
Defines functions get_lineage split_iData check_iMeta check_iData new_coin

Documented in check_iData check_iMeta new_coin

#' Create a new coin
#' Creates a new "coin" class object, or a "purse" class object (time-indexed collection of coins).
#' A purse class object is created if panel data is supplied. Coins and purses are the main object classes
#' used in COINr, although a number of functions also support other classes such as data frames and vectors.
#' A coin object is fundamentally created by passing two data frames to [new_coin()]:
#' `iData` which specifies the data points for each unit and indicator, as well as other optional
#' variables; and `iMeta` which specifies details about each indicator/variable found in `iData`,
#' including its type, name, position in the index, units, and other properties.
#' These data frames need to follow fairly strict requirements regarding their format and consistency.
#' Run [check_iData()] and [check_iMeta()] to validate your data frames, and these should generate helpful
#' error messages when things go wrong.
#' It is worth reading a little about coins and purses to use COINr. See `vignette("coins")` for more details.
#' ## `iData`
#' `iData` should be a data frame with required column
#' `uCode` which gives the code assigned to each unit (alphanumeric, not starting with a number). All other
#' columns are defined by corresponding entries in `iMeta`, with the following special exceptions:
#' * `Time` is an optional column which allows panel data to be input, consisting of e.g. multiple rows for
#' each `uCode`: one for each `Time` value. This can be used to split a set of panel data into multiple coins
#' (a so-called "purse") which can be input to COINr functions.
#' * `uName` is an optional column which specifies a longer name for each unit. If this column is not included,
#' unit codes (`uCode`) will be used as unit names where required.
#' ## `iMeta`
#' Required columns for `iMeta` are:
#' * `Level`: Level in aggregation, where 1 is indicator level, 2 is the level resulting from aggregating
#' indicators, 3 is the result of aggregating level 2, and so on. Set to `NA` for entries that are not included
#' in the index (groups, denominators, etc).
#' * `iCode`: Indicator code, alphanumeric. Must not start with a number.
#' * `Parent`: Group (`iCode`) to which indicator/aggregate belongs in level immediately above.
#' Each entry here should also be found in `iCode`. Set to `NA` only
#' for the highest (Index) level (no parent), or for entries that are not included
#' in the index (groups, denominators, etc).
#' * `Direction`: Numeric, either -1 or 1
#' * `Weight`: Numeric weight, will be rescaled to sum to 1 within aggregation group. Set to `NA` for entries that are not included
#' in the index (groups, denominators, etc).
#' * `Type`: The type, corresponding to `iCode`. Can be either `Indicator`, `Aggregate`, `Group`, `Denominator`,
#' or `Other`.
#' Optional columns that are recognised in certain functions are:
#' * `iName`: Name of the indicator: a longer name which is used in some plotting functions.
#' * `Unit`: the unit of the indicator, e.g. USD, thousands, score, etc. Used in some plots if available.
#' * `Target`: a target for the indicator. Used if normalisation type is distance-to-target.
#' The `iMeta` data frame essentially gives details about each of the columns found in `iData`, as well as
#' details about additional data columns eventually created by aggregating indicators. This means that the
#' entries in `iMeta` must include *all* columns in `iData`, *except* the three special column names: `uCode`,
#' `uName`, and `Time`. In other words, all column names of `iData` should appear in `iMeta$iCode`, except
#' the three special cases mentioned. The `iName` column optionally can be used to give longer names to each indicator
#' which can be used for display in plots.
