# ordEval.R
# visualization of ordEval algorithm and data preparation for it
# Author: rmarko
oeInst<-function(ord, noAttr, graphTitle = "", normalization=TRUE, instSelection=NULL, bw=FALSE)
noStats = 8
noMethods = 3
noInst = length(ord)
xInit <- c(0, 0)
yInit <- c(1, noAttr+0.85)
ylabName = "" ## "attributes"
subtitleName <- ""#" impact"
boxHeight = 1.0
chExp = 1.0 ## char expansion for boxes
if (is.null(instSelection))
if (bw) {
downColor <- gray(0.7)
downOverColor <- gray(0.9)
upColor <- gray(0.5)
upOverColor <- gray(0.3)
else {
downColor <- "blue"
downOverColor <- "lightblue"
upColor <- "red"
upOverColor <- "orange"
for (inst in instSelection){
plot(xInit, yInit, type = "n", xlim = c(-1.2, 1), ylim = c(0.9, noAttr+0.9), xlab="",
ylab = ylabName, axes = FALSE)
par(fig=c(0.2/2.2,1,0,1),new=TRUE) ## to make more space for labels on left
mtext(text="downward upward",side=1,line=2,adj=c(0.5,0.5))
## plot title
if (graphTitle=="")
graphTitle <- "Impact on instance"
subtitleName <- paste(" ", ord[[inst]]$className,"=",ord[[inst]]$classValue,sep="")
title(main=graphTitle, sub=subtitleName)
## x axis
axis(1, at = c(-1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), labels = c(1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1),cex.axis=0.8)
## left y axis, attribute values
leftLabel <- c()
for(iA in 1:noAttr) {
leftLabel <- c(leftLabel, paste(ord[[inst]]$attributeName[[iA]],"=",ord[[inst]]$valueName[[iA]],sep=""))
axis(2, at = boxHeight/4+c(1:noAttr), labels = leftLabel, las = 1, cex.axis = 0.6)
for(iA in 1:noAttr) {
xDown <- - ord[[inst]]$reinfPos[iA]
xUp <- ord[[inst]]$reinfNeg[iA]
y <- iA
if (xDown<0) {
rect(xDown, y, 0.0, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=downColor)
if (xUp>0) {
rect(0.0, y, xUp, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=upColor)
if (normalization) {
## box and whiskers for random down
boxwhiskers(ord[[inst]]$rndReinfNeg[[iA]], y+0.50*boxHeight, y+0.70*boxHeight)
## box and whiskers for random up
boxwhiskers(-ord[[inst]]$rndReinfPos[[iA]], y+0.50*boxHeight, y+0.70*boxHeight)
avNormBarObject<-function(oe, ciType=c("two.sided","upper","lower","none"), ciDisplay=c("box","color"),
ciDecorate = NULL,
graphTitle = NULL, ylabLeft = "attribute values", ylabRight="number of values" ,
xlabel="reinforcement", attrIdx=0, equalUpDown=FALSE, colors=c("green","lightgreen","blue","lightblue"))
if (is.null(colors)) { # black and white
downColor <- gray(0.7)
downOverColor <- gray(0.9)
upColor <- gray(0.5)
upOverColor <- gray(0.3)
else {
downColor <- colors[1]
downOverColor <- colors[2]
upColor <- colors[3]
upOverColor <- colors[4]
noStats <- length(getStatNames())
if (is.null(ylabLeft))
ylab <-""
else ylab <- ylabLeft
if (is.null(xlabel)) {
xlab <-""
subtitleName <- ""
else {
subtitleName <- xlabel
if (equalUpDown)
xlab <- "decrease to increase to"
xlab <- "downward upward"
