
Defines functions initializeFormula initializeData initializeArgs

## * Documentation initialization functions called by BuyseTest

#' @title internal functions for BuyseTest - initialization
#' @name BuyseTest-initialization
#' @description Functions called by \code{\link{BuyseTest}} to initialize the arguments.
#' @noRd
#' @details
#' \code{initializeArgs}: Normalize the argument 
#' \itemize{
#' \item scoring.rule, pool.strata, neutral.as.uninf, add.halfNeutral, keep.pairScore, n.resampling, seed, cpus, trace: set to default value when not specified.
#' \item formula: call \code{initializeFormula} to extract arguments.
#' \item type: convert to numeric.
#' \item status: only keep status relative to TTE endpoint. Set to \code{NULL} if no TTE endpoint.
#' \item threshold: set default threshold to 1e-12.
#' the rational being we consider a pair favorable if X>Y ie X>=Y+1e-12.
#' When using a threshold e.g. 5 we want X>=Y+5 and not X>Y+5, especially when the measurement is discrete. \cr
#' \item data: convert to data.table object.
#' \item scoring.rule: convert to numeric.
#' }
#' \code{initializeFormula}:  extract \code{treatment}, \code{type}, \code{endpoint}, \code{threshold}, \code{status}, \code{operator}, and \code{strata}
#' from the formula. \cr \cr
#' \code{initializeData}: Divide the dataset into two, one relative to the treatment group and the other relative to the control group.
#' Merge the strata into one with the interaction variable.
#' Extract for each strata the index of the observations within each group.
#' @author Brice Ozenne

## * initializeArgs
initializeArgs <- function(status,
                           correction.uninf = NULL,
                           cpus = NULL,
                           hierarchical = NULL,
                           keep.pairScore = NULL,
                           method.inference = NULL,
                           scoring.rule = NULL,
                           pool.strata = NULL,
                           n.resampling = NULL,
                           strata.resampling = NULL,
                           neutral.as.uninf = NULL,
                           add.halfNeutral = NULL,
                           operator = NULL,
                           seed = NULL,
                           trace = NULL,
                           weightEndpoint = NULL,
                           weightObs = NULL,

    ## ** apply default options
    if(is.null(cpus)){ cpus <- option$cpus }
    if(is.null(keep.pairScore)){ keep.pairScore <- option$keep.pairScore }
    if(is.null(scoring.rule)){ scoring.rule <- option$scoring.rule }
    if(is.null(hierarchical)){ hierarchical <- option$hierarchical }
    if(is.null(correction.uninf)){ correction.uninf <- option$correction.uninf }
    if(is.null(method.inference)){ method.inference <- option$method.inference }
    if(is.null(n.resampling)){ n.resampling <- option$n.resampling }
    if(is.null(strata.resampling)){ strata.resampling <- option$strata.resampling }
    if(is.null(neutral.as.uninf)){ neutral.as.uninf <- option$neutral.as.uninf }
    if(is.null(add.halfNeutral)){ add.halfNeutral <- option$add.halfNeutral }
    if(is.null(trace)){ trace <- option$trace }
    fitter.model.tte <- option$fitter.model.tte
    engine <- option$engine
    alternative <- option$alternative
    precompute <- option$precompute
    ## ** convert formula into separate arguments
        ## the missing is for BuysePower where the arguments are not necessarily specified
        test.null <- c(status = !missing(status) && !is.null(status),
                       endpoint = !missing(endpoint) && !is.null(endpoint),
                       operator = !missing(operator) && !is.null(operator),
                       censoring = !missing(censoring) && !is.null(censoring),
                       restriction = !missing(restriction) && !is.null(restriction),
                       strata = !missing(strata) && !is.null(strata),
                       threshold = !missing(threshold) && !is.null(threshold),
                       treatment = !missing(treatment) && !is.null(treatment),
                       type = !missing(type) && !is.null(type),
                       weightEndpoint = !missing(weightEndpoint) && !is.null(weightEndpoint)
            txt <- names(test.null)[test.null]
            warning("Argument",if(sum(test.null)>1){"s"}," \'",paste(txt, collpase="\' \'"),if(sum(test.null)>1){" are "}else{" is "}," ignored when argument \'formula\' has been specified\n")
        resFormula <- initializeFormula(formula, hierarchical = hierarchical, envir = envir)