#' `iMeta` also specifies the structure of the index, by specifying the parent of each indicator and aggregate.
#' The `Parent` column must refer to entries that can be found in `iCode`. Try `View(ASEM_iMeta)` for an example
#' of how this works.
#' `Level` is the "vertical" level in the hierarchy, where 1 is the bottom level (indicators), and each successive
#' level is created by aggregating the level below according to its specified groups.
#' `Direction` is set to 1 if higher values of the indicator should result in higher values of the index, and
#' -1 in the opposite case.
#' The `Type` column specifies the type of the entry: `Indicator` should be used for indicators at level 1.
#' `Aggregate` for aggregates created by aggregating indicators or other aggregates. Otherwise set to `Group`
#' if the variable is not used for building the index but instead is for defining groups of units. Set to
#' `Denominator` if the variable is to be used for scaling (denominating) other indicators. Finally, set to
#' `Other` if the variable should be ignored but passed through. Any other entries here will cause an error.
#' Note: this function requires the columns above as specified, but extra columns can also be added without
#' causing errors.
#' ## Other arguments
#' The `exclude` argument can be used to exclude specified indicators. If this is specified, `.$Data$Raw`
#' will be built excluding these indicators, as will all subsequent build operations. However the full data set
#' will still be stored in `.$Log$new_coin`. The codes here should correspond to entries in the `iMeta$iCode`.
#' This option is useful e.g. in generating alternative coins with different indicator sets, and can be included
#' as a variable in a sensitivity analysis.
#' The `split_to` argument allows panel data to be used. Panel data must have a `Time` column in `iData`, which
#' consists of some numerical time variable, such as a year. Panel data has multiple observations for each `uCode`,
#' one for each unique entry in `Time`. The `Time` column is required to be numerical, because it needs to be
#' possible to order it. To split panel data, specify `split_to = "all"` to split to a single coin for each
#' of the unique entries in `Time`. Alternatively, you can pass a vector of entries in `Time` which allows
#' to split to a subset of the entries to `Time`.
#' Splitting panel data results in a so-called "purse" class, which is a data frame of COINs, indexed by `Time`.
#' See `vignette("coins")` for more details.
#' This function replaces the now-defunct `assemble()` from COINr < v1.0.
#' @param iData The indicator data and metadata of each unit
#' @param iMeta Indicator metadata
#' @param exclude Optional character vector of any indicator codes (`iCode`s) to exclude from the coin(s).
#' @param split_to This is used to split panel data into multiple coins, a so-called "purse". Should be either
#' `"all"`, or a subset of entries in `iData$Time`. See Details.
#' @param level_names Optional character vector of names of levels. Must have length equal to the number of
#' levels in the hierarchy (`max(iMeta$Level, na.rm = TRUE)`).
#' @param quietly If `TRUE`, suppresses all messages
#' @examples
#' # build a coin using example data frames
#' ASEM_coin <- new_coin(iData = ASEM_iData,
#'                       iMeta = ASEM_iMeta,
#'                       level_names = c("Indicator", "Pillar", "Sub-index", "Index"))
#' # view coin contents
#' ASEM_coin
#' # build example purse class
#' ASEM_purse <- new_coin(iData = ASEM_iData_p,
#'                        iMeta = ASEM_iMeta,
#'                        split_to = "all",
#'                        quietly = TRUE)
#' # view purse contents
#' ASEM_purse
#' # see vignette("coins") for further info
#' @return A "coin" object or a "purse" object.
#' @export
new_coin <- function(iData, iMeta, exclude = NULL, split_to = NULL,
                     level_names = NULL, quietly = FALSE){

