
Defines functions BiCopLambda gtLambda

Documented in BiCopLambda

# plot of the theoretical and empirical lambda-function  #

BiCopLambda <- function(u1 = NULL, u2 = NULL, family = "emp", par = 0, par2 = 0, PLOT = TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.null(u1) == TRUE && is.null(u2) == TRUE && (family == 0 || par == 0)) 
    stop("Either 'u1' and 'u2' have to be set for the emp. lambda-function or 'family' and 'par' for the theo. lambda-function.")
  if (length(u1) != length(u2)) 
    stop("Lengths of 'u1' and 'u2' do not match.")
  if (!(family %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, "emp"))) 
    stop("Copula family not implemented.")
  if (c(2, 7, 8, 9, 10) %in% family && par2 == 0) 
    stop("For t-, BB1 and BB7 copulas, 'par2' must be set.")
  if (c(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 16, 23, 24, 26, 33, 34, 36) %in% family && length(par) < 1) 
    stop("'par' not set.")
  if (is.null(u1) == FALSE && (any(u1 > 1) || any(u1 < 0))) 
    stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
  if (is.null(u2) == FALSE && (any(u2 > 1) || any(u2 < 0))) 
    stop("Data has be in the interval [0,1].")
  if (PLOT != TRUE && PLOT != FALSE) 
    stop("The parameter 'PLOT' has to be set to 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.")
  # Parameterbereiche abfragen
  if ((family == 1 || family == 2) && abs(par) >= 1) 
    stop("The parameter of the Gaussian and t-copula has to be in the interval (-1,1).")
  if (family == 2 && par2 <= 2) 
    stop("The degrees of freedom parameter of the t-copula has to be larger than 2.")
  if (family == 3 && par <= 0) 
    stop("The parameter of the Clayton copula has to be positive.")
  if (family == 4 && par < 1) 
    stop("The parameter of the Gumbel copula has to be in the interval [1,oo).")
  if (family == 6 && par <= 1) 
    stop("The parameter of the Joe copula has to be in the interval (1,oo).")
  if (family == 5 && par == 0) 
    stop("The parameter of the Frank copula has to be unequal to 0.")
  if ((family == 7 || family == 17) && par <= 0) 
    stop("The first parameter of the BB1 copula has to be positive.")
  if ((family == 7 || family == 17) && par2 < 1) 
    stop("The second parameter of the BB1 copula has to be in the interval [1,oo).")
  if ((family == 8 || family == 18) && par <= 0) 
    stop("The first parameter of the BB6 copula has to be in the interval [1,oo).")
  if ((family == 8 || family == 18) && par2 < 1) 
    stop("The second parameter of the BB6 copula has to be in the interval [1,oo).")
  if ((family == 9 || family == 19) && par < 1) 
    stop("The first parameter of the BB7 copula has to be in the interval [1,oo).")
  if ((family == 9 || family == 19) && par2 <= 0) 
    stop("The second parameter of the BB7 copula has to be positive.")
  if ((family == 10 || family == 20) && par < 1) 
    stop("The first parameter of the BB8 copula has to be in the interval [1,oo).")
  if ((family == 10 || family == 20) && (par2 <= 0 || par2 > 1)) 
    stop("The second parameter of the BB8 copula has to be in the interval (0,1].")
  if (!is.null(u1)) 
    v <- seq(0.001, 1, length.out = length(u1)) else v <- seq(0.001, 1, 0.001)
  v1 <- v
  theoLambda <- rep(0, length(v))
  lambdaFull <- rep(0, length(v))
  main <- ""
  for (i in 2:length(v)) {
    if (family == 3) {
      theoLambda[i] <- -v1[i] * (1 - v1[i]^(par))/par
      main <- "Clayton copula"
      lambdaFull[i] <- (v1[i] * log(v1[i], exp(1)))
    } else if (family == 4) {
      theoLambda[i] <- v1[i] * log(v1[i])/(par)
      main <- "Gumbel copula"
      lambdaFull[i] <- (v1[i] * log(v1[i], exp(1)))
    } else if (family == 5) {
      theoLambda[i] <- -log((1 - exp(-par))/(1 - exp(-par * v1[i]))) * (1 - exp(-par * v1[i]))/(par * 
        exp(-par * v1[i]))
      main <- "Frank copula"
      lambdaFull[i] <- (-v1[i] * log(1/v1[i], exp(1)))
