# CHNOSZ/species.R
# Define species of interest
# Function to create or add to the species data frame
species <- function(species = NULL, state = NULL, delete = FALSE, add = FALSE, index.return = FALSE) {
# 20080925 default quiet = TRUE 20101003 default quiet = FALSE
# 20120128 remove 'quiet' argument (messages can be hidden with suppressMessages())
# 20120523 return thermo()$species instead of rownumbers therein, and remove message showing thermo()$species
# 20200714 add 'add' argument (by default, previous species are deleted)
thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
## Argument processing
# We can't deal with NA species
if(identical(species, NA)) {
cn <-
if(length(cn) > 0) ctext <- paste("(calling function was ", cn, ")", sep = "") else ctext <- ""
stop(paste("'species' is NA", ctext))
# Delete the entire species definition or only selected species
if(delete) {
# Delete the entire definition if requested
if(is.null(species)) {
thermo$species <- NULL
assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
# From here we're trying to delete already defined species
if(is.null(thermo$species)) stop("nonexistent species definition")
# Match species to delete by name and species number
isp <- rep(NA, length(species))
ispname <- match(species, thermo$species$name)
ispnum <- match(species, 1:nrow(thermo$species))
isp[!] <- ispname[!]
isp[!] <- ispnum[!]
# Filter out non-matching species
ina <-
if(any(ina)) warning(paste("species:",
paste(species[ina], collapse = " "), "not present, so can not be deleted"))
isp <- isp[!ina]
# Go on to delete this/these species
if(length(isp) > 0) {
thermo$species <- thermo$species[-isp,]
if(nrow(thermo$species) == 0) thermo$species <- NULL
else rownames(thermo$species) <- 1:nrow(thermo$species)
assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
# If no species or states are given, just return the species list
if(is.null(species) & is.null(state)) return(thermo$species)
# If no species are given use all of them if available
if(is.null(species) & !is.null(thermo$species)) species <- 1:nrow(thermo$species)
# Parse state argument
state <- state.args(state)
# Make species and state arguments the same length
if(length(species) > length(state) & !is.null(state)) state <- rep(state,length.out = length(species)) else
if(length(state) > length(species) & !is.null(species)) species <- rep(species,length.out = length(state))
# Rename state as logact if it's numeric, or get default values of logact
if(is.numeric(state[1])) {
logact <- state
state <- NULL
} else logact <- NULL
# If they don't look like states (aq,gas,cr) or activities (numeric),
# use them as a suffix for species name (i.e., a protein_organism)
allstates <- unique(thermo$OBIGT$state)
if( sum(state %in% allstates) < length(state) & ![1]) & ![1]) ) {
species <- paste(species, state, sep = "_")
state <- rep(thermo$opt$state, length.out = length(state))
# Parse species argument
if(is.character(species[1])) {
# Look for named species in species definition
ispecies <- match(species, thermo$species$name)
# If all species names match, and logact is given, re-call the function with the species indices
if(!any( & !is.null(logact)) return(species(ispecies, state = logact, index.return = index.return))
# Look for species in thermo()$OBIGT
iOBIGT <- suppressMessages(info(species, state))
# Since that could have updated thermo()$OBIGT (with proteins), re-read thermo
thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
# Check if we got all the species
ina <-
if(any(ina)) stop(paste("species not available:", paste(species[ina], collapse = " ")))
} else {
# If species is numeric and a small number it refers to the species definition,
# else to species index in thermo()$OBIGT
nspecies <- nrow(thermo$species)
if(is.null(thermo$species)) nspecies <- 0
if(max(species) > nspecies) iOBIGT <- species
## Done with argument processing ... now to do work
# Create or add to species definition
if(!is.null(iOBIGT)) {
if(is.null(thermo$basis)) stop("basis species are not defined")
# The coefficients in reactions to form the species from basis species
# Wrap values in unname in case they have names from retrieve(), otherwise makeup() doesn't work as intended 20190225
f <- (species.basis(unname(iOBIGT)))
# The states and species names
state <- as.character(thermo$OBIGT$state[iOBIGT])
name <- as.character(thermo$OBIGT$name[iOBIGT])
# Get default values of logact
if(is.null(logact)) {
logact <- rep(0, length(species))
logact[state == "aq"] <- -3
# Create the new species
newspecies <- data.frame(f, ispecies = iOBIGT, logact = logact, state = state, name = name, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# "H2PO4-" looks better than "H2PO4."