  # WRITE TO LOG ------------------------------------------------------------

  coin <- vector(mode = "list", length = 0)
  coin <- write_log(coin)

  # OVERALL CHECKS ----------------------------------------------------------

  # individual dfs
  check_iData(iData, quietly = quietly)
  check_iMeta(iMeta, quietly = quietly)

  # covert any tibbles to normal dfs.
  if(inherits(iData, "tbl_df")){
    iData <- as.data.frame(iData)
  if(inherits(iMeta, "tbl_df")){
    iMeta <- as.data.frame(iMeta)

  # change any integer to numeric
  iData_codes <- colnames(iData)[colnames(iData) %nin% c("uCode", "uName", "Time")]
  iData[iData_codes] <- df_int_2_numeric(iData[iData_codes])

  # Make sure iData codes are all in iMeta, excluding special codes

  if(any(iData_codes %nin% iMeta$iCode)){
    stop("Column names from iData not found in iMeta (excluding special columns).")
  if(any(iMeta$iCode[iMeta$Type != "Aggregate"] %nin% colnames(iData))){
    stop("Entries in iMeta$iCode not found in colnames(iData).")

  # we need indicator codes
  iCodes <- iMeta$iCode[iMeta$Type == "Indicator"]
  non_numeric_inds <- !(sapply(iData[iCodes], is.numeric))
    stop("Non-numeric indicators detected. The following have been labelled as 'Indicator' but refer to non-numeric columns in iData (not allowed): \n", paste(iCodes[non_numeric_inds], collapse = ", " ),
  "\n This may occur if you have imported data with NAs read as strings.")

  # check for any parents with no children
  icodes_agg <- iMeta$iCode[iMeta$Type == "Aggregate"]
  icodes_agg_nokids <- icodes_agg[icodes_agg %nin% iMeta$Parent]
  if(length(icodes_agg_nokids) > 0){
    stop("Aggregate iCode(s) found in iMeta that do not have any children (not named in 'Parent' column). Codes: ", icodes_agg_nokids, call. = FALSE)

  # EXCLUDE INDICATORS ------------------------------------------------------
  # Optionally exclude any specified indicators


    if(any(exclude %nin% iMeta$iCode)){
      stop("One or more entries in exclude not found in iMeta$iCode...")

    iData <- iData[colnames(iData) %nin% exclude]
    iMeta <- iMeta[iMeta$iCode %nin% exclude, ]

    # if removing indicators results in empty aggregation groups
    # (childless parents) we have to remove these. Otherwise when
    # we aggregate, there are aggregation groups with nothing to aggregate.
    childless <- (iMeta$Level > 1) & (iMeta$iCode %nin% iMeta$Parent)
    childless[is.na(childless)] <- FALSE
    iMeta <- iMeta[!childless, ]
    # get iCodes again
    iCodes <- iMeta$iCode[iMeta$Type == "Indicator"]
    iCodes <- iCodes[!is.na(iCodes)]

  # GENERATE DEFAULT NAMES --------------------------------------------------

  # default names are codes
    iData$uName <- iData$uCode
    iMeta$iName <- iMeta$iCode

  # SORT DFS ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # also all codes not indicator codes (excluding uCode)
  not_icodes <- names(iData)[names(iData) %nin% c("uCode", iCodes)]

  # This is not strictly necessary but may help later on
  iMeta <- iMeta[order(iMeta$Level, iMeta$Parent),]
  iData <- iData[c("uCode", not_icodes, iCodes)]

  # iData sorting depends on if we have panel data
  is_panel <- length(unique(iData$Time)) > 1
    iData <- iData[order(iData$Time, iData$uCode),]
  } else {
    iData <- iData[order(iData$uCode),]

  # SPLIT PANEL DATA --------------------------------------------------------
  # NOTE: splitting may cause different numbers of units in each coin, but the number of indicators
  # should always be the same, even if some will have all-NAs.

  # NOTE: we need to include the year imputation at some point here.


    # make sure we can split first
      stop("Cannot split to multiple coins because either iData$Time doesn't exist, or you have only
           one unique entry in iData$Time.")

    # now split
    iData_list <- split_iData(iData, split_to = split_to)
    # check
    suppressMessages(lapply(iData_list, check_iData))
  } else {
      stop("Panel data detected, but you have not specifed split_to - please specify this.")
    iData_list <- list(iData)

  # BUILD COINS -------------------------------------------------------------

  # First make some mods to the "base" coin which are same for all coins
  coin$Meta$Ind <- iMeta
  coin$Meta$Lineage <- get_lineage(iMeta, level_names = level_names)
  coin$Meta$maxlev <- max(iMeta$Level, na.rm = TRUE)
  coin$Meta$Weights$Original <- iMeta[iMeta$Type %in% c("Indicator", "Aggregate"),
                                      c("iCode", "Level", "Weight")]

  # we also need to forget about splitting, as if we regenerate one of
  # the coins in the purse, this would cause an error
  coin$Log$new_coin$split_to <- NULL
  # by default we assume the coins can be regenerated. This will only be not TRUE
  # if we run some global purse methods, like normalise
  coin$Log$can_regen <- TRUE

  coinmaker <- function(iDatai){

    # copy the "global" coin
    coin_i <- coin

    # Store data (only uCode plus indicators)
    coin_i <- write_dset(coin_i, iDatai[c("uCode", iCodes)], dset = "Raw",
                         ignore_class = TRUE, quietly = quietly)