# if equalUpDown=TRUE upward and downward reinforcements are shown on the same level
if (equalUpDown)
boxHeight <- 1.0
chExp <- 1.0 ## char expansion for boxes
## for(iA in c(1,3,5,7)) {
attrSelection <- 1:oe$noAttr
if (attrIdx!=0)
for(iA in attrSelection) {
noAttrValues <- length(oe$valueNames[[iA]])
x <- c(0, 0)
y <- c(1, noAttrValues)
plot(x, y, type = "l", xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(0.9, noAttrValues-equalUD+0.9), xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, axes = FALSE)
## plot title
if (is.null(graphTitle))
titleName <- paste("", gsub('_', ' ', oe$attrNames[iA]))
else if (graphTitle == "")
titleName <- ""
titleName <-paste(gsub('_', ' ', oe$attrNames[iA]),"\neffect on ", graphTitle)
title(main=titleName, sub=subtitleName)
## bottom x axis
axis(1, at = c(-1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), labels = c(1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1))
# prepare left and right axis labels
if (equalUpDown) {
# left and right contain values
leftLabels <- oe$valueNames[[iA]][-length(oe$valueNames[[iA]])]
rightLabels <- oe$valueNames[[iA]][-1]
else {
# values on the left, number of values on the right-hand side
leftLabels <- oe$valueNames[[iA]]
rightLabels <- oe$noAV[iA,]
las <- 1 ## horizontal
cex.axis <- 1
maxAVchars <- max(nchar(leftLabels))
if (maxAVchars > 3) {
las <- 0
if (maxAVchars > 9)
cex.axis <- 0.5
## left y axis, attribute values
axis(2, at = boxHeight/4+c(1:(noAttrValues-equalUD)), labels = leftLabels, las = las, line = 1, cex.axis=cex.axis)
## right y axis, number of instances or attribute values
axis(4, at = boxHeight/4+c(1:(noAttrValues-equalUD)), line = -0.8, labels = rightLabels, las = las)
if (!is.null(ylabRight) && (equalUpDown==FALSE || (equalUpDown==TRUE && ylabRight!="number of values"))) {
mtext(ylabRight, side=4, line = 1.35,cex=1.0)
for(i in 1:(noAttrValues-equalUD)) {
xUp <- oe$reinfNegAV[iA,i]
statsUp <- oe$rndReinfNegAV[iA,i,]
xDown <- oe$reinfPosAV[iA,i+equalUD]
statsDown <- oe$rndReinfPosAV[iA,i+equalUD,]
y <- i
if (xDown>0) {
rect(-xDown, y, 0.0, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=downColor)
## box and whiskesrs
if (statsDown[["highPercentile"]] > 0) {
if (ciType=="lower")
statsDown[["highPercentile"]] <- 1
if (ciType=="upper")
statsDown[["lowPercentile"]] <- 0
if (ciDisplay == "box")
boxwhiskers(-statsDown, y+0.50*boxHeight, y+0.70*boxHeight, ciType)
else if (ciType != "none") {
# change the color within upper limit of confidence interval
rect(max(-xDown, -statsDown[["highPercentile"]]), y, 0.0, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=downOverColor)
if (!is.null(ciDecorate) && abs(statsDown[["highPercentile"]]) < abs(xDown) ) {
segments(-statsDown[["highPercentile"]], y - 0.10, -statsDown[["highPercentile"]], y + 0.55, lty="dashed")
draw.ellipse(x = -(statsDown[["highPercentile"]]+xDown)/2, y = y+0.225*boxHeight, a = max(0.05, 0.05+(xDown - statsDown[["highPercentile"]])/2), b= 0.05 + 0.225*boxHeight, border=ciDecorate, lwd=2)
