
Defines functions shp2bnd

Documented in shp2bnd

shp2bnd <- function(shpname, regionnames, check.is.in = TRUE) {
  ## safe coercions ...
  shpname <- as.character(shpname)
  regionnames <- as.character(regionnames)
  check.is.in <- as.logical(check.is.in)
  ## ... and checks
  stopifnot(identical(length(shpname), 1L), length(regionnames) >= 1L, identical(length(check.is.in), 
  ## now read the shapefile information
  shp <- shapefiles::read.shapefile(shpname)
  dbf <- shapefiles::read.dbf(paste(shpname, ".dbf", sep = ""))
  ## extract names of the regions:
  regionnames <- if (identical(length(regionnames), 1L)) {
    ## so get that variable
  } else {
    ## we stay at the given names
  ## delete commas in names of the regions
  newRegionnames <- gsub(pattern = ",", replacement = "", x = regionnames, fixed = TRUE)
  ## check if commas have been deleted and if so, issue a warning
  if (!identical(regionnames, newRegionnames)) 
    warning(simpleWarning("commas in names of the regions have been deleted"))
  ## overwrite old region names with new region names
  regionnames <- newRegionnames
  ## split data into closed polygons.  we need:
  ## storage for the new names and the new polygons
  polyList <- list()
  ## and the corresponding original indexes
  originalRegionNumber <- integer()
  cat("Reading map ...")
  ## now process all original regions
  for (i in seq_along(regionnames)) {
    ## this is temporary storage (originally a data.frame with X and Y columns):
    temppoly <- as.matrix(shp$shp$shp[[i]]$points)
    dimnames(temppoly) <- NULL
    ## as long as there are still points to be processed
    while ((nPoints <- nrow(temppoly)) > 0L) {
      ## where does the first point occur in the data at the second time?
      endIndex <- which((temppoly[-1L, 1] == temppoly[1L, 1]) & (temppoly[-1L, 
        2] == temppoly[1L, 2])) + 1L
      ## take the first next occurrence, or the last point if the polygon is not closed
      endIndex <- if (length(endIndex) > 0L) {
      } else {
      ## the range of this polygon
      polyRange <- 1L:endIndex
      ## this was index i
      originalRegionNumber <- c(originalRegionNumber, i)
      ## save the polygon
      polyList <- c(polyList, list(temppoly[polyRange, ]))
      ## list is necessary so that c(list(), data.frame(..)) is a one-element list, and
      ## not a list with the variables of the data.frame as elements
      ## and delete this part from temporary storage
      temppoly <- temppoly[-polyRange, ]
  cat(" finished\n")
  ## so how many polygons do we have now?
  nPolys <- length(polyList)
  cat("Note: map consists originally of", nPolys, "polygons\n")
  ## here is the parallel list of the surrounding region names of single polygons
  surrounding <- replicate(n = nPolys, expr = character())  ## until now no region names anywhere!
  ## check for polygons contained in another polygon?
  if (check.is.in) {
    ## get dimensions of all polygons
    dims <- sapply(polyList, nrow)
    ## save here which polygons should be removed, because they are boundaries to
    ## polygons lying inside
    rmcheck <- logical(nPolys)
    ## save here the indexes of the polygons which have already been
    ## matched/processed.  these must not be processed again!
    whichWereProcessed <- integer()
    ## process each polygon i
    for (i in seq_len(nPolys)) {
      ## if we had processed this already
      if (i %in% whichWereProcessed) {
        ## go on to the next polygon
      } else {
        ## add i to processed ones
        whichWereProcessed <- union(whichWereProcessed, i)
      ## which polygons have same number of points as the current?
      sameDimsInds <- setdiff(which(dims == dims[i]), whichWereProcessed)  ## but without the already processed ones     
      ## process all polygons j with same dims as polygon i (this works as a hash)
      for (j in sameDimsInds) {
        ## compute squared distance of polygon_i and reversed polygon_j
        reverseInds <- dims[i]:1L
        squaredDistance <- sum((polyList[[i]] - polyList[[j]][reverseInds, 
        ## if it is small enough
        if (squaredDistance < 1e-05) {
          ## find out which is the outer one
          outer <- inner <- 0L
          if (.ringDirxy(polyList[[j]]) < 0) {
          outer <- j
          inner <- i
          } else {
          outer <- i
          inner <- j
          ## remove the outer polygon
          rmcheck[outer] <- TRUE
          ## and add the information in which region it is lying (each polygon can only lie
          ## in 1 other region, of course...)
          surrounding[[inner]] <- regionnames[originalRegionNumber[outer]]
        ## we have processed j
        whichWereProcessed <- union(whichWereProcessed, j)
    ## we have processed all polygons, and can remove the unnecessary ones
    polyList <- polyList[!rmcheck]
    originalRegionNumber <- originalRegionNumber[!rmcheck]
    surrounding <- surrounding[!rmcheck]
    cat("Note: After removing unnecessary surrounding polygons, the map consists of", 
      length(polyList), "polygons\n")
  ## add the original region names to the polygons list as names
  names(polyList) <- regionnames[originalRegionNumber]
  ## the new unique regions
  regions <- unique(names(polyList))
  cat("Note: map consists of", length(regions), "regions\n")
  ## compute relation of height to width (for plotting etc)
  minima <- sapply(polyList, function(x) {
    apply(x, 2, min)
  maxima <- sapply(polyList, function(x) {
    apply(x, 2, max)
  minimum <- apply(minima, 1, min)
  maximum <- apply(maxima, 1, max)
  x.range <- maximum[1] - minimum[1]
  y.range <- maximum[2] - minimum[2]
  height2width <- round(y.range/x.range, digits = 2)
  ## now return the bnd object
  return(structure(polyList, class = "bnd", height2width = height2width, surrounding = surrounding, 
    regions = regions))

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BayesX documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 9:11 a.m.