      # alter Log to only include iData of the COIN (not whole panel)
      coin_i$Log$new_coin$iData <- iDatai

    # Extract denominators, groups and other non-indicator cols
    coin_i$Meta$Unit <- iDatai[c("uCode", not_icodes)]

    # class
    class(coin_i) <- "coin"

    # return

  # now run coinmaker on list of iData
  coins <- lapply(iData_list, coinmaker)

  # TWEAKS AND OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------

  # squash to single coin if only one in the list

    f_output <- coins[[1]]

  } else {

    # get time value for each coin
    coin_times <- sapply(coins, function(x){

    f_output <- data.frame(Time = coin_times)
    f_output$coin <- coins

    class(f_output) <- c("purse", "data.frame")


#' Check iData
#' Checks the format of `iData` input to [new_coin()]. This check must be passed to successfully build a new
#' coin.
#' The restrictions on `iData` are not extensive. It should be a data frame with only one required column
#' `uCode` which gives the code assigned to each unit (alphanumeric, not starting with a number). All other
#' columns are defined by corresponding entries in `iMeta`, with the following special exceptions:
#' * `Time` is an optional column which allows panel data to be input, consisting of e.g. multiple rows for
#' each `uCode`: one for each `Time` value. This can be used to split a set of panel data into multiple coins
#' (a so-called "purse") which can be input to COINr functions. See [new_coin()] for more details.
#' * `uName` is an optional column which specifies a longer name for each unit. If this column is not included,
#' unit codes (`uCode`) will be used as unit names where required.
#' No column names should contain blank spaces.
#' @param iData A data frame of indicator data.
#' @param quietly Set `TRUE` to suppress message if input is valid.
#' @examples
#' check_iData(ASEM_iData)
#' @return Message if everything ok, else error messages.
#' @export
check_iData <- function(iData, quietly = FALSE){

  # check is df

  # if tibble, convert (no alarms and no surprises)
  if(inherits(iData, "tbl_df")){
    iData <- as.data.frame(iData)

  # REQUIRED COLS -----------------------------------------------------------
  # Required cols are in fact only uCode

  required_cols <- c("uCode")
  # check present
  if(any(required_cols %nin% colnames(iData))){
    stop("One or more expected col names not found (", required_cols, ").")
  # check type
    stop("uCode is required to be a character vector.")

  # SPECIAL COLS ------------------------------------------------------------
  # Special cols are those that are not REQUIRED but defined in iMeta

  # Time
      stop("iData$Time is required to be a numeric vector.")
    # flag if panel data: more than one unique value in Time
    is_panel <- length(unique(iData$Time)) > 1
  } else {
    is_panel <- FALSE

  # uName
      stop("iData$uName is required to be a character vector.")

  # DUPLICATES --------------------------------------------------------------

  # Check unique uCodes
  # This is different depending on whether iData is panel data or not

    if(anyDuplicated(iData[c("uCode", "Time")]) > 1){
      stop("Duplicate uCode/Time pairs found.")
  } else {
    if(anyDuplicated(iData$uCode) > 1){
      stop("Duplicates detected in iData$uCode.")

  # Check unique colnames
  if(anyDuplicated(colnames(iData)) > 1){
    stop("Duplicates detected in colnames(iData).")

  # check uCode and colnames don't overlap
  if(length(intersect(unique(iData$uCode), colnames(iData) ))>0){
    stop("uCode and colnames(iData) contain overlapping codes.")

  # Spaces and numbers ------------------------------------------------------

  cnames <- names(iData)

  # should not contain spaces
  spaces <- grepl(" ", cnames)
    stop("One or more column names has a blank space - this causes problems and is not allowed.")

  # should not start with a number
  num_start <- substring(cnames, 1,1) %in% 0:9
    stop("One or more column names begins with a number - this causes problems and is not allowed.")

  # OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------

    message("iData checked and OK.")