if (xUp>0) {
rect(0.0, y, xUp, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=upColor)
## box and whiskesrs
if (statsUp[["highPercentile"]] > 0){
if (ciType=="lower")
if (ciType=="upper")
if (ciDisplay == "box"){
boxwhiskers(statsUp, y+0.50*boxHeight, y+0.70*boxHeight,ciType)
else if (ciType != "none"){
# change the color within upper limit of confidence interval
rect(min(xUp, statsUp[["highPercentile"]]), y, 0.0, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=upOverColor)
if (!is.null(ciDecorate) && abs(statsUp[["highPercentile"]]) < abs(xUp) ) {
segments(statsUp[["highPercentile"]], y - 0.10, statsUp[["highPercentile"]], y + 0.55, lty="dashed")
draw.ellipse(x = (statsUp[["highPercentile"]]+xUp)/2, y = y+0.225*boxHeight, a = max(0.05, 0.05+(xUp - statsUp[["highPercentile"]])/2), b = 0.05 + 0.225*boxHeight, border=ciDecorate, lwd = 2)
par(lwd = 1)
avSlopeObject<- function(oe, ciType=c("two.sided","upper","lower","none"),attrIdx=0, graphTitle=NULL, xlabel = "attribute values", colors=c("green","lightgreen","blue","lightblue"))
noAttr <- oe$noAttr
ordVal <- oe$ordVal
if (is.null(colors)) {
downColor <- "black"
downOverColor <- gray(0.9)
upColor <- "black"
upOverColor <- gray(0.3)
else {
downColor <- colors[1]
downOverColor <- colors[2]
upColor <- colors[3]
upOverColor <- colors[4]
ciColor = gray(0.9)
xU <- c(1:ordVal)
xD <- c(1:ordVal)
for(iA in 1:noAttr) {
yU[iA,1] <- 0
for(i in 2:ordVal) {
ySlope <- oe$reinfPosAV[iA,i]
stats <- oe$rndReinfPosAV[iA,i,]
ySlopeLow <- stats[["lowPercentile"]]
ySlopeHigh <- stats[["highPercentile"]]
yU[iA,i] <- yU[iA,i-1] + ySlope
yUlow[iA,i] <- yU[iA,i-1] + ySlopeLow
yUhigh[iA,i] <- yU[iA,i-1] + ySlopeHigh
yD[iA,ordVal] <- 0
for(i in (ordVal-1):1) {
ySlope <- oe$reinfNegAV[iA,i]
stats <- oe$rndReinfNegAV[iA,i,]
ySlopeLow <- stats[["lowPercentile"]]
ySlopeHigh <- stats[["highPercentile"]]
yD[iA,i] <- yD[iA,i+1] - ySlope
yDlow[iA,i] <- yD[iA,i+1] - ySlopeLow
yDhigh[iA,i] <- yD[iA,i+1] - ySlopeHigh
yLimit <- c(min(yD,yU)-0.1, max(yU,yD) + 0.1)
attrSelection <- 1:noAttr
if (attrIdx!=0)
if (length(xlabel)==1) ## expand a single label to vector
xlabel[2:length(attrSelection)] <- xlabel[1]
for(iA in attrSelection) {
par(lwd = 1)
x <- c(0.8, ordVal+0.2)
y <- c(0, 0)
plot(x, y, xlim = c(1, ordVal), ylim = yLimit, xlab = "", ylab = "cumulative reinforcement", type = "n", axes = FALSE)
if (is.null(graphTitle))
titleName <- paste("", gsub('_', ' ', oe$attrNames[iA]))
else if (graphTitle == "")
titleName <- ""
titleName <-paste(gsub('_', ' ', oe$attrNames[iA]),"\neffect on ", graphTitle)
text((ordVal+1)/2.0, yLimit[1]-0.1, label = xlabel[iA], adj=c(0.5,1),xpd=TRUE)
lines(x, y, lwd = 2)
x <- c(1:ordVal)
y <- rep(-0.09, ordVal)
av <- oe$valueNames[[iA]]
text(x, y, label = av, adj = c(0.5,1))
lines(xU, yU[iA,], type = "o", pch = 15, col = upColor)
lines(xD, yD[iA,], type = "o", pch = 15, col = downColor)
