
Defines functions run_experiment

Documented in run_experiment

#' Run a full experiment for comparing multiple algorithms using multiple
#' instances
#' Design and run a full experiment - calculate the required number of
#' instances, run the algorithms on each problem instance using the iterative
#' approach based on optimal sample size ratios, and return the results of the
#' experiment. This routine builds upon [calc_instances()] and [calc_nreps()],
#' so refer to the documentation of these two functions for details.
#' @section Instance List:
#' Parameter `instances` must contain a list of instance objects, where
#' each field is itself a list, as defined in the documentation of function
#' [calc_nreps()]. In short, each element of `instances` is an `instance`, i.e.,
#' a named list containing all relevant parameters that define the problem
#' instance. This list must contain at least the field `instance$FUN`, with the
#' name of the problem instance function, that is, a routine that calculates
#' y = f(x). If the instance requires additional parameters, these must also be
#' provided as named fields.
#' An additional field, "instance$alias", can be used to provide the instance
#' with a unique identifier (e.g., when using an instance generator).
#' @section Algorithm List:
#' Object `algorithms` is a list in which each component is a named
#' list containing all relevant parameters that define an algorithm to be
#' applied for solving the problem instance. In what follows `algorithms[[k]]`
#' refers to any algorithm specified in the `algorithms` list.
#' `algorithms[[k]]` must contain an `algorithms[[k]]$FUN` field, which is a
#' character object with the name of the function that calls the algorithm; as
#' well as any other elements/parameters that `algorithms[[k]]$FUN` requires
#' (e.g., stop criteria, operator names and parameters, etc.).
#' The function defined by the routine `algorithms[[k]]$FUN` must have the
#' following structure: supposing that the list in `algorithms[[k]]` has
#' fields `algorithm[[k]]$FUN = "myalgo"`, `algorithms[[k]]$par1 = "a"` and
#' `algorithms[[k]]$par2 = 5`, then:
#'    \preformatted{
#'          myalgo <- function(par1, par2, instance, ...){
#'                #
#'                # <do stuff>
#'                #
#'                return(results)
#'          }
#'    }
#' That is, it must be able to run if called as:
#'    \preformatted{
#'          # remove '$FUN' and '$alias' field from list of arguments
#'          # and include the problem definition as field 'instance'
#'          myargs          <- algorithm[names(algorithm) != "FUN"]
#'          myargs          <- myargs[names(myargs) != "alias"]
#'          myargs$instance <- instance
#'          # call function
#'          do.call(algorithm$FUN,
#'                  args = myargs)
#'    }
#' The `algorithm$FUN` routine must return a list containing (at
#' least) the performance value of the final solution obtained, in a field named
#' `value` (e.g., `result$value`) after a given run. In general it is easier to
#' write a small wrapper function around existing implementations.
#' @section Initial Number of Observations:
#' In the _general case_ the initial number of observations / algorithm /
#' instance (`nstart`) should be relatively high. For the parametric case
#' we recommend 10~15 if outliers are not expected, and 30~40 (at least) if that
#' assumption cannot be made. For the bootstrap approach we recommend using at
#' least 15 or 20. However, if some distributional assumptions can be
#' made - particularly low skewness of the population of algorithm results on
#' the test instances), then `nstart` can in principle be as small as 5 (if the
#' output of the algorithm were known to be normal, it could be 1).
#' In general, higher sample sizes are the price to pay for abandoning
#' distributional assumptions. Use lower values of `nstart` with caution.
#' @section Pairwise Differences:
#' Parameter `dif` informs the type of difference in performance to be used
#' for the estimation (\eqn{\mu_a} and \eqn{\mu_b} represent the mean
#' performance of any two algorithms on the test instance, and \eqn{mu}
#' represents the grand mean of all algorithms given in `algorithms`):
#' - If `dif == "perc"` and `comparisons == "all.vs.first"`, the estimated
#' quantity is:
#'    \eqn{\phi_{1b} = (\mu_1 - \mu_b) / \mu_1 = 1 - (\mu_b / \mu_1)}.
#' - If `dif == "perc"` and `comparisons == "all.vs.all"`, the estimated
#' quantity is:
#'    \eqn{\phi_{ab} = (\mu_a - \mu_b) / \mu}.
#' - If `dif == "simple"` it estimates \eqn{\mu_a - \mu_b}.
#' @section Sample Sizes for Nonparametric Methods:
#' If the parameter `` is set to either `Wilcoxon` or `Binomial`, this
#' routine approximates the number of instances using the ARE of these tests
#' in relation to the paired t.test:
#'   - `n.wilcox = n.ttest / 0.86 = 1.163 * n.ttest`
#'   - `n.binom = n.ttest / 0.637 = 1.570 * n.ttest`
#' @inheritParams calc_nreps
#' @inheritParams calc_instances
#' @param instances list object containing the definitions of the
#'    _available_ instances. This list may (or may not) be exhausted in the
#'    experiment. To estimate the number of required instances,
#'    see [calc_instances()]. For more details, see Section `Instance List`.
#' @param power (desired) test power. See [calc_instances()] for details.