#' Check iMeta
#' Checks the format of `iMeta` input to [new_coin()]. This performs a series of thorough checks to make sure
#' that `iMeta` agrees with the specifications. This also includes checks to make sure the structure makes
#' sense, there are no duplicates, and other things. `iMeta` must pass this check to build a new coin.
#' Required columns for `iMeta` are:
#' * `Level`: Level in aggregation, where 1 is indicator level, 2 is the level resulting from aggregating
#' indicators, 3 is the result of aggregating level 2, and so on. Set to `NA` for entries that are not included
#' in the index (groups, denominators, etc).
#' * `iCode`: Indicator code, alphanumeric. Must not start with a number or contain blank spaces.
#' * `Parent`: Group (`iCode`) to which indicator/aggregate belongs in level immediately above.
#' Each entry here should also be found in `iCode`. Set to `NA` only
#' for the highest (Index) level (no parent), or for entries that are not included
#' in the index (groups, denominators, etc).
#' * `Direction`: Numeric, either -1 or 1
#' * `Weight`: Numeric weight, will be rescaled to sum to 1 within aggregation group. Set to `NA` for entries that are not included
#' in the index (groups, denominators, etc).
#' * `Type`: The type, corresponding to `iCode`. Can be either `Indicator`, `Aggregate`, `Group`, `Denominator`,
#' or `Other`.
#' Optional columns that are recognised in certain functions are:
#' * `iName`: Name of the indicator: a longer name which is used in some plotting functions.
#' * `Unit`: the unit of the indicator, e.g. USD, thousands, score, etc. Used in some plots if available.
#' * `Target`: a target for the indicator. Used if normalisation type is distance-to-target.
#' The `iMeta` data frame essentially gives details about each of the columns found in `iData`, as well as
#' details about additional data columns eventually created by aggregating indicators. This means that the
#' entries in `iMeta` must include *all* columns in `iData`, *except* the three special column names: `uCode`,
#' `uName`, and `Time`. In other words, all column names of `iData` should appear in `iMeta$iCode`, except
#' the three special cases mentioned. The `iName` column optionally can be used to give longer names to each indicator
#' which can be used for display in plots.
#' `iMeta` also specifies the structure of the index, by specifying the parent of each indicator and aggregate.
#' The `Parent` column must refer to entries that can be found in `iCode`. Try `View(ASEM_iMeta)` for an example
#' of how this works.
#' `Level` is the "vertical" level in the hierarchy, where 1 is the bottom level (indicators), and each successive
#' level is created by aggregating the level below according to its specified groups.
#' `Direction` is set to 1 if higher values of the indicator should result in higher values of the index, and
#' -1 in the opposite case.
#' The `Type` column specifies the type of the entry: `Indicator` should be used for indicators at level 1.
#' `Aggregate` for aggregates created by aggregating indicators or other aggregates. Otherwise set to `Group`
#' if the variable is not used for building the index but instead is for defining groups of units. Set to
#' `Denominator` if the variable is to be used for scaling (denominating) other indicators. Finally, set to
#' `Other` if the variable should be ignored but passed through. Any other entries here will cause an error.
#' Note: this function requires the columns above as specified, but extra columns can also be added without
#' causing errors.
#' @param iMeta A data frame of indicator metadata. See details.
#' @param quietly Set `TRUE` to suppress message if input is valid.
#' @examples
#' check_iMeta(ASEM_iMeta)
#' @return Message if everything ok, else error messages.
#' @export
check_iMeta <- function(iMeta, quietly = FALSE){

  # INITIAL CHECKS ----------------------------------------------------------

  # check is df

  # if tibble, convert (no alarms and no surprises)
  if(inherits(iMeta, "tbl_df")){
    iMeta <- as.data.frame(iMeta)

  # REQUIRED COLS -----------------------------------------------------------

  # required cols
  required_cols <- c("Level", "iCode", "Parent", "Direction", "Type", "Weight")
  if(!all(required_cols %in% colnames(iMeta))){
    stop("One or more expected col names not found (Level, iCode, Parent, Direction, Type, Weight).")

  # check col types
  col_numeric <- c("Level", "Direction", "Weight")
  col_char <- setdiff(required_cols, col_numeric)

  # numeric
  num_check <- sapply(iMeta[col_numeric], is.numeric)
    stop(paste0("One or more of the following columns is not numeric: ", paste0(col_numeric, collapse = "/")))

  # char
  char_check <- sapply(iMeta[col_char], is.character)
    stop(paste0("One or more of the following columns is not character: ", paste0(col_char, collapse = "/")))

  # SPECIFIC COL CHECKS -----------------------------------------------------

  # Level should be in 1:100 (not expecting more than 1000 levs)
  levs <- unique(iMeta$Level[!is.na(iMeta$Level)])

  if(any(levs %nin% 1:1000)){
    stop("Level column has unexpected entries. Expected as positive integers.")
  # Level should not skip any levels
  maxlev <- max(levs, na.rm = TRUE)
  if(!setequal(levs, 1:maxlev)){
    stop("Level column has missing entries between 1 and max(Level).")