        treatment <- resFormula$treatment
        type <- resFormula$type
        endpoint <- resFormula$endpoint
        threshold <- resFormula$threshold
        status <- resFormula$status
        weightEndpoint <- resFormula$weightEndpoint
        operator <- resFormula$operator
        censoring <- resFormula$censoring
        restriction <- resFormula$restriction
        strata <- resFormula$strata
        formula <- NULL

    ## ** type
    validType1 <- paste0("^",c("b","bin","binary"),"$")
    validType2 <- paste0("^",c("c","cont","continuous"),"$")
    validType3 <- paste0("^",c("t","tte","time","timetoevent"),"$") ## [if modified, remember to change the corresponding vector in initFormula]
    validType4 <- paste0("^",c("g","gaus","gaussian"),"$") ## [if modified, remember to change the corresponding vector in initFormula]
    type <- tolower(type)

    type[grep(paste(validType1,collapse="|"), type)] <- "bin" 
    type[grep(paste(validType2,collapse="|"), type)] <- "cont" 
    type[grep(paste(validType3,collapse="|"), type)] <- "tte"
    type[grep(paste(validType4,collapse="|"), type)] <- "gaus"

    ## ** endpoint
    index.typeTTE <- which(type=="tte")    
    endpoint.TTE <- endpoint[index.typeTTE]
    threshold.TTE <- threshold[index.typeTTE]

    D <- length(endpoint)
    D.TTE <- length(endpoint.TTE)
    Uendpoint <- unique(endpoint) 
    Uendpoint.TTE <- unique(endpoint.TTE) 
    ## ** default values
            threshold <- rep(10^{-12},D)  # if no treshold is proposed all threshold are by default set to 10^{-12}
            attr(threshold, "original") <- ifelse(type=="bin",NA,0)
            attr(threshold, "original") <- threshold

            restriction <- rep(as.numeric(NA),D)  

            operator <- rep(">0",D)
                weightEndpoint <- rep(1,D)
                weightEndpoint <- rep(1/D,D)
            status <- rep("..NA..",D)
        }else if(length(status) != D && length(status) == D.TTE){
            status.save <- status
            status <- rep("..NA..", D)
            status[index.typeTTE] <- status.save             
            censoring <- rep("right",D)
        }else if(length(status) != D && length(status) == D.TTE){
            censoring.save <- status
            censoring <- rep("right", D)
            censoring[index.typeTTE] <- status.save             
        attr(threshold, "original") <- threshold

    ## ** status
    Ustatus <- unique(status)
    status.TTE <- status[index.typeTTE]
    ## from now, status contains for each endpoint the name of variable indicating status (0) or event (1) or NA

    ## ** censoring
    ## ## if(any(type %in% 1:2)){
    ## ##     censoring[type %in% 1:2] <- as.character(NA)
    ## ## }
    ## if(!is.numeric(censoring)){
    ##     censoring.save <- censoring
    ##     censoring <- sapply(unname(censoring),function(iC){
    ##         if(identical(iC,"NA")){
    ##             return(0)
    ##         }else if(identical(iC,"right")){
    ##             return(1)
    ##         }else if(identical(iC,"left")){
    ##             return(2)
    ##         }else{
    ##             return(NA)
    ##         }
    ##     })
    ##     attr(censoring,"original") <- censoring.save
    ## }