#'    Any value equal to or greater than one will force the method to use all
#'    available instances in `Instance.list`.
#' @param d minimally relevant effect size (MRES), expressed as a standardized
#'        effect size, i.e., "deviation from H0" / "standard deviation".
#'        See [calc_instances()] for details.
#' @param sig.level family-wise significance level (alpha) for the experiment.
#'        See [calc_instances()] for details.
#' @param alternative type of alternative hypothesis ("two.sided" or
#'        "less" or "greater"). See [calc_instances()] for details.
#' @param nmax maximum number of runs to execute on each instance (see
#'             [calc_nreps()]). Loaded results (see `load.partial.results`
#'             below) do not count towards this maximum.
#' @param save.partial.results should partial results be saved to files? Can be
#'                             either `NA` (do not save) or a character string
#'                             pointing to a folder. File names are generated
#'                             based on the instance aliases. **Existing files with
#'                             matching names will be overwritten.**
#'                             `run_experiment()` uses **.RDS** files for saving
#'                             and loading.
#' @param load.partial.results should partial results be loaded from files? Can
#'                             be either `NA` (do not save) or a character
#'                             string pointing to a folder containing the
#'                             file(s) to be loaded. `run_experiment()` will
#'                             use .RDS file(s) with a name(s) matching instance
#'                             `alias`es. `run_experiment()` uses **.RDS** files
#'                             for saving and loading.
#' @param save.final.result should the final results be saved to file? Can be
#'                             either `NA` (do not save) or a character string
#'                             pointing to a folder where the results will be
#'                             saved on a **.RDS** file starting with
#'                             `CAISEr_results_` and ending with 12-digit
#'                             datetime tag in the format `YYYYMMDDhhmmss`.
#' @return a list object containing the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{Configuration} - the full input configuration (for reproducibility)
#'    \item \code{data.raw} - data frame containing all observations generated
#'    \item \code{data.summary} - data frame summarizing the experiment.
#'    \item \code{N} - number of instances sampled
#'    \item \code{N.star} - number of instances required
#'    \item \code{total.runs} - total number of algorithm runs performed
#'    \item \code{instances.sampled} - names of the instances sampled
#'    \item \code{Underpowered} - flag: TRUE if N < N.star
#' }
#' @author Felipe Campelo (\email{fcampelo@@ufmg.br},
#' \email{f.campelo@@aston.ac.uk})
#' @references
#' - F. Campelo, F. Takahashi:
#'    Sample size estimation for power and accuracy in the experimental
#'    comparison of algorithms. Journal of Heuristics 25(2):305-338, 2019.
#' - P. Mathews.
#'    Sample size calculations: Practical methods for engineers and scientists.
#'    Mathews Malnar and Bailey, 2010.
#' -  A.C. Davison, D.V. Hinkley:
#'    Bootstrap methods and their application. Cambridge University Press (1997)
#' -  E.C. Fieller:
#'     Some problems in interval estimation. Journal of the Royal Statistical
#'     Society. Series B (Methodological) 16(2), 175–185 (1954)
#' - V. Franz:
#'    Ratios: A short guide to confidence limits and proper use (2007).
#'    https://arxiv.org/pdf/0710.2024v1.pdf
#' - D.C. Montgomery, C.G. Runger:
#'    Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 6th ed. Wiley (2013)
#' - D.J. Sheskin:
#'    Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures,
#'    4th ed., Chapman & Hall/CRC, 1996.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example using four dummy algorithms and 100 dummy instances.
#' # See [dummyalgo()] and [dummyinstance()] for details.
#' # Generating 4 dummy algorithms here, with means 15, 10, 30, 15 and standard
#' # deviations 2, 4, 6, 8.
#' algorithms <- mapply(FUN = function(i, m, s){
#'   list(FUN   = "dummyalgo",
#'        alias = paste0("algo", i),
#'        distribution.fun  = "rnorm",
#'        distribution.pars = list(mean = m, sd = s))},
#'   i = c(alg1 = 1, alg2 = 2, alg3 = 3, alg4 = 4),
#'   m = c(15, 10, 30, 15),
#'   s = c(2, 4, 6, 8),
#' # Generate 100 dummy instances with centered exponential distributions
#' instances <- lapply(1:100,
#'                     function(i) {rate <- runif(1, 1, 10)
#'                                  list(FUN   = "dummyinstance",
#'                                       alias = paste0("Inst.", i),
#'                                       distr = "rexp", rate = rate,
#'                                       bias  = -1 / rate)})
#' my.results <- run_experiment(instances, algorithms,
#'                              d = .5, se.max = .1,
#'                              power = .9, sig.level = .05,
#'                              power.target = "mean",
#'                              dif = "perc", comparisons = "all.vs.all",
#'                              ncpus = 1, seed = 1234)
#' # Take a look at the results
#' summary(my.results)
#' plot(my.results)

