
Defines functions BiCopChiPlot BiCopKPlot H W

Documented in BiCopChiPlot BiCopKPlot

# -------------------- CHI-PLOT FOR BIVARIATE DATA -----------------------------
# Author: Natalia Djunushalieva, TU Muenchen, April 2010
# Update: Ulf Schepsmeier, TU M?nchen, June 2010
# For more detail see "Everything you always wanted to now about copula modeling
# but were afraid to ask", Christian Genest, Anne-Catherine Favre
# NOTE: It is also possible to calculate chi-plot for righ upper and left lower
# quadrant of the data for determining upper or lower tail dependence. For more
# details see "A simple graphical method to explore tail-dependence in
# stock-return pairs", Klaus Abberger, University of Konstanz, Germany
BiCopChiPlot <- function(u1, u2, PLOT = TRUE, mode = "NULL", ...) {
  # u1,u2         -> numeric, two vectors u1 and u2 of the same length or u1 is a data frame of dimension d=2
  # PLOT        -> logical, should the results be plotted? If FALSE, the values W.in and Hi and contron bounds will be returned
  # mode   -> character or NULL, generall chi plot or lower/upper chi plot. Possible values are NULL, "upper","lower"
  # validation of input parameter
  if (is.null(u1) == TRUE || is.null(u2) == TRUE) 
    stop("u1 and/or u2 are not set or have length zero.")
  if (any(u1 > 1) || any(u1 < 0)) 
    stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
  if (any(u2 > 1) || any(u2 < 0)) 
    stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
  if (length(u1) != length(u2)) 
    stop("Lengths of 'u1' and 'u2' do not match.")
  if (length(u1) < 2) 
    stop("Number of observations has to be at least 2.")
  if (PLOT != TRUE && PLOT != FALSE) 
    stop("The parameter 'PLOT' has to be set to 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.")
  # Computing of results
  n <- length(u1)
  Hi <- H(u1, u2)
  Fi <- F(u1)
  Gi <- F(u2)
  lambda <- 4 * sign((Fi - 0.5) * (Gi - 0.5)) * apply(data.frame((Fi - 0.5)^2, (Gi - 0.5)^2), 1, max)
  control.bounds <- c(1.54/sqrt(n), -1.54/sqrt(n))
  if (mode == "upper") {
    to.keep <- intersect(which(u1 > mean(u1)), which(u2 > mean(u2)))
    # to.keep<-intersect(which(u1>0),which(u2>0))
    to.keep <- intersect(to.keep, which(lambda > 0))
    Hi <- Hi[to.keep]
    Fi <- Fi[to.keep]
    Gi <- Gi[to.keep]
    lambda <- lambda[to.keep]
  if (mode == "lower") {
    to.keep <- intersect(which(u1 < mean(u1)), which(u2 < mean(u2)))
    # to.keep<-intersect(which(u1<0),which(u2<0))
    to.keep <- intersect(to.keep, which(lambda > 0))
    Hi <- Hi[to.keep]
    Fi <- Fi[to.keep]
    Gi <- Gi[to.keep]
    lambda <- lambda[to.keep]
  # remote entries with null values
  to.remove <- c(which(Fi == 0), which(Gi == 0), which(Fi == 1), which(Gi == 1))
  if (length(to.remove) != 0) {
    Hi <- Hi[-to.remove]
    Fi <- Fi[-to.remove]
    Gi <- Gi[-to.remove]
    lambda <- lambda[-to.remove]
  chi <- (Hi - Fi * Gi)/sqrt(Fi * (1 - Fi) * Gi * (1 - Gi))
  control.bounds <- c(1.54/sqrt(n), -1.54/sqrt(n))
  if (PLOT) {
    # plotting of results
    plot(lambda, chi, xlab = expression(lambda), ylab = expression(chi), ...)
    abline(h = control.bounds[1], col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
    abline(h = control.bounds[2], col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
    abline(h = 0, col = "gray")
    abline(v = 0, col = "gray")
  } else {
    # create output data
    chi.plot.output <- list(lambda, chi, control.bounds)
    names(chi.plot.output) <- c("lambda", "chi", "control.bounds")
}  # end of cho.plot-fnction

# ----------------- KENDALL-PLOT FOR BIVARIATE DATA ----------------------------
# Author: Natalia Djunushalieva, TU Muenchen, April 2010
# Update: Ulf Schepsmeier, TU M?nchen, June 2010
# For more detail see "Everything you always wanted to now about copula modeling
# but were afraid to ask", Christian Genest, Anne-Catherine Favre
BiCopKPlot <- function(u1, u2, PLOT = TRUE, ...) {
  # u1,u2 -> numeric, two vectors u1 and u2 of the same length or u1 is a data frame of dimension d=2
  # PLOT -> logical, should the results be plotted? If FALSE, the values W.in and Hi will be return.
  # validation of input data
  if (is.null(u1) == TRUE || is.null(u2) == TRUE) 
    stop("u1 and/or u2 are not set or have length zero.")
  if (length(u1) != length(u2)) 
    stop("Lengths of 'u1' and 'u2' do not match.")
  if (length(u1) < 2) 
    stop("Number of observations has to be at least 2.")
  if (PLOT != TRUE && PLOT != FALSE) 
    stop("The parameter 'PLOT' has to be set to 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.")
  # Computing of results
  Wi <- W(u1, u2)
  Hi <- H(u1, u2)
  Hi.sort <- sort(Hi)
  n <- length(u1)
  W.in <- rep(NA, n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    f <- function(w) {
      w * (-log(w)) * (w - w * log(w))^(i - 1) * (1 - w + w * log(w))^(n - i)
    }  # zu integrierende Funktion
    W.in[i] <- n * choose(n - 1, i - 1) * (integrate(f, lower = 0, upper = 1)$value)  # W_{i:n} f?r i=1:n
  g <- function(w) {
    w - w * log(w)
  }  # K_{0}(w)=P(UV<=w)
  if (PLOT) {
    # should the results be plotted?
    plot(g, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), pch = "x", xlab = expression(W[1:n]), ylab = "H", ...)  #Kurve K_{0}(w)
    points(W.in, Hi.sort, pch = "x", cex = 0.4, ...)
    abline(a = 0, b = 1)  # Winkelhalbierende
  } else {
    # create output data
    kendall.plot.output <- list(W.in, Hi.sort)
    names(kendall.plot.output) <- c("W.in", "Hi.sort")
}  # end of kendall.plot-function

# --------------- HELP FUNCTIONS FOR CHI- AND KENDALL-PLOTS --------------------
F <- function(t) {
  # help function for chi-plot
  n <- length(t)
  result <- (rank(t) - 1)/(n - 1)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
H <- function(t, s) {
  # help function for chi-plot
  n <- length(t)
  H.result <- c()
  for (i in 1:n) {
    rank.smaller.t <- setdiff(which(rank(t) <= rank(t)[i]), i)
    rank.smaller.s <- setdiff(which(rank(s) <= rank(s)[i]), i)
    H.result[i] <- length(intersect(rank.smaller.t, rank.smaller.s))
  H.result <- H.result/(n - 1)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
W <- function(t, s) {
  # Help function for kendall.plot
  n <- length(t)
  result <- ((n - 1) * H(t, s) + 1)/n
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

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