  # where Type is Aggregate, level must be above 1
  level1_aggs <- iMeta$Level[iMeta$Type == "Aggregate"] == 1
    stop("One or more entries in iMeta$Level is 1 where iMeta$Type is 'Aggregate'. Aggregates must have level 2 or higher.")

  # iCode should have no duplicates
  duplicate_codes <- iMeta$iCode[duplicated(iMeta$iCode)]
  if(length(duplicate_codes) != 0){
    stop("Duplicate entries in iCode: ", paste0(duplicate_codes, collapse = ", "))
  # iCode should not start with a number
  num_start <- substring(iMeta$iCode, 1,1) %in% 0:9
    stop("One or more entries in iCode begins with a number - this causes problems and is not allowed.")
  # iCode no NAs are allowed
    stop("NAs found in iCode - NAs are not allowed.")
  # iCode no spaces
  spaces <- grepl(" ", iMeta$iCode)
    stop("One or more entries in iCode has a blank space - this causes problems and is not allowed.")

  # Direction should only be -1 or 1
  dirs <- iMeta$Direction[!is.na(iMeta$Direction)]
  if(any(dirs %nin% c(-1, 1))){
    stop("One or more entries in Direction are not -1 or 1.")

  # Type has to be one of the following
  itypes <- c("Indicator", "Aggregate", "Group", "Denominator", "Other")
  if(any(iMeta$Type %nin% itypes)){
    stop("One or more entries in Type is not allowed - should be one of Indicator, Aggregate, Group, Denominator, Other.")


  # if iName exists, should be alphanumeric
      stop("iName is not a character vector, which is required. If you don't want to specify iName, this
           column can also be removed.")
    # also no NAs are allowed
      stop("NAs found in iName - if iName is specified, NAs are not allowed.")
  # if Unit exists, should be alphanumeric
      stop("Unit is not a character vector, which is required. If you don't want to specify Unit, this
           column can also be removed.")
  # if Target exists, should be alphanumeric
      stop("Target is not a numeric vector, which is required. If you don't want to specify Target, this
           column can also be removed (it is only required for distance to target normalisation).")

  # BETWEEN-COL CHECKS ------------------------------------------------------

  # Level should be non-NA for all indicators and aggregates
  if( any(is.na(iMeta$Level) & (iMeta$Type %in% c("Indicator", "Aggregate"))) ){
    stop("NAs detected in Level for Indicator/Aggregates. All Indicators and Aggregates must have a numeric
         Level defined.")
  # Level should be 1 for indicators
  if(any( (iMeta$Level != 1) & (iMeta$Type == "Indicator") )){
    stop("One or more rows of Type 'Indicator' is assigned Level != 1. Indicators should all be at Level 1.")

  # Direction should be non-NA for all indicators and aggregates
  if( any(is.na(iMeta$Direction) & (iMeta$Type %in% c("Indicator", "Aggregate"))) ){
    stop("NAs detected in Direction for Indicator/Aggregates. All Indicators and Aggregates must have a
         Direction defined (either 1 or -1).")

  # Weight should be non-NA for all indicators and aggregates
  if( any(is.na(iMeta$Weight) & (iMeta$Type %in% c("Indicator", "Aggregate"))) ){
    stop("NAs detected in Weight for Indicator/Aggregates. All Indicators and Aggregates must have a numeric
         Weight defined.")

  # # Unit should be non-NA except for Groups
  # if( any(is.na(iMeta$Unit) & (iMeta$Type != "Group")) ){
  #   stop("NAs detected in Unit: NAs are only allowed in Unit for Type = 'Group'.")
  # }

  # Target be specified for anything at Level 1
  if( any(is.na(iMeta$Target) & (iMeta$Type == "Indicator")) ){
    stop("NAs detected in Target for Type = 'Indicator'. If targets are specified, they must be non-NA
         for all indicators. You can also remove the Target column if you don't need targets.")