    } else if (family == 6) {
      theoLambda[i] <- (log(1 - (1 - v[i])^par) * (1 - (1 - v[i])^par))/(par * (1 - v[i])^(par - 1))
      main <- "Joe copula"
      lambdaFull[i] <- (v1[i] * log(v1[i], exp(1)))
    } else if (family == 7) {
      theta <- par
      delta <- par2
      theoLambda[i] <- -1/(theta * delta) * (v[i]^(-theta) - 1)/(v[i]^(-1 - theta))
      main <- "BB1 copula"
      lambdaFull[i] <- (v1[i] * log(v1[i], exp(1)))
    } else if (family == 8) {
      theta <- par
      delta <- par2
      theoLambda[i] <- -log(-(1 - v[i])^theta + 1) * (1 - v[i] - (1 - v[i])^(-theta) + (1 - v[i])^(-theta) * 
        v[i])/(delta * theta)
      main <- "BB6 copula"
      lambdaFull[i] <- (v1[i] * log(v1[i], exp(1)))
    } else if (family == 9) {
      theta <- par
      delta <- par2
      theoLambda[i] <- -1/(theta * delta) * ((1 - (1 - v[i])^theta)^(-delta) - 1)/((1 - v[i])^(theta - 
        1) * (1 - (1 - v[i])^theta)^(-delta - 1))
      main <- "BB7 copula"
      lambdaFull[i] <- (v1[i] * log(v1[i], exp(1)))
    } else if (family == 10) {
      theta <- par
      delta <- par2
      theoLambda[i] <- -log(((1 - v[i] * delta)^theta - 1)/((1 - delta)^theta - 1)) * (1 - v[i] * delta - 
        (1 - v[i] * delta)^(-theta) + (1 - v[i] * delta)^(-theta) * v[i] * delta)/(theta * delta)
      main <- "BB8 copula"
      lambdaFull[i] <- (v1[i] * log(v1[i], exp(1)))
  if (is.null(u1) == FALSE) 
    len <- length(u1) else len <- 1000
  if (family == 1) {
    theoLambda <- gtLambda(1, par, len = len)
    main <- "Gaussian copula"
    lambdaFull <- gtLambda(1, 0, len = len)
  } else if (family == 2) {
    theoLambda <- gtLambda(2, c(par, par2), len = len)
    main <- "t-copula"
    lambdaFull <- gtLambda(2, c(0, par2), len = len)
  if (family == "emp" || is.null(u1) == FALSE) {
    # empirical
    n <- length(v)
    nn <- length(u1)
    empLambda <- rep(0, n)
    K <- rep(0, n)
    V <- rep(0, nn)
    # Berechnung der konkordanten Paare
    V[1:nn] <- mapply(function(x, y) length(which(x > u1 & y > u2)), u1, u2)
    # Berechnung des empirischen K's
    V1 <- V/(n - 1)
    V1 <- V1
    K <- sapply(v1, function(x) (1/nn) * length(which(V1[1:nn] <= x)))
    # Berechnung der emp. lambdas
    empLambda <- v1 - K
  # Plot
  if (PLOT) {
    if (family == "emp") {
      # only empirical one
      if (min(empLambda[2:(nn - 1)]) < (-0.4)) 
        plot(v1, empLambda, type = "l", ylab = expression(lambda(v)), xlab = "v", ylim = c(-0.6, 
          0), ...) else plot(v1, empLambda, type = "l", ylab = expression(lambda(v)), xlab = "v", ylim = c(-0.4, 
        0), ...)
    } else if (family != "emp" && is.null(u1) == TRUE) {
      # only theoretical one
      if (min(theoLambda[2:999]) < (-0.4)) 
        plot(v1, theoLambda, type = "l", ylab = expression(lambda(v)), xlab = "v", ylim = c(-0.6, 
          0), main = main, ...) else plot(v1, theoLambda, type = "l", ylab = expression(lambda(v)), xlab = "v", ylim = c(-0.4, 
        0), main = main, ...)
      lines(v1, lambdaFull, type = "l", lty = 2)
      lines(c(0, 1), c(0, 0), type = "l", lty = 2)
    } else {
      # both
      minLambda <- min(min(theoLambda[2:(nn - 1)]), min(empLambda))
      if (minLambda < (-0.4)) 
        plot(v1, empLambda, type = "l", ylab = expression(lambda(v)), xlab = "v", ylim = c(-0.6, 
          0), ...) else plot(v1, empLambda, type = "l", ylab = expression(lambda(v)), xlab = "v", ylim = c(-0.4, 
        0), ...)
      lines(v1, theoLambda, xlab = "v", type = "l", lwd = 2, col = "grey")
      lines(v1, lambdaFull, type = "l", lty = 2)
      lines(c(0, 1), c(0, 0), type = "l", lty = 2)
  } else {
    out <- list()
    if (family == "emp") 
      out$empLambda <- empLambda else if (family != "emp" && is.null(u1) == TRUE) 
      out$theoLambda <- theoLambda else {
      out$empLambda <- empLambda
      out$theoLambda <- theoLambda