for(i in 1:(ordVal - 1)) {
if (ciType=="lower")
polygon(c(xU[i], xU[i+1],xU[i+1]), c(yU[iA,i], yUlow[iA,i+1],yU[iA,i]), col = ciColor, border=NA)
if (ciType=="upper")
polygon(c(xU[i], xU[i+1],xU[i+1]), c(yU[iA,i], yUhigh[iA,i+1],yU[iA,i]), col = ciColor, border=NA)
if (ciType=="two.sided")
polygon(c(xU[i], xU[i+1],xU[i+1]), c(yU[iA,i], yUhigh[iA,i+1],yUlow[iA,i+1]), col = ciColor, border=NA)
arrows(xU[i], yU[iA,i], xU[i+1], yU[iA,i+1], col = upColor, angle=9, length=0.12)
if (ciType=="lower")
polygon(c(xD[i+1], xD[i],xD[i]), c(yD[iA,i+1], yD[iA,i+1],yDlow[iA,i]), col = ciColor, border=NA)
if (ciType=="upper")
polygon(c(xD[i+1], xD[i],xD[i]), c(yD[iA,i+1], yD[iA,i+1],yDhigh[iA,i]), col = ciColor, border=NA)
if (ciType=="two.sided")
polygon(c(xD[i+1], xD[i],xD[i]), c(yD[iA,i+1], yDhigh[iA,i],yDlow[iA,i]), col = ciColor, border=NA)
arrows(xD[i + 1], yD[iA,i+1], xD[i], yD[iA,i], col = downColor, angle=9, length=0.12)
attrNormBarObject<-function(oe, graphTitle = "OrdEval for all attributes",
ciType=c("two.sided","upper","lower","none"),ciDisplay=c("box","color"), ciDecorate=NULL, colors=c("green","lightgreen","blue","lightblue"))
ciType = match.arg(ciType)
noAttr <- oe$noAttr
ordVal <- oe$ordVal
noStats <- length(getStatNames())
if (is.null(colors)) {
downColor <- gray(0.7)
downOverColor <- gray(0.9)
upColor <- gray(0.5)
upOverColor <- gray(0.3)
else {
downColor <- colors[1]
downOverColor <- colors[2]
upColor <- colors[3]
upOverColor <- colors[4]
boxHeight <- 1.0
chExp <- 1.0 ## char expansion for boxes
x <- c(0, 0)
y <- c(1, noAttr+0.85)
ylabName <- "" ## "attributes"
plot(x, y, type = "l", xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(0.9, noAttr+0.9), xlab = "downward upward ",
ylab = ylabName, axes = FALSE)
## plot title
subtitleName <- "reinforcement"
title(main=graphTitle, sub=subtitleName)
## x axis
axis(1, at = c(-1, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1), labels = c(1,0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1))
## left y axis, attributes
attrSelection <- 1:noAttr
attrNames <- oe$attrNames
noAV <- oe$noAVattr
# for(iA in attrSelection) {
# if (nchar(attrNames[[iA]],type="chars") > 7) {
# attrNames[[iA]] <- paste(strsplit(attrNames[[iA]],split="_",fixed=TRUE)[[1]],sep="",collapse="\n")
# }
# }
cex.axisA = 1.0
maxCharsA = max(nchar(attrNames[attrSelection]))
if (maxCharsA > 15) {
cex.axisA = 0.9
if (maxCharsA > 20)
cex.axisA = 0.6
axis(2, at = boxHeight/4+c(1:noAttr), labels = attrNames, las = 1, line = 1, cex.axis = cex.axisA)
## right y axis, number of instances
#axis(4, at = boxHeight/4+c(1:noAttr), line = -0.8, labels = noAV, las = 1, cex.axis = 0.7)
#axisLabel4 <- "number of values"
#mtext(axisLabel4, side=4, line = 1.3)
for(iA in attrSelection) {
xUp <- oe$reinfNegAttr[iA]
xDown <- -oe$reinfPosAttr[iA]
y <- iA
if (xDown<0) {
rect(xDown, y, 0.0, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=downColor)