    ## ** scoring.rule
    ## WARNING: choices must be lower cases
    ##          remember to update check scoring.rule (in BuyseTest-check.R)
        scoring.rule <- switch(tolower(scoring.rule),
                               "gehan" = 0,
                               "peron" = 1,

    if (D.TTE == 0) {
        scoring.rule <- 0
        if ("scoring.rule" %in% name.call && trace > 0) {
            message("NOTE : there is no survival endpoint, \'scoring.rule\' argument is ignored \n")

    ## ** pool.strata
        pool.strata <- 0
        attr(pool.strata,"type") <- "none"
        attr(pool.strata,"original") <- NA
    }else if(is.null(pool.strata)){
        pool.strata <- switch(tolower(option$pool.strata),
                              "buyse" = 0,
                              "cmh" = 1,
                              "equal" = 2,
                              "var-favorable" = 3.1,
                              "var-unfavorable" = 3.2,
                              "var-netbenefit" = 3.3,
                              "var-winratio" = 3.4,
        attr(pool.strata,"type") <- option$pool.strata   
        attr(pool.strata,"original") <- NA   
    }else if(is.character(pool.strata)){
        pool.strata_save <- tolower(pool.strata)
        pool.strata <- switch(pool.strata_save,
                               "buyse" = 0,
                               "cmh" = 1,
                               "equal" = 2,
                               "var-favorable" = 3.1,
                               "var-unfavorable" = 3.2,
                               "var-netbenefit" = 3.3,
                               "var-winratio" = 3.4,
        attr(pool.strata,"type") <- pool.strata_save
        attr(pool.strata,"original") <- pool.strata_save
    }else if(is.numeric(pool.strata)){
        pool.strata_save <- switch(as.character(pool.strata),
                               "0" = "buyse",
                               "1" = "cmh",
                               "2" = "equal",
                               "3.1" = "var-favorable",
                               "3.2" = "var-unfavorable",
                               "3.3" = "var-netbenefit",
                               "3.4" = "var-winratio",
        attr(pool.strata,"type") <- pool.strata_save
        attr(pool.strata,"original") <- pool.strata_save
        pool.strata <- NA
    ## ** threshold
        threshold[which(is.na(threshold))] <- 10^{-12}
        threshold[which(abs(threshold)<10^{-12})] <- 10^{-12}

    ## ** method.inference
    method.inference <- gsub("-"," ",tolower(method.inference),fixed = TRUE)
    attr(method.inference,"permutation") <- grepl("permutation",method.inference)
    attr(method.inference,"bootstrap") <- grepl("bootstrap",method.inference)
    attr(method.inference,"studentized") <- grepl("studentized",method.inference)
    attr(method.inference,"ustatistic") <- grepl("u statistic",method.inference)
    if(is.na(strata.resampling) || length(strata.resampling)== 0){
        attr(method.inference,"resampling-strata") <- as.character(NA)
        attr(method.inference,"resampling-strata") <- strata.resampling
    if(method.inference == "varexact permutation"){
        n.resampling <- Inf

    ## ** neutral.as.uninf
    if(length(neutral.as.uninf)==1 && D>1){
        neutral.as.uninf <- rep(neutral.as.uninf,D)
    ## ** correction.uninf
    correction.uninf <- as.numeric(correction.uninf)
        engine <- "GPC_cpp"
    ## ** model.tte
        if((!is.null(model.tte)) && (length(unique(endpoint.TTE)) == 1) && !inherits(model.tte, "list")){
            attr.save <- attr(model.tte,"iidNuisance")
            model.tte <- list(model.tte)
            names(model.tte) <- unique(endpoint.TTE)
            attr(model.tte,"iidNuisance") <- attr.save
        model.tte <- NULL
        fitter.model.tte <- unlist(lapply(model.tte, class))
        fitter.model.tte <- setNames(rep(fitter.model.tte, length(Uendpoint.TTE)), Uendpoint.TTE)