# lambda-function for Gaussian- and t-copula  #
#						#
# Input:					#
# copula	Copula family (1="N",2="t")	#
# param		Parameter			#
# Output:					#
# lambda	lambda-function			#

gtLambda <- function(copula, param, len = 1000) {
  v <- seq(0.001, 1, length.out = len)
  v1 <- v
  n <- length(v)
  nn <- len
  lambda <- rep(0, n)
  K <- rep(0, n)
  V <- rep(0, nn)
  mu <- c(0, 0)
  if (param[1] == 0) {
    for (i in 1:n) {
      lambda[i] <- (v1[i] * log(v1[i], exp(1)))
  } else {
    if (copula == 1) {
      rho <- param
      # sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), c(2,2)) Z=rmvnorm(nn, mu, sigma) u1=pnorm(Z[,1]) u2=pnorm(Z[,2])
      uu1 <- runif(nn)
      vv2 <- runif(nn)
      uu2 <- .C("Hinv1", as.integer(1), as.integer(nn), as.double(vv2), as.double(uu1), as.double(rho), 
        as.double(0), as.double(rep(0, nn)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
      # x1=qnorm(U1) x2=qnorm(U2) C=dmvnorm(cbind(x1,x2), mu, sigma)
    } else if (copula == 2) {
      rho <- param[1]
      nu <- param[2]
      # sigma=matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1), c(2,2)) Z=rmvt(nn, sigma, nu) u1=pt(Z[,1], df=nu) u2=pt(Z[,2], df=nu)
      uu1 <- runif(nn)
      vv2 <- runif(nn)
      uu2 <- .C("Hinv1", as.integer(2), as.integer(nn), as.double(vv2), as.double(uu1), as.double(rho), 
        as.double(nu), as.double(rep(0, nn)), PACKAGE = "CDVine")[[7]]
    # Berechnung der konkordanten Paare
    V[1:nn] <- mapply(function(x, y) length(which(x > uu1 & y > uu2)), uu1, uu2)
    # Berechnung des empirischen K's
    V1 <- V/(n - 1)
    V1 <- V1
    K <- sapply(v1, function(x) (1/nn) * length(which(V1[1:nn] <= x)))
    # Berechnung der emp. lambdas
    lambda <- v1 - K
    # lambda=smooth(lambda)

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