
Defines functions plot.din

Documented in plot.din

## File Name: plot.din.R
## File Version: 2.20
# summary method for objects of class "din"                                    #
plot.din <-
function(x, items=c(1:ncol(x$data)), pattern="",
  uncertainty=0.1, top.n.skill.classes=6, pdf.file="",
  hide.obs=FALSE, display.nr=1:4, ask=TRUE, ...){

# Call: generic
# Input:
#    x: object of class din
#    items:    an index vector giving the items to be visualized in the first plot
#    pattern: an optional character specifying a response pattern of an examinee,
#     whose attributes are then analyzed in a seperate grafic.
#    uncertainty: a numeric between 0 and 0.5 giving the uncertanity bounds for
#     deriving the observed skill occurrence probabilities in plot 2
#    and the simplified deterministic attribute profiles in plot 5.
# top.n.skill.classes: a numeric, specifying the number of skill classes,
#    starting with the most frequent, to be plotted in plot 3. Default value is 6.
#    pdf.file: an optional character string. If specified the graphics obtained
#           from the function plot.din are provided in a pdf file.
# hide.idi: an optional logical value. If set to \code{TRUE}, the IDI curve in
#           first graphic is not displayed.
# hide.obs: an optional logical value. If set to \code{TRUE}, the polygonal
#           chain for observed frequencies of skill class probabilities in the
#           second graphic is not displayed.
# display.nr: an optional numeric or numeric vector. If specified, only the
#             plots in display.nr are shown.
# ask: request a user input before the next figure is drawn; cf. ask option in ?par manual page
# Output: none

# check consistency of input                                                   #

hide.idi <- FALSE

    # define pattern in case of vector inputz
    if ( ( pattern[1] !="" ) & ( length( pattern) > 1 ) ){
        pattern <- paste( pattern, collapse="")

    suc <- which(unique(x$pattern[,"pattern"])==pattern) #subject under control
    if(pdf.file!="") try(pdf(file=pdf.file, ...))

    try(if(uncertainty<0||uncertainty>.5|| #uncertainty >=0, <=.5
      top.n.skill.classes<0||top.n.skill.classes>2^length(x$skill.patt) )  #top.n.skill.classes >=0, <=2^K
        warning("check your plot parameter specifications. See Help-files."))

    old.par <- graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE)
    on.exit( graphics::par(old.par))

# Plot 1                                                                       #

if(1 %in% display.nr){

    # extract information
    errors <- rbind(x$guess[,1],x$slip[,1])[,items]
    colnames(errors) <- items
    errors[2,] <- 1 - errors[2,]

#     if(!is.null(colnames(x$data)[items])){
#         colnames(errors) <- colnames(x$data)[items]
#     }else{
#         colnames(errors) <- items
#     }

    # generate plot
    graphics::barplot(errors, ylim=c(0,1.19), beside=TRUE, col=c("gray","darkred"),
            xlab="Item index", ylab="Probability", cex.lab=1.3)
#    if(any(apply(errors, 2, function(x) 1-x[1] - x[2] < 0 ))){
    if( FALSE ){
#          warning(paste("Item discrimination index < 0 for item",
#                which(apply(errors, 2,  function(x) 1-x[1]-x[2] < 0 )),"\n"))
      graphics::legend("topright",c("Guessing probability","Non-Slipping probability"),
             lty=c(1,1), pch=c(NA,NA), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("gray","darkred"), bg="gray97")
#          lines(seq(2,2+3*(ncol(errors)-1),3),apply(errors, 2, function(x) 1-x[1]-x[2] ), lty=1)
#          points(seq(2,2+3*(ncol(errors)-1),3),apply(errors, 2, function(x) 1-x[1]-x[2] ), pch=19, cex=1.5)
#           legend("topright",c("guessing parameter","slipping parameter", "item discrimination index"),
#           lty=c(1,1,1), pch=c(NA,NA,19), lwd=c(2,2,2), col=c("gray","darkred", "black"), bg="gray97")
      graphics::legend("topright",c("guessing parameter","slipping parameter"),
        lty=c(1,1), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("gray","darkred"), bg="gray97")

    if(pdf.file=="" & ask) graphics::par(ask=TRUE)
    if(1==display.nr[length(display.nr)]) graphics::par(ask=FALSE)