## box and whiskesrs for random down
if (oe$rndReinfNegAttr[iA,"highPercentile"] > 0) {
stats <- oe$rndReinfNegAttr[iA,]
if (ciType=="lower")
if (ciType=="upper")
if (ciDisplay == "box"){
boxwhiskers(stats, y+0.50*boxHeight, y+0.70*boxHeight, ciType)
else if (ciType != "none") {
# change the color within upper limit of confidence interval
rect(max(xDown, -stats[["highPercentile"]]), y, 0.0, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=downOverColor)
if (!is.null(ciDecorate) && abs(stats[["highPercentile"]]) < abs(xDown) ) {
segments(-stats[["highPercentile"]], y - 0.10, -stats[["highPercentile"]], y + 0.55, lty="dashed")
draw.ellipse(x = (-stats[["highPercentile"]]+xDown)/2, y = y+0.225*boxHeight, a = max(0.05, 0.05+(-xDown - stats[["highPercentile"]])/2), b= 0.05 + 0.225*boxHeight, border=ciDecorate, lwd=2)
if (xUp>0) {
rect(0.0, y, xUp, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=upColor)
## box and whiskesrs for random up
if (oe$rndReinfPosAttr[iA,"highPercentile"] > 0){
stats <- oe$rndReinfPosAttr[iA,]
if (ciType=="lower")
if (ciType=="upper")
if (ciDisplay == "box"){
boxwhiskers(-stats, y+0.50*boxHeight, y+0.70*boxHeight, ciType)
else if (ciType != "none") {
# change the color within upper limit of confidence interval
rect(min(xUp, stats[["highPercentile"]]), y, 0.0, y+0.45*boxHeight, col=upOverColor)
if (!is.null(ciDecorate) && abs(stats[["highPercentile"]]) < abs(xUp) ) {
segments(stats[["highPercentile"]], y - 0.10, stats[["highPercentile"]], y + 0.55, lty="dashed")
draw.ellipse(x = (stats[["highPercentile"]]+xUp)/2, y = y+0.225*boxHeight, a = max(0.05, 0.05+(xUp - stats[["highPercentile"]])/2), b = 0.05 + 0.225*boxHeight, border=ciDecorate, lwd = 2)
boxwhiskers<-function(stats, y1, y2, ciType="two.sided")
# names(stats) contains: c("median", "Q1", "Q3", "lowPercentile", "highPercentile", "mean", "stdDev", "exp"))
if (ciType=="none")
## quartile box
rect(stats[["Q1"]], y1, stats[["Q3"]], y2, col="lightgrey")
## median
segments(stats[["median"]], y1, stats[["median"]], y2, lwd=2)
##minimum line and whisker
midY = (y1+y2)/2.0
yLen = y2-y1
if (ciType != "upper") {
segments(stats[["Q1"]], midY, stats[["lowPercentile"]], midY,lty="solid")
segments(stats[["lowPercentile"]], y1+0.2*yLen, stats[["lowPercentile"]], y2-0.2*yLen)
segments(stats[["Q1"]], midY, stats[["lowPercentile"]], midY,lty="solid")
##maximum line and whisker
if (ciType != "lower") {
segments(stats[["Q3"]], midY, stats[["highPercentile"]], midY, lty="solid")
segments(stats[["highPercentile"]], y1+0.2*yLen, stats[["highPercentile"]], y2-0.2*yLen)
segments(stats[["Q3"]], midY, stats[["highPercentile"]], midY, lty="solid")
#if (length(stats)==8) ## also expeceted is present
# points(stats[[8]],midY,pch=20)
trimSpaces<-function(strng) {
s1=sub('^ +', '', strng) ## trailing spaces only
s2=sub(' +$', '', s1) ## trailing spaces only
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