    ## ** iid
    iid <- attr(method.inference,"studentized") || (method.inference == "u statistic")
        attr(method.inference,"hprojection") <- option$order.Hprojection
        attr(method.inference,"hprojection") <- NA
    iidNuisance <- iid && identical(scoring.rule,1) && (is.null(model.tte) || identical(attr(model.tte,"iidNuisance"),TRUE))

    ## ** cpu
    if (cpus == "all") { 
        cpus <- parallel::detectCores() # this function detect the number of CPU cores 

    ## ** trace
        trace <- as.numeric(trace)

    ## ** seed
        attr(seed,"max") <- 10^(floor(log10(.Machine$integer.max))-1)        

    ## ** operator
        operator <- sapply(operator, switch, ">0"=1, "<0"=-1, NA)

    ## ** export
        name.call = name.call,
        status = status,
        status.TTE = status.TTE,
        correction.uninf = correction.uninf,
        cpus = cpus,
        D = D,
        D.TTE = D.TTE,
        data = data,
        endpoint = endpoint,
        endpoint.TTE = endpoint.TTE,
        engine = engine,
        fitter.model.tte = fitter.model.tte,
        formula = formula,
        iid = iid,
        iidNuisance = iidNuisance,
        index.endpoint = match(endpoint, Uendpoint) - 1,
        index.status = match(status, Ustatus) - 1,
        keep.pairScore = keep.pairScore,
        keep.survival = option$keep.survival,
        scoring.rule = scoring.rule,
        pool.strata = pool.strata,
        model.tte = model.tte,
        method.inference = method.inference,
        n.resampling = n.resampling,
        hierarchical = hierarchical,
        neutral.as.uninf = neutral.as.uninf,
        add.halfNeutral = add.halfNeutral,
        operator = operator,
        censoring = censoring,
        restriction = restriction,
        order.Hprojection = option$order.Hprojection,
        precompute = precompute,
        seed = seed,
        strata = strata,
        threshold = threshold,
        trace = trace,
        treatment = treatment,
        type = type,
        Uendpoint = Uendpoint,
        Ustatus = Ustatus,
        weightEndpoint = weightEndpoint,
        weightObs = weightObs,
        debug = option$debug

## * initializeData
initializeData <- function(data, type, endpoint, Uendpoint, D, scoring.rule, status, Ustatus, method.inference, censoring, strata, pool.strata, treatment, hierarchical, copy,
                           keep.pairScore, endpoint.TTE, status.TTE, iidNuisance, weightEndpoint, weightObs){

    if (!data.table::is.data.table(data)) {
        data <- data.table::as.data.table(data)
    }else if(copy){
        data <- data.table::copy(data)

    ## ** convert character/factor to numeric for binary endpoints
    name.bin <- endpoint[which(type == "bin")]
        data.class <- sapply(data,class)
        test.num <- (data.class %in% c("numeric","integer"))
            endpoint.char <- setdiff(names(data.class)[test.num==FALSE],c(treatment,strata))
            for(iE in endpoint.char){
                data[, c(iE) := as.double(as.factor(.SD[[1]]))-1.0, .SDcols = iE]

    ## ** n.obs
    n.obs <- data[,.N]

    ## ** strata
        data[ , c("..strata..") := interaction(.SD, drop = TRUE, lex.order = FALSE, sep = "."), .SDcols = strata]
        level.strata <- levels(data[["..strata.."]])        
        data[ , c("..strata..") := as.numeric(.SD[["..strata.."]])] # convert to numeric
        n.obsStrata <- data[,.N, by = "..strata.."][,stats::setNames(.SD[[1]],.SD[[2]]),.SD = c("N","..strata..")]
        data[ , c("..strata..") := 1]
        n.obsStrata <- n.obs
        level.strata <- 1

    n.strata <- length(level.strata)
    ## ** convert treatment to binary indicator
    level.treatment <- levels(as.factor(data[[treatment]]))
    trt2bin <- stats::setNames(0:1,level.treatment)
    data[ , c(treatment) := trt2bin[as.character(.SD[[1]])], .SDcols = treatment]

