function (y, cens, X, w, beta, alpha, tol = 10^-6, max.iter = 1000, verbose = FALSE)
variant <- !apply(, 1, any)
beta <- t(apply(beta, 1, function(x) if (any( rep(x[1], length(x)) else x))
P <- ncol(X)
J <- ncol(w)
N <- length(y)
error <- Inf
iter <- 1
latent <- rep(1:J, each = N)
X.expand <- NULL
for (p in 1:P) {
xp <- cbind(as.vector(X[, p, ]))
colnames(xp) <- paste("V", p, sep = "")
if (variant[p]) {
xp <- model.matrix(~xp:as.factor(latent) - 1)
colnames(xp) <- paste(rep("V", J), p, sep = "")
X.expand <- cbind(X.expand, xp)
theta.old <- c(as.vector(beta),alpha)
y.expand <- rep(y, J)
cens.expand <- rep(cens, J)
while (error > tol & iter < max.iter) {
beta.old <- beta
eta <- sapply(1:J, function(j) {
Xj <- cbind(X[, , j])
betaj <- beta[, j, drop = FALSE]
Xj %*% betaj
lambda <- exp(eta) ##
scale <- lambda^(-1/alpha) ##
dY <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = J)
dY[cens == 1, ] <- sapply(1:J, function(j) dweibull(y[cens == 1], alpha, scale[cens == 1 ,j])) ## not censored
dY[cens == 0, ] <- sapply(1:J, function(j) pweibull(y[cens == 0], alpha, scale[cens == 0 ,j], lower.tail = FALSE)) ## censored
wp <- dY * w
wp <- wp/rowSums(wp)
coeffic <- = X.expand, y = y.expand, cens = cens.expand, weights = as.vector(wp)) ##
beta <- vector2matrix(betav = coeffic$beta, variant = variant, J = J)
alpha <- coeffic$alpha
theta <- c(as.vector(beta),alpha)
error <- max(abs(theta - theta.old))
theta.old <- theta
colnames(beta) <- paste("clust", 1:J, sep = "")
rownames(beta) <- dimnames(X)[2][[1]]
if (verbose) {
if (iter == 1)
cat("--- EM procedure ---\n")
cat("Iter", iter, "Error", error, "\n")
iter <- iter + 1
return(list(beta = beta, alpha = alpha, variant = variant))
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