stanova::contr.bayes
  if(length(n) <= 1L){
    if(is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1L && n > 1L){
      stop("Not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts.")
    n <- length(n)

  cont <- diag(n)
    a       <- n
    I_a     <- diag(a)
    J_a     <- matrix(1, nrow = a, ncol = a)
    Sigma_a <- I_a - J_a/a
    cont    <- eigen(Sigma_a)$vectors[, seq_len(a - 1), drop = FALSE]


#' @title Mean difference contrast matrix
#' @description Return a matrix of mean difference contrasts.
#' This is an adjustment to the \code{contr.orthonormal} that ascertains that the prior
#' distributions on difference between the gran mean and factor level are identical independent
#' of the number of factor levels (which does not hold for the orthonormal contrast). Furthermore,
#' the contrast is re-scaled so the specified prior distribution exactly corresponds to the prior
#' distribution on difference between each factor level and the grand mean -- this is approximately
#' twice the scale of \code{contr.orthonormal}.
#' @param n a vector of levels for a factor, or the number of levels
#' @param contrasts logical indicating whether contrasts should be computed
#' @examples
#' contr.meandif(c(1, 2))
#' contr.meandif(c(1, 2, 3))
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @return A matrix with n rows and k columns, with k = n - 1 if \code{contrasts = TRUE} and k = n
#' if \code{contrasts = FALSE}.
#' @export
contr.meandif <- function(n, contrasts = TRUE){

  if(length(n) <= 1L){
    if(is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1L && n > 1L){
      stop("Not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts.")
    n <- length(n)

  cont <- diag(n)
    a       <- n
    I_a     <- diag(a)
    J_a     <- matrix(1, nrow = a, ncol = a)
    Sigma_a <- I_a - J_a/a
    cont    <- eigen(Sigma_a)$vectors[, seq_len(a - 1), drop = FALSE]
    cont    <- cont / (sqrt(1 - 1/n))


#' @title Independent contrast matrix
#' @description Return a matrix of independent contrasts -- a level for each term.
#' @param n a vector of levels for a factor, or the number of levels
#' @param contrasts logical indicating whether contrasts should be computed
#' @examples
#' contr.independent(c(1, 2))
#' contr.independent(c(1, 2, 3))
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @return A matrix with n rows and k columns, with k = n if \code{contrasts = TRUE} and k = n
#' if \code{contrasts = FALSE}.
#' @export
contr.independent <- function(n, contrasts = TRUE){

  if(length(n) <= 1L){
    if(is.numeric(n) && length(n) == 1L && n >= 1L){
      stop("Not enough degrees of freedom to define contrasts.")
    n <- length(n)

  cont <- diag(x = 1, nrow = n, ncol = n)


#' @title Clean parameter names from JAGS
#' @description Removes additional formatting from parameter names outputted from
#' JAGS.
#' @param parameters a vector of parameter names
#' @param formula_parameter a formula parameter prefix name
#' @param formula_parameters a vector of formula parameter prefix names
#' @param formula_prefix whether the \code{formula_parameters} names should be
#' kept. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' format_parameter_names(c("mu_x_cont", "mu_x_fac3t", "mu_x_fac3t__xXx__x_cont"),
#'                        formula_parameters = "mu")
#' @return A character vector with reformatted parameter names.
#' @export format_parameter_names
#' @export JAGS_parameter_names
#' @name parameter_names

#' @rdname parameter_names
format_parameter_names <- function(parameters, formula_parameters = NULL, formula_prefix = TRUE){

  check_char(parameters, "parameters", check_length = FALSE)
  check_char(formula_parameters, "formula_parameters", check_length = FALSE, allow_NULL = TRUE)
  check_bool(formula_prefix, "formula_prefix")

  for(i in seq_along(formula_parameters)){
    parameters[grep(paste0(formula_parameters[i], "_"), parameters)] <- gsub(
      paste0(formula_parameters[i], "_"),
      if(formula_prefix) paste0("(", formula_parameters[i], ") ") else "",
      parameters[grep(paste0(formula_parameters[i], "_"), parameters)])
  parameters[grep("__xXx__", parameters)] <- gsub("__xXx__", ":", parameters[grep("__xXx__", parameters)])

#' @rdname parameter_names
JAGS_parameter_names   <- function(parameters, formula_parameter = NULL){

  check_char(parameters, "parameters", check_length = FALSE)
  check_char(formula_parameter, "formula_parameter", check_length = TRUE, allow_NULL = TRUE)

    parameters <- paste0(formula_parameter, "_", parameters)
  parameters <- gsub(":", "__xXx__", parameters)


.JAGS_prior_factor_names <- function(parameter, prior){

    if(.get_prior_factor_levels(prior) == 1){
      par_names <- parameter
      par_names <- paste0(parameter,"[",1:.get_prior_factor_levels(prior),"]")
  }else if(length(attr(prior, "levels")) == 1){
    par_names <-  paste0(parameter,"[",1:.get_prior_factor_levels(prior),"]")


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BayesTools documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:37 p.m.