    ## ** rowIndex
    data[,c("..rowIndex..") := 1:.N]

    ## ** unique status
    if(any(status == "..NA..")){
        data[,c("..NA..") := -100]

    ## ** TTE with status
        test.status <- sapply(status.TTE, function(iC){any(data[[iC]]==0)})
            scoring.rule <- 0
            iidNuisance <- FALSE            
        }else if(identical(attr(method.inference,"hprojection"),2)){
            keep.pairScore <- TRUE ## need the detail of the score to perform the 2nd order projection
        ## distinct time to event endpoints
        endpoint.UTTE <- unique(endpoint.TTE[test.status])
        status.UTTE <- unique(status.TTE[test.status])
        D.UTTE <- length(endpoint.UTTE)

        ## correspondance endpoint, TTE endpoint (non TTEe endpoint are set to -100)
        index.UTTE <- match(endpoint, endpoint.UTTE, nomatch = -99) - 1
        endpoint.UTTE <- numeric(0)
        status.UTTE <- numeric(0)
        D.UTTE <- 0
        index.UTTE <- rep(-100, D)

    ## ** scoring method for each endpoint
    ## check if status
    n.CR <- sapply(status, function(iC){max(data[[iC]])})
    test.CR <- n.CR[status]>1
    test.censoring <- sapply(Ustatus, function(iC){any(data[[iC]]==0)})[status]

    method.score <- sapply(1:D, function(iE){ ## iE <- 1
        if(type[iE] %in% c("bin","cont")){
        }else if(type[iE] == "gaus"){
        }else if(type[iE] == "tte"){
            if(test.censoring[iE]==FALSE && test.CR[iE]==FALSE){
            }else if(scoring.rule == 0){ ## 3/4 Gehan (right/left censoring)
                              "left" = "TTEgehan2",
                              "right" = "TTEgehan"))
            }else if(scoring.rule == 1){
                              "FALSE" = "SurvPeron",
                              "TRUE" = "CRPeron"))
    attr(method.score,"test.censoring") <- test.censoring
    attr(method.score,"test.CR") <- test.CR
    paired <- all(n.obsStrata==2)
    ## ** previously analyzed distinct TTE endpoints
    if((scoring.rule==1) && hierarchical){ ## only relevant when using Peron scoring rule with hierarchical GPC
        ## number of distinct, previously analyzed, TTE endpoints
        nUTTE.analyzedPeron_M1 <- sapply(1:D, function(iE){
                sum(endpoint.UTTE %in% endpoint[1:(iE-1)])
        nUTTE.analyzedPeron_M1 <- rep(0,D)

    ## ** number of observations per strata used when resampling
    index.C <- which(data[[treatment]] == 0)
    index.T <- which(data[[treatment]] == 1)
        n.obsStrataResampling <- table(data[,interaction(.SD), .SDcols = attr(method.inference,"resampling-strata")])
        n.obsStrataResampling <- n.obs
    ## ** skeleton for survival proba (only relevant for Peron scoring rule)
    skeletonPeron <- list(survTimeC = lapply(1:D, function(iE){lapply(1:n.strata, function(iS){matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)})}),
                          survTimeT = lapply(1:D, function(iE){lapply(1:n.strata, function(iS){matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)})}),
                          survJumpC = lapply(1:D, function(iE){lapply(1:n.strata, function(iS){matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)})}),
                          survJumpT = lapply(1:D, function(iE){lapply(1:n.strata, function(iS){matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)})}),
                          lastSurv = lapply(1:D, function(iS){matrix(nrow = n.strata, ncol = 2*max(1,n.CR[iS]))}), ## 4 for competing risk setting, 2 is enough for survival
                          p.C = matrix(-100, nrow = n.strata, ncol = D),
                          p.T = matrix(-100, nrow = n.strata, ncol = D),
                          iid = list(survJumpC = lapply(1:D.UTTE, function(IE){lapply(1:n.strata, matrix, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)}),
                                     survJumpT = lapply(1:D.UTTE, function(IE){lapply(1:n.strata, matrix, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)})