run_experiment <- function(instances, algorithms, d, se.max,
                           power = 0.8, sig.level = 0.05,
                           power.target = "mean",
                           dif = "simple", comparisons = "all.vs.all",
                           alternative = "two.sided", test = "t.test",
                           method = "param",
                           nstart = 20, nmax = 100 * length(algorithms),
                           force.balanced = FALSE,
                           ncpus = 2, boot.R = 499, seed = NULL,
                           save.partial.results = NA,
                           load.partial.results = NA,
                           save.final.result    = NA)

  # ================ Preliminary bureaucracies ================ #

  # one-sided tests only make sense for all-vs-one experiments
  if (alternative %in% c("less", "greater")){
    assertthat::assert_that(comparisons == "all.vs.first")
    alternative.side <- "one.sided"
  } else {
    alternative.side <- "two.sided"

  # Fix a common mistake
  if (tolower(dif) == "percent") dif <- "perc"

  # set PRNG seed
  assertthat::assert_that(is.null(seed) || seed == seed %/% 1)
  if (is.null(seed)) seed <- as.numeric(Sys.time())

  # Capture input parameters to be returned later
  var.input.pars <- as.list(environment())

  # Set up parallel processing
  if ((.Platform$OS.type == "windows") & (ncpus > 1)){
    cat("\nAttention: multicore not currently available for Windows.\n
        Forcing ncpus = 1.")
    ncpus <- 1
  } else {
    available.cores <- parallel::detectCores()
    if (ncpus >= available.cores){
      cat("\nAttention: ncpus too large, we only have ", available.cores,
          " cores.\nUsing ", available.cores - 1,
          " cores for run_experiment().")
      ncpus <- available.cores - 1

  # Fill up instance aliases if needed
  assertthat::assert_that(is.list(instances), length(instances) > 1)
  for (i in 1:length(instances)){
    if (!("alias" %in% names(instances[[i]]))) {
      instances[[i]]$alias <- instances[[i]]$FUN

  # Fill up algorithm aliases if needed
  assertthat::assert_that(is.list(algorithms), length(algorithms) > 1)
  for (i in 1:length(algorithms)){
    if (!("alias" %in% names(algorithms[[i]]))) {
      algorithms[[i]]$alias <- algorithms[[i]]$FUN