  # Parent should refer to codes already present in iCode
  notin_iCode <- (iMeta$Parent[!is.na(iMeta$Parent)] %nin% iMeta$iCode)
    stop("One or more entries in Parent not found in iCode.")
  # check top level has NA for parent (no parent assigned)
  if( any(!is.na(iMeta$Parent) & (iMeta$Parent == maxlev)) ){
    stop("Entries found in Parent at the highest aggregation level. At the highest aggregation level
         there are no parents, so so Parent should be NA.")

  # STRUCTURE CHECKS --------------------------------------------------------

  # This function checks, for a given CODE/PARENT pair, whether the parent is in the level
  # immediately above. If not, reports error.
  levcheck <- function(x){
    chld <- x[1]
    prnt <- x[2]
    # level of child
    chld_lev <- iMeta$Level[iMeta$iCode == chld]
    # if we reach the top level, break
    if(chld_lev == maxlev) return(NULL)
    # level of parent
    prnt_lev <- iMeta$Level[iMeta$iCode == prnt]
    # check if parent is immediately above child
    if(prnt_lev != (chld_lev + 1)){
        "Level discrepancy detected. An iCode has a Parent in a Level other than the one immediately above it: ",
        "iCode = ", chld,
        ", Parent = ", prnt))
  # run function above on rows of iData
  # note, return to a variable just to avoid returning NULL (see func above)
  check_struct <- apply(iMeta[(iMeta$Type %in% c("Indicator", "Aggregate")) ,c("iCode", "Parent")],
                        MARGIN = 1,

    message("iMeta checked and OK.")

# Splits `iData` by the `Time` column into multiple `iData` data frames.
# @param iData A data frame of indicator panel data
# @param split_to Either `"all"` (one `iData` for each unique entry in `iData$Time`), or a vector containing a
# subset of entries in `iData$Time`. In the latter case, `iData`s will only be generated for the entries in this
# vector.
# @return List of `iData` data frames
split_iData <- function(iData, split_to){

  # this function is only called from new_coin(), so if we are here, then the iData should be valid,
  # and there should be more than one unique entry in iData$Year.

  if(split_to != "all"){

    if(any(split_to %nin% iData$Time)){
      stop("One or more entries in split_to is not found in iData$Time.")
    iData <- iData[iData$Time %in% split_to]

  # return list of dfs
  split(iData, iData$Time)


# Takes an iMeta table and outputs a wide format index structure, i.e. a table with one column per
# level in the index. This is used in later functions to look up the full "ancestry" of any element
# in the index.
# @param iMeta A data frame of indicator metadata. For specs see [check_iMeta()].
# @param level_names A character vector of names of each level in the hierarchy.
# @return Lineage table as data frame
get_lineage <- function(iMeta, level_names = NULL){

  # isolate the structural part of iMeta
  longS <- iMeta[c("iCode", "Parent")]
  # prep wide version: filter to the indicator level and parent level
  wideS <- iMeta[iMeta$Type == "Indicator", c("iCode", "Parent")]

  # find max level
  maxlev <- max(iMeta$Level, na.rm = TRUE)

  # catch possibility of only one level (may not make sense to make a coin in that
  # situation, to be seen)
  if(maxlev == 1){
    wideS <- wideS["iCode"]
    warning("Only one level is defined in iMeta. This is not normally expected in a composite indicator, and some functions may not work as expected.", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    # successively add columns by looking up parent codes of last col
    for(ii in 2:(maxlev-1)){
      wideS <- cbind(wideS,
                     longS$Parent[match(wideS[[ii]], longS$iCode)])

  # rename columns
    level_names <- paste0("Level_", 1:maxlev)
  } else {
    if(length(level_names) != ncol(wideS)){
      stop("level_names is not the same length as the number of levels in the index.")
  colnames(wideS) <- level_names

  if(maxlev == 1){
  } else {
    # reorder finally starting with highest level and working down
    wideS[do.call(order, rev(wideS)), ]

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COINr documentation built on Oct. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.