    ## ** iid for gaussian endpoints
    n.endpoint <- length(endpoint)
    index.gaussiid <- which(type == "gaus")
    if(length(index.gaussiid)>0 && any(!is.na(censoring[index.gaussiid]))){
        index.gaussiid2 <- intersect(which(!is.na(censoring)),index.gaussiid)
        for(iE in index.gaussiid2){ ## iE <- 1
            skeletonPeron$survTimeC[[iE]] <- data[index.C,list(list(do.call(cbind,.SD[[1]]))), .SDcols = censoring[iE], by = "..strata.."][[2]]
            skeletonPeron$survTimeT[[iE]] <- data[index.T,list(list(do.call(cbind,.SD[[1]]))), .SDcols = censoring[iE], by = "..strata.."][[2]]

    ## ** weightEndpoint
    if(missing(weightObs) || is.null(weightObs)){
        data$..weight.. <- 1
        weightObs <- data$..weight..
    }else if( (length(weightObs)==1) && (weightObs %in% names(data)) ){
        names(data)[names(data)==weightObs] <- "..weight.."
        weightObs <- data$..weight..
    ## ** pool.strata
    ## set default pool.strata to Buyse for paired data
    ## otherwise pooling will do something strange
    if(paired && pool.strata !=0){
            pool.strata[] <- 0
            warning("Weights from the \"buyse\" pooling scheme (argument \'pool.strata\') are recommended for paired data. \n")

    ## ** export
    keep.cols <- union(c(treatment, "..strata.."),

    return(list(data = data[,.SD,.SDcols = keep.cols],
                M.endpoint = as.matrix(data[, .SD, .SDcols = Uendpoint]),
                M.status = as.matrix(data[, .SD, .SDcols = Ustatus]),
                index.C = index.C,
                index.T = index.T,
                weightObs = weightObs,
                index.strata = tapply(data[["..rowIndex.."]], data[["..strata.."]], list),
                level.treatment = level.treatment,
                level.strata = level.strata, pool.strata = pool.strata,
                method.score = method.score, paired = paired,
                n.strata = n.strata,
                n.obs = n.obs,
                n.obsStrata = n.obsStrata,
                n.obsStrataResampling = n.obsStrataResampling,
                cumn.obsStrataResampling = c(0,cumsum(n.obsStrataResampling)),
                skeletonPeron = skeletonPeron,
                scoring.rule = scoring.rule,
                iidNuisance = iidNuisance,
                nUTTE.analyzedPeron_M1 = nUTTE.analyzedPeron_M1,
                endpoint.UTTE = endpoint.UTTE,
                status.UTTE = status.UTTE,
                D.UTTE = D.UTTE,
                index.UTTE = index.UTTE,                
                keep.pairScore = keep.pairScore

## * initializeFormula
initializeFormula <- function(x, hierarchical, envir){

    validClass(x, valid.class = "formula")
    ## ** extract treatment
    treatment <- setdiff(all.vars(x), all.vars(stats::delete.response(stats::terms(x))))
        stop("initFormula: there must be exactly one response variable in formula\n",
             "number of response variables founded: ",length(treatment),"\n")
        stop("initFormula: formula with unexpected length, as.character(x) should have length 3\n",
             "length founded: ",length(as.character(x)),"\n")
    ## ** restrict to the right side of the formula
    x.rhs <- as.character(x)[3]
    ## remove all blanks
    x.rhs <- gsub("[[:blank:]]|\n", "", x.rhs)