  # ================ Start the actual method ================ #

  # Calculate N*
  n.available   <- length(instances)
  n.algs        <- length(algorithms)
  n.comparisons <- switch(comparisons,
                          all.vs.all   = n.algs * (n.algs - 1) / 2,
                          all.vs.first = n.algs - 1)

  if (power >= 1) {
    ss.calc <- calc_instances(ncomparisons = n.comparisons,
                              d            = d,
                              ninstances   = n.available,
                              sig.level    = sig.level,
                              alternative.side  = alternative.side,
                              test         = test,
                              power.target = power.target)
    N.star <- n.available
  } else {
    ss.calc <- calc_instances(ncomparisons = n.comparisons,
                              d            = d,
                              power        = power,
                              sig.level    = sig.level,
                              alternative.side  = alternative.side,
                              test         = test,
                              power.target = power.target)

    N.star <- ceiling(ss.calc$ninstances)
    if (N.star < n.available){
      # Randomize order of presentation for available instances
      instances <- instances[sample.int(n.available)]
  inst.to.use <- min(N.star, n.available)

  # Echo some information for the user
  cat("CAISEr running")
  cat("\nRequired number of instances:", N.star)
  cat("\nAvailable number of instances:", n.available)
  cat("\nUsing", ncpus, "cores.")

  # Sample algorithms on instances
  if(ncpus > 1){
    my.results <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(X   = instances[1:inst.to.use],
                                        FUN = calc_nreps,
                                        # Arguments for calc_nreps:
                                        algorithms     = algorithms,
                                        se.max         = se.max,
                                        dif            = dif,
                                        comparisons    = comparisons,
                                        method         = method,
                                        nstart         = nstart,
                                        nmax           = nmax,
                                        boot.R         = boot.R,
                                        force.balanced = force.balanced,
                                        save.folder    = save.partial.results,
                                        load.folder    = load.partial.results,
                                        # other arguments for pbmclapply:
                                        mc.cores       = ncpus,
                                        mc.preschedule = FALSE)
  } else {
    my.results <- lapply(X   = instances[1:inst.to.use],
                         FUN = calc_nreps,
                         # Arguments for calc_nreps:
                         algorithms     = algorithms,
                         se.max         = se.max,
                         dif            = dif,
                         comparisons    = comparisons,
                         method         = method,
                         nstart         = nstart,
                         nmax           = nmax,
                         boot.R         = boot.R,
                         force.balanced = force.balanced,
                         save.folder    = save.partial.results,
                         load.folder    = load.partial.results)

  # Consolidate raw data
  data.raw <- lapply(X   = my.results,
                     FUN = function(x){
                       inst  <- x$instance
                       nj    <- sum(x$Nk)
                       data.frame(Algorithm = do.call(what = c,
                                                             SIMPLIFY = FALSE)),
                                  Instance    = rep(inst, nj),
                                  Observation = do.call(c, x$Xk))})

  data.raw <- do.call(rbind, data.raw)
  rownames(data.raw) <- NULL

  # Consolidate summary data
  data.summary <- lapply(X   = my.results,
                         FUN = function(x){
                           cbind(Instance = rep(x$instance, nrow(x$Diffk)),

  data.summary <- do.call(rbind, data.summary)
  algonames <- sapply(algorithms, function(x) x$alias)
  rownames(data.summary) <- NULL
  data.summary$Alg1 <- as.factor(algonames[data.summary$Alg1])
  data.summary$Alg2 <- as.factor(algonames[data.summary$Alg2])

  # Assemble output
  output <- list(Configuration     = var.input.pars,
                 data.raw          = data.raw,
                 data.summary      = data.summary,
                 N                 = min(N.star, n.available),
                 N.star            = N.star,
                 total.runs        = nrow(data.raw),
                 instances.sampled = unique(data.raw$Instance),
                 Underpowered      = (N.star > n.available),
                 samplesize.calc   = ss.calc)

  class(output) <- c("CAISEr", "nreps", "list")

  # Save output (if required)
  assertthat::assert_that(is.na(save.final.result) ||
                            (is.character(save.final.result) &
                            length(save.final.result) == 1))
    # Check save folder
    if(save.final.result == "") save.final.result <- "./"
    save.folder <- normalizePath(save.final.result)
    if(!dir.exists(save.folder)) dir.create(save.folder)

    # Prepare save filename
    filepath <- paste0(save.folder, "/CAISEr_results_",
                       gsub("[- ::alpha::]", "", Sys.time()),

    # save output to file
    cat("\nWriting file", basename(filepath))
    saveRDS(output, file = filepath)


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CAISEr documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 1:07 a.m.