colnames(newspecies)[1:nrow(thermo$basis)] <- rownames(thermo$basis)
# Initialize or add to species data frame
if(is.null(thermo$species) | !add) {
thermo$species <- newspecies
ispecies <- 1:nrow(thermo$species)
} else {
# Don't add species that already exist
idup <- newspecies$ispecies %in% thermo$species$ispecies
thermo$species <- rbind(thermo$species, newspecies[!idup, ])
ispecies <- match(newspecies$ispecies, thermo$species$ispecies)
rownames(thermo$species) <- seq(nrow(thermo$species))
} else {
# Update activities or states of existing species
# First get the rownumbers in thermo()$species
if(is.numeric(species[1])) {
ispecies <- species
# If state and logact are both NULL we don't do anything but return the selected species
if(is.null(state) & is.null(logact)) {
if(index.return) return(ispecies)
else return(thermo$species[ispecies, ])
} else ispecies <- match(species, thermo$species$name)
# Replace activities?
if(!is.null(logact)) {
thermo$species$logact[ispecies] <- logact
} else {
# Change states, checking for availability of the desired state
for(i in 1:length(ispecies)) {
myform <- thermo$OBIGT$formula[thermo$species$ispecies[ispecies[i]]]
#iOBIGT <- which(thermo$OBIGT$name == thermo$species$name[ispecies[k]] | thermo$OBIGT$formula == myform)
# 20080925 Don't match formula -- two proteins might have the
# same formula (e.g. YLR367W and YJL190C)
#iOBIGT <- which(thermo$OBIGT$name == thermo$species$name[ispecies[k]])
# 20091112 Do match formula if it's not a protein -- be able to
# change "carbon dioxide(g)" to "CO2(aq)"
if(length(grep("_",thermo$species$name[ispecies[i]])) > 0)
iOBIGT <- which(thermo$OBIGT$name == thermo$species$name[ispecies[i]])
else {
iOBIGT <- which(thermo$OBIGT$name == thermo$species$name[ispecies[i]] & thermo$OBIGT$state == state[i])
if(length(iOBIGT) == 0)
iOBIGT <- which(thermo$OBIGT$name == thermo$species$name[ispecies[i]] | thermo$OBIGT$formula == myform)
if(!state[i] %in% thermo$OBIGT$state[iOBIGT])
warning(paste("can't update state of species", ispecies[i], "to", state[i], "\n"), call. = FALSE)
else {
ii <- match(state[i], thermo$OBIGT$state[iOBIGT])
thermo$species$state[ispecies[i]] <- state[i]
thermo$species$name[ispecies[i]] <- thermo$OBIGT$name[iOBIGT[ii]]
thermo$species$ispecies[ispecies[i]] <- as.numeric(rownames(thermo$OBIGT)[iOBIGT[ii]])
assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)
# Return the new species definition or the index(es) of affected species
if(index.return) return(ispecies)
else return(thermo$species)
### Unexported functions ###
# To retrieve the coefficients of reactions to form the species from the basis species
species.basis <- function(species = get("thermo", CHNOSZ)$species$ispecies, mkp = NULL) {
# Current basis elements
bmat <- basis.elements()
tbmat <- t(bmat)
# What are the elements?
belem <- rownames(tbmat)
# Get the species makeup into a matrix
# If 'species' is NULL, get it from the 'mkp' argument (for use by subcrt()) 20210321
if(!is.null(species)) mkp <- as.matrix(sapply(makeup(species, = TRUE), c))
# The positions of the species elements in the basis elements
ielem <- match(rownames(mkp), belem)
# The elements of the species must be contained by the basis species
if(any( stop(paste("element(s) not in the basis:",
paste(rownames(mkp)[], collapse = " ")))
# The positions of the basis elements in the species elements
jelem <- match(belem, rownames(mkp))
# Keep track of which ones are NA's;
# index them as one here but turn them to zero later
ina <-
jelem[ina] <- 1
# Now put the species matrix into the same order as the basis
mkp <- mkp[jelem, , drop = FALSE]
# Fill zeros for any basis element not in the species
mkp[ina, ] <- 0
# Solve for the basis coefficients and transpose
nbasis <- t(apply(mkp, 2, function(x) solve(tbmat, x)))
# Very small numbers are probably a floating point artifact
# can cause problems in situations where zeros are needed
# (manifests as issue in longex("phosphate"), where which.balance()
# identifies H2O as conserved component)
# 20140201 set digits (to R default) becuase getOption("digits") is changed in knitr
out <- zapsmall(nbasis, digits = 7)
# Add names of species and basis species
colnames(out) <- colnames(tbmat)
# Add names of species only if it was a character argument
if(all(is.character(species))) rownames(out) <- species
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