    ## find endpoints
    ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35347537/using-strsplit-in-r-ignoring-anything-in-parentheses/35347645
    ## (*SKIP)(*FAIL): ignore
    ## \\( \\): inside brackets
    ## [^()]*: anything but ()
    magic.formula <- "\\([^()]*\\)(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|\\h*\\+\\h*"
    vec.x.rhs <- unlist(strsplit(x.rhs, split = magic.formula, perl = TRUE))
    ## find all element in the vector corresponding to endpoints (i.e. ...(...) )
    ## \\w* any letter/number
    ## [[:print:]]* any letter/number/punctuation/space
    index.endpoint <- grep("\\w*\\([[:print:]]*\\)$", vec.x.rhs)
    index.strata <- setdiff(1:length(vec.x.rhs), index.endpoint)

    ## ** strata variables
        strata <- NULL
        strata <- vec.x.rhs[index.strata]

    ## ** number of endpoint variables    
    vec.x.endpoint <- vec.x.rhs[index.endpoint]
    n.endpoint <- length(vec.x.endpoint)
        stop("initFormula: x must contain endpoints \n",
             "nothing of the form type(endpoint,threshold,status) found in the formula \n")

    ## ** extract endpoints and additional arguments 
    threshold <- NULL
    status <- NULL
    endpoint <- NULL
    operator <- NULL
    censoring <- NULL
    restriction <- NULL
    weightEndpoint <- NULL
    type <- NULL
    validArgs <- c("endpoint","mean",
                   "status", "std",

    ## split around parentheses
    ls.x.endpoint <- strsplit(vec.x.endpoint, split = "(", fixed = TRUE)

    for(iE in 1:n.endpoint){

        ## extract type
        candidate <- tolower(ls.x.endpoint[[iE]][1])
        if(candidate %in% c("b","bin","binary")){
            type <- c(type, candidate)
            iValidArgs <- setdiff(validArgs,c("status","threshold","mean","std","iid","restriction"))
            default.censoring <- "right"
        }else if(candidate %in% c("c","cont","continuous")){
            type <- c(type, candidate)
            iValidArgs <- setdiff(validArgs,c("status","mean","std","iid"))
            default.censoring <- "right"
        }else if(candidate %in% c("t","tte","time","timetoevent")){
            type <- c(type, candidate)
            iValidArgs <- setdiff(validArgs,c("mean","std","iid"))
            default.censoring <- "right"
        }else if(candidate %in% c("g","gaus","gaussian")){
            type <- c(type, candidate)
            iValidArgs <- setdiff(validArgs, c("endpoint","status","censoring","restriction"))
            default.censoring <- as.character(NA)
        }else if(candidate %in% c("s","strat","strata")){
            strata <- c(strata, gsub(")", replacement = "",ls.x.endpoint[[iE]][2]))
            stop("initFormula: cannot convert the element ",paste(ls.x.endpoint[[iE]],collapse="(")," in the formula to a useful information.\n")

        ## get each argument
        iVec.args <- strsplit(gsub(")", replacement = "",ls.x.endpoint[[iE]][2]),
                              split = ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
        n.args <- length(iVec.args)
        ## check size
            stop("initFormula: invalid formula \n",
                 vec.x.rhs[iE]," must contain the name of the endpoint between the parentheses \n"
            stop("initFormula: invalid formula \n",
                 x[iE]," has too many arguments (maximum 4: endpoint, threshold, status variable, operator) \n")

        ## extract name of each argument
        iIndex.name <- grep("=",iVec.args)
        iArg <- gsub("^[[:print:]]*=", replacement = "", iVec.args)        
        iName <- rep(as.character(NA),n.args)
        ## use existing names
            iiName <- gsub("=[[:print:]]*$","",iVec.args[iIndex.name])
            iName[iIndex.name] <- iiName
            if(any(iiName %in% iValidArgs == FALSE)){
                stop("initFormula: invalid formula \n",
                     vec.x.rhs[iE]," contains arguments that are not \"",paste0(iValidArgs,sep = "\" \""),"\" \n")
            if( any(duplicated(iiName)) ){
                stop("initFormula: invalid formula \n",
                     vec.x.rhs[iE]," contains arguments with the same name \n")
            iiName <- NULL
        ## add missing names
        n.missingNames <- n.args - length(iiName) 
            iName[setdiff(1:n.args,iIndex.name)] <- setdiff(iValidArgs,iiName)[1:n.missingNames]