# Plot 2                                                                       #

if(2 %in% display.nr){

  # extract information
    skill.patterns <- x$skill.patt[length(x$skill.patt):1,]

  ind <- match( apply(x$item.patt.split, 1, paste, collapse=""),
                unique(x$pattern)[,"pattern"] )
  EAP <- ifelse( unique(x$pattern)[ ind, grep("post.attr", colnames(x$pattern) ) ] >
    0.5 + uncertainty, 1, NA )

    master <- colSums( apply( EAP, 2, function(y) y*x$item.patt.freq), na.rm=TRUE )
  master <- ( master/ nrow(x$data) )[length(x$skill.patt):1]

    # generate plot
    graphics::barplot(skill.patterns, horiz=TRUE,
#            ylim=c(0,length(skill.patterns)*1.2+0.9),
            xlab="Skill mastery probability", axes=F, cex.lab=1.3, col="gray")

    if ( is.null( attributes(x$q.matrix)$skill.labels ) ){
        attr( x$q.matrix, "skill.labels") <- colnames(x$q.matrix )

       x=c(rep(0.01,length(skill.patterns))), y=seq(0.7,
        0.7+1.2*(length(skill.patterns)-1),1.2), col="black", pos=4, cex=1.3)

#            legend("topright",c("Marginal skill probability", "Percentage of masters (EAP)"),
#           lty=c(1,1), pch=c(NA,19), lwd=c(2,2), col=c("gray", "black"), bg="gray97")
#    points(x=master, y=seq(0.7,0.7+1.2*(length(skill.patterns)-1),1.2),pch=19, cex=1.3)
#    lines(x=master, y=seq(0.7,0.7+1.2*(length(skill.patterns)-1),1.2),lty=1)

    if(pdf.file=="" & ask) graphics::par(ask=TRUE)
    if(2==display.nr[length(display.nr)]) graphics::par(ask=FALSE)


# Plot 3                                                                       #

if(3 %in% display.nr){

  # extract information
    patt.fq <- x$attribute.patt[,1]
    main.effects <- which(rownames(x$attribute.patt)%in%
      rownames(x$attribute.patt[order(x$attribute.patt[,1], decreasing=TRUE),][
      1:min(top.n.skill.classes, 2^length(x$skill.patt)), ])

    # generate plot
    graphics::par(xaxt="n"); graphics::par(mar=c(6,4,4,2)+0.1)
       ylab="Skill class probability",
        xlab="", ylim=c(0,max(patt.fq)+.02),cex.lab=1.3, col=c(NA,rep("black",length(patt.fq)), NA))
    graphics::axis(1, at=main.effects, las=2, labels=rownames(x$attribute.patt)[main.effects], cex.axis=.8)

# print(patt.fq)
    eps <- .2
    PP <- length(patt.fq)
    if (PP<65){
    for (pp in 1:PP){
#        pp <- 1
        graphics::rect( xleft=pp-eps, ybottom=0, xright=pp+eps, ytop=patt.fq[pp], col="black" )
                    } }

    if(pdf.file=="" & ask) graphics::par(ask=TRUE)
    if(3==display.nr[length(display.nr)]) graphics::par(ask=FALSE)


# Plot 4                                                                       #

if(4 %in% display.nr){
      warning("The specified pattern was not achieved.")

        # if a pattern is specified extract information
        post.skill <- as.matrix(unique(x$pattern)[suc,grep("post.attr", colnames(x$pattern))])[nrow(x$skill.patt):1]
        names(post.skill) <- colnames(x$q.matrix)[nrow(x$skill.patt):1]

        # generate plot
    graphics::barplot(post.skill, horiz=TRUE, xlab=paste("Skill probabilities conditional on response pattern\n",
            xlim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE, cex.lab=1.3, col="gray")

        graphics::abline(v=c(.5-uncertainty,.5+uncertainty),lty=1,col="darkred", lwd=2)
        graphics::axis(3, at=c( (.5-uncertainty)/2, .5, .5+uncertainty+(1-(.5+uncertainty))/2 ), tick=F,
            labels=c("not mastered", "unclassified", "mastered"), cex.axis=1.3, mgp=c(3,0,0))

    if ( is.null( attributes(x$q.matrix)$skill.labels ) ){
        attr( x$q.matrix, "skill.labels") <- colnames(x$q.matrix )

         y=seq(0.7,0.7+1.2*(length(row.names(x$skill.patt))-1),1.2),col="black", pos=4, cex=1.3)

    if(4==display.nr[length(display.nr)]) graphics::par(ask=FALSE)


    # reset open plot parameter
    if(pdf.file!="") try(dev.off())

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