        ## rename
        if("mean" %in% iName){
            iName[iName=="mean"] <- "endpoint"
        if("std" %in% iName){
            iName[iName=="std"] <- "status"
        if("iid" %in% iName){
            iName[iName=="iid"] <- "censoring"
        ## extract arguments
        endpoint <- c(endpoint,  gsub("\"","",iArg[iName=="endpoint"]))
        if("threshold" %in% iName){
            thresholdTempo <- try(eval(expr = parse(text = iArg[iName=="threshold"])), silent = TRUE)
                thresholdTempo <- try(eval(expr = parse(text = iArg[iName=="threshold"]), envir = envir), silent = TRUE)

                    stop(iArg[iName=="threshold"]," does not refer to a valid threshold \n",
                         "Should be numeric or the name of a variable in the global workspace \n")
            if(inherits(thresholdTempo, "function")){
                packageTempo <- environmentName(environment(thresholdTempo))
                    txt <- paste0("(package ",packageTempo,")")
                    txt <- ""
                stop(iArg[iName=="threshold"]," is already defined as a function ",txt,"\n",
                     "cannot be used to specify the threshold \n")
            threshold <- c(threshold, as.numeric(thresholdTempo))
            threshold <- c(threshold, NA)
        if("status" %in% iName){
            status <- c(status, gsub("\"","",iArg[iName=="status"]))
            status <- c(status, "..NA..")
        if("operator" %in% iName){
            operator <- c(operator, gsub("\"","",iArg[iName=="operator"]))
            operator <- c(operator, ">0")
        if("weight" %in% iName){
            weightEndpoint <- c(weightEndpoint, as.numeric(eval(expr = parse(text = iArg[iName=="weight"]))))
        }else if(hierarchical){
            weightEndpoint <- c(weightEndpoint, 1)
            weightEndpoint <- c(weightEndpoint, as.numeric(NA))
        if("censoring" %in% iName){
            censoring <- c(censoring, gsub("\"","",iArg[iName=="censoring"]))
            censoring <- c(censoring, default.censoring)
        if("restriction" %in% iName){
            restrictionTempo <- try(eval(expr = parse(text = iArg[iName=="restriction"])), silent = TRUE)
                restrictionTempo <- try(eval(expr = parse(text = iArg[iName=="restriction"]), envir = envir), silent = TRUE)

                    stop(iArg[iName=="restriction"]," does not refer to a valid restriction \n",
                         "Should be numeric or the name of a variable in the global workspace \n")
            if(inherits(restrictionTempo, "function")){
                packageTempo <- environmentName(environment(restrictionTempo))
                    txt <- paste0("(package ",packageTempo,")")
                    txt <- ""
                stop(iArg[iName=="restriction"]," is already defined as a function ",txt,"\n",
                     "cannot be used to specify the restriction \n")
            restriction <- c(restriction, as.numeric(restrictionTempo))
            restriction <- c(restriction, as.numeric(NA))

    ## ** export
        weightEndpoint <- rep(1/length(weightEndpoint), length(weightEndpoint))
    }else if(sum(weightEndpoint, na.rm = TRUE)<1){
        weightEndpoint[!is.na(weightEndpoint)] <- (1-sum(weightEndpoint, na.rm = TRUE))/sum(is.na(weightEndpoint))

    out <- list(treatment = treatment,
                type = type,
                endpoint = endpoint,
                threshold = threshold,
                status = status,
                operator = operator,
                weightEndpoint = weightEndpoint,
                censoring = censoring,
                restriction = restriction,
                strata = strata)

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BuyseTest documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:10 p.m.